The peak Quasi-Emperors who can step on the Emperor's Road are all top-level strongmen from various worlds!

After they were led into the Emperor's Road, they were secretly shocked when they saw five Quasi-Emperors who were exactly the same, only with different hair colors!

The aura and strength were all the same, it was obvious that they were five in one!

Appearing in the Emperor's Road in such a state, it was obvious that they were well prepared!

The Quasi-Emperors were very afraid and hid far away, observing the Martial Emperor's clones!

Every Quasi-Emperor knew it very well.

In the end, only one person in the Emperor's Road could achieve the Great Emperor!

If they did not join forces, they would be suppressed by the peak Quasi-Emperors of the Five in One, and none of them would be able to achieve the Great Emperor. They even had the idea of joining forces with several other Quasi-Emperors.

But they never expected that before the Emperor's Road was opened, these five people actually fought!

And the fight was extremely fierce and extremely chaotic, which made them stunned.

They had seen too many storms, but they had never seen this scene before.

The fat Quasi-Emperor was shocked and said,"Are these five people...acting on purpose? Let us relax our vigilance? Are the people in the Emperor's Road so dangerous now?"


Not far from him, a quasi-emperor wearing a black cloak said coldly:"What's the point of acting now? The road to the emperor is opened. First, refine the body, then refine the mind. Only when you reach the last stage of the emperor's road can you fight."

"Do you think you can make this emperor believe it? The Emperor Road is about to open, but it is just a waste of energy."

The other two peak Quasi-Emperors did not interrupt, but silently moved their eyes from the fighting Martial Emperors to the Emperor Road in front of them.

There are thousands of winding roads, all winding to the horizon in front, and no scenery can be seen.

The starting point of the Emperor Road where they are now is wrapped in a blue light. With the arrival of the last fat Quasi-Emperor, the blue light has gradually become transparent.

All Quasi-Emperors know that once the blue light disappears, the Emperor Road will be completely opened.

And they will enter the Emperor Road in front, each of which is filled with great terror. , unable to use spiritual power, need to cross the physical body to enter the next section of the Emperor Road.

This first section of the Emperor Road is called the Body Refining Road.

Just as the cloaked Quasi-Emperor said, both the first section of the Body Refining Road and the middle section of the Mind Refining Road are separate, and each person can only take one, and can only look at each other from a distance, and will not intersect, and naturally cannot fight.

Only when you reach the last section of the Emperor Road, there will be a battlefield where every knife will be shed and fight to the death.

Therefore, these Quasi-Emperors watching the Martial Emperors fighting, really can't understand what happened.




Soon, the peak Quasi-Emperors had no time to care about the Martial Emperors. With a faint sound, the azure light completely collapsed, and every Emperor Road ahead was stained with blood! The

Emperor Road is open!

The Cloaked Quasi-Emperor had a cold face, and without even looking at the other Quasi-Emperors, he chose an Emperor Road that he had long been optimistic about and stepped on it.

The Emperor Roads compete with each other, and the faster one step, the faster every step.

The more ahead one is, the more advantage one can gain.

The fat Quasi-Emperor also smiled and stepped on another Emperor Road.

Soon, the four Emperor Roads had all stepped on the Emperor Road.

"The road to the Emperor is open, do you still want to continue? If you keep fighting like this, you won't be able to achieve enlightenment. Can you be more rational?"

At this time, the Martial Emperors finally stopped fighting, and the green-haired Martial Emperor shouted coldly.

The other Martial Emperors frowned and looked at him. Didn't you start it first? Why do you act as if you are right?

The red-haired Martial Emperor, who was the most seriously injured, said in a muffled voice:"No more fighting, let's merge, achieve enlightenment first, and talk later.

" The blond Martial Emperor also said in a cold voice:"Emperor of Enlightenment, kill the incarnation of the Demon Ancestor, make a new plan, and you can still make a comeback.

"When the white-haired Martial Emperor heard the four words"incarnation of the Demon Ancestor", a monstrous murderous intent burst out of his eyes:"Okay!

Emperor of Enlightenment, kill the Demon Ancestor, who is the peak at the end of the immortal road, the way will be empty when you see the Martial Emperor.


The purple-haired Martial Emperor also shouted in a muffled voice:"The top of the immortal, proud of the world, there is the sky with my Martial Emperor, everyone merge!"

Five pairs of big hands gathered together.

Colorful light shone, covering the five people together.

With the opening of the Emperor Road, Chu Feng was like the glue that fixed the cracks in the Martial Emperor, making them want to kill again.

After a moment, a figure of the Martial Emperor exuding a terrifying aura appeared.

The five Martial Emperors opened their palms and looked at the powerful aura with cold eyes:"The combat power of the late Emperor is very strong."

"Unfortunately, time is running out and I can’t condense other clones. Otherwise, if the eight clones were united, I could punch through this body refining road with one punch."

This is only eight clones.

If the nine clones were united, the Martial Emperor was confident that he could punch through the entire emperor road and attain enlightenment on the spot.

Even so, the Martial Emperor, who had five clones united, was now more powerful than ever before. He was extremely confident and casually stepped onto a bloody body refining road.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!


As soon as he stepped onto this ordinary bloody body refining road, countless thunder and fire appeared on all sides of the Emperor.

These were extremely powerful and terrifying disasters. If an ordinary quasi-emperor was touched by a trace of them, he might die on the spot.

But the Emperor twisted his mouth and showed a signature sneer:"Haha."

As soon as he finished speaking, he strode out. The thunder and fire on both sides of the road exploded on his body. Unfortunately, the Emperor's five bodies were combined into one, and his body was too strong. He did not suffer any harm at all.

"The Imperial Road is just like this"

"Come on, it's not enough, give me some more"

"It's not enough, give me a little more. I want to use this disaster to refine my body and rebuild my divine body."


Emperor Wu spoke coldly, and countless strange visions bloomed on his body, the sun and the moon, the evolution of all things, showing his invincible style.

He has been suppressed too badly these days.

When others step on the Emperor's Road, they are walking on thin ice, but Emperor Wu is like taking a walk in the back garden. Those disasters not only cannot hurt him, but also make his physique stronger, extremely arrogant and overbearing.

Soon, at the edge of the Emperor's Road that Emperor Wu walked on, a parallel Emperor's Road appeared. A fat figure staggered and walked slowly next door.

The fat quasi-emperor had a solemn expression, and the colorful luster around him protected his body to resist the disasters of the Emperor's Road.

Emperor Wu strode over, glanced at the fat quasi-emperor lightly, with disdain in his eyes, and sneered:"What kind of rubbish dares to come to the Emperor's Road."

Throwing down a sentence, ignoring the embarrassed expression of the fat quasi-emperor, the back of Emperor Wu was getting farther and farther away

"You are such a waste, and you still want to prove your truth?"

"How did a moron like you become a top quasi-emperor?"

"Commit suicide. Are you worthy enough to compete with me for the throne?"


It didn't take long for the Emperor to surpass the other three peak Quasi-Emperors and take the lead.

He looked down on everything and looked down on these trash Quasi-Emperors. Every time he passed a Quasi-Emperor, he would ridicule him without hesitation.

The Quasi-Emperors looked at the Emperor's back getting farther and farther away, and their faces became extremely ugly.

"He, the five bodies merged into one?"

The cloaked Quasi-Emperor looked grim, and his heart sank.

They knew that they had encountered a truly terrifying person this time. With such an opponent, their hope of achieving enlightenment this time was slim.

At this time, Chu Feng, who was at the end of the Emperor's Road, finally became familiar with the new immortal power in his body. He took a casual glance and found that the Emperor's Road had been opened.

He happened to see the Martial Emperor pretending to be as cool as the wind, stepping on other peak Quasi-Emperors all the way, and becoming more and more confident on the road of body refining, and he frowned immediately.

"Five merged into one, are you pretending to be a horse?"

As the judge of the Emperor Road, Chu Feng had already set strict standards for himself when he entered the Emperor Road!

First! Never act on impulse!

Second! Never miss any bad thing!

Third! Absolutely fair and beautiful judgment!

Fair! Just! Open!

He saw the cheating of the Emperor Wu, and did not hesitate to start to uphold justice for other Quasi-Emperors.

With a wave of his palm, an extremely vast and mysterious force fell on the body refining road that the Emperor Wu took.


In addition to the Emperor Roads taken by other Quasi-Emperors, all other body refining roads merged into one in an instant, overlapping the road that the Emperor Wu was taking. After adjusting the Emperor Wu's body refining road to the nightmare difficulty, Chu Feng felt that it was not fair enough, and took out twenty or so small black balls without hesitation.

Heizi's basketball.

He had thrown some to Si Budao before, and he still had some in his hand.

After taking out the small black balls, he threw them all into the Emperor Wu's body refining road without thinking.

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