[The protagonist Wudi of the destiny has an adventure on the road to the emperor, and his destiny value increases by 30,000 points】

【The fate protagonist Emperor's adventure on the road was destroyed by you, and the fate value was reduced by 40,000 points. You got the fate treasure chest*1】

【The body of the protagonist Emperor Wu was severely damaged, his divine body collapsed, and his destiny value decreased by 40,000 points. You obtained 2 Destiny Treasure Boxes.】

【You have robbed the protagonist of the destiny, the Emperor Wu's treasures, the furnace of all things and the flame of reincarnation. The destiny value has been reduced by 60,000 points. You have obtained 3 destiny treasure chests.】

【The effect of your title"Rookie Villain" is activated, and you get an additional Destiny Treasure Box*1】

【The destiny value of the destiny protagonist Emperor Wu has fallen to a negative number, his luck has been lost, his destiny has collapsed, and he has lost his qualification as a protagonist. You have obtained 3 destiny treasure chests. 】

The system's voice prompts like a diabetic diabetics came to my ears.

Chu Feng grabbed the small stove in his hand and stroked it with satisfaction.

This Emperor Wu has a lot of treasures in his hands. The breath of this small stove has already faintly appeared in the air of immortals, and it is about to be upgraded to a fairy-level treasure.

It is a waste to keep it in his hands, so let's return it to its original owner.

The power of the small black ball is not covered.

Even if the Emperor Wu resisted the nightmare difficulty on the road of body refining, these ten or so small black balls fell.

Even if he has more life-saving treasures and life-saving methods, it is useless.

To be honest, this wave did not completely blow up the Emperor Wu, and he was dying, with only one breath left, which was a bit beyond Chu Feng's expectation.

It can only be said that the destiny protagonist is worthy of being the destiny protagonist, and the foundation is amazingly thick.

Fortunately, the destiny value was finally cut clean, and it was time to harvest again. Chu Feng was in a very happy mood.

Cutting the destiny value not only meant that the Emperor Wu would not escape because of various accidents when being killed. It also meant another perfect kill, and he could get the God-level Destiny Treasure Box with the Supreme Destiny Crystal. It was just a convenience to grab the destiny treasure box, and the reward of a perfect kill was the core reason why he worked tirelessly and continued to harvest the destiny value.

Hearing the familiar and annoying voice, the Emperor Wu, who was about to die, suddenly cheered up and pushed open his coffin!

You have to pay for pretending?

When did this emperor copy your lines?



Something is wrong, the surname Chu? How could this demon ancestor incarnation appear in front of this emperor?!

This is the Emperor Road!

The Light Ball Emperor stared at the handsome man in a black robe, and subconsciously blurted out:"This emperor understands, you are the inner demon? This emperor has passed the body training and embarked on the road of heart training?"

Chu Feng was stunned for a moment?

Inner demon? The Road of Refining the Heart?

Oh, there is such a thing.

But unfortunately, I thought too much.

He patted the Emperor of the Small Light Ball and said with pity:"Silly boy, there is no such thing as the Road of Refining the Heart. It's just a fantasy of a schizophrenic little immortal before his death."

Fantasy? Could it be that the person with the surname Chu really came to the Emperor Road to mess with me?

The Emperor of the Small Light Ball was stunned.

He reacted quickly.

Absolutely impossible!

This is the Emperor Road, the place where the rules of heaven and earth are. Except for the quasi-emperors who are taken into the Emperor Road and have the opportunity to prove the truth, no one else will appear.

He immediately woke up.

It's fake, all fake.

It must be that he finally walked out of the Road of Refining the Body and came to the Road of Refining the Heart at the last moment just now, so the inner demon appeared.

Everything just now must be an illusion.

The body of this emperor must be intact now, standing on the Road of Refining the Heart waiting for a breakthrough!


He said coldly:"This emperor's state of mind is invincible. This incarnation of the demon ancestor is indeed the emperor's recent inner demon, but unfortunately, you don't know the invincible belief in this emperor's heart."

"Do you think that by transforming your inner demon into the incarnation of the demon ancestor, you can defeat it and make me collapse mentally?"

"I admit that he has some abilities, but those abilities are nothing but schemes and tricks."

"If this emperor had not been forced to take the blood of the demon ancestor, and the peak state of the eight bodies combined into one, I would have the fighting power of a mortal immortal. The demon ancestor incarnation surnamed Chu would be nothing more than a punch from this emperor."

"Is he worthy of being the inner demon of this emperor?"

The Emperor's light ball broke free from Chu Feng's fingers and flew forward weakly:"Get out of the way."

Chu Feng:???

He watched the Emperor's small light ball fly away, and suddenly realized that this guy had started to use his imagination.

Yes, who would have thought that there was such a thing as a judge in the emperor's road.

The Emperor's small light ball seemed to remember something, and suddenly paused, and said in a cold voice:"Return the furnace of all things to this emperor."

A ray of light like an earthworm stretched out from the light ball and spread towards Chu Feng's hand.

Chu Feng slapped the Emperor:"What are you thinking! Die!"

He didn't care what the Emperor thought before he died. He was still in a hurry to explode the Emperor's gold coins to draw the Supreme God-level status.

With this slap, the Emperor would die immediately.

"My fellow Taoist, please give me some face."

The slap paused in the air, as if the wrist was dragged by a soft tide.

A clear voice followed.

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows. Although he just slapped casually and didn't use much strength, he was now a True Immortal in the early stage of combat power, and not everyone could stop him.

This is the Emperor Road. The Emperor's destiny value has been cut to a negative number. Can there be any accidents in killing him?

Chu Feng looked at the source of the voice and raised his eyebrows.

A handsome boy in white clothes, with a pink sachet and a scabbard tied around his waist.

He has long hair like ink, and there is a tear mole next to his right eye, which makes him look very heroic.

At this time, the tear mole boy looked at him, frowned slightly, and there seemed to be some doubt in his eyes.

Chu Feng frowned.

This boy looks familiar.

Moreover, he felt a little disgusted for no reason.

The next second, his pupils shrank, and a panel suddenly appeared in his eyes.

Xuan Wei [Projection]

Current realm: Red Dust Immortal in the early stage

Destiny value: 5 million

Treasures owned: None Possessing physical condition: Innate Chaos Sword Body

���Finger: Invincible Immortal King's Body,

Destiny Protagonist Panel!

The tear-mole boy in front of him named Xuan Wei is actually a destiny protagonist.

Just a projection, he has already stepped into the realm of immortals, with the cultivation of the early stage of the Red Dust Immortal!

The golden finger is even more popular with the grandfather flow.

These leeks are really seamless.

Oh, I remember who he is.

Chu Feng narrowed his eyes and immediately remembered Xuan Wei's origin.

Xuan Realm, Xuan Emperor.

He once saw a portrait of Xuan Emperor, and at that time he said that this Xuan Emperor was not good. Unexpectedly, this guy turned out to be a destiny protagonist. Judging from the situation, he has already ascended to the immortal world.

When Chu Feng looked at Xuan Wei, Xuan Wei also frowned and looked at the man in black.

She came to this emperor road on a whim, wanting to be a judge and earn some merits.

Unexpectedly, the emperor road already has a judge, and this man seems to be... also a strong man who has stepped into the realm of immortals?


I can go down to the world because I have the guidance of a teacher and projected from the hidden two-world formation.

How did this person get to the lower world?

Never mind, it's not important.

She puffed up her pink cheeks and touched the Emperor Wu's light ball with her fingers. A burst of abundant immortal power turned into warmth and sank into him.

Suddenly, the Emperor Wu felt a chill! He felt refreshed and in good condition. He was about to be resurrected on the spot!

The Emperor Wu looked at Xuan Wei in astonishment. He found that his thoughts were extremely clear at this time, and the confusion just now disappeared.

"Immortal power, this woman is a Red Dust Immortal!"

The Emperor was shocked!

From his perspective, this woman is not a simple Red Dust Immortal, her combat power is extremely terrifying, even if her nine bodies are combined into one, he may not be her opponent.

Not only that.

He looked around and found many familiar scenes.

This place is still on the body refining path, and it is still a long way from the mind refining path!

How is this possible?

How did the man with the surname Chu, and this Red Dust Immortal, enter the Emperor's Path!

The Emperor looked at Xuan Wei and Chu Feng, and became more and more confused.

Since when did the Emperor's Path become something he could enter and exit at will?

Xuan Wei healed the Emperor's injuries, and at the same time, she blamed him with some displeasure:"Daoyou, how can you be the judge of the Emperor's Path? How can you be so reckless?"

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows:"What the hell is it to you?"

"You are so rude!"

Xuan Wei stared at the furnace of all things in Chu Feng's hand angrily, and persuaded him:"Hurry up and return this quasi-emperor's treasure to him, he is so pitiful!"

"This imperial ruling cannot be made casually."

"Are you in great need of treasures? How about I give you some treasures? Ten supreme emperor weapons plus three fairy-level treasures, are they enough? If you are willing, can you give me the qualification to judge?"

Although she had just arrived, she knew exactly what happened in the Emperor Road.

It was obvious that this peak quasi-emperor was very talented and performed extremely well.

If she were to judge, she would definitely decide directly, let him prove his Dao, and form a cause and effect relationship with him.

But this guy in front of him was actually jealous of other people's treasures and was ready to use the Emperor Road to kill him. How abominable.

How could such a person be qualified to be the judge of the Emperor Road?

I don't know���What? When I saw the man in black, apart from thinking that he was a little handsome, I inexplicably developed a sense of disgust and naturally developed a prejudice against him.


"You want my qualification to judge."

Chu Feng laughed. He is indeed the destined protagonist. He is so domineering. He came up and wanted to snatch things from a poor little villain like me. What's the difference between you and Emperor Wu?

The most outrageous thing is that this new leek projection, who doesn't even have any treasures on him, dares to speak so shamelessly. He wants to get the Yanzu for nothing, right?

He looked at Emperor Wu and found that with the help of Xuan Wei, the dying Emperor Wu was almost revived with full blood. He narrowed his eyes, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Emperor's Path...Judgment? Immortal, what does this mean?"

The Emperor's heart moved. Emperor's Path Judgment, he had vaguely heard of this when he was a true immortal, but because he had already stepped into the realm of immortals at that time, he did not pay special attention to the news in the Emperor's Path.

After hearing what the white-clothed young man who suddenly appeared said, he asked through voice transmission.

Xuan Wei looked at Emperor Wu with pity and felt very sympathetic about his experience.

She comforted him through voice transmission:"Little guy, Emperor's Path Judgment is the process of Emperor's Path to prove his way.

Many times, in addition to the rules of heaven and earth, some unfair situations are inevitable, and someone is needed to help intervene to ensure that there are no accidents in the Emperor's Path and to ensure that people with real talent and background can succeed in proving their way.


The Emperor's heart was shocked.

Damn it, so that's how it is.

He suddenly reacted:"You mean... he is the judge of the Emperor's Path this time?"

"That's right. He was very unfair to you just now. You have such a strong foundation that you can easily complete the body refining road. He actually deliberately adjusted the emperor road you were going to take to the highest difficulty and threw the Hunyuan Jiemie Ball to blow you up. Is this something a human can do?"

Xuan Wei was straightforward and dissatisfied.

Emperor Wu was numb.

At this time, he finally understood why Chu Feng didn't mind taking the emperor road before.

It turned out that the other party had dug a pit long ago, waiting for him to jump!

Damn it!

Those little black balls just now were indeed made by him!

If he is the judge of the emperor road, then I will be controlled on the emperor road, right?

Emperor Wu was anxious and angry!

He immediately asked Xuan Wei for help:"He is my great enemy, this is a deliberate revenge. Immortal, save me, I don't want to die."Xuan Wei nodded and said:"Don't worry, with me here, you will definitely be able to prove your Dao and become an emperor today. Even in the fairy world, it is rare to see a genius as talented as you. You will have a good chance to become an immortal king in the future!"

"This good relationship is sealed between you and me."

When Emperor Wu heard this, he was not happy, but felt furious.

If he was not surnamed Chu, his future would not be as simple as that of an Immortal King.

She looked at Chu Feng and said softly,"Daoyou, what do you think?"

"Where did you come from, little fairy? Die for me."

Chu Feng glanced at her indifferently.

After knowing that Xuan Wei was the protagonist of destiny, he wanted to kill her.

Seeing that the other party was very noisy again, he felt that her IQ was worrying, so he slapped her.

Xuan Wei's face was stunned, her body was stiff, and her eyes showed an incredible look before she fell apart.

Kill me?

Why did this person start a fight just because of a disagreement?

Xuan Wei died.

【You killed the destiny protagonist Xuan Wei (projection), and the destiny protagonist Xuan Wei lost 10,000 points of destiny. You obtained 1 destiny treasure chest. 】

Emperor Wu:"……"

Didn't you promise to hand it over to you?

Didn't you just swear that the other party couldn't do anything to you?

No, that's not right!

This guy just casually slapped a mortal immortal to death? ?

Emperor Wu seemed to be struck by lightning!

He was sure that the eight bodies combined into one could fight Chu Feng, but now it seems that he is not a match for him.

This guy is definitely not the incarnation of the demon ancestor!

Emperor Wu was terrified.

"After sending away the idlers, you can also go on your way."

Chu Feng raised his hand again.

"Wait a minute!"

"Can you let me die knowingly? You are so powerful, why do you keep playing tricks on me?"

"Is there such a big hatred between us?"

Chu Feng looked at Emperor Wu and grinned:"Do you want to know? I won't tell you."

Emperor Wu was stunned.

How could there be such a bad person?

Looking at the raised slap, he was very unwilling:"Tell me the reason, and I will give you the ruins of the Immortal King's Tomb.……"


Emperor Wu fell.

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