Looking at the things that came out of the Destiny Treasure Box this time, Chu Feng was a little surprised:"Fuck, why is the style of this Destiny Treasure Box different from the previous one?"

Take a look at what these things are?

Immortal Lord-level secret realm? Immortal beast forbidden area? 100,000 acres of immortal medicine fields? You really treat my sea of consciousness as the world's warehouse, right?

Chu Feng looked at his sea of consciousness, which was full of black and white, and he was numb.

The Destiny Treasure Box was opened so explosively, does the system know?

【This system is quietly working hard, and then it will surprise Chu Yanzu. 】

Chu Feng: ???

He immediately refuted the system:"You are just a dog system that provides emotional value, what does it have to do with you. This is obviously the box I opened with my own efforts."

He waved his hand:"Forget it, since you called me Yanzu this time, Inuyasha system, I will give you half of the credit for opening the box this time."

【Dear host, this system is a god-level villain system, not called the Inuyasha system. Of course, you can continue to call this system by your nickname, the dog system.】

【In addition, this system will give you a simple popular science���, the treasure level of the immortal realm is divided into immortal level, true immortal level, immortal king spiritual treasure, and immortal king spiritual treasure. Are the treasures opened in the destiny treasure box this time very powerful? 】

The dog system was very confident and looked like it was asking for credit.

If you can't catch the joke when you are praised for being handsome, you will never find the mother system in this life.

Chu Feng was too lazy to pay attention to it and began to count the harvest of the destiny treasure box.

This time, except for the seven destiny fragments, none of the other things were normal!

A full hundred immortal king-level secret realms, covering an area of 100,000 miles at a time, with treasures overflowing and divine brilliance everywhere.

The lowest-level treasures are all immortal level, with a lot of true immortal level and a lot of immortal king level.

At first glance, they are all treasures, without even an extra guarding immortal beast.


The immortal beasts are all in another one hundred immortal beast restricted areas. The immortal beasts in the restricted area are at the lowest level of the emperor level, and the highest can reach the immortal king level. Dragons, phoenixes, tigers, leopards, and turtles... There are all kinds of races.

Although it is called a restricted area, none of the immortal beasts in it are alive.

There are many kinds of immortal beast meat, the quality is excellent, and it exudes a fresh fragrance.

It can be steamed, braised, fried, grilled, etc., and they have everything you can imagine.

Of course, if you really want to use it as a material for refining tools and alchemy, which are unimportant things, you can use it.

Looking at the miserable corpses of these immortal beasts, Chu Feng's kind heart trembled, and tears flowed from his mouth uncontrollably.

After a while, Chu Feng looked at the guaranteed bottom of the golden legend!

There is actually a tomb of the immortal king!

It's really fucking hell.

How can a small box be drawn out of a big tomb?

Chu Feng glanced at it, and there were a lot of burial treasures and inheritances inside.

There was also a corpse inside, with a dragon head, a turtle body, and a unicorn tail. This dead immortal king ghost was not a human at first glance.

If this immortal king knew that he would be unearthed in this way after his death, he would really be grateful.

There are too many things in this tomb. Chu Feng simply glanced at it and looked at the last two golden legends.

The Immortal King’s magical treasure——the little green bottle!

"A top-grade destiny treasure chest can actually open the treasure of the Immortal King."

Chu Feng held the small green bottle and felt that this world was really magical.

This was a crystal clear green bottle. Opening the lid and looking through the bottle mouth, you can see that it is filled with clear liquid.

"This fairy king magic treasure, can it ripen all treasures?"

After a brief understanding of its use, this green bottle is not a combat treasure, but is used for assistance.

As for the purpose of ripening, it can only be said that those who understand will understand. It is not limited to precious medicines. Any treasure can be nourished by the liquid in the small green bottle.

Chu Feng was thoughtful and did not try it immediately, but looked at the last golden legend.

The Realm Lord Order.

As a golden guarantee opened by an ordinary destiny treasure chest, its value is much worse than that opened by a top-grade destiny treasure chest.

It is a black token with an ancient character engraved on it.

Holding the Realm Lord Order, he briefly understood it.

The use of this thing is very ordinary. After using it, you have the opportunity to become the realm master of a world.

After becoming a realm master, you can gain a large amount of energy. Luck blessing, and at the same time, all the resources of this world can be controlled at will, which can be said to be a lot of benefits.

Why do you say there is a chance?

After all, this is just a golden legend opened from an ordinary destiny treasure chest, which is not that powerful.

If you want to become a realm master, you will be teleported into the Heavenly Dao space and undergo the Heavenly Dao test.

If you fail the Heavenly Dao test, then this realm master order will become invalid, which can be said to be a bit useless.

After all, the illusory existence of the Heavenly Dao is very mysterious and its power is unpredictable.

Strictly speaking, the Heavenly Dao is regarded as an"acting" realm master. To gain the recognition of the Heavenly Dao is like snatching food from a tiger's mouth, which is not so easy.

However, this is not a big problem for Chu Feng.

A majestic Heavenly Dao like a husky suddenly emerged in his mind.

"Speaking of which, the Xuan Realm is not simple, as it was able to give birth to the Dragon and Phoenix pair of Emperor Xuan and Gu Yan at the same time, as well as the sweet Ultimate within the sect."

"It's just right, I can go back and talk to Xuanjie Tiandao, I think it will definitely agree."

Chu Feng tossed the world master order, planning to take the world master order to Xuanjie Tiandao to play with it when he returns to Xuanjie, and by the way, find out Xuan Wei's details.

"Finally I have sorted out these messy things." He stretched himself lazily, half-closed his eyes like an old cat. He sighed very aggrievedly:"Alas, why do other people who travel to the fantasy world have adventures full of intrigues and exciting leveling and fighting monsters, while I, a poor guy, have to count these junk constantly, except for being harassed endlessly by the destined protagonist. Such a life is too boring."




"If you surrender, I will give you a decent life and leave your body intact."

"Are you worthy? This emperor strikes the sky and destroys the underworld, how can you stop this emperor! ?"


Roars echoed throughout the Emperor Road.

Suddenly, the Emperor Road under his feet began to shake violently. Chu Feng took a look and said,"I almost forgot that the Emperor Road is not over yet. I have to wait a while before I can get off work."


The Emperor Road has reached the most intense moment. Without the Martial Emperor, the remaining four Quasi-Emperors fought fiercely on the last section of the road after completing the Heart Refining Road. When he looked over, there were only three Quasi-Emperors left on the Emperor Road. Looking again

, the female Quasi-Emperor was killed on the spot by a cloaked Quasi-Emperor holding a sickle-shaped Extreme Emperor Soldier.

On the Emperor Road, only the cloaked Quasi-Emperor and the fat Quasi-Emperor were left. They fought fiercely in the void of the Emperor Road, crackling, all kinds of divine lights shimmering, and spells flying.

If it were placed in the outside world, there would at least be an exaggerated description of fighting to the point of the universe being destroyed, even the avenue being wiped out.

But unfortunately, in the eyes of Immortal King Chu Feng, the life-and-death battle between these two peak Quasi-Emperors was like a child playing house. You punched and I kicked, and the roars were so childish that it gave me a headache just by listening to them.

He was not interested in who would prove the truth in the end. He just wanted to get off work quickly:"Please make way."

With a flash of his figure, he went straight through the Emperor Road and headed towards the end.

When passing by, he passed through the gap between the Cloak Quasi-Emperor and the Fatty Quasi-Emperor who were fighting.

Cloak Quasi-Emperor: ???

Fatty Quasi-Emperor: ???

The two of them froze at the same time. They had already reached the end of the Emperor Road. Where did this person come out from? It was just like someone passing by to make soy sauce?

No! There was no way anyone else could appear on the Emperor Road.

It was the trick of this damn fat guy!

The Cloak Quasi-Emperor was furious, staring at Chu Feng's back, and waved his palm:"Looking for death!"

Then he died.

Chu Feng was very happy. The battle on the Emperor Road was really fierce. The winner was decided in no time. It was time to get off work.

He glanced at the confused fat man and praised him,"Congratulations, you have succeeded in proving your Dao!"

Fatty Quasi-Emperor: ???

Who am I? Where am I? What happened just now ? How did I succeed in proving my Dao? He was almost beaten to death by the cloaked Quasi-Emperor just now. How did he succeed in proving his Dao?

He was stunned for a moment, feeling the endless brilliant power of the Emperor Road rushing towards him.

He immediately reacted and bowed his head:"Wang Teng, thank you, Immortal!

" Chu Feng was also stunned for a moment:"Wang Teng, what a good name.

You really have the appearance of a great emperor.

" The appearance of a great emperor? Wang Teng lowered his head in embarrassment, and only felt that the words of this immortal were really nice.

Seeing that Chu Feng was about to leave, he hurriedly said:"Excuse me, what is going on?" He was smart since he was a child and had realized that this Emperor Road was unusual.

Under normal circumstances, that Martial Emperor could easily suppress all Quasi-Emperors, but he had not even completed the Body Refining Road.

The final battle of the emperor's road was like a child's play, and it ended suddenly.

There is no doubt that all this must be related to the man in black.

"It's nothing, I'm just an ordinary judge of the Emperor Road, responsible for handling disputes in the Emperor Road fairly and impartially. I'm leaving first, and we'll see each other again."

Chu Feng waved his hand, and endless golden light surged and fell behind him. It was the merits gained after completing the Emperor Road Judgment.

【The villain with great luck has a cause and effect with you, and is infinitely grateful to you. Your fate and luck have been improved.】

【You have gained one pound of merit, and your destiny has improved. 】

Oh, there is an unexpected gain.

This Wang Teng... is also a villain? I can't tell.

Can the cause and effect with the villain increase your destiny? Another new knowledge.

Chu Feng raised his eyebrows, turned around and glanced at the fat and chubby Wang Teng who looked like Zuoemon, and felt a little surprised.

"The Judge of the Imperial Road? There is such a thing?"

Wang Teng stared blankly at Chu Feng disappearing, remaining in the Imperial Road, disheveled in the wind.

After leaving the Imperial Road, Chu Feng returned to the Xuan Realm in a flash, crushed the Realm Master Seal, and a strange force instantly enveloped him and entered the Heavenly Dao Space


Xuanjie Tiandao in the Tiandao space sensed the appearance of that familiar breath and immediately shrank into a ball, trembling.

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