Just seeing you gives me the courage to move forward.

Naruto lay next to Sasuke, thinking that this might be the last time.

Sasuke is not relying on dreams to escape reality, but is saying goodbye to his parents.

The night of the genocide happened so suddenly. Before Sasuke could recover from the violent shock, his parents had been cremated and buried in the cemetery.

The last words he said to his mother were "I know, don't nag me" before leaving in the morning, and he didn't even have time to say a word to his father.

He just wanted to see his parents again, say goodbye to them, say "I'm leaving", and then it's time to set off for where he wants to go. This is not only saying goodbye to his parents, but also saying goodbye to the happy family in the past. He wants to left.

The next day, Naruto came to the woods early in the morning.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed the morning wind, which was the "qi" of nature.

Different from chakra, qi is an energy that exists in all things. Every flower, tree, grass and tree has qi.

When using vitality bombs, they often borrow energy from nature, borrowing a large amount of energy from flowers, birds, fish, insects, mountains, rivers and trees, thus exerting a power that far exceeds their own combat power.

Different from the very modern world like Dragon Ball World, the natural environment of Ninja World is better and the natural energy is more abundant.

If you use vitality bombs in this world, you can borrow more energy, and the power is immeasurable.

Just as he was breathing the air and preparing to practice his Qi, he suddenly felt a familiar Qi coming from behind.

When he turned around, he saw that he was indeed an acquaintance. It was Haku next to Zabuza, but today he had changed into casual clothes and looked like a beautiful young girl.

He didn't know that Naruto was the mysterious "Kakarot" that day. From Shiro's perspective, he just happened to meet the Konoha ninja that day when he went out to collect medicine.

If he met Kakashi, he would consider evacuating immediately, but the other person was just a child about the same age as himself, so he felt it was unnecessary because the other person was unlikely to recognize him.

He was wearing a mask that day, and his clothes and vocals were different from today, so there would be no problem.

Thinking of this, he walked over calmly, said hello briefly when he met Naruto, and then started to collect medicine.

The natural environment of Wave Country is very good. There are many wild vegetables and herbs in the forest. He plans to pick some and bring them back to replenish Zabuza who is still lying in bed.

However, the moment he passed by Naruto, there was a sound from behind that made him feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave——

"Hey, has Zabuza thought clearly about what happened that night?"

Chapter 28 It seems that Lotte You finally found out

Shiro suddenly turned his head, but only saw Naruto who was sneering.

In an instant, a terrible idea took shape in his mind, and was quickly confirmed.

"You were...you were from that night-"

"Fufu.... It seems that you, Lotte, have finally discovered it." Naruto laughed in Kakarot's voice.

"How could such a thing happen? You should be just a genin!" Shiro couldn't understand. The three ninjas around Kakashi should all be genin who had just graduated from the ninja academy, but the Konoha yellow-haired man in front of him was so powerful. But even stronger than himself.

He possesses the Blood Succession Limit, Ice Release, and has been with Zabuza since he was a child. His strength is much better than that of Chuunin, but when he started fighting with "Kakarot" that day, he couldn't even touch it. Not to the other party.

It is true that at that time, he did not use the limit of bleeding, nor did he really use all his strength, but the opponent was obviously more comfortable than him, and he sat on the sofa and did not move from the beginning to the end.

The only time he took action was to use an unknown ninjutsu to create a big explosion on the distant ridge. In that one shot, his output ability would not be lower than that of a jounin.

How could there be such a freak in Konoha? The strength is so terrifying that it cannot be measured by common sense.

At this time, Naruto walked past him and continued to say in Kakarot's voice: "Do you know why I want to reveal my identity in front of you alone?"


"Because I can feel that the life you desire is different from his. Your Qi is always pure, and murderous intent will only appear when he is offended. Zabuza's Qi is much more chaotic. He is sure There are so many things that I can’t let go of.”

Naruto continued: "You...want to live a more stable life with him, right?"

Bai retorted: "So what? It is true that I do have such selfish motives, but for me, Zabuza-sama's idea is more important. As long as I can follow him, I can do anything. Everyone will be happy!”

"Even if you two will definitely die?" Naruto's words sent chills all over Bai's body.

"The construction of the bridge will start soon. Cardo will not let you have time to rest. Since you have accepted his employment, you can only bite the bullet. However, I think you should know very well that with our team If someone takes action, what will be the consequences?"

Shiro clenched his fists. In fact, he had worried about what Naruto said many times. Zabuza would have been unable to compete with Kakashi. Now that his injuries had not recovered, he would definitely have a narrow escape from death if he forced himself to fight.

And she was not sure that she could defeat Naruto, not to mention that Kakashi also had two genin helpers. If they really fought to the death, he and Zabuza would most likely fall.

"I'm ready to be with Zabuza-sama, whether alive or dead." Bai's tone was already somewhat resolute.

"But what if there is a way for you all to survive and live a more stable life?" Naruto's voice was magnetic and seductive.

"How can such a good thing happen in the world?" Bai felt unbelievable.

"As I said that night, this is just a deal." Naruto stretched out a finger: "I let you get the life you want, and you help me do some things that I'm not convenient to do, that's all."

"What you're not convenient to do?" Bai was a little unbelievable. Would someone like Naruto, who can move freely with instant teleportation, have something inconvenient to do?

"That's a later story. Now, if you want to end this wandering life, listen to me carefully."

Naruto whispered something in Bai's ear, and the latter's face kept flashing with a strange look, and the whole person's spirit began to rise from the depression just now.

He has always been worried that Naruto would make him betray Zabuza, which is something he would never accept. But Naruto didn't do that at all, and he didn't even ask Bai to do anything.

Before leaving, Naruto waved and threw two Senzu beans to him: "I have already told you clearly what to do. As for whether you can seize the opportunity, that's your own business."

"I will try my best." Bai bowed slightly to him, hurriedly dug some herbs on the ground and left.

After Bai left, Naruto stood in the forest and practiced Qi.

It is difficult to improve combat power in the early stage, just like the stage when you first start to exercise. Naruto has been practicing for more than a month, and his combat power has only increased by a few points, but in fact, the gain brought by a few points of combat power is also very large.

After adjusting his physical condition, Naruto instantly moved to the sea, suspended in the air with the dance technique, then put his hands together at his waist, condensed a large amount of Qi in his body between his hands, and gradually condensed into a blue Qi bomb.






With his loud shout, the blue and white Kamehameha burst out from his hands, instantly turning into a long dragon that cut through the ocean and split it in half. If it weren't for the fact that this place was far from the coast, it might have caused a small tsunami.

The air bomb slid a very long distance on the ocean, and finally flew into the sky and dissipated in the extraterrestrial space.

"Success." Naruto closed his eyes and teleported back to the forest.

Now, if he used the four times Kaio-ken and then released the Kamehameha with all his strength, he could instantly annihilate a small country like the Land of Waves.

This is the terrible attack power of Qigong. If he relied solely on fists and feet, his combat power would be higher, but at most he could only demolish buildings. But once he learned Qigong attacks, it would be easy to destroy mountains and even planets.

However, although the Qigong attack is powerful, it will also consume a lot of Qi in the body. Since no matter how strong a person is, the Qi is limited, so Naruto will not use Qigong attacks unless it is absolutely necessary.

In contrast, he prefers to use Chakra attacks because his Chakra volume is really large. At least for him, Chakra's endurance is stronger than Qi.

He wants to try to use Chakra as energy to release an attack similar to the Chakra version of Kamehameha. Even if the damage is lower, it doesn't matter. The attack distance alone is enough to scare the ninja world.

The distance of Qigong attacks can easily cross thousands of mountains and rivers. It is no exaggeration to say that standing on the top of the mountain in Konoha Village, it is possible to flatten other ninja villages with one shot.

Naruto stood in the forest and practiced for a whole morning until his stomach started to growl at noon. He planned to go back to eat, but then he thought that the Dazna family didn't have much food to begin with. If the four of them kept eating like this, his family probably couldn't stand it.

So, Naruto decided to go and take advantage of the situation. He transformed into his good brother Kakarot again, then sensed the aura of Kado's home and teleported directly there.

The place where Haku and Zabuza were seen last time was Kado's home. Naruto roughly observed the place, then continued to teleport and went directly into their warehouse.

This entry was not a big deal. Naruto found that Kado really knew how to eat. There were all kinds of expensive hams, bacon, vegetables, refined rice, and fine noodles.

Naruto was not polite to him, and directly carried a bag and teleported away directly.

Chapter 29 Carrying rice to the second floor

When Naruto came back carrying a bag of rice and a bag of vegetables and bacon, Kakashi, who was squatting at the door to rest, frowned immediately: "Naruto, did you go out to steal things?"

"Kado's home."

"Oh, I said you wouldn't be so ungentlemanly. How could you learn to steal at such a young age?" Kakashi didn't care at all.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that as a ninja, Kakashi couldn't meddle in other people's business, so as not to cause trouble for the village, Kakashi would have wanted to go to the Kado's house for tea.

"Did you do it cleanly?" Kakashi suddenly asked as if he remembered something.

"No one saw it."

"That's good."

If Naruto went to an ordinary family to take something, Kakashi would definitely teach him a lesson, but taking something from the Kado's house...

Bah, what do you mean taking something from the Kado's house? Didn't Naruto pick it up on the road?

As soon as Naruto entered the room, everyone's eyes widened immediately, especially the Dazuna family. They had not eaten meat for a long time and could even smell the scent of bacon in the bag.

"Naruto, these things...?" Tatsuna asked tentatively.

"The card family got it."

"Oh, it turns out I picked it up. Our Country of Waves is really rich in products."

Dazuna and others immediately felt relieved, and Tsunami even said: "Naruto, you have worked hard, rest now, I will cook."

Naruto smiled and shook his head: "No, let's try my craft today."

Hearing this, Tsunami glanced at Kakashi hesitantly, as if asking, "Is this kid good at cooking? My kitchen is made of wood."

Kakashi said calmly: "This kid earns one hundred thousand taels a month in our village by cooking."

Tsunami was immediately in awe.

Naruto walked into the kitchen and took out the contents of the bag one by one, including bacon, vegetables, and some condiments such as cooking oil.

He simmered a pot full of rice, washed the vegetables, sliced ​​the bacon, then heated the pan with oil, added seasonings, and fried the bacon. He made a plate of fried bacon with green peppers, with green peppers as the supplement and bacon as the main ingredient, and he deliberately had a little more bacon. Some oil was put in. The Dazna family must not have had much oil in a long time.

With the remaining vegetables, he stewed a pot of vegetable soup and fried a small green vegetable. After serving the vegetables and soup, the rice was cooked in a short while.

As early as when he was cooking, several people in the living room were already holding back their saliva. Not only the Tatsuna family, but also Kakashi and the others had been quiet for a long time since they came here. Sakura started to pinch her belly and talk about recent times. Seems to have lost weight.

After a large pot of rice, two dishes and one soup were served, everyone hurriedly said "I'm ready" and then started to wolf down the food.

While eating, Naruto said pointedly: "I looked at several large warehouses in Kado. There is a lot of food. Not counting the food that cannot be stored for a long time, there are at least 10,000 tons of rice and flour alone." , I think he is planning to sell it when winter comes.”

Just like what Naruto learned at the market two days ago, the people of Wave Country are already very poor. If they buy it directly, they will definitely not be able to buy Cardo's high-priced food, but Cardo has no intention of directly asking for their food. For money, he would make those people sign various loan-like treaties and directly take away their harvest in the next few years or even more than ten years.

If the weather is good, everyone can still pay back, but if there is a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, then they will have to pay more for the materials they owe, such as having their children sold for sex, or signing more loan contracts.

Cardo only pays the equivalent of their income for one season, and can enjoy their ten-year defense for the next few years or even more than ten years. Even a huge profit is not enough to describe this kind of huge profit.

When Dazna heard this, he suddenly had some thoughts in his mind that he had never had before.

The country of Waves has a population of about 500,000. Each person can live on less than 1 kilogram of grain a day, and consumes more than 200 tons of grain a day. Ten thousand tons of grain plus their own grain storage and other food sources are enough for them to survive the winter. .

After winter and spring, their vegetables and grains begin to mature. If the bridge is built by then, they will be able to do business with the outside world and make money from fisheries and other products. From now on, the country of Waves will be able to prosper. Woke up.

Dazna suddenly had a bold idea in his mind. Without this meal, he might only dare to think about it, but...it would be different after this meal.

The feeling of greasy bacon and fragrant rice is something everyone will remember.

"Naruto, are there any bacon and vegetables left? If there are any left, I would like to give some to everyone at the construction site tomorrow, okay?" Dazuna suddenly suggested.

"The remaining amount is just enough to feed the people at the construction site." Naruto smiled meaningfully.

After dinner, everyone had a full belly. Even Sakura praised Naruto in a rare way: "I didn't expect Naruto to be so good at cooking. I thought you could only eat instant noodles."

Naruto could only shrug. In the past, he could only eat instant noodles. Even if he wanted to cook it himself, he gave up because it was too unpalatable at first.

In his life before time travel, the food he remembered most was Ichiraku Ramen. The boss Ichiraku had never been prejudiced against him like other adults. He would always take care of him because he was an orphan. It was not easy to be alone. Give him more. surface and materials.

There is also Iruka-sensei. At the end of every month, when Naruto is short of money due to spending money, Iruka-sensei will take him to eat at home, or treat him to his favorite Ichiraku Ramen.

These two people were the two people who treated him best in Naruto's memory. He always remembered this kindness and would definitely repay them in the future.

The next day, Naruto went to the kitchen and put the remaining bacon and vegetables into the pot in one go. He made two large pots of vegetable soup and fried meat. Except for leaving a small portion for the family to eat, the rest was basically cooked by Dazna was brought to the construction site.

Dazna has considerable prestige and connections in the local area, which is why he was able to recruit so many people to help him build the bridge despite Cardo's threat. However, the people who built the bridge were actually under considerable life and psychological pressure.

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