But Naruto still felt that he needed to go in and take a look.

If he hadn't informed Orochimaru in advance and persuaded him to surrender, the Third Hokage would probably not have known about these things until the start of the Konoha collapse plan.

He was old and weak, and he would probably die under the siege of Orochimaru and the Fourth Kazekage, because his chakra was not as strong as before due to his old age.

For a person who relies on skills to make a living, his mana was greatly weakened, which was too fatal.

The Four Purple Flame Formation can block people from the outside world, but it can't stop time and space ninjutsu, let alone stop instant movement.

Naruto came to the formation in an instant, and as soon as he came in, a tsunami of golden sand rushed towards him.

Being hit in the face by gold is originally a happy thing, but if the weight of gold reaches a certain level, it has nothing to do with happiness. The golden sand driven by Luosha's magnetic escape is far more powerful than the tsunami of nature, not to mention that the carrier is still extremely dense golden sand. If ordinary people are hit, they will shatter instantly.

"Too dangerous!" Naruto was shocked and slapped the golden sand into pieces.

He turned his head and looked at the Third Hokage. Sure enough, he was not in a good condition and had begun to breathe heavily. On the other hand, the Fourth Kazekage on the opposite side was in his prime, with good endurance and was obviously at ease.

Before executing the plan, Luo Sha had studied the Third Hokage.

When he was young, the Third Hokage was called a ninja hero. Even when he was old, his application of skills could not be underestimated. Luo Sha thought that if he fought hard, he might be killed by the Third Hokage in the previous collision.

Therefore, he chose to drag it out at the beginning. He did not fight the Third Hokage head-on, but forced him to use ninjutsu to fight, even if he spent more than twice his chakra.

From the scene, the Third Hokage is undoubtedly at a great disadvantage now, but he is not panicked at all, because he has a way to burn both jade and stone.

He could choose to use the Shiki Fuujin like the Fourth Hokage did back then, at the cost of his own life, to directly seal the souls of Rasa and Orochimaru in the body of the God of Death.

This move is just a trump card, and it should not be used in practice, because Jiraiya in Sage Mode can quickly defeat Orochimaru, and when he comes to support, Rasa will definitely die. But the trump card of Shiki Fuujin completely blocked Rasa's way out.

He would either be killed by the Sage Jiraiya who came to support, or by the Shiki Fuujin of the Third Hokage. No matter which one, he would have no way to survive.

But now, there is one more way for Rasa to die.

The Third Hokage saw Naruto breaking into the battlefield and immediately scolded him severely: "Nonsense! How did you come in? This is not the place for you to come. I will settle things, you go back!"

The Third Hokage did not think that Naruto was not strong. On the contrary, he believed that with Naruto's joining, the scales of victory would tilt towards Konoha more quickly. After all, this kid has a lot of skills that people can't defend against.

But in the eyes of the Third Hokage, Naruto is the guarantee of Konoha for the next few decades, and the future of Konoha. He will not allow any accidents to happen to Naruto before he grows up.

The Fourth Kazekage is not a fool either. He can see Naruto's potential within a few moves. At that time, he may start to jump over the wall after knowing that he is doomed to die, and drag Naruto to death by any means.

If Naruto gets into trouble, Konoha will lose even if it wins this battle.

Naruto said nothing. He flashed to the side of the Third Hokage and put his hand on his shoulder.

The Third Hokage was about to say something, but the next second he was surprised to find that his chakra and physical strength were recovering rapidly, and it was almost full in a few seconds.

Not only that, Naruto also passed some of his own energy to the Third Hokage. The full energy can activate his body in a short time like adrenaline, achieving an effect similar to temporary rejuvenation.

It can also be called a youth experience card.

"A familiar feeling..." The Third Hokage looked at his palm. Although it was still full of wrinkles, it was flowing with the same strength as when he was young. The chakra was full, and his physical and mental strength were also full.

"Shadow Clone Technique!" The Third Hokage immediately formed a seal and released four clones in succession, intending to let Luo Sha understand what a ninja hero and a ninjutsu professor are.


Chapter 96 Luo Sha, Exploding Gold Coins!

Sarutobi Hiruzen instantly created four shadow clones, a total of five people including the original body, and surrounded Luo Sha from five directions.

Luo Sha didn't know what the Third Hokage had gained just now. He thought that the Third Hokage just didn't want the next generation of the village to be hurt, so he decided to fight him to the death.

Thinking of this, Luo Sha couldn't help but laugh and said, "Third Hokage, are you getting old and confused? With your current physical strength, if you forcefully split into 4 shadow clones, I'm afraid you won't be able to use many ninjutsu, right?"

He felt that the Third Hokage was trying to scare him, because the configuration of 4 shadow clones + 1 main body was once famous during the Ninja World War. At that time, the Third Hokage, who was still at his peak, could use this configuration to release five different types of escape techniques at the same time to attack the enemy. The collision of the five escape techniques would produce a very terrible explosion.

The power of that technique once frightened the Sand Ninja Village and left other Ninja Villages with lingering fears.

However, the current Third Hokage is old, and his aging body and spirit can no longer extract so much chakra to release the ultimate ninjutsu.

At this moment, Luo Sha, like Tom Cat who mistakenly thought there was no gunpowder in the firecrackers, pointed at his head very proudly: "Do you think you are still the ninja hero of the past? Can you still release the Five Styles·Da Lian Bomb? If you can, come and shoot here!"

If the Third Hokage is in the old and low-health state before, then he really can't do it, and it may even be difficult to release a few individual ninjutsu. But Naruto has filled his chakra and restored his body and spirit to their peak in a short time through Qi transmission.

The Third Hokage has never seen such a strange request. Before releasing the ninjutsu, he deliberately shouted: "Jiraiya!"

"Huh?" Jiraiya turned back suddenly and met the eyes of his teacher Sarutobi Hiruzen.

At that moment, he actually saw a familiar eye signal

Because the Five Styles·Great Link Bullet is so powerful, the Third Hokage would deliberately ask his people to retreat before releasing it during the Ninja World War. However, as he got older, this trick disappeared from the martial arts world.

"Teacher can still use this?" Jiraiya was confused for a moment, but he chose to trust his teacher, so he retreated continuously and retreated directly to the side of Naruto and the Third Hokage.

"?" Luo Sha frowned, feeling something was wrong.

How come this old man can really release it? Otherwise, why would he ask his people to retreat?

So, Luo Sha subconsciously began to gather gold sand, just in case.

This move also temporarily saved his life, because the next second, the Third Hokage shouted: "Five Styles·Great Link Bullet Jutsu!"

"Ah?" Luo Sha and Orochimaru were both stunned.

No, are you serious? ? ?

At this moment, five different ninjutsu of fire, thunder, water, earth, and wind were blasted at Luosha at the same time. Fortunately, Luosha had gathered gold sand in advance. He immediately wrapped himself up with the gold sand in a form similar to Gaara's absolute defense, and directly wrapped himself into a big golden ball.

Five different ninjutsu of different attributes blasted at the big golden ball at the same time. The collision of the extremely strong attack and the extremely strong defense produced a huge explosion and shock wave in an instant.

Jiraiya quickly used the earth escape technique·Earth Flow Wall to create a thick earth wall to block the shock wave of the explosion.

But the four Otogakure ninjas responsible for maintaining the Four Purple Flame Formation were not so lucky. Although they also wrapped themselves up with the Four Purple Flame Formation, the movement of that move just now was too big. The Four Purple Flame Formation was directly broken and they were also blown away.

Luosha, who was at the center of the explosion, was not in a good condition either. He was hit by a five escape technique·Dalian Bullet Technique head-on. The defensive golden ball he created was directly blown to pieces. He was also injured and blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

Orochimaru, who was only hit by the aftermath, was in a much better situation, but he was now suffering a greater psychological blow.

Orochimaru thought he was proficient in biology, especially with the support of a large number of human experiments, he understood the aging changes of the human body very well, and knew that based on the age and past experience of the Third Hokage, when his cells would age to a critical point and how much his combat power would decline.

So he chose to attack at this time before, because he calculated that the Third Hokage should be old enough this year, and his chakra would decay to the point where he could not release the big move, and he had an absolute chance of winning against him.

But now, his confidence collapsed, because the Third Hokage not only released the Five Essence Great Linking Bullet Technique, but he did not consume much after releasing it, and was obviously in good condition.

What happened? The Uzumaki Naruto seemed to slap him before, was there the problem?

No matter how the Third Hokage recovered his combat power, Orochimaru had realized that he was right to choose to stop early this time. If he had insisted on his own way in the forest, he might have died here with Luosha today.

At this moment, he couldn't help but look at Naruto, and at the same time, he also saw the message Naruto conveyed to him in his eyes.

[If you don't attack him, I will attack you]

Orochimaru knew that it was time for him to take action.

Rasa's defeat was certain, and now he was at low health. If he didn't take action at this time, Naruto would have to doubt whether his so-called betrayal was true or false.

Orochimaru really didn't want to make an enemy with someone who had Flying Thunder God, so he decisively chose to take action.

Rasa, who was unaware of this, was still staring at the Third Hokage angrily: "Okay... Naruto is really good at it, and he still retains this level of combat power. I miscalculated... But don't be too proud too early, sooner or later I..."


A sharp Kusanagi sword pierced through the body of the Fourth Kazekage Rasa from behind and directly pierced his heart.

Seeing the Kusanagi sword piercing out of his chest and the blood gushing out, Luo Sha's body stiffened instantly. He trembled and tried to turn around and look behind him, revealing the same expression as Shi Chen.

"Big... Orochimaru, you fucking..."

"Hehe, the Fourth Kazekage, you are so ambitious and know so much. I can't keep you." Orochimaru licked his tongue.

At this time, the Four Purple Flame Formation had already been broken in the explosion just now, and everyone saw what was happening now.

"Orochimaru, you fucking!" Maki, the Sand Ninja's senior ninja, cursed directly. He saw Orochimaru kill his own Kazekage with his own eyes, and he immediately hated him in his heart.

And what's more serious is that if the Fourth Kazekage dies, no one in Sand Ninja Village can use the sand gold technique, and the economy will collapse!

What's more serious is that in order to carry out today's plan to collapse Konoha, Rasa brought all the placer gold stored in Suna Ninja Village in scrolls. Now that he is dead and Konoha wins, then those placer gold... ....

"It's over, the Suna ninja is over..." Ma Ji closed his eyes in despair.

"It's over, the village chief exploded the gold coins..." The remaining Sand Ninja immediately lost their desire to resist.

Chapter 97 What, your dad is Feng Ying?

Rasa's death directly ended the Konoha collapse plan.

Naruto looked around, jumped out at the right time and shouted to Orochimaru: "Orochimaru, you are a vicious rebellious ninja. Not only do you want to kill your own teacher, you don't even want to spare your own allies!"

Orochimaru was stunned for a moment, and then he immediately reacted: "Hehe... Luosha, this idiot, actually dragged me to carry out this kind of death plan, and even tricked me into saying that the Third Hokage had no fighting power. He almost killed me His life was cheated, so it was reasonable for me to kill him."

The sand ninja below suddenly became excited: "Orochimaru, you beast!"

"Thankfully we thought you were an ally and trusted you so much, but we didn't expect you to do such a thing!"

But Orochimaru just turned his head and glared at them, which instantly silenced them, and even seemed to have an illusion of himself being killed before their eyes.

"What a bunch of pitiful guys." Orochimaru let out a weird laugh that made people laugh, then slapped his hand on the ground and used the counter-psychic technique to teleport himself back to a safe place.

The four Sound Ninja Village ninjas who came with him also threw out their scrolls and used the techniques Orochimaru had prepared in advance to evacuate the scene, leaving only a group of Sand Ninjas looking at each other.

Now that the Kazekage is dead, the jinchūriki are captured alive, and their allies have defected and fled, there is no need for the Suna ninja to continue fighting.

Moreover, most of the hundreds of sand ninjas who came with Luo Sha this time have been executed, and the remaining ones chose to surrender cleanly, because if they did not surrender, they would only die.

The Suna ninjas surrendered in droves, and were then taken to Konoha's prison and tortured by Morino Hiki.

The massive amount of placer gold used by Rasa in this invasion was fully accepted by Konoha and used for post-war repairs and economic development. It won't be long before the village will have several more hospitals, post offices, large supermarkets and other infrastructure facilities.

After the Third Hokage counted the amount of sand gold, he couldn't help but sigh: "It would be great if the Fourth Kazekage used these things to develop the economy of Sand Ninja Village, why bother using them to invade Konoha?"

Jiraiya curled his lips: "Teacher, you don't know how shabby the Wind Country is. Even if he digs ten times more mines, he can only guarantee temporary prosperity. As for Konoha's land and natural resources, But it can bring prosperity for generations to come.”

"That's right." The Third Hokage shook his head helplessly, seeming to be laughing at his own thoughts.

Not only the Suna Ninja Village, but every Ninja Village is coveting the land of the Land of Fire. Every time Konoha is invaded, they are also very clear about the other party's purpose.

But, so what if you know?

It does not mean that you can coexist peacefully if you understand other people's thoughts.

Legend has it that in the distant ancient times, the Immortals of Six Paths once established an organization called the Ninja Sect. People relied on chakra to connect with each other and could clearly perceive each other's feelings.

It was an era when everyone could understand each other, but it finally collapsed, and soon after the collapse, it entered the chaotic Warring States Period.

Why? Because it’s not because I understand you that I can agree with you.

Your worry is what to eat today, and my worry is also what to eat today. The difference is that you are thinking about how to fill your stomach, and I am thinking about whether I should eat beef or mutton for my next meal, and whether it is time to lose weight.

As soon as our chakras are connected, well, we both know each other's pain, and it's time to draw our swords and chop each other.

I know your Suna Ninja Village is very poor, but what does this have to do with me, Konoha?

You invaded me. I can understand that you don't want to stay in the sandy land, but what if you understand? Will I stick out my neck and chop it for you?

Your Suna Ninja Village needs to be fed, but Konoha doesn’t need it? Although we have a lot of food, we are not rich enough to feed two countries. What will I do if you are full?

Therefore, although everyone is well aware of many things, ninja wars still happen again and again.

There are only two ways to prevent today's tragedy from happening again. One is to cut off a piece of meat from the Kingdom of Fire and exchange the food of the Country of Wind for the food of the Country of Wind. Another way is to send wind from the sky and suddenly turn the desert of the Kingdom of Wind into an oasis. This way they no longer have to fight over food.

Then you can start fighting over other issues.

Neither the Third Hokage nor Jiraiya had the ability to change this situation, because in the end, they were just humans, not gods.

All they can do is stand where they should be and protect the people they should and can protect.

At least for Konoha and the Country of Fire, the Third Hokage and Jiraiya are also heroes. They have protected Konoha and the Country of Fire many times in the ninja wars, allowing many ordinary people to live to this day and still have a full meal. meal.

"Speaking of which, where did Naruto's child go?" The Third Hokage began to care about Naruto. In his eyes, this child was the future of Konoha and the biggest treasure of Konoha so far.

"He's chatting with the Jinchūriki of the Sand Village in the interrogation room." Jiraiya said.

"Oh, it's Gaara... As Jinchūriki, they should have a lot to talk about." The Third Hokage imagined the scene of them communicating with each other.

"Theoretically, it's true, but... Naruto doesn't seem to know that he is a Jinchūriki."

"Ah? He doesn't know yet?" The Third Hokage was immediately puzzled: "But this shouldn't be the case. Didn't the Fourth Hokage use his own chakra to tell him the truth?"

From the perspective of the Third Hokage, Naruto obtained many ninjutsu and inheritance from the chakra left by the Fourth Hokage, and with his own extraordinary talent, he has achieved what he has now.

However, since the Fourth Hokage has already met him, why didn't he tell him about the Nine-Tails and his life experience?

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