"Not only that, as long as you prepare the spells and techniques used for control in advance, you can completely control the dead and make them act according to your wishes."

Orochimaru pointed to the Fourth Kazekage Rasa next to him: "I have long been eyeing his power of gold sand. As long as we have him, our Sound Village's economic problems will be solved."

"He is a shadow after all, isn't this a bit..."

Just as Naruto was about to say something, Orochimaru immediately explained: "Before you plead for him, let me tell you about his record."

"After he was brought out of the Impure World, I also asked him many secrets of the Sand Village. Of course, that You are definitely not interested in these things, so I will just talk about something you should understand. "

"You know Gaara, the one-tailed Jinchuriki of the Sand Village, right?"

Naruto nodded: "Of course, we are friends now."

"Then you should know that his mother died of dystocia when he was born."

"Well, I think it's a pity. His mother must love him very much, but she didn't grow up with him."

"Then do you know why it was difficult to give birth?"

"Could it be related to him?" Naruto looked at Rasa who was busy mining next to him. He seemed to have been deprived of his self-will and could only act according to Orochimaru's instructions.

Orochimaru nodded: "That's right, because he transplanted Shukaku into Gaara's body when he was still a fetus before Gaara was born, so his mother died of dystocia."

"Fuck, is he crazy?" Naruto knew that there was something wrong with Rasa's brain, but now it seems that he still underestimated how heavyweight he is.

"Also, he once ordered Gaara's uncle to assassinate Gaara, and demanded that either he or Gaara die. The purpose of doing so was to test Gaara's ability and see if this level of stimulation would make him go berserk."

"Hiss..." Although Naruto had guessed it long ago, he still felt a breath of cold air when it was really confirmed.

These things Orochimaru said were all things that Gaara had communicated with him in prison. Orochimaru could not know what Gaara had talked about with Naruto, and it was impossible for him to perjure these things.

"Keep going, increase the intensity, don't stop him!"

Naruto completely abandoned any sympathy for Rasa on the spot. He felt that this guy was not worthy of sympathy at all. Staying with Orochimaru to work overtime and dig for minerals was also a waste of him.

What Kazekage, just be a mining shadow in the future.


PS: After finding Tsunade, we will start preparing for the first theatrical version of "Snow Princess Ninja Scrolls".

Speaking of this movie, the ice escape in it made me feel very interesting. Later, I learned that it was not the real ice escape, but a special water escape that can only be performed in a cold environment.

The real ice escape is Haku's blood limit, but it's a pity that Haku was dead at that time, so we can't see the real ice escape and the fake ice escape.

Chapter 114 "The Great Threat"

"Why can a psychopath like Rasa become the shadow of a village?" Naruto couldn't help but hold his forehead. Since he knew there was such a person as Rasa, Rasa has been doing tricks all the time.

Transplanting the tailed beast, killing his wife, and causing the child's childhood to be broken, and at the same time, he made the only light in Gaara's heart to assassinate him, causing Gaara to completely go on the road of no return and lose his uncle.

In terms of foreign affairs, the only one of the five major countries that provided economic and material assistance to the Wind Country and Sand Village was Konoha, and the only ally of Sand Village was Konoha. As a result, Rasa chose to backstab the only ally and source of assistance.

As a result, Luo Sha severely screwed the Sand Village, causing it to lose its only source of aid, a large number of Chunin and Jonin, and also lost the trust of its allies.

Whether it was for his own family or the village, Luo Sha's negative effects were overwhelming.

Orochimaru, who had personally experienced that era, shook his head and explained: "The Sand Village had no other choice. Do you think they have sufficient talent reserves like Konoha, and can immediately find a suitable successor even if the Kage dies?"

Orochimaru knew how strong Konoha's foundation was. Even if the third generation died, there were still Jiraiya and Tsunade to take charge of the overall situation, especially Tsunade. Although she was a woman, she grew up under the influence of the first and second generations of Hokage. Her spirit and pattern were extraordinary. It was she who created the medical ninja system, which greatly reduced the war losses of Konoha Village and allowed many people who would have died to survive.

Moreover, she had fought on the battlefield with real swords and guns, and was a hero of the Second Ninja World War. Whether in terms of identity, seniority, merit, or ability, Tsunade is the most suitable candidate for the Fifth Hokage in Konoha Village.

Even if Tsunade dies, Jiraiya, who is also a Sannin, can still succeed. He just doesn't like the constraints brought by the position of Hokage, but it doesn't mean that he is not capable of being a Hokage. He should even be a very good Hokage.

If he dies, Konoha still has the old monster Danzo lurking. Although he is too vicious, he is indeed capable enough to be a Hokage.

If Danzo dies, there are elites such as Hatake Kakashi and Sarutobi Asuma who can replace the position of Hokage. Give them some time to practice and grow. They will not be worse than the Third Hokage in middle age.

It can be said that Konoha's health bar is simply terrifying. They have fought three consecutive ninja world wars, and each time they were beaten up by a group, they were able to recover quickly. The talent pool in the village is too rich. This is the advantage of a vast land and a large population.

On the other hand, the Sand Village... well, basically it takes more than ten years for an outstanding talent to appear in the village. If he dies or escapes, there will be no replacement.

Moreover, the most sassy operation of the Sand Village is that they can always use internal fighting or idiotic operations to spend their few assets.

In recent decades, the Sand Village has produced a total of three generations of Kazekage, Red Sand Scorpion, the fourth generation Kazekage Rasa, and the Burning Release Ye Cang.

As a result, the Sand Village did not do a good job in the ideological construction of Red Sand Scorpion, which led to his defection.

The defected Red Sand Scorpion killed the third generation Kazekage. This secret is only known by Orochimaru and a very few people.

The newly promoted Fourth Kazekage Rasa is even more of a jerk. In order to get the support of Kirigakure, he directly agreed to Kirigakure's request and sent the only bloodline limit owner in his family, the famous Scorch Release Yekura, to Kirigakure to kill.

As a result, Sand Ninja and Kirigakure are not allies now.

Gaara, the son of Rasa, was originally gifted and was probably a peerless strongman, but he was bullied by Rasa since he was a child and basically became a madman who only knew how to kill people. His condition seems to have improved after Rasa's death.

There are a total of 5 strong men. One died in the internal strife of Sand Ninja Village, one ran away because of the poor ideological construction, one was given away for nothing, one exploded with gold coins, and one was driven crazy.

The key is that there was basically no outsider intervention. It was all Sand Ninja's own tricks. The only two deaths at the hands of outsiders were because of Sand Ninja's own death.

In this case, Sand Ninja can survive to this day, which is really a unique geographical location. I have to give a slap to my own broken environment.

After listening to Orochimaru's explanation, Naruto showed a sweaty expression.

Fortunately, he was not born in the Sand Village, otherwise Naruto felt that he might have been trained to be a madman since he was a child. Even if he traveled to the Dragon Ball world, it would be useless. He might die in the martial arts tournament.

He was in Konoha Village. Although he was an orphan and lacked care, and I don't know why people always discriminated against him, but overall his life was good.

In the morning, he could wake up in a building located in the central business district of Konoha. The bedroom faced the sun and he could sleep in the sun until he woke up naturally. The place he lived in had a bedroom, a kitchen, a separate bathroom, a separate toilet, and a separate study. The study was later transformed into a training room by Naruto, and some training essentials were placed in it.

The facilities such as refrigerator, TV, stove, cupboard, bathtub, shower, toilet, etc. were all available, and the house did not need to pay the mortgage and could be lived in for free.

The money issued every month was enough to buy a refrigerator full of milk and endless limited edition ramen, and he could also buy paint to go out for pranks. He basically never lacked daily necessities.

After growing up and coming back from the Dragon Ball world, Naruto finally understood how incredible it was to have these things in a world where productivity was not developed and the war had just ended 10 years ago.

Except for the inexplicable isolation and discrimination when he was a child, and the fact that he was lonely because he did not have parents or relatives, there was nothing to complain about Naruto's material life.

And now he has solved the above problems through his own efforts. Now he has become a Chunin. Even if he does not do missions, the village will assign him work and he has good welfare benefits, which is almost equivalent to a civil servant. When he puts on the green vest, no one dares to point fingers at him.

Now he also has partners and seniors such as Sasuke, Gaara, Karin, Sakura, and Kakashi and Jiraiya. His family is often lively and no longer lonely.

In comparison, Gaara is really miserable. He does not even have the most basic right as a human being, such as sleeping, and is not treated as a human being at all.

Thinking of this, Naruto felt that it seemed good for Rasa to be thrown here to mine all the time. At least he could do grassroots labor and create real labor value. If Gaara knew, he would probably laugh out loud.

After watching the mining shadow Rasa, Orochimaru bowed to Naruto to thank him: "Naruto, you came here this time and really helped me a lot. I keep my word. If you need any help, just ask."

Naruto thought about it and asked Orochimaru: "You and Tsunade are both three ninjas, so you should know her very well."

Orochimaru nodded: "Of course, maybe a little more than that idiot Jiraiya."

"Now the village wants to invite her back to Konoha to serve as the fifth generation Hokage. How sure do you think this is? I don't know much about the past of the three ninjas. I only know that you each left the village for different reasons."

"This is what Mr. Sarutobi meant." Orochimaru said firmly.

"Indeed, he originally intended to let Jiraiya-sensei be the fifth Hokage, but Jiraiya-sensei refused and recommended Tsunade."

Orochimaru laughed hoarsely: "Haha, it would be easier to kill Jiraiya than to let him be the Hokage."

Then, he began to explain Naruto's question: "If only you and Jiraiya go, the probability of her coming out is no more than 30%, because Sarutobi-sensei is still alive and well, and she feels that it doesn't matter whether she is in the village or not."

"But, that girl actually cares very much about the safety of Konoha Village, because she is the granddaughter of the first Hokage, Senju Hashirama. Her second grandfather, Senju Tobirama, her brother, Nawaki, and her lover, Kato Dan, all died to protect Konoha. No one cares about Konoha more than her, but she has been traumatized so much that she is unwilling to face it unless it is necessary."

"If the Konoha collapse plan is successfully implemented, Sarutobi Sensei dies, and Konoha Village suffers huge losses, she will definitely come out."

Naruto was thoughtful after hearing this: "In other words, only if she feels that Konoha is threatened by a huge danger and needs her power very much, she will come out?"

"That's about it."



"Look, do you look like that huge threat?" Naruto smiled wickedly.

"Ah?" Orochimaru was startled. Is this kid holding back something bad again?


Chapter 115 A Bright Future (referring to the Sun Fist)

Orochimaru never expected that he, who had originally planned to stop being an enemy of Konoha, seemed to be going back to his old ways.

Orochimaru: I have reformed and will never be an enemy of Konoha again. Tell me, what meaningful things do you want me to do next?

Naruto: I want you to be an enemy of Konoha

Looking at the current ninja world, although there are turbulent and undercurrents, it is still in a peaceful state on the surface, and the several major countries around Konoha are basically in a stable state.

The Sand Village has just been beaten up, and it will take at least 10 years to recover. During the third battle of the Rock Village, 10,000 ninjas were dispatched to fight the Third Raikage for three days and three nights. Although the Third Raikage was indeed killed, the 10,000 ninjas suffered very heavy casualties during these three days and three nights. It can almost be said that the backbone of the Rock Village was emptied, and it has not recovered until now.

The policy of the Bloody Mist Village of the Hidden Mist Village has almost killed itself, and the possibility of fighting with Konoha is very small.

Only the Hidden Cloud Village did not suffer any serious losses in the Third Ninja World War. The biggest loss was the death of the Third Raikage, but after the death of the Third Raikage, the Fourth Raikage took over immediately, and worked hard to govern. In the past ten years, it has continued to develop and even become stronger than before.

However, there is really no decent threat to Konoha at the moment. Even if the Hidden Cloud Village wants to fight Konoha, it will be a war, and Tsunade can rush back temporarily.

Only if Tsunade feels that Konoha must have her presence to be safer, she will decide to go back.

And there are very few people who can do this at the moment. Coincidentally, Orochimaru is one of them.

Orochimaru's combat power is superior to that of the old Third Generation. Jiraiya cannot stay in the village all the time. Moreover, Orochimaru has a group of Sound Ninjas who have learned the curse seal, and even has the powerful means of Impure World Reincarnation, which can make the Fourth Kazekage fight.

This configuration can indeed make Konoha ready.

However, Orochimaru himself was a little sweaty: "Naruto, I am an enemy of Konoha, you won't attack me, right?"

"Don't worry, I won't kill you." Naruto comforted.


Orochimaru understood that Naruto meant that as long as he couldn't kill him, he would beat him to death.

"Can I refuse?"

"Then I will withdraw my last sentence."

"......Okay, I agree." Orochimaru's face darkened.

Suddenly, Orochimaru began to feel that perhaps following Naruto, the future might not be bright, and that the bright future might only be illuminated by his Sun Fist.

"If there are other people who want to harm Konoha, you can cooperate with them. I will cooperate with you to deal with them." Naruto made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"I will." Orochimaru now just wants to ask this great god to leave.

"Okay, it's almost time, I'll leave first." Naruto stood up and patted his butt to say goodbye, and Orochimaru was relieved.

Seeing Naruto use instant teleportation to leave, Orochimaru immediately ordered his men: "Find Tsunade's current location for me, I want to go there."


At the same time, Naruto teleported back to the village through the shadow clone. It was exactly five o'clock at this time, and Jiraiya was waiting for him downstairs on time.

"It's getting late, let's go and find Tsunade. I hope she hasn't been running around recently. It's not an easy thing to find her."

When Jiraiya thought of Tsunade, he couldn't help but feel a headache.

As a fellow Sannin and a classmate, Jiraiya naturally cares about Tsunade. Even without the love, the friendship of being in the same class is enough for him to keep an eye on the movements of this old friend.

Tsunade is good in other aspects, but her love of gambling is very troublesome.

She gambles, but the key is that her gambling skills are ridiculously poor, and she basically loses every time she gambles.

In other words, she goes to gamble to give money to others.

And her gambling character is really good. After she loses the bet, as long as she has money on hand, she will really give money.

Jiraiya doesn't know how many bad debts he has helped her settle over the years, but every time she thanks her, she continues to go gambling. When she has no money, she uses medical ninjutsu to earn some money. After earning money, she continues to gamble, and then loses everything.

To a certain extent, she is working for that group of people.

Calling her back to be the Hokage can also be regarded as curbing her recent gambling trend.

Jiraiya drank a sip of water and prepared to leave with a helpless look on his face.

Naruto stared at Jiraiya's expression, and then a sentence made him spray out the water in his mouth: "Teacher Jiraiya, do you like Tsunade?"

"Pfft...what nonsense is a kid talking about!" Jiraiya's expression suddenly became flustered, and he began to dance and gesticulate to cover up his mistake.

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