"As we all know, the Uchiha clan is rich in handsome men and beautiful women."

"Indeed... not everyone is like this, but the proportion is quite high." Itachi had to admit that the Uchiha clan's bloodline is indeed excellent.

"You go to the village and open a matchmaking agency, specializing in marrying Uchiha handsome men and beautiful women to other places, either marrying them out or becoming sons-in-law, and specifically picking the big families in the village to marry, such as Nara Mountain, Akimichi Sarutobi, and Shimura, just match them up and it's done."

"........?" Itachi's brows gradually frowned, and he began to lose his train of thought, "Will the village allow this to happen?"

"No, why do you always treat the village as God? The village doesn't allow it? Who is the village? Is the Hokage the village, or is the advisor the village? Who do you think gave the Hokage the power? Without the support of these big families, what are the Hokage and the advisor?"

Being on good terms with the Uchiha clan is indeed something that the big families have to consider, but if you want to marry Uchiha people into the house or recruit them as sons-in-law, that's another matter.

Because when Uchiha people come to the door, it's equivalent to bringing the Sharingan.

The bloodline limit that is counted in the whole ninja world is delivered to your door like this, and the big families will laugh in their dreams.

Just because your family doesn't want this Sharingan doesn't mean that other families don't want it either.

Once the Uchiha people marry out, it will be impossible to exterminate the clan.

If you want to kill all the Uchiha, should you rush into the Nara family and kill his Uchiha son-in-law and daughter-in-law?

Suppose Konohamaru married an Uchiha girl, can you rush into Sarutobi's house in the middle of the night, kick Konohamaru aside, and kill his wife and children?

If you don't kill this group of people, what's the point even if you kill all the people in the Uchiha gathering place? Open the eyes of the remaining group of people?

As long as you try your best to delay time, the Uchiha will be more and more advantageous.

If the Uchiha had been more ruthless and directly intermarried with the village on a large scale, the CPU of the second generation Hokage would have burned.

You said that the Uchiha clan was possessed by evil spirits. Now, the evil spirits have spread to the whole village.

The children of the big clans will also take over from their predecessors and enter the core of the village in the future, and the descendants of the big clans with Sharingan will be more competitive.

If the top leaders still want to be wary of the Uchiha clan, they have to isolate their own outstanding descendants. The problem is that if you do this, aren't you afraid of being blasted by your own descendants? Do you want to commit suicide by being shot in the back with 18 kunai?

If these children enter the core of Konoha, will they be on guard against the Uchiha clan like the previous generation?

What to guard against? Guard against your own mother and father, guard against your own uncle? Guard against your own uncle and second uncle?

"It is indeed a shocking idea, but it's a pity... The Uchiha clan is gone, and died at the hands of a sinner like me." Itachi's eyes became very melancholy. At this moment, he really wanted to go back to before the extermination of the clan, and then try to save the Uchiha clan according to Naruto's method.

Of course, there is no 100% successful plan in this world, but no matter what, it is much better than the death of the whole clan now, right?

However, Naruto's next words also made Itachi's CPU burn: "It's okay. After I resurrect them, I will take Sasuke to destroy the rebels and troublemakers in the clan, and then do ideological work on other people. It will take a little more time, and it will always succeed."

"What, resurrection?" Itachi's first reaction was-"Damn, illusion? When?"

It was rare for a master of illusion like him to feel that he was under an illusion, mainly because what Naruto said was beyond his understanding.

What does "after resurrecting them" mean?

Resurrect them? ? ?

Orochimaru's Impure World Reincarnation Technique? But the people who are resurrected by the Impure World Reincarnation are not living people. The plan Naruto mentioned must be realized by living people.

Could it be that Sasuke was asked to complete the amount of the clan alone?

Naruto briefly described: "I have a technique that can resurrect people in batches. Of course, I don't plan to use this technique to resurrect too many people, because in the future I will build the underworld, and it's no big deal if people die, just live well down there."

Burn, the CPU burned completely.

Itachi's brain could no longer comprehend the situation.

Naruto looked up at the sky and squinted: "It seems that I have wasted a lot of time with you. Anyway, today's conversation is still quite meaningful. At least I know part of the situation in the village. It turns out that all the suffering I suffered when I was a child was caused by Danzo..."

"I also understand your situation. I don't want to say much about you when you were 13 years old, but so many lives, including the elderly, women and children, this matter always needs an explanation. I will send you to see Sasuke now. You Uchiha will settle your affairs among yourselves."

Itachi nodded slightly: "I will not live. For me, living has no meaning. The reason why I have to live to this day is because I am still worried about Sasuke, but seeing that you have become his friend, I can go with peace of mind."

However, before going to Sasuke, Itachi seemed to remember something and opened his eyes to the kaleidoscope state.

"Let me make it short. Sasuke's Sharingan has the potential to evolve into a Mangekyō in the future. However, after using the Mangekyō Sharingan to a certain extent, one will become blind. Only after transplanting the Mangekyō of a loved one can one obtain an eternal Mangekyō. After I die, I hope you will keep my eyes. When Sasuke opens the Mangekyō, transplant my eyes to him. This is the last thing I can leave for him."

Chapter 222 Immortal Technique·Five Escapes·Great Linking Technique!

"Mangekyō Sharingan." Naruto chewed on the word carefully.

He had a deep understanding of the power of the Sharingan. Even if there was only one magatama, it could greatly improve one's observation ability, and even observe the flow of chakra, greatly enhance one's illusion ability, and copy the opponent's skills by observing the opponent's movements and the flow of chakra.

The improvement of observation ability alone is worth a lot of money. The stronger this ability is, the more useful it is. Even if it is taken to a place full of monsters like the Dragon Ball world, it is a great treasure.

Naruto didn't know much about Sharingan, so he couldn't help Sasuke practice his family blood limit Sharingan.

Three years later, Sasuke's Sharingan only evolved from one magatama to two magatama. Even the two magatama was opened after Sasuke woke up one morning. He said it was caused by a dream the night before, but he refused to reveal the content of the dream.

Itachi could never have imagined that his genius boy brother only had two magatama after so many years.

Although awakening and evolving Sharingan require huge emotional stimulation, this is the world of ninjas, and the world of ninjas is precarious. How could Sasuke not experience any storms after he left for so many years?

Just a little drama of friends dying or teachers being injured, with Sasuke's talent, this eye should have evolved.

Unless, Sasuke is well protected, has not suffered a serious crime for so many years, and has a strong psychological ability to withstand pressure, and will not collapse when encountering things.

Without realizing it, Itachi was sent to Sasuke by Naruto.

As soon as he arrived, Itachi felt a strong sense of oppression coming towards him, as if the air had become heavy.

It was Sasuke

The moment he saw Itachi, Sasuke turned on the curse seal mode and guided his ability to the limit.

Sasuke never hesitated to kill Itachi.

As he grew up, Sasuke also had his own thoughts. He wondered if his brother also had difficulties that he couldn't say? Because the brother that night was not the same person as the brother he knew, what caused that incredible tragedy?

But after thinking about it, even if his brother really had difficulties, he did kill the lives of the entire Uchiha clan.

There is no difficulty that can make a person commit genocide without taking responsibility.

If Itachi did it himself, then kill him.

If someone forced Itachi to do it, then kill Itachi first, and then kill that person.

He is the only member of the Uchiha clan who is still alive in the world except for the murderer. The account of the Uchiha clan can only be settled by him. No matter who is responsible for this account in the end, he is the only one who can pursue or take responsibility for the Uchiha clan.

Feeling the real killing intent coming at him, Itachi said in a calm tone: "You have grown a lot, Sasuke."

"Of course, in order to be able to avenge my father, mother, and those uncles, friends, and juniors who have been kind to me, I practiced desperately, all for this moment today!"

The curse seal was fully opened, and the huge natural energy and Sasuke's own huge chakra were fused into a huge amount of fairy chakra. Sasuke stimulated his own lightning chakra. For a time, the surroundings were surging, and the fairy lightning chakra surrounded him and made a crackling sound.

"You have really become better than I thought." Although his biological brother said he wanted to kill him in a hateful tone, Itachi was very relieved in his heart. This was the picture he wanted to see.

Driven by such a huge hatred, Sasuke must have honed his Sharingan to perfection.

"I know you want revenge, and I'm also curious about why I did that back then. But in the world of ninja, the weak are not qualified to know the truth. If you want to get the information you want, then use your strength to get it." Itachi took a fighting stance and opened his Sharingan to the three-magatama state.

Without using the Mangekyō pupil technique, fighting with three-magatama is the most cost-effective way.

"I couldn't ask for more!" Sasuke instantly stabbed in front of Itachi like lightning.

His speed surprised Itachi, and he even wondered if Sasuke had been practicing physical skills for so many years?

Itachi immediately took a stance to parry Sasuke's attack, but when he blocked Sasuke's first punch, the doubt in his heart became even stronger.

How could Sasuke be so strong?

The power of just one punch made Itachi, who was defending with his arms, unable to parry, and was directly blown away by a punch, breaking several thick trees in a row.

If Itachi hadn't opened Susanoo to the skeleton level in time, that blow would have probably killed him.

"Huh... amazing explosive power, have you been practicing Taijutsu in the past few years?" Itachi asked tentatively.

"Taijutsu? That's just the most basic training. If this alone surprises you, then it seems that you are nothing more than that." Sasuke pointed a thumb at himself: "How much have I done for today? The hard work and practice are beyond your imagination!”

For some reason, Itachi suddenly felt that there was a flaw in Sasuke.

At this moment, Naruto, realizing that something was wrong, immediately shouted to Sasuke: "Sasuke! Don't forget what I told you!"

"Ah? Oh!" Sasuke suddenly remembered that Naruto had told him that he should not use his thumb to gesture to himself in battle under any circumstances. If he accidentally gestured with his thumb, he should immediately transfer it to others.

Sasuke didn't quite understand this kind of metaphysical behavior. He felt that if he used his thumb to show what was wrong with him, what could be wrong? But since it's Naruto's request, let's do it.

Thinking of this, Sasuke immediately turned his attack, pointed his thumb at Itachi, and said according to the lines Naruto taught him: "You are, Super Uchiha Itachi."

"Huh?" Itachi didn't understand what this abstract language was about, but suddenly he realized why the flaw in Sasuke's body disappeared?

After giving the opponent a buff first, Sasuke directly launched a fierce offensive against Itachi.

His physical skills are indeed very strong, but ninjutsu is the top priority of his training in the past three years. Otherwise, he would not have to practice with the Sandaime Hokage and Kakashi and go directly to Metkai.

Sasuke formed seals with his hands and instantly released four shadow clones. Then, the four shadow clones formed different seals at the same time, releasing five different chakra attribute changes.

"Immortal Technique·Five Escape·Dalian Bullet Technique!"

Chapter 223 Uchiha who is not good at illusions

"Five Escape Continuous Bullets?"

Itachi had long heard of this extremely powerful blow. It was the strongest stunt of the Third Hokage during his peak period. It released the changes in chakra properties of five different attributes at the same time, and had the destructive power second to none in traditional ninjutsu.

The only ones that can be stronger than this blow are those non-traditional ninjutsu, such as partial blood succession limit, or blood stain elimination like dust release.

Moreover, the Sandaime Hokage did not master the power of senjutsu. Even Itachi did not dare to judge how powerful the five-escape chain bomb blessed by senjutsu chakra would be.

At the moment when the Dalian Bullet Technique struck, Itachi activated Susanoo into the Karasou Tengu state without hesitation, blocking his unique Yata Mirror in front of him.


A deafening roar sounded, and Itachi's eyes felt a sharp pain that seemed to shrink, which was a sign of intense consumption of pupil power.

The Immortal Technique, Five Releases, and the Great Continuous Bullet Technique almost shattered Itachi's Susanoo with one blow. Even with the Yata Mirror's defense, it also consumed a lot of his eye power, so much so that Itachi Now I feel like I'm starting to feel dizzy.

We can't keep fighting like this.

Itachi originally planned to test Sasuke's training results first, so he did not evade his attack. As a result, Sasuke almost sent him away with a punch and a magic spell.

The power of Qi is really too high. The combination of Qi with super high attack and defense and Chakra with ever-changing properties is simply a match made in heaven.

In desperation, Itachi decided to use his best crow clone technique to fight Sasuke in a roundabout way, so he quietly formed a seal with one hand on his sleeve, channeled the crow clone to exchange with himself, and quietly escaped to the surroundings to observe the battlefield.

In terms of pulling, Itachi is very accomplished. He can skillfully use illusions, crow clones and other tactics to deceive the opponent of the most skills and information with the minimum consumption of chakra, and then strike at the right time to kill with one strike. .

The other party couldn't tell whether he was under an illusion or not. Is the Uchiha Itachi standing opposite him a phantom, a clone, or his true body?

However, Itachi chose the wrong tactic due to insufficient information about Sasuke.

The moment Itachi used the crow clone to replace his real body, Sasuke felt it with his ki sensing ability.

He immediately understood that Itachi wanted to avoid head-to-head confrontation with him in taijutsu and ninjutsu as much as possible. A ninja's battle is nothing more than the collision of ninjutsu, taijutsu and genjutsu, so Itachi should want to draw the fight into the genjutsu he is best at. field.

"Want to use genjutsu?" Sasuke immediately clenched his fists, bursting out the senjutsu chakra, and a powerful wave of air suddenly surged around his body.


Three years ago, Naruto promised Sasuke that he would help him train and complete his revenge on Itachi. Since he wanted to help him, of course he would not only help him practice basic skills, but also carry out targeted training for Itachi.

Naruto asked the Third Hokage, Kakashi, and Orochimaru, who had been beaten down by Itachi, from people who knew or directly fought with Itachi to obtain information about Itachi.

He is indeed a genius ninja. If the wartime promotion system still exists, he may be promoted to Jonin faster than Kakashi, whether it is basic skills such as shuriken throwing or his mastery of ninjutsu, taijutsu and illusion. , are all first-class among the first-class.

The Third Hokage once said meaningfully: "Even people like Danzo, who have a radical attitude towards Uchiha, have personally regretted why Itachi was born into the Uchiha clan."

If Itachi had not been born into the Uchiha clan, but into another clan, he would have been trained as a strong contender for the next generation of Hokage.

Itachi's abilities are very comprehensive, but his best skill is still illusion. This is because he tends to kill his opponent at the lowest cost. Illusions can often determine the outcome in one move, which also leads to his battles often being carried out by using substitutes and illusions to tease his opponents.

In terms of physical skills and ninjutsu, Sasuke will undoubtedly not lose to Itachi. The output bonus of fairy skills is too high, and Itachi cannot use his weak body to fight against the fairy body.

Then, his only chance to turn the tables is illusion.

Although Sasuke is from the Uchiha clan and has the Sharingan, he is a bit of a pain in the ass to practice illusions in the village.

It is not difficult to practice to a high level of illusion. There are many illusion ninjas in the village. With Sasuke's talent, how can he be bad if he follows them?

However, it is a big problem to practice to the point where he can match or even surpass Itachi.

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