A big country of aerospace with black technology

Chapter 103 Such an awesome existence is not allowed on this planet!

Although the high-performance carbon-carbon composite materials produced by the 703 factory are kept secret at this time, except for the use on the YF-100 engine and WS-10 engine, there are basically no other places where they can be seen.

But there are still many smart people in the world, and the annual shipments of Factory 703 seriously do not meet its production capacity in the eyes of interested people.

So after many tests, the scouts from Eagle Sauce can basically confirm that the carbon fiber materials produced by the 703 factory definitely have other uses.

At the time when the new factory building in southern Hunan of Factory 703 was still working overtime in the dark.

On the other side of the ocean, it was still broad daylight.

In a skyscraper with a glass curtain wall on the west coast, in the president's office with an area of ​​more than 120 square meters.

Little Willie, who just took office as the president of the group, was wearing a handmade suit, and looked at the report in his hand with frowning eyes.

"Christine, why did our sales drop so much last year?"

The H.G Group where Little Willy originally belonged to was able to sell more than 1 billion US dollars of materials every year, of which carbon fiber materials accounted for the majority, accounting for more than 50%.

However, the sales of carbon fiber materials of H.G Group decreased by more than 50% in the whole of last year.

This is obviously an abnormal phenomenon. When there is no obvious fluctuation in market demand, this must be a strong competitor in the market.

"Last year, Laura and Safran, which used to order from us every year, both reduced their purchases from us. Safran did not even import even a kilogram of materials from us!"

The long-legged, tall, protruding female secretary is obviously not just a vase, but she is also very clear about the problems the company is facing now.

"Do you know where they found the new supplier?" Little Willy frowned and closed the folder in front of him, looking out the window and said.

"Currently we have learned from China and Gaul that they are all importing carbon fiber materials from Snecma."


Little Willie muttered something to himself.

In his previous impression, this seems to be a spacecraft manufacturing company?

When did they switch to carbon fiber?

"This company has been responsible for manufacturing rockets for the European Space Agency before, but I don't know why it suddenly started exporting carbon fiber materials last year!"

At this time, the secretary also gave out the information he had collected about Snecma.

Hearing this critical moment last year, Little Willie seemed to have captured some information.

"When did they start selling carbon fiber last year?" Little Willy asked quickly.

"In July, but their shipments were very small at that time." The secretary quickly opened the folder in his hand and replied.

"In other words, they must have found a supplier for this in May or June!"

Little Willie felt that he had found the key to the problem.

"Have you investigated what companies they had contact with at that time?"

There is very little information in this area. After all, this kind of thing is not a listed company, so it is difficult to investigate.

"In May and June, apart from Safran, which has been doing business with them, they only had contact with one factory in Longguo!"

"The factory in Longguo?"

The answer given by the secretary made Little Willie feel that his thinking had gone into a misunderstanding.

After all, internationally, Longguo's material manufacturing industry is not very developed, especially in some relatively high-end material manufacturing fields.

Although in recent years, carbon fiber materials are no longer as heavy as gold of the same weight per gram as before.

But it is not the existence of the Dragon Kingdom, whose industry is not very developed at this time, capable of mass production.

"Except for this factory in Longguo, hasn't Snecma contacted other companies?"

Undeterred little Willie still couldn't help asking.

"No more, only this factory!"

The secretary shook his head and gave an unacceptable answer.

"So, they got low-cost carbon fiber from this factory in Longguo?"

Little Willie himself felt a little unbelievable when he said this.

"Have you inquired about the details of this company?"

"We haven't got very detailed information. We only know that there seems to be a lot of national background behind this company."

"Our staff in Longguo once went to investigate the location of this factory, but they couldn't get in."

These were all investigations that had been completed before Little Willie came to power.

But these information, which seemed useful but actually had no specific content, only made little Willie feel the complexity of this matter.

"However, according to the materials we have collected from other sources, this factory was on the verge of bankruptcy before last year, but it miraculously survived after July last year and generated a lot of profits."

"Now, they are planning to build a newer industrial plant."

Although the employees at that time were not able to enter the 703 factory, they also got a lot of useful information from the discussions on the 703 factory on the streets of Shonan.

"In other words, it is very likely that this little-known small factory took away the order that originally belonged to us!"

At this time, Little Willie had already reacted.

This incident, no matter in terms of time or contact between the two parties, is too coincidental.

A factory that was about to go bankrupt suddenly had money, and Snecma suddenly started a material business that was not part of their business.

It's really hard to believe that there are some tricks here.

"How is it possible, how can a small factory in Longguo surpass us in terms of cost and performance!"

At this time, the secretary still couldn't believe the conclusion drawn by his president.

"Besides this possibility, can you think of any other reasonable explanation?!"

After Little Willie found out who took away the original order from H.G Group, he also became a little vicious.

Then he picked up the phone and dialed a phone number he was familiar with:

"Uncle Jieming, our group has encountered malicious competition from a Longguo company!"

It was obviously not the first time that Jemin, who was on the opposite side, had received such a call.

"What is it that makes our little Willie so angry?"

In the next period of time, little Willie told Jemin after adding details to his guess.

"What do you want us to do?" Jemin asked Little Willie's opinion on this matter.

Little Willie looked very ugly and vicious in the eyes of others and said:

"I want you to ban their existence internationally!"

"On this planet, such a powerful existence is not allowed!"

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