A big country of aerospace with black technology

Chapter 138 Meteor on the Amugulang Grassland!

Amu Gulang Grassland, with open terrain and no big rivers or lakes, is one of the landing sites for the return capsules of the Shenzhou series.

On the grassland, there are few people, less than ten people per square kilometer.

Only herdsmen who occasionally graze cattle and sheep come to this grassland.

"Return to the cabin, start separation!"

The ocean-going monitoring ship far away in the Atlantic Ocean, after receiving instructions from the command center, began to inject data information into the manned spacecraft still in space.

After the return capsule received the command, the onboard engine started to ignite and brake, preparing to change its orbit.

Meanwhile prepare to disconnect from the reentry module-propeller module combination.

"Return capsule, enter return orbit"

When the complex flew 140 kilometers above the Karachi station, the return capsule and the complex separated successfully and began to enter the atmosphere.

"Return capsule, separation is successful!"

At the flight control center located in the northern capital, almost everyone is busy at this time.

"Order the helicopter brigade, take off immediately!"

In the command center, Zhang Jianguo issued various orders solemnly and calmly.

The helicopter is mainly to facilitate the discovery of the existence of the return capsule. After all, the Amugulang grassland is sparsely populated, and even high-power radar cannot guarantee that they can find the return capsule in the first place.

At this time, only the most primitive visual search method can be used to ensure that the existence of the return capsule can be found in the first time.

"Commander Zhang, a Skylark helicopter of the helicopter brigade has malfunctioned and cannot take off for the time being!"

At this time, the personnel who had already started calling the helicopter brigade to take off immediately received a bad news.

"Damn it, why is there something wrong with the Gauls at this juncture!"

Even Zhang Jianguo, who has always been moody and angry, couldn't help but curse at this time.

However, scolding the street cannot solve the problem. Zhang Jianguo didn't scold too much, calmed down quickly, and said:

"The skylark has a problem, let them implement the planned No. 1 alternative!"

When the plan was first formulated, everyone actually considered that there might be problems with the helicopter and the helicopter could not take off, or the helicopter could not take off due to bad weather.

Therefore, several sets of alternative plans were formulated, among which the No. 1 alternative dealt with the situation that the helicopter could not take off due to the problem.

In the first plan, after the helicopters of the helicopter brigade cannot take off, the 9th brigade of the Army Aviation will be notified to let them perform visual search tasks.


Now the return capsule has begun to return to the landing site according to the scheduled procedures, and every minute and every second is precious.

After Zhang Jianguo solved the matter, he also divided part of his attention to the ground electronic scanning radar.

"As for the radar, is it turned on now?" Zhang Jianguo asked the engineer in charge of this work.

"The three high-power radar stations located near the grassland have all started working!"

Seeing the commander-in-chief's question, the engineer directly talked about the current situation without hesitation.

"However, with their current scanning efficiency, there is a high probability that they will be able to find the target after the helicopter brigade!"

This problem is difficult to solve with the technology of this era.

Because when the return capsule enters the atmosphere, due to the ultra-high speed, a shock wave will be formed on the surface of the return capsule.

As a result, the surface of the return capsule and the surrounding gas molecules are in a viscous state, forming a high-temperature zone with a temperature as high as several thousand degrees Celsius.

The high temperature zone causes the material on the surface to be decomposed and ionized, creating a plasma zone.

Because the plasma can absorb and reflect radio waves, causing the radio interruption between the return capsule and the outside world, it is called a black barrier!

Although before the launch of Shenzhou-1, the ground radar monitoring station conducted multiple trainings to improve the capture speed after the return capsule exited the black barrier.

However, judging from the situation during the training, it will take almost a minute to recapture the existence of the return capsule after the return capsule exits the black barrier.

After such a long time, the return capsule has long been spotted visually by the helicopter brigade.

"Let them start searching for the return capsule as much as possible from now on!"

After Zhang Jianguo left a sentence, he began to focus on the situation in the return capsule.

"Have you not broken through the black barrier area?"

The communication system personnel turned to look at the commander-in-chief behind him and said:

"15 seconds ago, I just entered the black barrier area."

"It is expected to take another minute before contact can be re-established."

While the staff in the flight control center were nervously waiting to re-establish contact with the return capsule.

On the Amugulang grassland, inside a simple yurt.

Although it was just past three o'clock in the morning, Habuji, who was nearly sixty years old, had already woken up.

Start preparing a day's food for your little ones.

Habuji's two sons and daughters have already moved to a city thousands of miles away.

Only the old man and their youngest daughter Zhuoya were left behind.

The mare at home just gave birth to a foal two days ago.

While Habuji was happy, he was also a little worried, because the pony was not in good health and was relatively thin.

Coupled with the fact that the mare produces less milk, the foal cannot get enough nutrition.

This made Habuji very worried, and he couldn't help but pray to the Longevity God that his ancestors believed in for generations, praying to bless the little pony to grow up smoothly.


After the little granddaughter woke up in the yurt, she found herself alone and shouted loudly.

Habuji, with a vicissitudes of life, raised the curtain of the yurt and walked in at this time.


Zhuoya, who lived with her parents in the city when she was a child, can no longer speak Mongolian, and can only communicate with her grandfather in Mandarin.

"Grandpa, where did you go just now?"

The little girl jumped off the bed, and her pink feet stepped on the traditional flower-woven carpet.

"The foal was just born the day before yesterday, and his mother has no milk."

Habuji put down the small milk bottle in his hand, smiled and said:

"Grandpa went to nurse him."

Although Zhuo Ya is already three or four years old, she would occasionally drink some milk to supplement her nutrition.

"Grandpa, does the pony also need milk?"

Zhuo Ya tilted her little head and asked.

At this time, Habuji noticed that his little granddaughter was standing barefoot on the floor.

Although the stove in the yurt was burning, the old man was still worried that the little girl would catch cold.

He quickly found a pair of small cotton wool boots and put them on her feet.

"A pony needs milk when it's born, just like when you were born."

"Grandpa, I want to see the pony!" Zhuo Ya said, feeling very comfortable, stepping on the fur boots on her feet.

Basically, the old man would not refuse the little granddaughter's request.

After dressing his precious granddaughter in warm sweaters and cotton clothes, he took her into the greenhouse where the little pony was.

With a handful of white fur on its head and a black body, it lay quietly in the corner of the greenhouse.

Its mother is eating hay in the stone trough.

When Zhuoya entered the greenhouse, the mare just glanced at her calmly, and found that it was a human cub. She didn't pay too much attention, but continued to graze calmly.

To Zhuo Ya, a mare with a height of about 1.6 meters is considered a giant, so she still prefers the newborn pony.

She especially likes the pinch of white hair on the pony's forehead.

"Grandpa, shall we name the pony?"

Zhuo Ya, who was stroking the pony, turned her head to look at her grandfather and said.

"Okay, what kind of name do you think of!" Habuji comforted the mare who was a little disturbed after Zhuoya approached her cub.

After thinking hard for a long time, little Zhuoya still couldn't come up with a better name.

Some looked at his grandfather embarrassedly, and said shyly:

"Grandpa, I can't take it out!"

"Come and get one!"

Habuji touched the top of Zhuoya's head and said:

"It's better to call it Su Ri!"

Su Ri has the meaning of majesty in the grassland, and it is a better name.

The main reason is the image of this horse, which has a very domineering feeling.

"Su Ri!"

After getting the pony's name, Zhuo Ya said while stroking the pony.

Maybe Xiao Ma knew his name, so he stuck out his tongue and licked Zhuo Ya's hand.

"Grandpa, it's so itchy!"


Zhuo Ya happily turned her head to look at her grandfather and said.

Habuji looked at a watch in his hand and said:

"Zoya, let the pony rest for a while, let's go back."

Zhuo Ya is a very obedient little girl, she said to the pony:

"Su Ri, Su Ri, you have to grow up!"

Then I took my grandfather's hand and walked out of the greenhouse.

It was more than three o'clock in the morning on the grassland, and it was not yet dawn.

The sky was still dark, and neither the stars nor the moon could be seen.

Suddenly a flash of light across the sky attracted Zhuo Ya's attention.

"Grandpa, look!"


Zhuo Ya, who was holding her grandfather's left hand, suddenly jumped up and shouted excitedly.

Habuji looked at the meteors piercing the night sky in the distance, feeling a little strange.

It's not that he has never seen a shooting star, but he has never seen a shooting star for such a long time.

It's been ten seconds, and it's still blinking.

"Son, that might not be a shooting star!"

Living on the grassland for a long time has allowed the old man to develop excellent alertness.

"You stay at home, I'll go and have a look."

Let little Zhuoya stay safely in the yurt, and the old man pulled out a tall horse with a streak of lightning-like white hair from the stable.

And from a corner of the yurt, he took out a well-maintained Type 56 semi-automatic rifle.

Although the old man is not young anymore, when he was young, he was once a member of the Prairie Cavalry Regiment, and he was very good at spearing immediately.

After feeding the horse some bean cakes to replenish its strength, Habuji jumped on the horse and started to run towards the direction where the meteor fell.

At this time, Zhuo Ya, who was still in the yurt, secretly raised the curtain of the yurt.

Facing the shooting star in the distance, I couldn't help but make a wish.

I hope my grandfather can be healthy and healthy, and I hope that little Ma Su Ri can grow up quickly.

Habuji galloped wildly on the Amgulang grassland in the middle of the night on a big horse.

The closer he was to the direction of the meteor, the more strange he felt.

Because he seemed to be around him, he heard the sound of a car engine.

And the constant roar of helicopters in the sky.

Not knowing what he was facing, Habuji clenched the rifle in his hand.

No matter what it is, only the weapon in your hand can give yourself enough sense of security.

When he was in the army, Habuji was always the best in shooting immediately.

This is also one of the reasons why he dared to chase it out.

At this time, the personnel on Zhi 9 who came out to conduct a visual search of the return capsule also found that there seemed to be someone underneath them.

"Report to the command center, unidentified persons found!"

The personnel on the helicopter did not know how to deal with it and reported it directly to the command center.

"Advise the other party to stay where they are!"

"You keep going!"

"Leave him to the ground team!"

The feedback from the command center was very fast, so that the helicopter brigade should not waste time on this kind of thing and move on quickly.

The straight 9 pilot lowered the flight altitude, and at the same time asked others to use the loudspeaker to warn the other party not to move forward and stay where they are.

Although this Zhi 9B is only an armed transport aircraft, it is not equipped with any weapon system.

But Habuji still saw the military logo on the helicopter at a glance.

So he didn't move on, but controlled the tall horse he was sitting on to stop.

The wind pressure from the helicopter was very strong, which made the horse a little uneasy, and kept pawing the ground with its hooves.

However, the helicopter left soon after shouting. At this time, a convoy also followed and stopped beside the old man.

"Old man, the front is now a restricted area."

"You stop here first."

A soldier in civilian clothes got off a jeep and spoke to Habuji in a kind language.

After seeing clearly the Type 56 semi-automatic rifle Habji held in his right hand, he looked a little more serious and said:

"Old man, where did you get the rifle in your hand?!"

Habuji looked at the other party, put his favorite gun on the hanging point on the horse's back, took out a certificate from his pocket, and handed it to the other party.

"This was given to us by the chairman when I was in the Prairie Cavalry Regiment and when I participated in the whole army competition."

After Xu Maoshan looked at the old man's ID, he gave a military salute and said, "Old man, the front is now a military restricted zone, please forgive me."

After returning the gun certificate to the old man, Xu Maoshan said with a smile:

"Still trouble you, stay with us for a while."

Habuji also seemed to understand at this time that the shooting star might be the target that this group of people were chasing.

"Are you also here for that meteor?"

Xu Maoshan, who was just about to turn around and move on, was a little surprised when he heard this question: "Old man, did you see it?"

"So what exactly is that?" Habuji asked with some doubts.

"That." Xu Maoshan looked at it, and the glowing sky had already lighted up slightly, and said:

"That's our own spaceflight dream!"

At this time, the first helicopter brigade had already visually spotted the landing point of the return capsule.

"Report to the command center, the return capsule has been found!"

Near the return capsule, the helicopter landed slowly, pulling a cordon around it.

Soon, the ground convoy also arrived at the landing site of the return capsule.

Everyone carefully took out the intact red flag from the return capsule, and unfolded it before the return capsule.

An important photo in the history of domestic spaceflight was taken.

On this day, our manned spaceflight journey officially begins!

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