The metal hollow wheel hub slowly drove down from the transfer mechanism.

The Hongwan landing zone is a ground that has not been hit by meteorites for millions of years.

Several centimeters thick of moon dust accumulates.

The mesh wheel hub made of alloy creates a deep pattern on the moon's surface.

Yutu has officially left its mark on the moon.

The high-definition camera equipped on the lander first adjusted its angle.

Start taking pictures of the Yutu as it steps off the transfer platform.

this historic moment.

Record it with high-definition video.

The camera on the lander is not as accurate as the two panoramic cameras on the Yutu.

So after the lander took a picture of Yutu.

The subsequent photos were all taken by the Yutu’s camera.

In addition to photos of the lander.

There are also photos of the two together.

After the data is transformed, it is transmitted back to Earth.

This time, the landing site of Chang'e-2 is located on the front side of the moon.

It can directly communicate with the earth for measurement and control.

It took more than a second for the information to reach the surface of the moon.

Spanning a distance of more than 300,000 kilometers.

It was transmitted to the control center, which was still waiting.

In the center, everyone is looking at the big screen.

I look forward to seeing the pictures sent back from the moon for the first time.

"The data is back!"

"Hurry up!"

"Hurry up and decode!"

"It's solved!"


After a not too complicated operation.

The first photo appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

The news reporters in the center immediately put their cameras, cameras, etc. in their hands.

Aimed at the big screen that was about to play the photos transmitted back from the moon.

A slightly distorted photo that seems overly saturated.

Gradually it was displayed on the big screen.

Under the bright light, the gold foil on the lunar rover reflects the light, and two dark black solar panels unfold on both sides.

The hollow wheel hub rolled out a complete circle on the ground.

In the background are featureless white rocks and dark gray lunar soil.

It's just such a photo that doesn't look very beautiful.

At this moment, it attracted the attention of everyone present.

I can't help but use my eyes to carefully observe every detail in the picture.

There seemed to be points of curiosity everywhere.

"Quick, send the report immediately."

The first to react were the reporters.

They began to transmit the photos they had just taken to the outside world through their laptops.

"Photos of the lander have also been sent back!"

While the reporters were still looking at the file transfer progress bar.

The engineer in charge of data suddenly said excitedly.

It was another intense and fast rush.

The second photo was also processed quickly.

Played on the big screen.

The lander is facing away from the sun, so the upper background behind it is completely dark interstellar space.

The lander takes up most of the photo.

The numerous gold foils on the surface reflect dark red gold light under the sunlight.

After admiring the first photo taken by Yutu for a while.

The aerospace staff began to busy themselves with their work.

The reporters quickly wrote out press releases about what they saw and heard.

After completing the mutual photography mission between the lander and Yutu.

Under the control of engineers.

The Jade Rabbit began to enter mission status.

First, we began to inspect the various scientific research loads loaded on the Yutu.

See if they can still do their job.

Yutu weighs more than two hundred kilograms and carries more than a dozen different scientific research equipment.

The most massive among them is a lunar radar.

It can detect the lunar crust structure at a depth of 300-400 meters on the lunar surface.

When Yutu is walking on the lunar surface, the lunar radar will continuously detect the underground.

Perform detailed analysis of the rock structure beneath the ground.

It is a very powerful help for us to understand the geological changes of the moon in more detail.

"On April 16, 2005, the Chang'e-2 probe successfully landed in the pre-selected landing area on the lunar surface."

The space agency's announcement was very formulaic, and seemed to have accomplished a small and inconspicuous thing.

But at this time, the entire Internet.

Countless local forums, chat rooms, and QQ groups.

Everyone is talking about the Jade Rabbit that landed on the moon.

Discussion posts with a very large number of floors are all under topics related to the Jade Rabbit.

These days, no one has the concept of hot search.

Put it in the hereafter.

The Jade Rabbit returned to the moon.

Even if you say less, it will still be on the hot search list for several days!

Although the public is also more concerned about this matter.

But most of them still remain in general terms.

Many people are discussing and discussing.

Let’s talk about Chang’e, Laurel, Toad Palace and other myths and stories.

More interested in aerospace and the moon.

It was facing the two high-definition pictures released by the official website of the space agency.

Keep watching carefully.

"The Yutu's condition is better than we previously predicted."

After a busy day and night, Zhou Xuan kept stirring the coffee in her hand.

While excitedly saying to Zhang Xingyang:

“You don’t know, we even thought at first.

After the Moon Rabbit just landed, it took a while to complete the self-check and start-up of the equipment.

Who knew it wouldn’t be used at all! "

The working environment on the lunar surface is very harsh.

Although the equipment carried on the Yutu has been strengthened.

But it is still uncertain whether it will be able to function perfectly after a long journey of hundreds of thousands of kilometers.

So Zhou Xuan and the others specially designed a sleep self-test mode.

In this mode, Yutu's central control computer will detect each scientific research payload.

After all inspections are completed, Yutu's lunar work journey will begin.

Because the computing power of Yutu's central control computer is relatively weak.

The computing power can only reach the level of personal computers ten years ago.

So, if you enter the sleep self-test mode.

Jade Rabbit must remain dormant for at least ten days.

The great window time in this process is wasted.

The current time period is the lunar daytime period when the lunar rover is more suitable for work.

Moon day is equivalent to daytime on Earth.

But it is different from the 12 hours of daylight on Earth.

The moon's daytime lasts for half a month.

The time when the Jade Rabbit landed was just at the beginning of the first lunar day.

If entering sleep state.

Then these ten days are wasted.

This is equivalent to wasting ten days of service life.

The designed service life of Yutu is only 180 days!

"This is indeed good news for you."

Zhang Xingyang smiled and said.

Then he raised the soy milk in front of him and clinked it with the coffee cup in front of Zhou Xuan:

"I wish you success in your follow-up work."

After taking a sip of the sweet soy milk in his cup, Zhang Xingyang continued:

"Don't just remember Yutu, just forget about our Mars rover."

During this time, the Jade Rabbit has grabbed all the headlines.

Various programs are vying to produce relevant content.

Almost no one has noticed that the country’s Mars exploration plan has just released the latest progress.

It is expected to launch the first Mars exploration satellite in 2007.

And will realize the landing of the Mars rover.

"How could I forget that!"

Zhou Xuan's voice rose several degrees unconsciously.

It seems that he realized that his performance was not quite right.

Zhou Xuan took a sip of coffee to calm down and said:

"We already have a general idea for the development of the Mars rover."

"It will definitely not delay your progress!"

The development difficulty of a Mars rover is compared to that of a lunar rover.

It's ten times more difficult.

On Mars, in addition to the problems on the moon.

There are also problems unique to it.

That's a massive sandstorm.

The orbit of Mars is inherently farther than the Earth.

Less energy from the sun can be received.

Coupled with Martian dust storms, it may obscure the rover's solar panels.

This requires a rover design team.

Find a way to let the rover clean the sand from the solar panels by itself.

(The reason why Zhurong has not been awakened now is because there is too much sand on the solar panel and it cannot obtain enough charging power in the summer when the sun is strongest.)

"I'm not in charge of the Deep Space Exploration Institute."

"The development progress of the Mars rover is behind, and we cannot be delayed."

Zhang Xingyang made a small joke with Zhou Xuan.

At the same time, it was also a reminder to him.

The development of the Mars rover is successful or not.

In fact, the relationship with Zhang Xingyang is not too big.

Currently, Zhang Xingyang is spending so much time promoting this project.

It is more out of a feeling of Mars exploration.

And the idea of ​​​​hoping for better development of the domestic aerospace industry.

"I know I know."

Zhou Xuan also has her own helplessness.

"We have accumulated a lot of experience on the lunar rover. I believe that the design and manufacturing of the Mars rover will definitely be faster than before."

"We still took some wrong paths on the lunar rover before, and we didn't learn anything from our cooperation with the Gauls."

"In the end, it's better if we just start from scratch."

This incident is indeed somewhat beyond the expectations of many people.

Before that, I had thought that the other party might withdraw from cooperation.

But I didn’t expect it would come so quickly!

The cooperation ended almost as soon as it started!

For Zhou Xuan and others.

The biggest impact of the cancellation of cooperation is not in terms of money.

After all, the cooperation was only theoretical and demonstrated.

It didn't cost much.

The biggest impact is the time wasted by them.


Both for people and countries.

They are all extremely valuable.

"Don't think about it anymore."

Zhang Xingyang drank all the soy milk in his cup and said:

"Sooner or later they will have to pay the due price for this."

After this happened, we did almost nothing.

It just snatched an order for an optical military reconnaissance satellite from Gaul.

It's not a traumatic thing.

After all, Gaul, as one of the few countries with relatively complete industries, still has strong independence in the aerospace industry.

But they are now investing all their main resources into the International Space Station.

That is equivalent to starting to weaken yourself.

For Zhang Xingyang, there is a way to deal with it.

"How's your heavy-lift launch vehicle testing going?"

After Zhou Xuan saw that Zhang Xingyang had finished drinking, she also drank the contents of her cup in one gulp.

After taking a deep breath, he asked.

"I heard that there was a lot of noise on Hainan Island?"

"Some people thought it was an earthquake?!"

The rocket test run not long ago, for those who don’t know the situation.

It's a bit scary indeed.

You can feel the slight earthquake even dozens of kilometers away from the test bench!

Although the publicity work has been done in advance.

But there are still a small number of people who don't know and are frightened.

I thought it was an earthquake.

He jumped directly from the second floor of his house.

Fortunately, the floor is not very high, and I just sprained my foot.

"After all, it is the most powerful thrust rocket in human history. How could it not make much noise during the test run?"

Zhang Xingyang said helplessly:

"You were not there at the time."

"You were scared even when you were there!"

"When the rocket started, it seemed like the whole earth was shaking!"

Zhang Xingyang recalled the scene at that time, narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

This kind of super-thrust rocket should not actually appear.

If it weren't for Zhang Xingyang's nearly ten years, he would have developed the domestic carbon fiber industry and composite materials industry.

The cost of materials for the rocket engine alone can sway the person in charge of the project.

After seeing the cost, my scalp went numb.

Even so, the cost of this rocket is still very high.

In fact, Zhang Xingyang still thinks so.

Such rockets can only be used as transitional substitutes.

Wait until there is a space elevator.

Heavy launch vehicles will also be eliminated!

"Whenever the heavy-lift launch vehicle is launched, I must go over and take a look."

Zhou Xuan slightly teased her long hair, which had not been cut for a while, and said.

Among scientific researchers, there are only a few who still have beautiful hair.

Zhou Xuan still takes good care of her hair.

It’s time to flirt once in a while.

Zhang Xingyang pretended not to see this guy's slut:

"When the time comes, be careful not to be scared enough to sit on the ground!"

"If you didn't pee your pants."


"How could I be embarrassed?"

Zhou Xuan is not young enough to be able to make such a joke.

The Chang'e-2 launch mission has come to an end, and today is also Zhang Xingyang's last day in Beidu.

As the person in charge of the Yutu, Zhou Xuan will be working in Beidu for a long time.

Especially in the last ten days or so.

as the best working window time.

Zhou Xuan will definitely not leave her job.

Zhang Xingyang is going to an area further north.

Hypersonic wind tunnel group base.

The latest model of second-generation hypersonic missile has been developed.

He needs to go over for acceptance.

"I'll leave this time on the Jade Rabbit to you."

Zhang Xingyang patted the other party's not-so-thick shoulder and said.

"Don't worry, I will never let the Yutu overturn in my hands."

Zhou Xuan smiled and said.

"Although there are more gravels in the Hongwan landing area than we imagined, our power system is not a vegetarian."

"Perhaps in this one-month period, we can go beyond 100 meters!"


Zhang Xingyang said with a smile: "I'm just waiting to see your results!" (End of Chapter)

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