"Fourth generation pile?!"

The industry-related personnel present were surprised when they heard this term.

“Are we now able to build fourth-generation reactors?”

According to public information, no country in the world has successfully developed a fourth-generation reactor.

In particular, domestic nuclear power started relatively late.

Many people even think that whether third-generation reactors exist in China is a problem.

Zhang Xingyang said calmly: "I can't disclose the specific content, but I can tell you that we are currently making rapid progress on the fourth-generation reactor."

"In less than two years, the first experimental reactor will be completed."

Zhang Xingyang used some verbal tactics.

The development speed of fourth-generation reactors far exceeds everyone’s imagination.

In the past few months, many technical difficulties have been overcome.

The experimental reactor has been constructed and is just waiting to start actual testing.

After passing the actual test, it means that the fourth-generation reactor has been successfully developed.

can be put into actual use.

The audience fell into a small-scale discussion.

Everyone is debating whether this is true or not.

Most people believed what Zhang Xingyang said.

Because he has no reason to cheat.

"If there are any questions, please tell me."

Zhang Xingyang said looking at everyone present.

After waiting for a minute or two, no one continued to ask questions.

Zhang Xingyang then continued:

"Then you will have one day to deal with personal matters."

"After tomorrow, you will receive more specific and detailed training."

Xue Feng raised his hand and asked: "Will the next training still be closed?"

Zhang Xingyang nodded: "Due to various considerations, you must stay at the training base during this period."

"There are some confidentiality considerations, but the main reason is to consider your basic issues."

There is not much that needs to be kept secret about the daily training of astronauts.

There are countries in the world that can train astronauts, so there is basically no need to steal.

By purchasing it directly, you can participate in relevant astronaut training projects.

For a specific example, refer to Camel Country’s astronaut training program.

After spending tens of billions of dollars, they were directly taken over by Longguo, from space launch center planning to astronaut training, and even a series of training and training for manned aviation.

So they need to conduct closed training, mostly because the foundation is too poor.

If ordinary training methods are used, it will be difficult for them to reach the level of internship on the space station in a short period of time.

Xu Ying looked at Xue Feng beside her with sympathetic eyes and patted him on the shoulder.

Xue Feng's son was just born, just two months before he came to the training base.

I originally thought that I would just have to endure the three-month training period.

But I didn't expect that this kind of life would last for another year.

Maybe when he comes home, his son will call him daddy.

It's just that he wasn't the one being called.

Xue Feng leaned crookedly on the back of the chair with a dejected look on his face.

"Look around, at least you won't have to be bothered by children for this year."

Xu Ying comforted:

"Children under one year old are the most annoying."

"When my daughter was less than one year old, she would cry every night. My wife and I couldn't sleep well all night long."

Xue Feng seemed to be comforted and regained some energy.

"Can we call our families during training?"

Zhang Xingyang nodded, "Yes, but you must abide by the relevant regulations."

Although keeping them in the base was only a small part of the reason for keeping them secret.

But that doesn't mean they can tell these secrets at will.

When Xue Feng heard the affirmative answer, his originally bad mood improved a lot.

Today’s video calling technology is considered quite advanced.

Meeting family members is not difficult either.

I just can't be with them.

Xue Feng gave himself psychological comfort.

"I hope everyone can study and train hard in the next year."

Zhang Xingyang then said:

"Whether you can board the space station and which batch will board the space station will depend on your training progress."

The Tiangong space station can accommodate a limited number of crew members.

Currently it can only accommodate up to 8 people.

If the circulation system continues to increase, it will enter an overloaded operating state.

It will have an irreversible impact on the status of the space station.

Greatly shorten the service life of the space station.

And it is impossible for every batch of crew members to be all these people.

There are also people from other fields waiting to board the space station.

We can get them 3 places each time.

This is the result that Zhang Xingyang achieved by leveraging his influence in the aerospace system.

Use grades to evaluate and determine the success of boarding the space station.

It inspired everyone’s inner competitive spirit.

In fact, all the people who can walk into this conference room are not ordinary people.

Any one of them is the mainstay of their respective industries.


There seemed to be far more stars in the night sky in the desert than in the northern capital.

Zhang Xingyang gently exhaled a breath of turbid air, forming a white airflow in the cold air.

In distant cities, people still wore short-sleeved shorts and various skirts.

At night in the desert, it is already necessary to wear cotton-padded clothes.

"Director Zhang, Director Su and the others are already waiting for you in the conference room."

The assistant was on the side, looking through the minutes of various meetings when Zhang Xingyang was away, and said.

Zhang Xingyang came back overnight, naturally he had a very urgent reason.

Today, there are two third-generation reactors in operation at the nuclear testing facility.

And through long-distance wireless transmission technology, power is transmitted to surrounding towns.

The application scope of wireless power transmission technology on the ground is actually not as broad as imagined.

Mainly due to the characteristics of microwave itself.

Microwaves are actually high-frequency electromagnetic waves with high directivity.

This is restricted by the curvature of the earth itself.

A certain deviation will occur at a distance of tens of kilometers.

Once the distance rises to hundreds of kilometers, the deviation will reach a level that is difficult to resolve.

This is also an important reason why microwave power transmission can only be used between space and the ground.

As the output end of wireless power transmission, the nuclear power plant has maintained stable operation during this period of time.

Bring clean, cheap energy to many local households.

"How ready is our experimental reactor?"

Zhang Xingyang took the minutes of the meeting and started reading them himself.

The assistant's dictation speed was far slower than he thought.

"We were able to start experiments originally, but now the problem has not been solved and we have stopped."

The assistant quickly reports.

"The reservoir dam has been temporarily blocked by our engineering construction team."

"It won't have much impact in the short term, but the subsequent impact is hard to say."

The reason why Zhang Xingyang came back overnight was that there was a problem with the reservoir only a few kilometers away from them.

Strictly speaking, this matter has something to do with Zhang Xingyang.

Some time ago, due to the increase in water consumption in nuclear power plants, the water level in the reservoir even dropped significantly.

To this end, weather weapons were used to cause two heavy rains over the local reservoir.

This greatly replenished the reservoir whose water level had dropped due to water used by the nuclear power plant.

But it also triggered a series of consequences today.

Reservoirs in deserts are far more fragile than reservoirs in plains and other areas.

Two downpours but didn't show much force.

It took a few days to discover that the dam built on a section of the reservoir based on the original waterway was damaged.

If that's all it is, it's nothing.

But the water quickly gathered sediment, creating a very rare mudslide in the desert.

He even rushed into their camp.

Fortunately, it is already some distance away from the reservoir.

The power of mudslides is greatly reduced.

There were no casualties.

Only some of the engineering equipment was damaged.

"There is no room for delay in the experiment time. We must start the experiment in one day!"

"For the safety of the experiment, we have to reevaluate."

"Blindly pursuing experimental progress will only cause disaster!"

Before Zhang Xingyang entered the conference room, he heard the sound of a group of people arguing.

Pushing open the ajar door, he walked into the conference room.

Although they didn't speak, everyone in the room couldn't help but stop arguing.

They all seemed to regard Zhang Xingyang as their backbone.

"I have read the accident report submitted, and now I want to know what you each think."

Zhang Xingyang did not directly judge them as they thought.

Instead, ask them what they think.

The first one to stand up was Lidya Su.

"I think the current accident is not too big. It caused no casualties or any damage to the experimental equipment."

"We have no reason to stop the experiments at the experimental reactor."

After Lidya Su finished speaking, she had not yet sat down.

Someone couldn't wait to stand up and said.

"Although there was no damage to the experimental instruments, we have not determined whether the debris flow had an impact on the formation."

"The first experiment of the experimental reactor must be foolproof and cannot make any mistakes."

"And we have only temporarily blocked the breach in the reservoir. We still don't know whether cracks will continue to appear in the future."

The people in the conference room can generally be divided into two groups.

One group is the radical group, which believes that the first experiment of the experimental reactor should be started immediately.

The other group is more conservative and believes that the impact of the debris flow should be confirmed first and corresponding preventive measures should be taken.

After the two groups finished speaking, they both looked at Zhang Xingyang, who was sitting in the middle.

Zhang Xingyang also fell into thinking.

This accident was actually unexpected by everyone.

No one could have imagined that two heavy rains could have such consequences.

"The mudslide should not happen again, this time it was due to heavy rain."

Zhang Xingyang thought for a while and then said:

"However, the impact of the debris flow cannot be ignored. We need to conduct a detailed detection of the bottom layer first."

The formation of the desert is actually very problematic, being on the periphery of various earthquake zones.

Basically no major earthquakes will occur.

This is also an important reason for building nuclear power plants here.

If it is a traditional third-generation reactor, there is no need to consider the impact of debris flow on the formation.

The two third-generation reactors in the nuclear power plant have not stopped operating during this period.

It has been continuously outputting huge amounts of electrical energy.

But the fourth generation molten salt reactor is different.

Because it is built underground!

A slight misalignment of the bottom layer may have a greater impact on the internal operating equipment.

Caution is the boat.

In nuclear power plant experiments, everything needs to be careful.

"Xingyang, our time is very tight. If we waste it any more, it will probably delay the development progress of the fourth-generation reactor."

Su Xiao said anxiously in a hurry.

Zhang Xingyang touched her head, as if he was petting an angry kitten.

"It's okay. We can afford to wait for a few days. There is no need to rush the progress."

After Lidya Su felt the tenderness on the top of her head, her inner anxiety was relieved.

The quiet gentleness of the past was restored.

Other people in the conference room looked at the two people who were closely related with flickering eyes.

He almost took out a handful of melon seeds and a watermelon on the spot.

Some people even started to communicate with each other with eyes to see if there was anything special going on between the two people.

Especially before this, there were rumors within the institute.

Legend has it that there is an affair between the usually invisible dragon and their gentle and beautiful leader of the material team.

In fact, to the outside world, Lidya Su's appearance is just ordinary.

But put it in a research institute where the average male to female ratio is ten to one.

That is the level of peerless beauty.

Although Zhang Xingyang is already in his thirties, time has not left many traces on him.

There is almost no difference compared to when I was young.

"Go ahead and let the comrades from the geological team do some sampling and investigation."

Zhang Xingyang didn't think much about it, and said to everyone present in the blink of an eye.

The simplest and best way to explore the bottom layer is to drill directly into the rock layer and take out the core.

Use rock core to observe whether there are changes in the formation.

Because there has been construction around the institute.

There are also geological teams stationed near them.

The sampling time is much shorter than everyone thinks.

The next afternoon, the exploration of the rock formations was completed.

Several rock cores more than ten meters long are placed on the ground.

"This is the core we mined overnight yesterday."

A member of the geological team introduced it to everyone in the institute.

"We took down the rock formation to a depth of 60 meters, and after comparison, we found that there were no major changes compared with the previous rock formations."

Zhang Xingyang asked directly: "Will there be any problems if we conduct underground experiments?"

"Judging from the current situation, as long as we do not conduct explosive experiments, there is not a big problem."

The geological team member said slightly conservatively.

They are not very clear about the specific research content of the institute, but they know that their confidentiality level is not low.

"Then it seems our experiment can continue."

Zhang Xingyang turned around and said to the people behind him.

After hundreds of days and nights of struggle, they were finally about to see the true face of the fourth generation molten salt pile! (End of chapter)

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