A Billion Stars Can’t Amount to You

Chapter 827: You are the rest, and you are the rest of your life (7)

"Yes!" Ji Yi shouted the word almost without hesitation.

After roaring, she seemed to feel that she was not clear enough, and she raised her voice back, "I want to, I want to follow you and follow you all my life."

He Jichen thought that after she said those words, she would at least wait for a while before returning to him. Who knew she was so sudden, suddenly he was stunned for half a minute before he could taste it, and then his eyes, just Suddenly some pantothenic acid.

Not to mention that she just said that she thought she was dreaming, even if he was, he thought it was a dream...

After Ji Yi so decisively returned to He Jichen's words, he saw the man covering himself, but no voice, frowned slightly, and moved his lips to open: "He Jichen?"

He didn't return to her, his eyes still looked straight at her.

There was only a dim sleep lamp in the room. He lowered his head and his entire face was hidden in the darkness. She wasn't sure if she had taken a look, and saw something similar to the light of water from the bottom of his eyes.

Ji Yi's eyebrows were even more wrinkled, and his voice was soft and soft: "He Jichen?"

As soon as she shouted, he bowed his head and blocked her lips.

He kissed very strongly, biting her lip bite a bit, she locked her eyebrows and wanted to cry, but tasted the salty taste in her mouth.

The cry of pain and pain stared at her lips. She let her kiss her fiercely for a while before she reacted. The taste she had just tasted was the taste of tears.

So, she just didn't look at the eyes, the water that glowed under his eyes was true...

The heart seemed to be pinched by something, and rolled up an unspeakable pain, even with her throat, it hurt a little.

The next second, she stretched out her hand, circled his neck, and kissed him as hard as he could.

As he stepped into her world, the temperature in the room slowly increased again...

This time, he and her are more involved than any time he or she did these two days.

Towards the end, He Jichen suddenly stopped, opened his eyes, and looked at her seriously.

His abrupt movement caused her to frown slightly and lifted her eyelids. She looked at him and looked at her, and she looked back at him seriously.

Both he and her are in each other's eyes, clearly seeing how they love each other.

That's the most beautiful and soul-taking appearance of the other party he and she have seen.

He first spoke with a serious tone: "Say good, for a lifetime."

"Well, well, for a lifetime." She returned gently, the words clear and sincere, like an oath.

He didn't speak, and responded to her with a heavy effort deep into her body.

Yes, a good life is a lifetime.

Not just my life, not just yours, it's the lives of both of us.


Ji Yi, the next morning, was still awakened by He Jichen.

Both he and her body reacted, but he stopped at the most provocative place: "Okay, get up."

He seemed to pinch well in advance. As soon as his voice fell, the phone alarm next to Ji Yi's pillow rang.

The end of deep-degree-longitudinal desire is back pain and trembling legs.

Ji Yi turned off the alarm, climbed out of bed, and just got his feet on the ground, he almost knelt down on the ground with soft legs.

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