A Billion Stars Can’t Amount to You

Chapter 842: Yu Guang is you and you are the rest of your life (22)

"...But then again, Xiaoyi, I suspect Brother Chen, he didn't accidentally overhear the conversation between you and Brother Yu Guang. He must have come home early every day and listened to it deliberately. At the beginning, you were entangled by Sun Zhang. It was actually the next day when Brother Yu Guang came to ask Chen Chen for help, but the first night, Chen Brother called me and found Sun Zhang all night. ..."

"Besides, I will tell you..." About half of the fat people suddenly stopped and asked, "Xiaoyi, do you often receive all kinds of snacks?"

"Yeah..." Ji Yiben suspected that the snacks were delivered by He Jichen. At this time, when he heard the fat man's question, she added a sentence after returning to the fat man: "...Does He Jichen, he often buy Snacks?"

"Which is often, is it okay every day?" Using interrogative sentences, after returning to Ji Yi's words, the fat man asked again, "Is all those snacks you like to eat?"


"That's right!" After the fat man just broke, he continued to say: "I will tell you, Xiaoyi, you don't know. The snacks you want to eat are a little bit weird and some stop. It’s sold. In order to buy it for you, Chen Brother sent our brothers to skip class, to find you next to a mall and a small shop, and... Also, once, what do you want to eat Yulian tofu, that thing is a cart I will tell you about the goods sold on the ground. I was following Chen Brother at that time, but ran to the county town next door and bought it for you..."

So, has she always been wrong?

Those things that moved her to the heart when she was young, weren't Yu Guangge doing it for her, but He Jichen did it for her?

And the intimate and warm boy she likes is not actually Yu Guangge, but He Jichen?

It turned out that when he was young, he was the one who took her every move with a secret camera.

It turned out that all the warmth she felt in her life over the years was given by him.

It's just, why is he so stupid, good to her, why not show it directly, why secretly listen to what she said to Brother Yu Guang, and why pay for her quietly?

It's just that she was so stupid, thinking that she told Yu Guangge that she had done it. She didn't ask He Yuguang if she did it.

But, just, so much just hovered around Ji Yi’s heart, making her complex emotions rolling in her chest, guilty, regretful, sad, and distressed...

There was a touch of red in Ji Yi's eyes, and she was a little thankful that she was here on a whim, and also suddenly missed He Jichen, and wanted to appear immediately beside him.

She didn't continue to talk down with the fat man. She hurriedly ended the phone call, sorted out the photos, put them back in the envelope, stuffed them in the bag, and hurriedly left.

Ji Yi still came out of the wicket. Zhuang Yi saw her and immediately got out of the car to help her open the door.

After sitting in the car, Ji Yi took off his mask and sunglasses.

Tang Huahua's eyes were sharp, and at one glance she saw the red under her eyes. She immediately turned nervously and looked at Ji Yi: "Xiao Yi, what's wrong with you? What happened?"

"No..." Because the impulse to cry just now was too strong, Ji Yi spoke with a strong nasal tone.

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