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Chapter 855: He Jichen, let's have a baby (5)

She was very clear that Han Han was taken away by Han Zhihui, which was equivalent to killing her, but she knew better that she could not let Lin Muqing go to jail.

Cheng Weiwan endured the tears in his eyes and reached out his hand, gently touching Cheng Han's small face.

She wanted to remember this feeling firmly, maybe she wouldn’t have the chance to touch him like this from now on...

At five o'clock in the morning, Cheng got up late and crept out of the bedroom and went to the kitchen.

Although it was breakfast, although only she and Hanhan had two meals, she spent more than two hours in the kitchen, making all of Chen Han’s favorite foods and putting them on the table. Folded back to the bedroom again.

Before he sat down by the bed, Cheng Han woke up.

Cheng Weiwan got up with Cheng Han, washed his face and brushed his teeth in person, and then took him to the restaurant to feed him breakfast.

She didn't sleep all night, she was very tired and sleepy, but after breakfast, she took Cheng Han out and went to the ocean aquarium a few days ago.

It was already one o'clock in the afternoon when she came out of the aquarium. Cheng Han was hungry and clamoring for snacks. She wouldn't let him eat normally, but today she relied on him.

It can be seen that Cheng Han is very happy, and a mother screams constantly, and every time she hears her response, she smiles at her with a brow.

The more he laughed, the more pain she felt in her heart, but she still endured the emotions and played with him.

In the afternoon, she took him to his favorite square to feed the pigeons, and in the evening took him to the children's playground in the mall.

After the child was tired of playing, she was almost exhausted, hugged him and walked around the mall for a long time, bought him a new dress, and after he changed it, she took him to the mall's bathroom, put Washing the small face and small hands, then took his hand and left the mall.

It was already dark, she stood for a while by the roadside, squatted down, stared at Cheng Hanliang's big eyes for a while, and said softly: "Hanhan, will my mother take you to find my father?"

Cheng Han heard the word "father", and his eyes lit up.

The tears that Cheng Weiwan watched almost didn't fall down: "Daddy's home is big, with a garden, a swing, a big and big toy room, and several uncles and aunts to play with you."

Speaking of the time here, it was not too late, and her voice was a little choked. She stopped and paused for a few seconds before saying aloud: "So, Mom will take you to my father's house now, OK?"

The innocent boy was very happy, and said softly, "Okay."

Cheng Weiwan didn't start at the beginning. After wiping away the tears from the corner of his eyes, he took out the phone from his pocket and sent a text message to Han Zhi. "Can I go now?"

Han Zhihui seemed to be waiting for her text message. As soon as her text message was successfully sent, she received his reply: "Yes."

He was probably afraid that she did not know the address. After more than ten seconds, a new message entered on her phone screen, the exact address of the new villa he didn't know when to buy.

Cheng Weiwan did not return the news of Han Zhihui, put away his phone, hugged Cheng Han, walked to the side of the road, and stopped a taxi.

Cheng Weiwan really hoped that the taxi could keep driving and never stop, or, moreover, she hoped that a car accident would suddenly occur and that would take her and Cheng Han's lives away.

However, no matter how many hopes came out of Cheng Weiwei's journey, the taxi still steadily stopped at the gate of Han Zhihui's villa.

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