A Billion Stars Can’t Amount to You

Chapter 877: He Jichen, let's have a baby (27)

not at home?

Han Zhihui raised his wrist and glanced at the time. It was 11:30 in the evening. Why didn't he go home so late?

Han Zhi frowned, returned the sentence "You are waiting there", then hung up the phone, looked for Cheng Weiwan's phone number, and dialed it out.

The phone rang a lot and no one answered.

Just when Han Zhihui lost patience and was about to take the phone off his ear and hang up, the phone was connected. It wasn’t Cheng Weiwan’s voice, but a man’s voice about thirty years old: "Hello, are you looking for late or late?"

Late to night... so friendly?

Han Zhihui didn't even realize that he was holding the fingertips of his mobile phone, and he couldn't help but start to increase.

Han Zhihui didn't speak. The man on the phone waited for a while, and then said: "Is there anything important in the bathroom late at night? Do I have to call her for you now? If not, wait for her to come out. Let her call you back..."

Before the man had finished speaking, Han Zhihui took the phone off his ear and pressed the hang up button.

Because he knew that Cheng was about to come over, Cheng Han stopped crying and was willing to eat well and take medicine.

He watched Han Zhi hang up the phone, looked up, and whispered, "When will my mother arrive?"

Cheng Han didn't ask. Fortunately, when he asked Han Zhihui, he became irritable. He ignored Cheng Han and left the baby room.

Cheng Han in the room cried again.

The old babysitter hurriedly coaxed: "The baby does not cry, the baby is good, the father goes out, just to pick up the mother..."

Cheng Han's cry was gone, and Han Zhihui, who heard the old babysitter's words, was inexplicably even more angry.

He entered the study, turned for a long time, found a cigarette, and after lighting it, took two sips, showing no signs of calming his mood. He accelerated the speed of smoking while watching half a pack of cigarettes, see you soon At the end, he still felt upset and irritated, so he simply took the car key and went downstairs.

Walking to the courtyard, Han Zhihui's cell phone rang. He quickly picked it up and saw that Xiao Zhang had called.

He couldn't figure out what was wrong with him, and even an unspeakable loss appeared in his heart. He stared at the screen for a long time before answering.

"Mr. Han, Miss Cheng hasn't returned home yet..."

Xiao Zhang should have waited a long time, but didn't wait for Han Zhihui's instructions before making the call.

Han Zhihui knew what Xiao Zhang meant, and after his words were finished, he responded very quietly: "No need to wait."

Hanging up the phone, he stood in the yard for a while and pulled the door to get in the car.

He didn't know where he was going, and he drove aimlessly. When he recovered, his car was already parked at the door of Cheng's community.

Really hell, hell, what is he doing here?

Han Zhihui thought about it and stepped on the accelerator. After a little effort on his toes, the car hadn't moved yet. He looked through the window and saw that a car stopped on the opposite street, the door opened, and Cheng was not late. Drilled inside.

Following her came a man wearing white casual clothes.

The two seemed to know each other very well and stood by the car for a while, not knowing what the man said, and Cheng Weiwan still had a smile on his face.

Probably because it was not early, Cheng Weiwan soon waved at the man, she did not leave, the man shouted at her again, and then the man opened the trunk and carried a bag from the inside, because After a long distance, Han Zhihui could not see exactly what the bag was, but he thought it should be some nutritional products.

Cheng was not too late or polite, and took the past.

After her figure disappeared at the door of the community, the man got on the bus and left.

The man’s car disappeared one second before Han Zhihui’s cell phone rang a second later.

Han Zhihui continued to stare at the place where the car that had arrived home late had heard it for a while, before taking back his eyes and glancing at the phone screen. Although he didn’t save his name, he recognized it at a glance. This was called before Cheng arrived.

PS: Today’s 4 chapters, even more in the evening~ Remember to vote for the recommendation and monthly tickets on the next page~ promised your abuse of Han Zhihui, is this not coming?

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