
“goodmorning! Good morning, listeners and friends! This is Devonshire Radio! I’m your neighbor, Lovegood…”

As soon as he entered the house, a magic sound poured into the heads of several people, just like Joshua Harry heard the sound on the radio when he first arrived a few days ago. It looks like Mr. Lovegood has other side jobs as well.

Looking around, this house was probably the strangest room Joshua had ever seen.

To be reasonable, the first floor of an ordinary people’s multi-storey small western-style building is used as a living room, right? But the family is different, they use the first floor as a kitchen, the room is standard round, it feels like staying in a giant pepper shaker. Everything is curved to match the walls: including stoves, sinks and cupboards, and all are painted with flowers, insects and birds in bright three primary colors.

In the center of the room, a cast-iron spiral staircase leads upstairs, and Joshua watched a girl run up to the top floor and shout inside, “Daddy! There are guests! ”

But Mr. Lovegood’s broadcast wasn’t over, and Luna had to add: “It’s your reader!” ”

This time it seemed to work much better, the broadcast project was directly suspended, and then two soaring footsteps came down from the top floor, only the difference was that one was heavier and the other was lighter.

Xenophilius Lovegood was the first to go down the stairs, the tall, thin wizard looking unusual, or Luna’s crazy temperament passed down from him. He was wearing a long, dirty pajamas, and only Dobby’s pillow suit could match him; Long, marshmallow-like white hair was dirty and messy, not at all as good as Luna’s long pale blonde hair mixed with brown hair, and this outfit could be a strong co-bum no matter who it wore on, but in Mr. Lovegood could barely see a strange sense of intellect and knowledge…

Mr. Lovegood saw Joshua and his face suddenly became a little strange: “Eh… Are you my readers? Not Luna’s friend? ”

This is indeed debatable, after all, Joshua is too small, about the same age as Luna.

“Have you forgotten? I have no friends, Dad. ”

Luna came out right behind and calmly cut off Mr. Lovegood’s speculation.

“That… So what are you going to do? ”

Mr. Lovegood suddenly looked a little cramped, obviously not knowing what to do.

“Eh…” Joshua has a little headache, how can you talk with such a defensive look….

But fortunately, Joshua has an artifact that brings the almighty wizarding world closer.

“This is Harry Potter!”

Joshua turned and pushed Harry out behind him so that Mr. Lovegood could see Harry’s face in the dark room.

Sure enough, no one in the wizarding family could refuse Harry’s charm, and Mr. Lovegood, who was still afraid of Joshua just now, immediately became quite aggressive, stepped forward and appeared in front of Harry, and without respectful permission, he reached out and lifted the curtain of Harry’s hair, finding the famous lightning-shaped mark.

“Phew! Good! I saw it! ”

He was as happy as a three-year-old who had been given a toy, causing Harry to look at Joshua innocently.

“Please come up with me, Dad won’t stop until he figures out what interests him…”

Luna was quite calm, bypassing her father who was chattering about Harry, and invited Joshua and Ron to the reception room on the previous floor.

The reception room is still quite cluttered, the room is still round, and there are an unknown number of animal models hanging from the ceiling, and Joshua looks up at these gadgets in a rocking chair, perhaps like a baby looking at the boring animals in the stroller.

In the corner of the room was a huge wooden machine that looked like a Muggle machine, but unfortunately it was magically driven, and it was filled with all kinds of papers and magazines, especially “Singing the Contrarian”.

Ron picked up a magazine casually, glanced at it casually, and threw the magazine on the machine as if his eyes were dirty, and instead looked at the small animal on the ceiling.

After bringing the two of them in, Luna found a random place to sit, picked up a quill and began to transcribe something, not minding that there were two big guys staring at her strangely.

Joshua regretted a little why he hadn’t persuaded Ron to bring Ginny with him, at least it would allow the two little girls to talk about something, it was better than standing here stupidly now…

“Ahem… Miss Elofgood… If I’m not mistaken, you’re going to Hogwarts this year, right? ”

“That’s right, I’ve heard where you can learn a lot. I hope to learn where to find the horned snorer. ”

Luna’s tone was inexplicably serious, but Joshua looked at Ron and was clearly smiling.

“Eh… Good luck. ”

“Thank you.”

God, was chatted to death.

“You didn’t follow the words on the door number and took away a parasitic plant, did you?”

Luna wrote, suddenly looking up, her delicate face still serious.

Joshua and Ron were puzzled by the second monk, so they replied, “No… I thought it was someone else’s home…”

But Luna didn’t let Joshua finish, “Well, it often has hooks in it.” ”

When Luna’s head dropped, Joshua knew that God, was chatted to death again…..

Fortunately, Mr. Lovegood did not let his daughter spend too long with the young wizards of unknown origin, and soon walked up with Harry with a satisfied face.

“So what: I heard that there is a friend here who really likes my “Singing the Opposite Tune”? Who is it? ”


Joshua raised his hand silently, and Luna also raised her head in surprise, looking at Joshua squarely for the first time.

“I don’t know you’re coming…”

“I’ve also contributed to the Daily Prophet, but I think that publication is unfair, so I hope to find a more comprehensive, wider, and more read media to express my opinion…”

Wear thousands of clothes, horses don’t wear them, in fact, the sales of “Singing the Opposite Tune” have been very good, although as a funny magazine…

However, Joshua did need to find a different official media for his vest, after all, any crosser knew the importance of fishing boats and mastered the newspaper… That would be equivalent to mastering half of the wizarding world!

Mr. Lovegood nodded with satisfaction, “We naturally welcome good articles…”

“Then the question of remuneration…”

How can the first-selling media not be more atmospheric than the Daily Prophet? Buckle the hundreds of RMB manuscript fees, when sent to call Hanako?

“Nope! We don’t have a writing fee, are you thinking about fart? ”

(Thanks to Nanyuqiuqiu for the tip!!! )_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – favorites, recommendations

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