Harry and Ron took off their coats and changed into black robes. Ron’s robe was a little shorter, revealing his sneakers underneath.

“The train will arrive at Hogwarts in five minutes, please leave your luggage on the train and we will take you to school for you.” The voice echoed on the train, and I didn’t know whose it was.

Harry was so nervous that the contents of his stomach turned up, and he saw that Ron’s face turned white under his freckles. They stuffed the rest of the candy into their pockets and poured forward with the flow of people in the aisle.

The train slowed down and finally stopped. Passengers pushed and shoved towards the doors and descended to a small, dark platform. The cold of the night made Harry shiver.

Then a lamp flickered above the students’ heads, and Harry heard a familiar voice shouting, “First yearer!” First-year students come here! Harry, come over here, how are you?” (Ahem, borrow from…) )

Harry was delighted to find his old acquaintance Hagrid inside the platform, waving to him.

“Oh? Do you know Hagrid? I heard Fred and they said that Hagrid was the caretaker of the Forbidden Forest at Hogwarts, and he was a very nice person. How did you know him, Harry? Ron was a little surprised by Harry’s reaction and asked him.

“Well, but it looks like there’s someone next to Hagrid who seems to know him well…”

Harry said: Hagrid, you and I are obviously only separated from you for half a month, why did you find a new love?!

Just kidding, how could Harry know so much at such a young age….

“Oh! Harry, how does it feel to be at Hogwarts? Hagrid looked at Harry, who had changed into wizard robes, and nodded with satisfaction, which was not the same as the thin and helpless little boy he had seen for the first time, at least a little more energetic.

“Hmm… Felt ok. Harry nodded, he always felt that the little boy standing behind Hagrid had seen him before, was it an illusion?

Hagrid laughed, frightening some of the little Muggle wizards who didn’t understand the wizarding world and slipped away from him.

“Well, I’ll talk about the old days later, well… The red-haired little guy… I remember Fred and George’s two stinky boys saying they had a youngest brother…”

Ron rolled his eyes helplessly, his two living brothers wouldn’t even stink their own image, right? “Oh, that’s me. I’m Ron, Ron Weasley. ”

“That’s it. I happen to have a little guy here…” Hagrid slapped Joshua on the back, almost knocking him down. “You guys get to know each other, I’ll go count the number.”

Joshua was hit hard and forced to stand up, looking at the two peers in front of him who looked at him with surprise, and touched his nose, “Eh… My name is Joshua Joestar and you’re Ron, right? Thanks to your family’s care…”

“Huh? Me? My family? Ron didn’t turn his mind for a moment, pointing to himself with a blank look, “What’s going on?” ”

Harry remembered what had happened to him, and said, “Is it difficult?” Did you follow Mrs. Weasley’s instructions before crossing platform nine and three-quarters? ”

Joshua was a little embarrassed, “Eh… I missed the train…”

“Huh?!” The two people were stupid on the spot, and attracted the attention of the people around them.

“Eh… It’s just a little late…. Then I just didn’t get on the train, but thanks to your mother, I got Professor McGonagall…” Joshua whispered, afraid that others would laugh at him if they heard it.

Harry shook his head subconsciously, “Then you really…”

“Now! All the little wizards in the first grade follow me! Watch out under your feet! Let’s go this way! Hagrid shouted from the front of the platform, then led the little wizard behind him towards a dark path.

“Then let’s go, let’s talk on the way.” Ron greeted Harry and Joshua and followed the troops.

They followed Hagrid’s slippery belt, stumbling, and seemed to be going downhill along a steeper and narrower path than Joshua had come.

It was dark on both sides of the path, and no one spoke. Only a boy was heard to sniff once or twice once in a while.

“Turn this corner, you’re about to see Hogwarts for the first time.” Hagrid shouted back. This was followed by a loud “Oh——!”

A black lake suddenly unfolded at the end of the narrow path. On the other side of the lake rises a towering castle with spires and windows twinkling under the stars.

“Each boat cannot exceed four people!” Hagrid shouted, pointing to a fleet of boats moored on the shore.

While the people in front were still on the boat, the three continued to chat.

“Oh, that is…”

“You came late because something went wrong this morning?” And then because there is no one to guide it…”

“I didn’t have time to get on the train…”

Harry and Ron said everything I said, each of them said a word and added a sigh, and at the end, they both stretched out their hands and patted Joshua on the shoulder.

“Brother, you are so miserable!”

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