A Book Dedicated to Our Youth

Chapter 15: Zengfengfengyu Road (2)

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Because I have been following Lin Lan and helping them with clothes and cosmetics, it is impossible to concentrate on the stage to watch the show. Xiao Fei's dance only looked halfway. They danced well, but the clothes are not very colorful, and the lights are reflected. There is no sense of color. Obviously, the girls in choreography can dance, but they lack stage experience.

The first dance in our class, "Tian Nu San Hua", choreography and costumes are in place, but when a girl dances, she drops the flower basket and deducts a lot of points. Although Lin Lan was not happy in her heart, she did not show anything on her face. She comforted the girl: "It doesn't matter, no one will blame you. We all know that you have done your best." Li Xin glared at the girl with a black face. Several eyes.

I looked aside, and I felt a little respect for Lin Lan in my heart. In other classes, the teacher in charge of the class personally came out and even asked the professionals to design the dance based on his personal relationships. He can just graduate from the junior college and be newly assigned to our city. It has nothing to do with his connections. Everything depends on Lin Lan. Several little girls, from movement to clothing, even how to comb their hair are designed by Lin Lan, but also to adjust the team relationship, she is actually not very simple!

When they unloaded, I was bored and studied with the program list. The program of the first day (5) class is very simple, a three-person chorus and a single solo. The solo will begin to perform. Seeing the solo solo, I moved my heart a little, and I could n’t take our class to prepare for the next show. Please ask Ni Qing and others to help me stand up and go to the stage to watch it by myself.

Sure enough, it was Guan He. She wore a simple purple gauze skirt. During the walk, the skirt flipped and there was a lot of wind blowing on the lotus leaves. She bowed to everyone and sat on a chair, her makeup was very light, but she was as slim as a lotus.

The host said: "The following is the first day (5) class competition program, erhu solo" horse racing ", performer Guan He."

When the stage lights slowly dimmed, and the light beam only focused on her, she began to play. From the beginning, it was a fierce galloping horse. The entire auditorium seemed to become a vast grassland, allowing the horses to gallop. In the middle section, she plucked the strings with her fingers, imitating the sound of horseshoes stepping on the ground. Obviously, the technique was quite outstanding, which made the women of the city literary troupe specially invited by the judges also very moved.

After the song was over, there was thunderous applause. (5) The boy in the class called her name aloud. Guan He smiled lightly, and bowed to the audience before leaving. Both the music teacher in the junior high school and the women in the literary and artistic troupe gave her the highest possible score.

I was surprised to hear someone whistling on the side of the stage. The director of instruction was sitting underneath. Who was so brave?

Because I did not sit on the seat, I stood on the side of the table, so I could clearly see the stage behind the curtain. A handsome young man wearing a Mongolian robe and a Mongolian felt hat, with a smile on his face, put his thumb and index finger in his mouth and whistled to celebrate Guan He. It turned out to be Zhang Jun! Guan He smiled and nodded as he passed by him, thanking him.

I just feel like I ’m so immersed in the ice pool that counts for nine cold days. Zhang Jun and I are already strangers. Zhang Jun has had little contact with boys of the same grade since he was in junior high school, let alone girls, but he is right Guan He is clearly different.

(8) The program of the class is a Mongolian dance. I didn't expect Zhang Jun to participate in it. When I think about it, what's so strange? The literary arts show is a game of handsome men and beautiful women. Zhang Jun is now the first grade grass chosen by many girls. It is no longer the hedgehog head boy I saw that year. His motor cells are very prominent.

I want to go, but I want to see; I want to stay, but I want to go.

During hesitation, the four boys and four girls in class (8) had already waved long sleeves to the stage. In the singing of Mongolian, they sang and danced. Men are healthy and women are enthusiastic.

I never knew that Zhang Jun had such a literary and artistic cell. He was actually a man who led the dance, and he changed the posture with a beautiful girl with beaded pigtails. Sometimes it was a galloping horse on the grassland, and sometimes an eagle soaring in the blue sky.

He squatted halfway down, leaned forward, his legs alternated, mimicking the galloping stance of the horse, dancing forward, I saw him approaching where I was standing, immediately turned around and hurriedly jumped up the steps, pulled the opening cloth, Go backstage and find Lin Lan and them.

Lin Lan saw me and immediately asked, "Did you see the Mongolian dance in class (8)? How did you dance?"

I said lightly: "In general, it's still good for us. Let's not say that we won no prizes. It's enough to wear a robe in such hot weather."

Lin Lan laughed: "I heard that (8) Tong Yunzhu, the choreographer of the class, is of the Mongolian ethnicity. There is a very good way to dance Mongolian dance. If it is not to perform, I really want to see how they dance."

Ni Qing hurried back and said, "Oh my god! (8) The class jumps so well! Zhang Jun is so handsome! That Tong Yunzhu is indeed Mongolian, and he jumps better than on TV!" "

Lin Lan stared at Ni Qing, as if she had not heard it, and urged the girls to check their makeup for the last time. Ni Qing didn't respond and leaned over to Lin Lan, who ignored her.

When the Dai dance of our class came to the stage, Ni Qing and I ran to the stage to watch. The performances of (5) and (8) classes are more exciting. The previous two classes just skipped modern dance. The audience was heated up all the way, so that our class "Dai Family Dawn" took a few moments of time and geographical advantage.

The music is fresh and gentle, the woman is soft and graceful, the empty mountain bird language, and the bamboo brook make people feel refreshed.

Under the stage lights, the silk skirt on the woman's body is bright and beautiful. If you don't say it, no one will think of it as a colorful flag. When they almost finished jumping, Ni Qing and I returned to the background, holding clothes and waiting for them to end.

Lin Lan couldn't care about changing clothes, holding my arm, and squeezing me in front of the curtain to wait for results. The teaching director and the music teacher in the junior high school gave a high score. The other two judges were not low. The woman gave a deviation score, Lin Lan stomped and muttered, "My mother is really cruel!"

I was surprised: "Is that your mother?" No wonder Lin Lan is so talented in literature and art and has a family history.


I comforted her: "If it doesn't matter, everyone else gives it a high price and will definitely win the prize. Your mother did this to prove that you depend on your own ability and have nothing to do with her."

Lin Lan smiled, finally happy.

I did n’t care what to do in the end. When I remembered Wang Zheng, I hurriedly asked. As a result, people told me that Wang Zheng could not participate in the performance on behalf of the class this year, because during the rehearsal, the director did not like his program, saying that the theme was not healthy , Was brushed off.

The result of the competition came out. The first prize of the first grade was Guan He ’s erhu solo. The second prize was the Mongolian dance of (8) and the Dai dance of our class. (2) The dance of the class did not win the award. Xiaofei was a bit depressed. But, more often than not, it is not fair for Wang Zheng, and the cursing director has no aesthetic vision.

After the break, the students walking around were still discussing the just-end literary and artistic performance. The girl said Zhang Jun and the boy said Guan He. I was in a trance, and Guan He and Zhang Jun appeared alternately in front of my eyes. The woman was graceful and graceful. The man was uninhibited and handsome. I began to feel that the distance between me and them was getting farther and farther. It's scary, and instead of being glorious, I'm lazy and notorious.

Seeing the gap between us, I have some sadness, some unwillingness and melancholy about destiny, but more reluctantly accept it. I probably knew in my heart that I was an insignificant person, who was supposed to stand there and look up at the light of others. Even if I were envious, I could not be them.

Shortly after the end of the literary and artistic performance, the list of personnel changes for the Junior High School Student Union was brought down in advance, and Shen Yuanzhe took over as the new chairman of the Student Union.

As the squad leader of (6) class, under his management, the class style is the best in the whole year. His name has already been heard by everyone, so he is the chairman of the student union, and everyone expects it.

With the passage of time, our freshmen have turned from looking up to the rumors of seniors and elder sisters, to unwittingly becoming the protagonist of the rumors.

Following Xiao Fei and Guan He's "Double Kings", our "Double Kings" were also promoted. Prince Charming is Shen Yuanzhe, has a good looks, good learning, and people are good, enthusiastic, kind, helpful, get along with teachers and classmates, has a warm smile like sunshine, there are many girls who like him, but he does not have any gossip, he All girls are treated equally. His gentleness and kindness made the girl who confessed to him even if she was rejected, she would not feel hurt, but regarded him as a friend.

The dark horse prince is Zhang Jun, handsome in appearance, average in study, reticent, without a sense of collective honor, nor uniting classmates, never helping others, but also never bullying others, the girls who like him are many and complicated, there are seniors, there are There are little sisters in technical schools, and there are many rumors about him, but because he never interacts with girls of the same grade, there is no scandal with girls of the same grade, and I have n’t heard which girl in our grade confessed to him. It is said that the girls in the upper grades often hate him because of love and find someone to beat him. Whether they are playing or not is unknown.


Senior repeaters

The most stubborn wounds in the world are those that do not bleed. There is no good medicine and there is no cure.

Even if it calms down, it looks like a moon shadow on the water, it looks complete and calm,

But whenever the wind blows, it will wrinkle fine cracks and secretly pain.

At the end of the final exam, everyone's scores did not change much. They are still our class Chen Songqing first, Lin Lan second, (2) class Ge Xiaofei first, (5) class Guan He first, Zhang Jun and I are in the class The twenty-someth sway.

Long summer vacation, my favorite. I hid on the sofa in the karaoke hall and ate snacks while reading a book. Xiao Bo is not the same as before. There is no need to wait to win a billiards to invite me to drink. Now no matter when I go, the sofa will be filled with drinks and snacks, let me eat.

I have never been polite to him, and occasionally think of economic problems, and will also ask conscience: "Do you want me to pay a little? My mother has increased my pocket money."

Xiao Bo laughed: "How much can you eat? I can afford this thing."

I chewed the preserved fruit in my mouth and asked without hesitation: "Is your mother still sewing gloves?"

He replied frankly: "Yeah, for her, having something busy at hand can forget other unhappy things in life."

The squid heard our conversation and couldn't understand it at all, shouting, "But you can feed yourself now, why do you want your mother to earn that hard money? Your mother is not enough to sing a song on the sewing machine every day."

Both Xiaobo and I watched the squid smile, how simple and happy this person lived!

One weekend evening, I was tired of reading and reading in the cabaret room, and was ready to go out for a walk. As soon as I went out, I found that the lights were blurry, the voices were tumbling, the smoke was smoldering, and there were people standing on the stairs. I wondered how the business was abnormal this evening?

Grab a young lady who delivers wine: "Is there an event tonight?"

She nodded: "Someone has a birthday."

I squeezed through the crowd and wanted to get a drink. Suddenly, in the blurred flashing lights, I saw a woman with long black hair and a white dress sitting beside Zhang Jun, holding a microphone and singing "Like the fog and rain and Like the wind.

I never know your heart

My love for you is always suffering

Lonely night i search helplessly

Want to find a constant dependence

Give me one more affectionate hug

Make me feel your warmest heartbeat

I don't care if you know or not

Love your heart but never grow old


You treat me like fog, rain and wind

Come and go leaving only a blank

You treat me like fog, rain and wind

Let my heart follow you


At that time, this song was accompanied by the beautiful Liang Yanling, which was popular all over the river in the north and south, and it was almost a must-have song in the karaoke hall. I already listened to numbness, but at this time and here, I was struck by lightning.

The people around me pushed and shoved, and I was bumped forward and back sometimes, but I couldn't feel any pain. I just felt that if the whole person was pulled away from the soul, he numbly looked at himself sadly.

People around Zhang Jun clapped loudly, whistled, and laughed: "Have you heard? Want you to give her the warmest hug!"

Zhang Jun was drinking and laughing, but his body didn't move.

Zhang Jun's buddies cheered: "Zhang Jun, you are really boring like this, the girls are taking the initiative!"

I do n’t know if it ’s the girl ’s little sister who shouted first: "Zhang Jun, kiss her!" Everyone applauded rhythmically, and then shouted: "Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her ..." The cry was getting louder, the applause was getting louder and louder, it seemed that the temperature of the whole concert hall had risen, and my soul saw myself squeezed in the crowd, his face was pale, staring blankly at Zhang Jun, his hands clenched tightly Became a fist.

Zhang Jun couldn't help but shouted, finally put down the glass, took the girl's hand, and kissed the back of her hand.

Everyone "hushed" him dissatisfiedly, his boos grew louder, and there was a tendency to boo the roof.

The girl suddenly hooked half of Zhang Jun's neck, squinted forward, and kissed him on the face, like a demonstration, but finally relieved Zhang Jun.

Everyone was whistling and laughing again. While laughing and cuddling forward, I was not tall enough to be squeezed by the crowd and couldn't help myself forward. I don't know who was hit by his arm and the glasses were squeezed out. After that, I hurriedly picked it up in a panic, and said in my mouth: "Don't step on my glasses."

But there are too many people, and everyone can't help but move forward. Not only did I not pick up the glasses, but I was almost trampled by the crowd, and the glasses were kicked to the feet of a person. I was about to pick them up, but I was stepped on by a high-heeled shoe and broke the ground. The owner of the high-heeled shoe exclaimed: "Oh, what's this?" Everyone lowered their eyes and heard me lying on the ground in embarrassment.

Unconsciously, I chased my glasses to the sofa where Zhang Jun sat. Just staring at Zhang Jun just now, I didn't find that Wavelet was also here. He grabbed me from the ground and persevered, without breaking his mouth and cursing: "Do you know how dangerous just now? So many people, the music is loud, no one will notice you once you are stepped on."

I am wronged and said: "I want to pick up glasses."

Zhang Jun ’s girlfriend said apologetically: “I ’m sorry, little sister, I did n’t see it. I ’ll buy you a pair again.”

Xiaoliu called: "Xiaobo, your Ma Zi?" Affected by Hong Kong films, it is popular to call his girlfriend Ma Zi, but I hate this name.

Wavelet busy said: "No, ordinary friends."

"Let her come, let's have a few drinks together and make a friend."

Xiao Bo said with a smile: "She is still young and will not drink."

Xiao Liu smiled and didn't speak. Someone beside him naturally said to him: "Xiao Bo is now the boss, and his temper is much bigger than before. Please don't move your sixth brother."

Afraid of the wavelet's embarrassment, I tugged at his sleeve, motioned him to be fine, and took the initiative to sit next to wavelet.

Xiao Liu handed me a small glass of red wine: "Which school?"


"Good school, a school with my brother Zhang Jun, right? Zhang Jun?"

Zhang Jun only nodded coldly.

I was about to pay tribute first. Xiaobo took the wine glass from my hand: "Sixth brother, she really can't drink. The gift is up to her. I will drink the wine."

The sixth brother stopped laughing, staring at the wavelet, wavelet did not flinch, and met his sight. All the people around couldn't help but hold their breath. After a while, the sixth brother nodded with a smile: "Okay! Since you said so, I can't force it. If you want to drink it, drink it!"

Xiao Bo drank immediately: "Thank Brother Liu."

The man next to the sixth brother placed an unopened bottle of liquor in front of Xiaobo: "Not that glass, this bottle."

I was so angry that I was shaking, but I know that this is the rule of this circle. If you want to take the lead, you must accept the rules of the other party. If you do n’t have that ability, pick up your tail as soon as possible.

Wavelet picked up the wine bottle, even the wine opener was useless, directly opened the cap with his teeth, spit out the cap, and poured it against the bottle.

In the sound of "Goodong" and "Goodong", a whole catty of white wine was consumed. Xiaobo put the empty bottle on the table and smiled and said, "Thank Brother Liu."

The sixth brother ignored the wavelet and asked others with a smile: "Hey, why didn't you sing? Sing!"

The woman next to him immediately picked up the songbook, ordered the song, and ordered a song "Pingju", and the six brothers sang around her.

Xiaobo retreated to the sixth brother. The sixth brother waved his hands impatiently like a fly. I quickly accompanied him to the bathroom. He poke his throat with his hand and forced himself to start vomiting. I ’m sorry to be guilty, but I do n’t know. What he can do is to pat his back all the time.

After he vomited, he rinsed his mouth, wiped his face, and said with a smile: "It's okay, I have drunk more wine than this."

I asked softly, "Why should I keep the wine on my behalf? It doesn't matter if I drink that small glass of red wine. During the Chinese New Year, my parents will let me drink some red wine."

He explained with a smile: "In this circle, men want to intoxicate girls from the first cup that does not matter. If there is a first cup, there is no way to refuse the second cup. They always have a variety of Way to give you a toast. To refuse, I have to start with the first glass. I just drank a bottle, but blocked all the wine for you. The people present today have understood that in any case, you No drinking, no one will let you drink again. "

Only then did I really understand the maliciousness behind Xiaoliu, and Xiaobo's tone gradually became more serious: "Qiqi, for girls, the first is drugs, whether it is so-called soft drugs, no matter how good others say, in fact There is no poison, it is actually not addictive, and it should not be dipped; the second is alcohol, you can not drink a drop. "

"I know. I can drink with my parents at home, but not with these people."

Wavelet patted my head like a puppy.

After the wavelet vomited, although he was unwell, he had to continue to do business. I went to the squid and asked him to urge the wavelet to take some time to eat something. Wavelet is not happy to help me stop the wine, but who cares if he is happy or not? When I finished speaking, I turned and left.

Holding a book and squeezing out from the crowd, it was completely different from the last time. Everyone saw me and took the initiative to make a way. In the hall, the song "Like Fog, Rain and Wind" sounded again.

Ha ha……

You treat me like fog, rain and wind

Come and go leaving only a blank

You treat me like fog, rain and wind

Let my heart follow you

I quickly rushed out of the cabaret, standing on the street where the cars were coming and going, with a sense of sadness. Suddenly, I started running and ran along the street. After more than twenty minutes, I panted to the river.

I stood by the river, listening to the gurgling of the river, the moonlight splashing on the undulating water, and the silver light leaping.

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