A Book Dedicated to Our Youth

Chapter 46: Looking back at life scenery (1)

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You said you're no different, you look average

But you broke our atrium with a voice

You let us always remember the glasses, the sea, and the high-pitched

Remember: how many miserable things, just give a laugh


Awkward and happy Beijing

Youth is so short, but I met the loved one while the flower season was full;

Life is so limited, but in the most beautiful years, I have been deeply loved by the people I love.

We had loved each other at the top of the mountain; even if the ending was at the top of the mountain, I do not regret it.

The only thing I regret is that I didn't love him much at the time.

After a tossing and turning all night, she didn't fall asleep at all. She felt that Zhang Jun should be slapped, and she felt that she should be slapped first.

I got dizzy and weak when I woke up in the morning. Fortunately, I was going to visit the Beijing Planetarium today, and it wouldn't take too much energy.

I wore a big hat and hid myself in the crowd, hiding away from Zhang Jun, and wished I had an invisibility cloak. I thought almost sadly, why is this world so weird? Obviously he did something wrong, why is it that I'm out of sight? It makes sense, but the action flinches unambiguously.

Because I was too sleepy, what I saw in the planetarium and what I heard was completely unremembered. I just remembered that in the end, the teacher took us to a hall to explain the reason for the extinction of dinosaurs.

The zenith of the hall is elliptical. When the lights are completely extinguished, the entire zenith turns into a vast sky, and countless stars flicker among them, which is unbelievably beautiful.

With the voice of the narrator, we are like being in the universe and witnessing the comet hit the earth hundreds of millions of years ago, leading to the extinction of dinosaurs.

Such a show was originally my favorite, but I was in the dark, with the starry sea above my head, and the temperature inside the museum was pleasant. I fell asleep when I watched it.

I felt like I slept for a while and someone pushed me back. I immediately opened my eyes and found Zhang Jun sitting beside me.

The people in the hall had gone halfway, and the chairs around him were empty. He looked at me silently, and my head stared at him bloodshot.

Everyone is empty, we are still in the same position as before, staring at each other.

The staff urged us: "Classmates, the screening is over."

Zhang Jun tugged at my sleeve and whispered, "Go away."

I followed him to the lobby in a daze, and found that my classmates were buying souvenirs and all kinds of dinosaurs.

He took me past: "Do you want a dinosaur?"

I nodded and shook my head again, the consciousness was completely confused, and I couldn't think at all, so I struggled to beat him or not.

He bought one for every kind of dinosaur, and spent a lot of money. Zhen Gongzi joked: "Are you going home for the dinosaur exhibition?"

Zhang Jun smiled and said nothing.

When I struggled for a long time and found that I had missed the best time to attack, I quickly fled him and ran to find Lin still: "Why don't you call me when you go? Too many friends!"

Lin still looked at me and didn't talk behind me. When I turned around, Zhang Jun looked like a ghost shadow. He didn't know when he came over, so he stood behind me.

When I was in the car, Lin and I were still sitting together. When we went back, Zhang Jun asked him to change seats and sit next to me.

I thought he had something to say, explain, apologize, sophistry ... no matter what, he should always say something, so that I can fight back, but he didn't say a word all the way, I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep, it seemed calm, Actually completely dizzy.

When he went to the cafeteria for dinner, he did n’t sit with the boy, instead he sat beside me and Lin, and helped me and Lin still have the convenient chopsticks and paper towels ready. Lin still looked at him in surprise, and I could n’t understand it at all. Staring at him indifferently, but if nothing happened, he would do his own thing.

We have been hostile to each other a few days ago, hoping to kill each other with a knife, and then quickly, we were tit-for-tat when we had dinner yesterday, and the table was full of embarrassment, but today we turned 180 degrees and took a car together to eat together, let alone outsiders watch Strange, I feel very strange myself.

Shen Yuanzhe came over with a dinner plate and smiled and asked, "You can finally get along peacefully. How do you get it wrong?"

I bowed my head to eat, without saying a word, Zhang Jun smiled and talked to him about other things. Shen Yuanzhe tried to turn the topic to me and Zhang Jun several times, but Zhang Jun avoided it.

After eating and returning to the dormitory building, everyone still got together to play, but I immediately ran back to my room.

The next day, when I got in the car, I was still seated with Lin, but Zhang Jun came over as soon as I got on the train, and asked Lin to change seats. This is not a big deal. Lin still never refused, and immediately agreed.

Zhang Jun sat next to me again, and I was up and down. Fortunately, my facial expression was always paralyzed, and the outsiders could not see it at all.

This day is to visit Beihai Park and Beijing Zoo. All day long, no matter where he goes, he follows me. I ignore him and he doesn't talk. If I walk fast, he walks fast. If I walk slowly, he walks slowly. If I still talk to Lin, he stands aside and fiddles with the camera. If I am attracted by something, I want to think more After a while, he stood silently waiting. Anyway, no matter what I said or done, he no longer mocked me, just followed me all the time, and followed me creepy, not knowing what he really wanted to do.

Halfway through, I tried sneaking a few times, but where can I go for group activities? After a while, he could find me and continue to follow me like a ghost shadow. Later, I also gave up this useless attempt and let him go.

Although weird, he and I have been in peace all day, all day!

When he went back in the evening, he was still sitting next to me, and when he went to the cafeteria to eat, he was still sitting next to me. Both Shen Yuanzhe and Lin still stared at him eccentrically, but he was at ease and talked and laughed with them normally, just not with me. Just talk, of course, I only talk to Lin still, Shen Yuanzhe, and firmly ignore him.

On the third day, it was still the same, he was always by my side, silently following me, silently taking care of me, but he didn't say a word, so I couldn't say anything.

I couldn't bear it at first. Emotionally, I secretly yearn for such a day to continue, but intellectually, I know I must never let myself go, otherwise, I will die without a burial place.

I'm not the same as Zhang Jun. Zhang Jun can afford it, but I can't afford it.

After dinner, as in the previous two days, I immediately returned to the dormitory, taking a shower and thinking, waiting for the shower and changing a long skirt, I decided to go to Zhang Jun to make it clear.

Zhang Jun, Jia Gongzi and Zhen Gongzi played on the basketball court. Huang Wei and some girls watched the game.

I walked to the basketball court and stood silently. The seven boys were divided into two groups, playing an asymmetrical power game, but they were all devoted to fighting. Zhang Jun's skills were very outstanding, and Huang Wei kept applauding him.

Yang Jun ’s basketball is also very good, but unfortunately Yang Jun did not come, otherwise the two of them will be able to play together.

I thought about it for a while, and I really had no courage to call him in front of everyone, so I could only turn away in silence, lowering my head and kicking the broken stones on the road while walking.

There was a hurried footstep behind me, and before I turned around, a person who exuded heat came to me and it was Zhang Jun. His neck and arms were covered with sweat beads, his cheeks were healthy red after vigorous exercise, and he smelled very masculine and healthy.

For a moment, I didn't know why, my face was hot and I turned around, stared at the front of my feet, and strode.

He did not speak, just followed me silently.

I walked for a while, the throbbing of my heart slowly subsided, his footsteps slowed down, and he naturally slowed down.

I stopped and turned to look at him, and he stopped immediately.

I hid all the five flavors of Chen in my heart to the deepest point, and said very sensibly and calmly: "I have accepted your apology, don't follow me tomorrow, I will forget all the unpleasantness, everything between us It hasn't happened yet, each has his own. "

He stared at me, his chest undulating violently, as if there was something in it that was about to break free and jump out, but after a while, he calmed down again and said lightly, "I'm going to play." Towards the court.

I let out a long, strong pressure on my chest and immediately turned around and walked in the opposite direction. I'm afraid I will regret it if I take a step later.

At night, I lost sleep again, and I struggled a lot in my heart. For a while, my reasoning prevailed, and I was sure that my decision was correct. For a while, my emotions prevailed, and I mocked myself for asking for trouble. Why not?

However, it doesn't matter what you think now, because pride like Zhang Jun will only choose to turn around and leave immediately.

In the middle of the night, there was a torrential rain, thunder thundered, and the rain was knocking on the window, and I was a little drowsy. I was knocked away all at once, and I could only listen to the wind and rain.

When I woke up early in the morning, I was a bit top-heavy. I thought I would see Zhang Jun later, and suddenly felt very weak.

After washing, Lin and Lin went to breakfast together. When they arrived at the cafeteria, they were just going to have a meal. Someone called me: "Luo Qiqi."

It was Zhang Jun ’s voice. It took me three seconds to turn around.

Zhang Jun's face was not very good, as if he didn't sleep well, he had no expression, and said very calmly: "I have helped you and Lin still have a good breakfast."

I have n’t spoken yet, Lin still smiled and said, “Thank you.” I could only follow him and walked dizzily to the table and sat down. Shen Yuanzhe, who was sitting on the side, nodded and smiled at me, his face was not very pretty, it seemed Did not sleep well.

I usually eat early in my dreams, and I have no idea what I ate.

Arriving in the car, Lin still just wanted to sit next to me. Zhang Jun's arm stretched out on the back of the chair, blocking her: "I'm sorry, I want to occupy this seat for a long time."

Lin was still stunned for a while, smiled, and walked back to sit down.

Zhang Jun sat next to me. I turned my head and looked out of the window, pretending to study the scenery outside the car window intently, but my heart was up and down.

The car was running on the highway, some classmates were singing, some classmates were talking and laughing, but Zhang Jun remained silent.

I kept brewing courage to turn around, but I did n’t have courage at all. When my neck was about to turn into fossils and the glass was about to be melted by me, I finally summoned up the courage and turned back calmly, planning to go with Zhang Jun Serious conversation, but found that Zhang Jun leaned his head against the back of the chair, and fell asleep.

My false calmness turned into lost resentment. I was entangled there, tangled, and my neck was sore, but people knew nothing about it and slept very sweetly.

However, the anger quickly dissipated.

In the summer morning, beams of sunlight came through the car window and shone on his face. The window is dark blue, and the light is filtered into different shades of blue. As the car moves, the depth of blue is jumping happily, but he is extremely quiet, gliding in a crystal. Leaping and Huaguang overflowing, he fell asleep peacefully and sweetly.

Suddenly, a scene many years ago came back to my heart. The bright summer sunshine sprinkled through the treetops, the river flowed through, and he lay quietly on the big stone, and the warm wind blew our fingers Pointy, very warm, very warm ...

Unconsciously, it has been so many years that we have become high school students who felt out of reach at that time.

My heart is as soft as the petals of April. When I touch it, tears will come out. I quietly pulled the car curtain to cover the sun. I leaned my head on the back of the chair and stared at him quietly.

I have n’t really seen him for a long time, and for a long time, in the past few years, I have either looked away from him immediately, or just followed the back or side of my eyes with the afterglow of my eyes.

He slept for a long time, and I watched him for a long time.

Without any warning, he opened his eyes suddenly, and the two of them stared at each other suddenly. I was startled for a moment, and immediately turned my head in panic, but immediately realized that there should be no traces, so I pretended to be uncomfortable for a long time. Rubbing his neck, turning his head back and forth, as if he had just opened his eyes, I just turned his head right in front of him.

The eyes of the two will always meet, but they will always move away with a light touch, and I don't know whether he is panicking or whether I am panicking. I always feel that I should say something, but the things I have brewed before have been forgotten.

He whispered: "There is still an hour to arrive, sleep for a while, climbing the Great Wall requires strength."

His tone was gentle, and my heart was soft, so although I turned my head indifferently, I closed my eyes obediently.

I was still thinking in my head, for a while I was a kid, and for a while the picture was just now, but I didn't sleep well last night, and I really fell asleep after thinking about it.

Suddenly felt the brakes, when I woke up, I found that I had reached the Great Wall.

The driver fell back and forth a few times and finally parked the car.

The Great Wall of China is in front of us. The students grabbed their backpacks excitedly and rushed out of the car with a hula.

Zhang Jun and others walked almost together before they stood up slowly and took our backpack from the luggage rack. I was about to get it, but he opened his backpack and pressed my small backpack and put it all Into his backpack.

"what are you doing?"

He said nothing, Shi Shiran did everything, and carried his backpack over his shoulder: "Go! Go climb the Great Wall!"

I had to empty my hands and followed him out of the car. After Teacher Xing bought the ticket, she decided to be led by her. Physics teacher looked at the middle, and Shen Yuanzhe and Zhang Jun pressed.

In a team of more than 30 people, some people walk fast and some people walk slowly, gradually pulling apart.

I soon understood that Zhang Jun didn't kindly help me with a backpack, but my water, food and money were all with him, which turned me into following him like a ghost shadow.

However, it didn't take long for me to think about these things, because this was the first time I saw the Great Wall with my own eyes. The Great Wall in textbooks and on TV finally came to my feet. I am very excited!

Me, Lin still, Zhang Jun, Shen Yuanzhe climbed the Great Wall while talking. Not only did Zhang Jun not attack me today, but he was very supportive. Unconsciously, I and I also began to speak. He has climbed the Great Wall twice, telling us about the previous interesting experience, learning the curse of Beijingers. Poor, Lin and I still laughed a lot at him, and all the gaps seemed to be gone in the laughter.

Lin was still very happy to see me, and very happy. He became very lively. When he was tired, he asked Zhang Jun jokingly if she could also enjoy the backpack service. Zhang Jun immediately carried her bag without saying a word.

Lin still blinked at me, smiled with his tongue, and did not say thank you to Zhang Jun. Instead, he saluted me and said "Thank you".

"Go to you, don't get cheap and sell well!" I scolded in my mouth, but my heart was warmly happy, and I couldn't help smiling.

Zhang Jun laughed at me, and he always laughed.

The four of us talked and laughed, and crawled and rested, so it was really "pressed".

On the return trip, Zhang Jun's temper was relatively wild, and he didn't want to take the avenue anymore. He suggested turning over from the Great Wall and going outside.

Lin was still a little scared, and I tried to incite her: "My sports class is the worst, I can go, and you can definitely go. If you encounter a beast, I promise to be the last one to block you."

Lin still hesitated and looked at Shen Yuanzhe in consultation. Obviously Shen Yuanzhe's opinion played a decisive role. Shen Yuanzhe said: "We still don't want to ..."

I immediately begged flattery: "It's boring to go the same way, I know you have been helping me all the time, please!"

Shen Yuanzhe did not answer for a while. His eyes were hidden behind the glasses. Under the sunlight, the lenses reflected the white light, and he could not see the contents inside his eyes.

He said: "Well, we will violate the discipline once, and only once, but first, if found by Mrs. Xing and Mrs. Wang, it ’s all I and Zhang Jun ’s idea, you two are forced of."

"No problem, no problem."

I laughed and immediately dragged Lin to find a good place.

Walking in the wild, the scenery is different from the Great Wall.

In front of the wild nature, Lin still quickly forgot to worry about it. When he saw a beautiful cluster of wildflowers, he took a picture; when he saw a handsome tree, he took a group photo. Play more than I did.

When Shen Yuanzhe helped Lin still take pictures, Zhang Jun asked me if I wanted to take pictures. I smiled and shook my head. He also understood why I refused to take pictures again. What I wanted to say, I ran away immediately.

It rained at night, and many places were slippery. Lin still walked tremblingly. Shen Yuanzhe, who was always attentive, naturally took on the task of taking care of her. When she encountered difficult places, she often held her hand.

Zhang Jun stretched out his hand to help me several times, but I refused it. I walked up and down and walked crookedly. This kind of wild interest requires thrilling excitement. Without this thrilling excitement, the fun will be greatly reduced.

The four of us climbed the wading in the wild mountains and ridges, and finally we were about to go down the mountain. Lin still asked Shen Yuanzhe to help her take a few photos, and the two have been busy choosing photos from all angles.

I stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up at the heights. The mountains were rolling, endless and magnificent, and I was very magnificent. I felt a sense of arrogance in my heart. I felt that I couldn't really understand any more books.

I bent down and picked two intact pine cones from the ground and put them in a bag.

"Luo Qiqi."

Zhang Jun stood under a tree and called me. When I turned around, he smiled and said, "Come here."

I walked over with a smile, he suddenly kicked a big tree, and the person quickly backed away. As the trunk shook, the water on the leaves shook down, like a light rain.

"Ah!" I exclaimed to hide, almost slipping. Zhang Jun took the opportunity to hold my hand. I knocked on him and laughed. "My hat and clothes are wet. What do you say?"

Zhang Jun didn't say a word, smiled and took my hand and walked down the mountain. I wanted to release his hand, but he didn't let it go. At first, I didn't realize it, thinking he didn't understand what I meant: "No need to help me I can go by myself. "

He didn't seem to hear it at all, his thin lips squeezed, his face was serious, his eyes were just staring at the front, and when I squeezed his hands several times, but he gripped and tightened, I finally reacted afterwards. Not to help each other.

My heart started pounding wildly, and I was so sweet and panicked, I wanted to see him, but I dared not to see it. It seemed that there were countless sweet and rumbling chocolate hearts in my body. He became dizzy and forgot everything. He only knew to follow him. Even if he took me off the cliff, I was afraid I would go with him.

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