A Book Dedicated to Our Youth

Chapter 50: Looking back at life scenery (5)

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Disappointment flashed in his eyes, but he smiled and said, "Okay, I just have something to do."

At that time, I was young and could not see the disappointment in his eyes, only saw his smile, so I also laughed, waved to him, and ran towards the house with a small step.

The grayness and heavyness that came out of study suddenly dissipated, and youth seemed to show me the brightness and joy that should belong to it in an instant. Although this brightness and joy are too erratic and too uncertain, but this moment It's real.

I set an alarm clock at half past six. After getting up, I first read English for an hour. After breakfast, I hurriedly took a shower and started dressing up.

My mother was blowing her hair, seeing me tinkering with her hair in front of the mirror, I took a hair dryer to help me straighten my hair, used a little hair gel to shape it, it looked black and smooth, and found two clips with fake pearls. I staggered the hair on one side.

My mother hurried to work, and my sister was still sleeping. I sneaked into my sister's house to turn over her closet and found a blue suspender skirt with a white lapel shirt. When I went out, I thought about it on the left and on the right. I also borrowed my sister's favorite white sandals.

When he arrived at the bridge, Zhang Jun had arrived. He was wearing white slacks and a white and blue T-shirt, standing on the grass beside the poplar forest.

The trees are verdant, the grass is lush, the morning sun falls from the woods, and shines on him, he is as clean as the blue sky and white clouds, and the green trees are full of sunshine, and I was dumbfounded for a while. Although everyone said that Zhang Jun was handsome, he probably knew it since he was a child. He never really felt his appearance. Today, he really realized that he was really handsome and compelling.

He looked down at his watch and looked in the direction of my house, not impatient, but smiling.

I walked to him through the white poplar forest, the girl's vanity expanded, and the person waiting for such an outstanding boy turned out to be me.

He heard the sound and saw me sideways, his eyes bright.

The two of us stood in the aspen forest, and they were both a little embarrassed. I said, "I'm sorry, I was late." Actually, I was hiding and watching him for a while.

He smiled and said, "It's okay, let's go!"

I asked him: "What color do you like best?"

"Blue, white, black, how about you?"

"Green, blue, white, I like trees, grass, flowers, I feel that without them, there is nothing, they are like life; like blue sky, I think this is the broadest color; and white ..."

"White is the simplest and most complex; the most accommodating and the most critical."

The two looked at each other with a smile, and they shared the joy of being together.

He said: "But you are rarely seen wearing white clothes."

"It's easy to get dirty, it's too troublesome, it's better not to look good, but don't bother."

He laughed dumbly: "This reason is really strange for girls."

The two went to the door of the middle school with a smile, and there were already a bunch of parents around the school door waiting for the list. He whistled softly, expressing awe. I remembered Wavelet, a little uncomfortable, crowded in the crowd and waiting for the college entrance examination to release the list. For us, perhaps it was just nasty, but it was always a regret in his heart.

Zhang Jun and I bought two bottles of drinks and sat on the flower garden table next to the sidewalk, talking while waiting.

I was a bit strange about his reaction just now, so I asked, "Have you not seen it at the entrance of the school before? When the results of the mid-term entrance examination came out last year, it was crowded."

"the first time."

I remembered Guan He that he went to Shanghai last year and asked, "Is Shanghai fun?"

"Not bad, not as fun as Beijing and Qingdao."

There was a smile in his eyes. I deliberately pretended not to understand it, drinking a drink, looking around, looking at the past, but not looking at him, but the sweet hiding in my eyes could not be hidden.

"Zhang Jun, Luo Qiqi."

Guan He, who was wearing a purple dress, stood in front of us, probably surprised to see me and Zhang Jun talking and laughing for the first time.

My smile froze, Zhang Jun moved to my side and made a place for Guan He to sit.

Guan He sat next to him and said, "I don't know if you are going to watch the list today, or you will bring Lin Yilian's tape."

"It's okay, I don't listen. I still have a lot of her straps over there. If you want to listen, find some time to pick up at my house."


Hearing their familiar conversation, it seemed that there was so much joy in the chest that it would disappear.

Guan He muttered: "How come this year so late?"

As I was talking, I heard the crackling sound of firecrackers. Four or five teachers came out of the school and started to post. Guan He said in surprise: "There was no firecrackers last year."

Zhang Jun said: "This year's champion and top spot are our school, and the overall score is also ranked first in the province, of course, to celebrate."

The school entrance has started to clamor: "Chen Jin is the champion! Chen Jin is the champion! Liu Tao is the second in the province ..."

Parents and students are starting to squeeze forward, the scene is very chaotic.

I asked Zhang Jun: "You knew why you didn't tell us?"

Zhang Jun smiled and said, "Isn't it boring?"

Guan He looked at the school gate and was stunned. She must have thought of her achievements. Since going to high school, her best grade is only the ninth grade. For those who are used to the first from childhood, there must be a psychological gap.

Zhen Gongzi and Jia Gongzi are all here. A group of people are chatting while watching the excitement. The topics naturally revolve around today's focus, Chen Jin. Zhen Gongzi is also very informed: "I heard that Chen Jin has negotiated with Tsinghua University and entered Tsinghua's Architecture Department; Liu Tao is also Tsinghua, Computer Department."

There was a lot of noise in the crowd. It was Liu Tao who came to see the list. Parents stared at him and made a variety of enviable voices. Liu Tao ’s father could n’t help but smile, and Guan He was curious: “I do n’t know if Chen Jin will Will look at the list. "

I blurted out: "Absolutely not."

Guan He looked at me in surprise: "Why? Do you know him?"

Zhang Jun explained: "We had a class with Chen Jin Primary School. Qi Qi and he stayed at the same table until he jumped."

Guan He regrets: "Unfortunately I came late, and I missed the same class as the champion."

Some people laughed and cried at the gate of the school, staged a tragic comedy of life's gains and losses, but after all, it had nothing to do with us. After a while, our fresh energy on the college entrance examination list passed.

Jia Gongzi shouted to go bowling and roller skating. Zhang Jun said to Guan He and me, "Go together."

Guan He smiled and shook his head, Zhang Jun smiled and said, "I'll treat you, give me some face!"

Zhen Gongzi immediately turned into a speaker and called towards the students around him: "Zhang Jun invites guests, who will go bowling and roller skating?"

A group of people raised their hands, Zhang Jun kicked Zhen Gongzi and smiled and said to Guan He: "Everyone will go, let's go play together!"

Guan He still smiled and refused.

Bowling is a new thing. It costs ten dollars to play a game. It is a luxury for students.

I saw that Guan He actually wanted to go, but her pride was similar to mine, but I was willing to give up my pride for her, and I smiled and persuaded her: "Go, everyone go to play together, I have never played bowling, Just go and see. "

Zhen Gongzi kept on making a fight: "Guan Mei, give some face."

Guan He finally nodded.

Ten people stopped two vans and rushed towards the bowling alley. Zhang Jun led me to the front.

Because it is a non-weekend day, the price has a discount, eight yuan a game. Everyone was divided into three groups and asked for three matches. Zhang Jun, Zhen Gongzi and Jia Gongzi each lead a group.

Zhang Jun taught me to play. He asked me to take the ball until I tried the lightest ball. I barely played. He measured my wrist with his hand and said, "I can pull you down with one finger. You should exercise more. Otherwise, the development of the brain is too uneven. "

My response was to stare at him. He smiled and started teaching me to play, but I was really stupid. I played several times and still couldn't find it.

Guan He had a good sense of the ball, and it didn't take long to get started, so he played several Grand Slams together. Everyone applauded and cheered, Zhang Jun looked at her and smiled.

I felt very empty in my heart. I didn't seem to notice anything on the surface. In fact, I always watched carefully.

After Guan He was divided into a group of Zhen Gongzi, Zhang Jun had been paying attention to watching Guan He. At the beginning, Zhen Gongzi only looked at himself to play. Zhang Jun deliberately went to Zhen Gongzi and whispered a few words, although nobody heard them What happened, can be judged according to Zhen Gongzi's attitude change before and after, certainly related to Guan He.

My mood is getting lower and lower, the ball is getting worse and worse, and I laugh more and more on the face. Zhang Jun made fun of me: "It seems that your cerebellum has never been developed at all. We have to make a plan to develop your cerebellum."

Zhen Gongzi also shook his head and mocked me: "Guan He is also learning for the first time, and you are one by one."

Zhang Junhong said to Master Zhen: "Come on, you have to say a few words! How can you be smart without being stupid? We have to give Luo Qiqi a big credit."

I laughed at my clumsy hands with them, but there was a little person in my heart who looked at me sadly and compassionately, don't compare! You have always lost to Guan He! No competition, no wins and losses, no sadness!

I didn't want to fight anymore, because every time I played, Zhen Gongzi would laugh at me. I also laughed at him with him. Instead of waiting for someone to trample me down, I would first degrade myself into the dust.

Under my severe delay, even though Zhang Jun played a slam in almost every round, our group still lost.

Both Zhen Gongzi and Jia Gongzi laughed: "Okay, okay, with Luo Qiqi, we will always be the winners in the future."

Zhang Junxiao said to Guan He: "You played really well, not like playing it for the first time."

Guan He was tired and excited, her cheeks were flushed, her eyes were shiny, and she was as beautiful as a lotus after the summer rain. I suddenly felt very tired and wanted to go home, but I had just promised to eat together and go roller skating.

During the meal, Guan He sat down first, and I deliberately sat across from her, because Zhang Jun had not yet come in at this time, and I wondered where he would sit. I don't know if all girls will use some inexplicable details to verify their feelings. In fact, neither Ruyi nor Ruyi can prove anything, because the thinking of boys and girls is not on a channel at all. The only certainty is that if she does so, it can only prove that she has no confidence in this relationship. Feeling lurks in crisis.

After Zhang Jun came in, he sat next to me while talking to Mr. Jia. It was very natural.

The unhappiness when playing bowling just now was a little bit lighter, but it didn't take long for me to see Zhang Jun handing the menu to Guan He, asking her what she wanted to eat, and specifically telling the waiter not to put coriander, because Guan He didn't eat.

My words are getting less and less, but my smile is getting brighter.

Perhaps, we were sitting in the wrong position at all. Guan He should be sitting next to Zhang Jun, and I should be sitting opposite.

After eating, they discussed where to go roller skating. After hearing their talk, I realized that roller skating became popular again last semester.

Two types of roller skates are popular today, one is indoor and wooden floor; the other is outdoor and concrete floor, the wooden floor is relatively small, and the concrete floor is relatively open. They are greedy and choose to go to the concrete floor next to the bowling alley.

When they arrived, the boys went to buy tickets, deposit money and shoes, and the girls waited.

When I saw the shoes they brought, I realized that the times have changed. It is no longer roller skates that you can wear when you are wearing shoes when you are a child, but delicate and beautiful leather shoes like boots. You must take off your shoes to wear them.

Zhang Jun handed Guan He two small plastic bags and said, "Wrap the shoes on your feet and clean them." Then she handed me two small plastic bags.

I wear my shoes silently. Zhang Jun stooped to help me tie my shoelaces, and I shrank back: "No, I can do it myself." Although I was wearing this shoe for the first time, I had eyes. When Jia Gongzi was wearing shoes just now, I Has been quietly observing, already knowing how to tie shoelaces.

Jia Gongzi and Zhen Gongzi are both self-centered people. Once they put on their shoes, they immediately ran away.

Zhang Jun walked over to see Guan He. Guan He stretched out his feet. Zhang Jun squatted down to teach her to tie shoelaces, and then watched her wear another shoe. One of them is a handsome man, the other is a beautiful woman, just like the most harmonious couple, everyone passing by will take a look.

Guan He didn't dare to stand for the first time on roller skating. Zhang Jun reached out and encouraged her to believe him. Guan He put his hand on his palm and stood up tremblingly. Zhang Jun turned to me and said, "You are here waiting for me for a while, and I will come back to pick you up later."

I watched him slide Guan He holding Guan He and still didn't mean to come back. I stood up. Although the shoes have changed, the principle is still the same. Roller skating is like riding a bicycle. Once you learn it, you will never forget it.

I walked into the roller rink by holding the railing and slipped out with a step. Although I haven't skied for many years, I slipped in a while.

There was music on the roller rink, intense for a while and lyrical for a while. The owner of this house is very attentive, decorating the colored lights commonly used in the ballroom at high places to change the color of the roller skating rink, and there is a super bright spotlight. Every few songs, they will pick a pair and slide very well. People, hit the spotlight on them, so that everyone in the audience can see, satisfied the vanity of young people. If it is a father and daughter, the music will be particularly lyrical, so that the people who slide and watch are full of touch; if it is a young couple, the music will be very enthusiastic, allowing them to fully demonstrate their own roller skating skills, details No wonder this business is so good to cater to customers so much.

The roller skating rink is very large and there are many people. I deliberately don't want to see Zhang Jun and Guan He sliding hand in hand, so soon I don't know where they are.

With my music, I slid hard and fast, and the boy next to me invited me: "Can I slide with you?"

It turns out that roller skating is just like dancing. You can also invite people. I didn't refuse. He accompanied me for two laps and tried to hold my hand. I cleverly avoided it by speeding up.

He knows how to advance and retreat, and he hasn't tried it yet, and he started to introduce himself, asking for my name, and praised me for his temperament.

I smile, doesn't he watch TV? When there is nothing to praise a girl who is not beautiful, she is praised for her temperament.

I didn't answer any questions about his personal information, but he didn't give up. He was still sliding with me beside me. When I was resting, I accompanied me and chatted with me. I didn't hate him, so I talked to him about something that was not marginal.

In the crowd, I saw Zhang Jun, who was still with Guan He. After they slipped, I started to slip again, but Zhang Jun and Guan He were holding hands and lingering in front of my eyes. My speed was getting faster and faster. The boys beside me kindly reminded me: "Be careful . "

Suddenly, the huge light beam hit us. I was dazed and almost fell. He was busy supporting me and said happily, "I have played many times and was illuminated for the first time."

He wanted to drag me to slide, I pushed him away: "I'm sorry, I don't want to slide, you slide alone."

I slipped to the side, but the light beam came after me. My technique is not outstanding at all. Is there any problem with the eyes of the person who is lighting? I hid impatiently to the side. The person who illuminated the light probably finally understood my intention. Instead of sliding, I wanted to hide and move the light away.

I just sat down, and the man chased him too: "Are you thirsty? Would you like a drink?"

I haven't answered yet. Zhang Jun stood in front of me, his face black, his eyes full of anger: "Are you having a good time?"

I looked at him, what qualifications did he have to get angry with me?

"Yes, very happy."

He stared at me for a moment, then turned and slipped away. The boy next to him asked, "Do you want a drink?"

I turned to him and said, "Thank you for your kindness. If I am thirsty, I will buy a drink myself. In addition, I am serious. Your patience and sincerity do not impress me. I would rather put the same energy into something else. The girl. "

He smiled and said, "Understood, are you mad at your boyfriend?"


Intense music sounded, and a bright beam hit a pair of men and women. It was Zhang Jun and a beautiful woman I didn't know. She was wearing a short skirt and had beautiful slender legs. She slid very well. The two men stepped in and out, sliding the roller skates like a Latin dance.

"Is that your boyfriend?"

I said nothing. Is that Zhang Jun? I do not know.

He smiled and said, "To be with such a boy requires a strong nerve."

I stood up and went rollerblading, faster and faster, just want to get rid of all the unhappiness. Suddenly, the feet were out of balance, fell down, and I forgot to protect myself when I was sad, so I fell straight back to the ground, and the back of the head slammed heavily on the concrete floor. It was dark before my eyes. The consciousness was still sober, but I couldn't move. , I heard countless whispers passing by my ears.

"Oh, be careful."

"Hurry up and you will trip others."

"Hello, are you okay?"

I finally came over, and a good-hearted couple took me a hand. I just wanted to stand up, and my body slid down again. The eyes were full of golden light. It turns out that the "Venus in front of me" is not a decoration, but a real one.

The girl said with concern: "Did it fall to the head? I saw it and fell hard enough, so loudly."

The two of them sent me to the rest area and asked, "Are there any friends? Would you like us to find you?"

I hugged my head and whispered, "I came here alone, it's okay, thank you."

They asked me several more times, and after confirming that I was conscious, I slipped happily hand in hand.

The figures they support each other make my eyes sore. Where is the person who should comfort me when I am injured?

In the roller skating rink, under the bright beam, Zhang Jun is still dancing and dancing, sometimes he is holding the girl's waist, and sometimes the girl is holding his hand. The beam gradually dimmed. He had just separated from his female partner. Another girl asked him to slide. He did not refuse. The two held each other's hands. Zhang Jun began to slip, and the girl stepped on the pace with the rhythm of music.

My head hurts, but my heart hurts more! Unspeakably sad and wronged, I just want to leave all this far.

I took off my roller skates, took back my shoes, put them on, and walked out of the roller rink alone.

I looked at the money on my body and it was only three yuan. When I came out in the morning, I thought I was looking at the list. I did n’t think about taking the money. I did n’t have enough money to go home. There was no bus here.

I bought myself a three-layer ice cream with the most expensive chocolate filling as a spoil for myself.

In this world, no one can love me, but I want to love myself, pity myself, and be kind to myself. This is what Wavelet taught me. When I think of Wavelet, I suddenly want to cry, but I should smile.

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