A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 124 Professors (please order first!)

This class also made the new professor Belby realize part of the reality, that is—

Times are really different.

The difference between the "average level" in his mouth and the "average level" shown by the little wizard was too great, and he couldn't help but doubt his life.

‘However, maybe it’s just this grade that is poorer? ' Belby thought with unrealistic hopes.

The little wizards who filed out of the classroom were particularly satisfied with the new professor.

"Today's class was fantastic."

"Did you see the tripping spell I used?"

"I'm totally over the top!"

"Crabbe is acting stupid."


After all the courses that day were over, Belby finally had a clear understanding of the magical attainments of the little wizards, and no longer had any luck - he even had a tendency to lean towards the other extreme.

"There is almost no sense of danger, I only know how to stand in place and recite spells." Belby complained to Felix during dinner.

Felix smiled happily: "I told you, Damocles, to let you know their level in advance."

"It's completely different from when I was in school," Belby said.

"In fact, the level of the seniors is not bad. They have at least mastered a lot of useful spells, but they just don't know how to use them flexibly. But in recent years, the professors of this course are not very reliable, which has caused the junior wizards to completely There was no awareness of danger," Felix explained.

He suggested:

"Defense Against the Dark Arts class and dueling class are so close that we can interact."


"As you know, a lot of dueling spells work in Defence Against the Dark Arts classes as well. For example, Iron Armor, Imprisonment and the like."

Belby looked thoughtful.

Defense against the Dark Arts is a course that teaches students how to use magic to protect themselves from dark creatures and black magic. Students will learn some offensive magic and defensive magic in class to resist danger.

But this course actually covers a wider range of content - there is never more than one source of danger, dark wizards, black magic, dangerous magical creatures, magical plants, the handling of small curses, and the response to common dangerous scenarios...

It's not so much a defense against the dark magic as a defense against potential danger.

Identify dangers, find dangers, deal with dangers, judge the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy and ourselves, and find weaknesses...

These are the setting concepts of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Therefore, Belby will not and should not spend a lot of time, letting the little wizards focus all their energy on one or two dangers.

From this perspective, the dueling class can naturally be regarded as a supplementary and practical part of the Defense Against the Dark Arts class - which is one of the reasons why Lockhart easily applied to the dueling club.


For the next period of time, Felix devoted all his energy to upgrading the 'Answer Parchment'.

Professor McGonagall exercised his vice-president power to bring in professors corresponding to almost all subjects and held a professors meeting.

The professors raised their hands to express their willingness to participate in the program.

Except for a few courses - such as purely practical flying courses, and divination courses known as 'requiring rare sights' to learn, plus some temporary courses (such as apparition courses, career counseling courses), other subjects The professors readily agreed to join them.

Professor Keitelborn said with a complicated expression: "I have always hoped to do something meaningful before I officially retire. Originally, I planned to hold an opera and invite my troll friends..."

Felix was rather thankful that he had dismissed the idea.

And the professor of the history of magic, the ghost Cuthbert Binns, his transparent silver-white body has also turned into a strange state of shiny white, which makes people worry that he will feel that his existence has been replaced, and thus forever disappear.

But fortunately, he was just a little excited: "This is very good, I think the achievements of the little wizards in the history of magic will improve."


From the perspective of a bystander, many professors gather in one room and see a lot of interesting things.

For example, Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout rarely look directly at each other, but they do not show body language that resists each other;

For another example, Snape was indifferent to Belby, but he did not refuse to discuss the knowledge of potions with him;

Felix also met the divination professor, Sybill Trelawney, for the first time since joining.

Three years later, she was still the same: Trelawney looked very thin, with high cheekbones, and her large glasses were blazing, making it hard to see her expression, like a big beetle coming towards her.

When you get closer, you can see her eyes that have been magnified several times. She was draped in a light, sheer, shimmering shawl, with heavy necklaces and beads around her slender neck, and bracelets and rings on her arms and hands.

'This is perhaps the most self-packaging professor at Hogwarts, with a mysterious aura all over him. ' Felix thought.

He doesn't have a good sense of the divination professor, as she has repeatedly hinted that something will happen to Felix during his school days...

And Felix decided to cancel the course after finding out that he had no talent for divination.

This kept his divination class grades permanently at a terrible level.

"Oh, Felix, I still remember you...you're a very talented wizard in the eyes of ordinary people, but in my sight," Trelawney pointed to her own eyes, staring straight at "I saw large swaths of turbidity and darkness," he said.

"Sybill, I think it's because you haven't woken up from your hangover," interrupted Professor McGonagall bluntly, who, too, had no fondness for the slurred and playful professor.

Trelawney blushed and said, "Tianmu will not be changed by external influences, no matter if I drink or not!"

She sat angrily in an empty chair.

Felix also used the meeting to have a tentative chat with Muggle studies professor Karidi Boubaji, and was somewhat disappointed by the feedback he got.

This professor is no stranger to Muggle society. According to her, she lives in a community in the Muggle world. But Professor Boubaji also thinks from the perspective of a wizard. At least, she never thought of understanding the principles of technology-even the level of handicraft classes for elementary school students.

"Felix, I think that's enough, I go to the bookstore twice a year to pick out the most popular books."

Felix asked politely, "What's your most recent book?"

"Mendel: The Father of Genetics," said Boubaji with interest, "it gave me a lot of inspiration..."

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