A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 170 The Snowball of the Times

Things really went haywire as Yuria planned.

Felix walked out of the hotel, the flash of the magic camera dazzlingly flashed, emitting plumes of purple smoke from the camera. The reporters in the French magic circle were so excited that they had taken a manic potion, and they were flushing abnormally from the nose to the neck.

There were two black-robed wizards in the courtyard, leaving a circle around them. People seem to have a kind of ambivalence, wanting to take a closer look, but they also harbor some kind of worries, so they choose a position that is neither embarrassing nor embarrassing.

Their masks had all been taken off, revealing two young faces. One of them is the student leader Yuria, and the other is Bethney's younger brother Byers.

"Byers, you don't need to follow." Yuria whispered.

"Anyway, I've been seen, so what's there to be afraid of? I just hope I can take a look at Bethney before being locked up." Byers said indifferently.

"Maybe you'll regret it."

"At least not yet. Why haven't they arrested us? The reporters have been filming for a while, and to be honest, the flash dazzled my eyes."

Yuria said rationally: "The longer you delay, the better, see, Celeste is stupid."

Celeste was really stupid. She was warning Moore, who was constantly wiping sweat, in an orderly tone, "Mr. Director, you can't let reporters come in. This is about the diplomacy between the two countries."

Moore spit out a string of vague French: "I can't control them, journalists have that right."

"At least take these two students away?"

"I can't be in charge, it's about diplomacy between the two countries," Moore responded with the same words. "I've informed the minister that I won't do anything until he comes. Maybe you can do it yourself."

Of course Celeste wouldn't be stupid enough to do it himself, didn't he see that the reporters outside were so excited that they were about to explode?

Does she want to add another fire?

Then what will her reputation look like tomorrow!

Celeste once again felt that she was playing off. She walked over to Cecil and squeezed a sentence out of her teeth: "What about our people?"

"They were led away by the Reformers. When they came back, the attack was over. They are now going out to try their luck to see if they can find someone. There is no news yet," Cecil said.

"Bring these idiots back! What's the use of arresting people now, they're all delivered to the door themselves." Celeste said angrily, feeling her chair in the Woolworth Building office had long legs and a hat. Wings were put on—in short, everything seemed to be gone from her.

"Sorry, I can't get in touch." Cecil shrugged.

"Look outside! Someone's here again!" said a short reporter.

"The minister is here?" the reporter next to him asked.

"...More Black Robes!" The short reporter couldn't wait to give Yuria and the others a new name to make the headlines tomorrow.

No, it's tonight's headline!

More than a dozen reporters rushed out carrying black cameras. In their excited expressions, dozens of black-robed wizards appeared in the Booth Reis Hotel. They wore masks and remained silent all the way, and their footsteps were neat. , this style particularly attracted the attention of reporters.

Maxwell asked: "Director, what should we do?"

Moore looked up at the sky, intently studying the shape of a cloud that seemed to hold some great discovery. So, under the watchful eyes of the staff of the French Ministry of Magic, the students of Ilvermorny entered the courtyard without any hindrance.

Yuria and Byers looked at their arrogant companions with dull expressions, and they didn't recover until they walked in front of them.

"Why are you here? Didn't I tell you to leave? Just write a letter..."

"Hey, Yuria, we have completed the task, but before we go, we have summed it up and think it is not good to miss this lively." A passionate voice said.

"Matt..." Yuria whispered.

"It's me." The speaking wizard lifted the mask, revealing a bright smile.

"And me, Yuria." A witch with a ponytail lifted her mask and winked at him.

"Haha, I can't just slip away like this." A cheerful wizard lifted his mask with a smile.

"Yes, he's right, and I'm not willing to leave like this."

"It's a coincidence, I think so too."


The black-robed wizards lifted their masks. They were male and female, tall and short, fat and thin, but they were all full of youthful air.

Seeing this scene, Celeste was completely dumbfounded, her lips opened and closed silently, and her expression was dull.

It's not just her, Moore, Cecil, Maxwell, Bubbaji, reporters, Muggle research experts, one of them, all of them are shocked by this picture.

After a short pause, the hotel yard was boiling, and the shutter sound of the magic camera was connected, and it was as noisy as a buzzer.

Above Paris, owls streak across the sky.

Faced with such a situation, a small director of the Law Enforcement Department could not hold back at all.

The French Minister of Magic was the first to arrive, but he also found it difficult. Hesitating between grasping and not grasping, at this moment, one after another silhouette appeared through Apparition.


The French Minister of Magic said in surprise.

A woman strode over, "Hello, Minister, I was commissioned by the chairman to come to communicate with you first. He will arrive later, you know, in order to appease the Congress..."

"Did you get the news?"

The woman said helplessly: "This is also one of the contents to communicate. God, they are really powerful."

"We were the first ones—with the help of stocked portkeys and Apparition. There may be some wizarding folks who will follow closely..."

Her words are a bit conservative, definitely not just "some" enthusiastic people.

After three or four hours, people who got the news filled the small half of the valley.

The French Minister of Magic urgently transferred one-third of the staff to take over the security work in the surrounding area of ​​the hotel.

Cancel vacations, prohibit fishing, and work overtime through passing. All kinds of hidden and protective spells were scattered like rain, and the Booth Reis Hotel temporarily disappeared from the eyes of ordinary people.

Felix stood in the corner and observed silently, not knowing where things would end. But the girl named Bethni and the young people headed by them will probably go down in history.

Even if he's just an outsider, he can't help but look forward to how things will unfold, especially when he's witnessed how this group of students made this decision.

Big people keep coming.

The president of the Magical Congress of the United States, the headmaster of Ilvermorny School, a member of the International Confederation of Wizards, and a familiar figure - Albus Dumbledore, who is the president of the International Confederation of Wizards.

"Dumbledore, you are here too." Markus, the chairman of the Magical Congress of the United States, strode up to greet him.

"Markas, I have to come. The commotion has spread to my sluggish ears. It is conceivable that the impact of the matter is huge."

"No one expected ... MPs are angry, they want to punish these students severely."

"How to do it? Put them in jail?" Dumbledore's expression was very serious, his silver beard trembled: "With all due respect, Markus, any actions you take now will affect years or decades. The future will be reflected directly on you in the end, and no one will be able to escape."

"Yeah, I just learned that they did break the law, but the nature is not bad. The most important thing is-the impact is huge, if it is not handled well, maybe next Monday at the latest, these people from outside will pour in. Woolworth Building, overturn the entire Magic Congress!"

"Look, Dumbledore, there are nearly a thousand people outside."

Felix didn't listen carefully. He walked out of the hotel and looked at the crowd that was still gathering. More than half of them were American visitors.

With these enthusiastic people around, if there is no result in the hotel, the big people are afraid that they will not be able to get out.

A French staff member who maintained the order said dissatisfiedly: "In fact, they can all be regarded as smuggling... It's just that at this juncture, no one cares."

"But I hope I'll give these Yankees a hard penalty afterwards!"


Felix stood on a hillside, overlooking the hotel in the distance. Looking at the surging crowd from this angle, there is a special sense of detachment, which makes his thinking more rational.

Ministry of Magic... Ordinary Wizards... Students...

Yuria's approach gave him a whole new understanding of how the magical world was organized.

A person next to him said, "I didn't expect to see such a scene in my lifetime."

Felix had noticed someone approaching for a long time. He turned his head and saw an old man walking over with trembling steps. His face was very pale, as if he had been painted with white paint. It was difficult to say that it was his hair. Whiter, or paler.

He hurried over to grab his arm.

"Ouch." The old man cried out in pain.

"Uh, excuse me?" Felix looked at him suspiciously.

"It doesn't matter, people are old, and the bones are a little brittle."

Felix looked at him strangely, wondering if he should suggest calcium tablets.

Speaking of which, is it useful for wizards to take calcium tablets?

This episode is almost over, mainly to expand the worldview, and politics will not be involved later. Back to school tomorrow.

PS: Strange characters who have appeared in recent chapters:

Bethney (seriously injured and treated by Felix, is the introduction of the incident);

Yuria (student leader);

Daniel (American Auror, also a member of the Reform Society, has been secretly passing information);

Byers (Bethney's younger brother, the one unmasked by Felix);

Matt (Felix overhears the conversation and learns of the captured attacker);

The others are extras.

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