A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 220 New attempts and new list of recruits

The third grade ancient rune class is on the right track. After studying two excerpts from the Magical Codex, which are somewhat cryptic, they finally ushered in their first sufficiently interesting lesson.

Felix stood on the podium, "Put away the textbooks, we will make a new attempt today."

The little wizards were excited when they heard the words, "I've been looking forward to this day for a long time!" Dean Thomas said, "Professor Haip's class is always full of novel possibilities, and I've been listening to this sentence for a whole year. !"

Felix was accustomed to the chattering of the little wizards. He took out a small wooden box the size of a palm from his jacket pocket, raised his hand towards the students, and then put the box on the lecture table. , The original intention was to exercise my control over the practical ancient Rune. But I thought about it later, why don't I use it more?"

He pulled out his wand, and the tip of the wand touched the lid of the small wooden box, and circles of golden-red magic patterns woke up from his slumber and emerged from the surface of the box.

Felix fiddled with it, and the magic patterns were separated layer by layer——


The box was opened.

"What's in there?"

"I also want to know."

There was a commotion below.

Felix looked at the students under the stage with emotion. As a professor, he could easily distinguish the difference between the two colleges. The students in Gryffindor were more emotional. Knowing what was in the box, and clearly distinguishing it from it, the students of Slytherin House were much more reserved, and their eyes were full of curiosity, but except for a few dumb-looking guys, most of the students could restrain themselves.

It's not about superiority or inferiority, it just represents two different characteristics.

Soon, a rune symbol jumped out of the box, and Hermione recognized it at first sight. It was a rune symbolizing the power of the bison. She couldn't help but puff out her cheeks. These days, thanks to Li Jordan's big mouth , her reputation grew louder, breaking the armrest of the chair and threatening Draco Malfoy were brought up to talk about it.

Many young wizards from the outer courtyard came here admiring her name, chattering to see her abilities.

There are not many students who can recognize this rune at a glance like Hermione. Like Draco, he just feels that this rune is a little familiar, and he seems to have seen it somewhere.

The next moment, the second rune symbol flew out of the box, followed by the third and fourth...

Hundreds of rune symbols of different colors flew out in a row, and the box closed suddenly. The little wizards looked at the rune symbols floating near the podium with wide eyes, and their hearts were full of shock.

They turned their attention to Professor Haipu, who was looking at the rune group in front of him with satisfaction, and then, he suddenly stretched out his hand and pushed, hundreds of rune symbols gathered together flying around, filling up in just a few seconds more than half of the classroom.

The little wizards looked up at the magic symbols flashing in the air, some of which were like candles floating in the air at an auditorium dinner, but these magic symbols were closer to them, and they could reach for one.

Seamus Finnigan couldn't help but touched a fiery red rune in front of him with his wand, and it suddenly sprinkled a small orange flame and floated away by itself. Seamus was startled.

Felix cleared his throat, swung his wand to draw an arc, and the rune symbol stopped for a moment.

"Next, I will teach you a little trick to perceive magic. In this class, you need to pick out the five rune symbols that you think are the most friendly, and record their shapes on the parchment."

"As a friendly reminder, this is about your grades in the practical part of the final exam."

The other students looked at him with longing eyes, "What are we waiting for?" Seamus shouted loudly, and there was low laughter from below.

Felix explained the so-called technique, "It's actually very simple, reach out and touch the symbol and perceive the magic inside it. The more you 'see', the better it matches you... You can start! "

Ron whispered to Harry, "Sounds like something Trelawney would say."

Harry couldn't help but glance at Hermione, but she was very critical of Professor Trelawney, and more than once laughed at the unreliability of "Tianmu", "Sight" and so on - these are all divination professors A professional vocabulary in the mouth to describe whether a little wizard has the ability to divination.

Similar words include "a halo around you", "receptiveness to future resonance", etc. Unfortunately, Hermione is classified as a lack of divination ability.

She always had a bunch of things to say when she mentioned this name, but this time, Hermione didn't respond. She quietly leaned over to Professor Hepp and asked something in a low voice.

Harry moved in his heart and pulled Ron to follow him.

"—what's the point?" He barely heard the second half of Hermione's words.

"Preparing for the Rune Club's first event," Felix explained. "It's also to test a possibility - if wizards are born with more suitable spells, such as Potter's Disarming Charm," he nodded to Harry, "Is there a similar situation in ancient Rune?"

Hermione understood, "You think everyone has an ancient rune that suits them best? All we have to do now is find it out by feeling?"

"I'm just guessing too, but it's worth a try," Felix said.

Harry couldn't help but asked: "Professor, have the results of the Rune Club come out? Me and Ron..."

Felix glanced at him, "Your paper... barely passed the test and was ranked second."

"Second grade?" Harry heard this for the first time, he was going to ask Hermione later, she must know. But Harry understood what it meant to barely pass, and he and Ron breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way," he heard Professor Hepp say to him, "how's your dueling system paper going?"

"Uh... still writing," Harry said awkwardly, he had a bunch of notes, but the paper was only a third of the way through. And he is now full of first gear, second gear and so on.

Returning to her seat, Hermione really gave an explanation for the grades, "The professor divided the assessment results into three grades, and the lowest grade was eliminated immediately. In the professor's words, they were here to try their luck, and they did not prepare at all. ."

"The second grade is qualified, and the first grade is excellent?" Ron guessed, which is very common sense.

"No," Hermione sighed, "the first grade is qualified. As for the second grade, the right to sit in is reserved. As for whether you come or not and whether you can keep up with the club's class, the professor will not care. "

Ron opened his mouth wide and couldn't help raising his voice: "So, we just made up the numbers?"

"Professor Hepp thinks—" Hermione raised her voice, "it's possible that a few of you will follow the course, but most of you will fall behind and drop out naturally."

"Currently there are only seven people in the first tier, which is too small, so the professor is going to pick out a few more from the second tier."

Harry couldn't help but feel apprehensive. He felt that he would probably fall behind, maybe a round trip?

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