A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 265 The Twins and the Beating Willow Trap

The next morning, the freezing rain mixed with snowflakes fell from the sky, forming a smooth and transparent layer of ice on the ground, and the little wizards had to move carefully through the courtyard and open space.


Ron, who had just been released from the hospital, stumbled and threw himself on the ground. He struggled to get up. The ground was really slippery. Fortunately, Harry pulled him.

He watched with admiration as the twins conjured up a pair of skate shoes for him and circled the students in the courtyard.

"Want to try, Ron." Fred appeared in front of him, winking at him.

"No, thank you—" Ron muttered, and when he got up, it would only get worse. "Are you guys out of class?"

"Don't be silly, of course we have classes," Fred said. "Hey, George, watch out—"

Harry watched George slid over quickly, he waved his arms desperately, "Oops—", and immediately rolled with Fred, the two of them plunged into the snowdrift, their clothes, cuffs, and collars full of snow, Even their eyebrows were dyed white, and they laughed as they pointed at each other's funny faces.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other. "Come on, there are still a lot of lessons today."

"Wait, Harry!" Fred chased after him, putting his arm on Harry's shoulder, walking aside and whispering to him, "Listen, the secret passage is blocked..."

"What?" Harry said in surprise, and he didn't respond for a moment.

"The secret way, the secret way to Hogsmeade, Harry." Fred gave him a meaningful look, and Harry suddenly woke up.

He stammered, "The map..."

"It's nothing to do with the map, we wanted to go to Djoko to get some stuff yesterday, you know—" Fred winked at him, "big dung bombs, fireworks, and so on, and the one-eyed witch statue on the fourth floor looked like Dead, then Filch's cat showed up, and we hurried away."

Harry suddenly realized that it was the chain reaction after Black's attack. The professors were on guard against someone breaking into the castle. If such a thing happened, the castle's protection would fail, and he or Ron was likely to be blocked. in the dormitory.

"Harry—" Ron called from a distance.

"In short, we can only count on the passage behind the punching willow. George and I are going to explore and wait for my good news." Fred left after saying that.

"Don't-" Harry stretched out his hand to watch the twins run away, he wanted to tell them that he had been grounded in the castle by Dumbledore, and that he could not even go to Hagrid's cottage except in class and when the professor was present .

After noon, the weather finally cleared up. The three of Harry had lunch and came out of the auditorium, breathing the fresh air.

"By the way, Harry, what did Fred tell you?" Ron asked curiously.

Harry told Ron and Hermione what had happened, and Ron was disappointed. "So you can't even go to Hogsmeade in the Invisibility Cloak?" Hermione was clearly relieved.

She said to Ron, "Don't forget, neither can you. Professor McGonagall told you that until Black was caught, you and Harry were treated the same."

Ron's whole face contorted. "I've been trying to forget that."

Harry and Hermione looked at each other, they hadn't told Ron about the rat speculation, and despite Ron's constant complaints about Scabbers being useless, Harry knew that Ron was still very fond of him, and he changed the subject and said, "Maybe we can do it this weekend. Go to the practice classroom of Ancient Rune, I heard that it is very popular, and we didn't visit much in the last club assessment."

"Actually, I'd rather try your Firebolt."

Harry's mood became gloomy, "Don't think about it, Wood went to Professor McGonagall, it's useless, we can only wait."

Hermione immediately turned her head away, pretending to be interested in the distant scenery, but suddenly she pointed to the distance, "Oh, my God, look what that is—"

They were standing uphill in the clearing, with a glimpse of Hagrid's hut and a corner of the Forbidden Forest below their sight. At this moment, the ill-tempered beating willow was frantically flapping its whip-like branches, and two little black dots rushed over in a panic.

"It's Fred and George!"

They hurried to the beater willow, and fell a dozen times one after another because the road was too slippery. When they arrived panting, they found Professor McGonagall yelling angrily at the twins.

"I don't know what to think—haven't you ever taken a herbal class! How dare you call someone... Gryffindor deducted 50 points, plus a week of confinement—can you save yourself a snack at this critical moment—"

Professor McGonagall's anger has not subsided, she turned her head, "And you, Potter, Weasley, Granger, why are you here? I told you yesterday to stay in the castle. "

"Teacher, Professor, we see that Fred and George are in danger..." Harry said.

Professor McGonagall's clenched eyebrows stretched a little. "Okay, there's a reason for this, and I hope you don't make similar excuses in the future. Come back with me—"

The Weasley twins hung their heads and followed Professor McGonagall. As they passed the three, Fred gave them an exaggerated lip:

trap ~trap~

It wasn't until the evening that they saw the hapless twins again.

Fred sat down between Harry and Ron, completely free from the depression of being locked up, and he said brightly: "You can't imagine what we met today."

"A crazy willow spirit?" said Ron deliberately guessing.

"Much more fun than that," Fred's eyes lit up, "George and I were actually very cautious, ready to step back until we saw an entrance near the roots of the beating willow tree, very hidden, and George noticed the strange green color s things……"

"It should be some kind of branch, it looks familiar, but it doesn't show much, I can't recognize it." George said regretfully.

Fred replied: "So we just got a little closer, the beating willow twitched wildly, like a goblin that had eaten herbicide, we hurried away, trying to wait for it to calm down. As a result... "

"We are surrounded, and professors are falling from the sky." George said with a complicated mood, "Headmaster Dumbledore, Professor Hepp, and of course, Professor McGonagall."

Harry and the others listened in astonishment, which was much more exciting than what they saw.

Ron looked in disbelief. "So you're still alive?" He reached out and raised Fred's arm, but it dropped suddenly, and Fred made a face at Ron.

George finally said: "Headmaster Dumbledore and Professor Hepp took one look and left, leaving Professor McGonagall to clean up the mess - that's us, I think she must have regretted being the head of Gryffindor at the time... "

The twins left soon after, and they got some information from Harry, such as the willow trap was probably aimed at Blake, "Cool~" but they also rarely got serious and focused on the holiday before letting out the wind in the duel match.

"We can take the opportunity to make a fortune."

Ron stared at the backs of his two brothers and said suddenly, "I know what they want, a shop in Diagon Alley, and the family can't help them."

Harry's lips parted, but he didn't say the loan, he knew the twins wouldn't accept it.

The door to the common room opened and Neville walked in.

"Have you noticed that Neville is different?" Hermione said thoughtfully.

"Have it?"

"I can't describe it, maybe it's more spiritual?"

Harry looked at it for a long time, and he judged: "It should be more confident, and I have a similar expression after the special training."

"Did Professor Hepp tell him something? Only Neville was detained in class today."

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