A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 283 Duel Competition

Felix carried the candy box towards classroom 7, still thinking about the question he had just asked Dumbledore.

Neither he nor Dumbledore were easily persuaded. It's no easy task to convince them that Sirius is innocent with a single story.

Both of them are masters of Legilimency. Although they are rarely used, they will not hesitate at a critical moment.

The difference is that he is not familiar with Sirius, and many things are hearsay, so he needs to confirm the problem of Occlumency with Dumbledore.

Since Sirius is not good at Occlumency, his words are very credible.


Felix walked to a secluded corridor, opened the candy box, and the shrunken Sirius sat on the candy pile, holding a small piece of cauldron cake in his hand, and asked blankly, "Are we there?"

"Not yet—some preparations need to be made, you probably don't want to meet Severus, and Harry still has a looking glass for you, so that needs to be resolved."

"How to do?"

Felix didn't speak. He touched a few candies in the box with his wand, and they were transformed into a set of full-body armor under the action of magic. The style was very similar to the armor in Hogwarts Castle, even the closed helmet.

"Come on," he said to Sirius.

"I like your idea." Sirius couldn't wait to put on his new clothes and try to move his body. "I feel like I have become a real knight, but I still lack a knight's sword."

Felix complied with his request, using the licorice wand to transform into a knight's longsword.

Sirius was wearing a solid armor, and dexterously waving the long sword in his hand. If you ignore that he is only the size of a palm, he really has the demeanor of a medieval knight.

"This looks a lot like a knight magic puppet, and I can introduce you to other professors. Next, I think about how to block the looking glass..."

Layers of magical glow began to emerge from the armor of Sirius. Finally, at the location of the eyes of his helmet, Felix asked Sirius to choose black or red, and he chose red.

So the knight's eyes were covered with a layer of scarlet smoke, which made him look a little more evil and majestic.

Nine forty in the morning.

Felix walked into classroom No. 7. There was a lot of people inside. Hundreds of people gathered around a large open space and discussed enthusiastically.

The open space is artificially divided into seven grids, and each grid has a different terrain, which is divided into flat land, woods, hillsides, rocky beaches, swamps, tortuous labyrinths and a small piece of ice.

On the east side with the best view, stands a high platform with a row of seats. Flitwick and Snape had already arrived. In addition to the two regular professors of the dueling class, some professors came running over. They spontaneously changed their chairs with excitement and anticipation on their faces.

Felix walked to the high platform and put the knight with a big palm on the table. He greeted enthusiastically, "Felius, Severus... Professor Lupin, are you here too?"

"I'm here to join in the fun," Lupin said. "I didn't have these novelties when I was in school."

Snape said slowly: "But your extracurricular life is also very rich, wandering around, causing trouble..."

Lupin said politely: "Looking back at our younger self, aren't we all ignorant fools?"

On the table, Sirius dragged his closed armor and moved with a "click, click", and he swung his long sword fiercely, as if protesting against Lupin's statement.

Flitwick was about to change the subject, his eyes kept searching around, and his eyes lit up when he saw the 'Knight': "Felix, can your magic puppet move on its own?"

Felix smiled and said, "This was a long time ago, I tried to get them to handle some simple tasks, um... freeing my assistant from grading assignments, she doesn't need to consolidate these simple tasks now. knowledge."

"Miss Granger?" Lupin asked. "She's a very smart witch, and she does a great job in class."

Flitwick looked at the knight on the table, Sirius was so nervous that his movements were deformed, but this was more like a rusty metal doll.

"Did I read it wrong? I actually saw embarrassment from its actions..."

Felix took out some magic puppets from the ring and distributed them to the professors, "I tried to make them understand some simple commands. The principle is similar to a magic portrait, but the effect is not good. I need your opinion."

He calmly grabbed the 'Knight' in his hand, shook it smoothly, met Flitwick's puzzled expression, and explained, "This guy is not very smart..."

The time soon came to ten o'clock, Percy and Penello stood in the middle of the open space, Percy was very excited, and his tone lost two, "Gentlemen and ladies, this duel competition is organized by the student council. Undertaker, I, Percy Weasley, and Penello Clearwater will be responsible for maintaining order."

"First, provide some basic information: there are 218 contestants in total, and they will compete on seven different venues at random. Seven matches will be played at the same time, starting from the first grade."

Penelope Clearwater said: "You all know the rules. What I'm saying is that the professors will comment on some wonderful duels, or voice out reminders of violations. Please follow the rules, especially the use of black magic is strictly prohibited. ."

She glanced dignifiedly around, with Percy clearing her throat next to her. "Yes, that's it."

"Those who read the name come to me to draw lots to choose the terrain. Once the terrain is determined, your opponent will be determined."

There was a tsunami of cheers from the crowd, Harry clutching his wand nervously, his heart jumping, blood rushing wildly. But the people around looked more nervous than he was, Ron's lips quivered, and Hermione kept mumbling. He took a step closer and heard her quickly recite the duel system paper that had just been revised for the third time.

Draco Malfoy across from Harry was paler than usual, and his two entourages - Crabbe and Goyle kept swallowing, Goyle choked on his own saliva and coughed repeatedly.

Draco frowned and stepped to the other side, smiling wickedly when Harry came into view—or so Harry thought, his nervousness surprisingly calmed down.

If given the chance, he'd be happy to give Malfoy a full face.

The game officially started.

The first-year competition was quite boring. Except for one student who successfully cast a curse and won sparse applause, most of the rest kept chanting invalid spells with their faces closed.

After only three rounds of competition, it was time for the finals. A cute little girl won the first-year championship.

Next was the second-year game, where Ginny simply knocked her opponent down with a stun spell, and then won a few more victories and successfully won the championship.

"Ginny already so good?" said Ron in surprise.

"Yeah, it's not really an accident, she's been following us to group activities," Harry said.

Percy's serious voice came--

"The number of third graders is relatively large, the first group of fourteen people, Millison Burst, Hermione Granger, Daphne Greengrass... Bryce Shabini, Justin Finch , these players please come on stage."

Hermione trembled to the front, almost tripped over by Neville, she moved to the draw, and unexpectedly found that the others were similar to her performance. on a ball of cotton.

When Hermione hit the rocky beach, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. If she hit the ice, she wouldn't be able to fight, and she couldn't even stand.

When the fourteen third graders took their places, Percy announced in a long voice, "The duel begins—"

Opposite Hermione stood Daphne Greengrass. The two were old rivals, but the previous dispute was only limited to magic puppets, and the current duel was the first time.

"Except your weapon!" Hermione shouted loudly, the content of the dueling system paper flashed in her heart. My shot was faster, she had to dodge, and then I would have the advantage...

But things didn't go as expected. Although Daphne was more than a step slower than her, she still insisted on shouting a spell: "Pass out!"

Hermione watched as her Disarming Charm hit Daphne, her wand slipped out of her hand and swirled towards her, but at the same time, a red spell swiped through her hair and hit her. on the stone next to it.

Hermione was stunned for a few seconds, subconsciously grabbed the flying wand, and when she saw Daphne's angry face, she realized that she had won. "Why don't you hide? You should hide..."

Daphne gave her a sideways look, "Why should I hide?"

"But, but—" Hermione's head was full of question marks, "You're not as fast as me, and logically—"

"Whose reason? You use a disarming spell, I use a stun spell, as long as I hit you, I will win."

Hermione still wanted to continue to refute her that it was too risky and meaningless in actual combat, but Percy had already reminded the students who had finished the game to leave the field as soon as possible. She glared at Daphne and rushed down.

Back in the Gryffindor House crowd, Hermione said indignantly, "She's taking a chance on her luck, I don't believe she dares to do it in actual combat—"

Harry persuaded: "Actually, what she said is quite reasonable. Under normal circumstances, she can't beat you at all. On the contrary, if her strategy is successful--"

He kept his mouth shut, because Hermione looked like a fried lion.

"Next, the second group came forward with their names - Draco Malfoy, Seamus Finnigan, Ron Weasley, Gregory Goyle..."

"Let's watch the game," Harry said. "It's my turn soon."

But the second group still didn't have Harry's name. He could only wait patiently. In this group, an accident happened. A little wizard chanted the wrong spell. A pair of snail tentacles grew on his opponent's head. Crying: "What spell do you want to use?"

Madam Pomfrey came quickly, observed for a moment, and said, "You won't recover in at least three hours, boy."

The little wizard touched the tentacles on his head, and it didn't seem so bad: "Can I stay here and watch the game, Madam Pomfrey? I don't want to go to the school hospital."

Madam Pomfrey looked at him suspiciously. "Yes, but you're not afraid of being laughed at—"

"Then it's fine."

After drinking the potion, the boy excitedly returned to his academy and showed his new headdress to his companions. Surprised and envious eyes erupted around him.

Ron also returned triumphantly, and he said with satisfaction: "Actually, my first spell failed, but I hid behind the stone, Goyle stood stupidly in place, and was tied into a dumpling by my next spell..."

"Next, the third group - Dean Thomas, Neville Longbottom, Vincent Crabbe, Ernie McMillan, Harry Potter..."

The duel competition was in full swing, and even the senior students couldn't help but look seriously at the rematch stage of the third grade.

"Who's that little round face? He's been in a relationship with Potter."

"I don't know, it seems to have popped up all at once."

"Should be Potter's friends. Look how happy they are."

"I have the impression that I saw him in Potter's duel study group..."

In the third-year final, Harry looked at Draco opposite in surprise, "I didn't expect you to be standing here, Malfoy." They picked the woods field, and a dozen ancient trees were scattered around.

Draco grinned. "You should see how I taught that Weasley, with my new magic."

Harry glanced back at Ron, who was sitting on the ground dazedly, looking a little like Luna.

"The game begins—" Percy was already a little tired, and the voice was Penello's cold voice.

Harry instinctively took a step to the side, and a silent disarming spell flew out at the same time. The first spell didn't ask for power, he wanted to get the first move. Draco then backed away. He hid himself behind what looked like a solid tree trunk. "Potter—lock up!"

Harry hurriedly jumped away, and the spell was twisted a thousand miles away. He estimated the distance and fought back with a confinement spell. A rope made of magic flew over and wrapped tightly around the tree trunk. He heard Draco grunt, and just as he was about to step forward, he felt a sense of crisis in his heart.

He quickly cast an Iron Armor spell on himself, "Armor!" he cried, and an invisible barrier formed in front of him, blocking Draco's carefully prepared spell.

"The pendulum strikes!"


The heavy bell rang, and Harry felt like he had been hit hard by a sledgehammer, and the magical barrier was torn open like a cobweb. Even hiding behind the Iron Armor Curse, he was affected, and his ears were buzzing and shaking.

He endured the discomfort and stared at the opposite side with wide eyes. After more than ten seconds, his vision became clear again.

'Ron is under the spell? Even if it is blocked, it will still make people dizzy for a short time, like being hit by the big pendulum in the clock tower. ’

Harry looked at Draco, who was hiding behind a tree and couldn't come out, and occasionally released the 'big pendulum', and couldn't help but feel anxious. He quickly pulled the distance between the two of them, and a red light flashed, slightly off, almost hitting him, Harry was startled, and flashed behind the tree, the venue was quiet.

"Malfoy, aren't you going to show me your new magic? I did see it, do I need to remind you, I just thought of construction workers with a sledgehammer in their hand... "

Harry squatted halfway, waited for two seconds, and released the Iron Armor Curse in advance. Sure enough, a red light flew in and was stopped!

Without even thinking, he stepped out of the protection range of the Iron Armor, and Draco was sticking out half of his body, and an exaggerated red light beam shot out from Harry's wand and hit Draco straight on his chest.

Draco was directly knocked into the air, hit a tree, rolled his eyelids, and passed out without saying a word.


Harry shouted excitedly, this battle was much more difficult than he expected, and the biggest reason was the terrain restrictions.

He thought of the advice that Professor Hepp gave him - mastering more magic means being able to face different situations calmly. He couldn't help thinking: If he mastered the Explosion Spell and the Fire Spell, would he be able to solve the battle more easily?

He knew what he was going to do next.


The onlookers held their breaths and admired the high-level duel. Only when the result came out did they burst into enthusiastic applause and cheers.

Harry scratched his head, looked up at the bench, Lupin smiled at him, Snape looked at him condescendingly and expressionlessly, Professor Flitwick was very excited, Professor Hepp smiled, and there was another one in front of him. The iron puppet was waving at him vigorously, no, waving his sword.

Is that the new magic puppet the professor made?

Harry suppressed the joy in his heart, tried not to make the corners of his mouth too exaggerated, and waved likewise.

Celebrate the birth of the fifth alliance leader in this book, and thank the leader of the six sons who are afraid of water for their reward. This is the deity of the big brother, the author of "Shao Song".

PS: This chapter is 4600 words long. For the coherence of the plot, it has not been dismantled and developed.

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