A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 350 Seventeen-year-old Dumbledore

The next day, it rained heavily at Hogwarts. The rain drowned out the morning fog in the Forbidden Forest, but made everything in sight gray.

Sniff Sniff huddled in the cradle bed covered with fine sponge and velvet cloth. Since yesterday he knew that he was going to live at Hogwarts in the future, he refused to crawl into the space inside the pocket watch, instead, while Felix was not paying attention, Moved out of his bed, and then hid the silver pocket watch. Felix carried it upside down and organized his collection again without finding where the pocket watch was.

Of course, he didn't look for it seriously, so he couldn't keep circling it. Before, it was impossible to go out.

But I don't know when, its collection has become richer - the silver fork, this should be Beauxbaton's tableware; the crystal ball exuding light, Felix looked around and recognized it as Nick's former residence. One—it was covered in dust when I first saw it, but now it's clean.

When Felix looked at Varen, he took a careful breath and wiped the surface of the crystal ball with his little hand, making the clouds and lightnings brighter inside. In addition, there are some miscellaneous new objects, it is estimated that Felix was not paying attention to collect, constant temperature locket, badger-shaped magic lamp, tinder box, gray hourglass, gold necklace - oh, This Felix knew that he used Golden Galleons to change it. The reason was to see how dark the fairies in Gringotts were, and how much sand was mixed into Galleons. As a result...he suddenly wanted to rob fairies. a family.

He remembered reading a book about ancient goblins. It described in detail the extravagant lives of the ten major goblins' families. The details were vivid and vivid, as if the wizard who wrote the book had read it in the goblin cave.

In his description, these goblin families are comparable to the Malfoys of the wizarding world.

It's hard to say who the wizard who wrote the book was more malicious, but Lucius Malfoy definitely didn't want to let this metaphor spread.

It's been a week since the Quidditch World Cup and Lucius hasn't responded. Felix is ​​not in a hurry, these pure-blood families have to choose a good day to send invitations, not to mention the low-lying submission, from now on, he will be the only one to follow?

Coupled with the fact that the Ministry of Magic has not given up on tracking down the escaped hooded wizard under the pressure of public opinion, it is estimated that this matter will drag on for a while.

But Felix only plans to wait until Christmas this year. If Lucius doesn't respond by then, he will come to collect the debt.

Right now, Sniff Wallen took aim at a Ouroboros Ring that was on the workbench as a spare. At the same time, he also liked the memory stone basin with silver light, but Felix taught it a lesson last night. .

The content of the new class can be summed up as follows - its small pockets are used for favorite things, and other less precious things are placed in the office, which is also its home and treasure.

Since then it has learned a truth, the cunning sniff has three caves...

Also, don't steal other people's things, otherwise Felix will cast a spell to seal his little pocket and give away the treasure in his presence. If you behave well, there are additional rewards.

After many days of legal education and coercion and temptation, Sniff Warren raised three pink fingers and swore to the sky in the name of his two younger brothers.


A bolt of lightning cut through the gray sky, illuminating the figure of Felix standing in front of the window sill. Sniff Wallen raised his head, twisted his body, climbed onto Felix's shoulder, and looked at the thick outside with him. rain screen.

They listened to the torrential rain, and the fine, scattered rain mist hit their faces, and it was cool.

Felix tilted his head slightly, curled his lips and said, "Don't wear that necklace in the future, it's too ugly." Sniff also turned his mouth away, his small black eyes despising his aesthetics.

Eleven in the morning.

At this time, the Hogwarts Express should have departed from King's Cross Station, spewing steam and heading for the Scottish Highlands.

Felix appeared in the headmaster's office, and Professor McGonagall was sitting on the sofa with Dumbledore, discussing the reception of the four schools of magic during the Tournament.

"...Mrs. Maxim and the students live in a carriage, which can be placed on the edge of the Forbidden Forest. Durmstrang's people come by boat and arrange it at Black Lake nearby..." Professor McGonagall pursed her lips, "But The other two schools are not easy, although Vagado doesn't mind living in the Forbidden Forest, they can become little animals themselves—"

"Minerva," Dumbledore put his hand on his forehead, "Ilvermorny would use the portkey to cross the continent, disguising himself as a tour group, who could be placed on the edge of the Quidditch pitch. As for Vaga Duh, they'll be here later..."

"Is it later than scheduled?" Professor McGonagall asked. "How many days later?"

"That's the problem," said Dumbledore, gesturing for Felix to find a place to sit down. "They're going to come all the way."

Professor McGonagall looked at him in surprise, "Albus, what are you talking about, they are in Africa!"

"Yeah, I know, I've been there a few times, and I especially hope to try the dream messenger's job-" Dumbledore said with a smile: "Tell the little wizards in your dreams that you have been accepted, and stay here again. next notice."

"Dumbledore—" Professor McGonagall looked at him sternly.

"Oh, by the way... where did we say it? The people of Vagado take this road as a test. They have always had this tradition, but from Africa to England is unprecedented."

Professor McGonagall's expression became serious, "Albus, this shows that they attach great importance to this competition. I can almost imagine what kind of tempering these children have gone through on the road. Compared with them, our students can't even pronounce spells. it is good."

"Minerva, don't underestimate yourself," Dumbledore said with a smile. "I've always thought that our students are not bad. Isn't it, Felix?"

Felix raised his head, smiled, and said, "Albus, I just came back from Beauxbatons. Their students already know the news of the competition in advance, and they are using the summer vacation for special training."

"Uh..." Dumbledore was dumbfounded. He looked at Professor McGonagall, and sure enough, she shouted angrily: "Look, Dumbledore! The other schools are preparing, how about us? Live happily. During the summer, the students didn't even know their Quidditch matches were canceled this year."


"...I told you about this a long time ago, but I couldn't find you at all. It's just a hands-off shopkeeper." Professor McGonagall's chest kept heaving and he was obviously annoyed. The thought of Hogwarts students being punished Hanging up and beating, she'll be choked to death.

Felix, who was watching the excitement, turned his head away with a guilty conscience. He thought of Lupin, and he also handed over a whole bunch of things to him.

‘Is Remus in the same mood as Minerva? ’

"Minerva," Dumbledore had to reassure the Vice-Chancellor, "I've made arrangements for Felix to come here today."

"Really?" Professor McGonagall looked suspicious.

"Of course," Felix nodded, "I gave advice to the principal during the holidays, and included some spells into the category that must be mastered. Albus said that he would have to think about it again. Should he agree now?"

"It's not about that," Dumbledore said helplessly.

"But I think it's a good proposal," McGonagall said, looking at Felix. "I always thought the little wizards were too lazy, Felix. We have time to discuss it and settle this matter."

Dumbledore interrupted their conversation, saying bluntly: "I'm going to let the dueling club take on more functions. It will become a special elective course, and the professors are not fixed and can be taken in turn. Felix, you need to spend more time training the Warriors."

"Why me?" Felix asked curiously.

"Your advantage is unique, those magical teaching aids..." Dumbledore blinked, "They are of great help to warriors, didn't you ask me to give my opinion, I think the memory stone basin is far from performing as it should. It's beyond the Pensieve."

Felix pondered the headmaster's words, "You mean—"

"I can provide a memory, seventeen-year-old me." Dumbledore nodded slightly, "including my own fighting wisdom."

Felix was taken aback. The memories of wizards are the most precious wealth, and many people keep it a secret. Although he knew that Dumbledore would definitely eliminate irrelevant memories and even prevent others from peeping in advance, this trust came too suddenly.

Seeing Felix staring at him blankly, Dumbledore smiled slightly: "Am I an immutable old antique in your eyes, still living in the last century?"

Felix regained his calm, "It's just a little accident, Headmaster Dumbledore."

Professor McGonagall was very interested in the content of their conversation. After knowing the function of the Thinking Stone Basin, she immediately decided to join it. "We can also find other professors—"

"No, Minerva," Dumbledore shook his head firmly and said solemnly, "Don't disturb the other professors, we can't force them to make a decision, not even to mention it."

Professor McGonagall opened her mouth, but Dumbledore's attitude was very firm, and she did not object. "Okay then, I'll go and set up the auditorium with Filius." She said and walked out of the office.

"Headmaster, what prompted this decision? To be honest, I was just taken aback," Felix joked when there were only two people left in the headmaster's office.

"Because Dumbledore has received a letter from..." the Sorting Hat on the partition suddenly cracked open and said aloud.

But Dumbledore cast his solemn eyes on it, and it closed its mouth immediately and turned to softly humming the song of the Sorting Hat prepared for this year.

"Brave Gryffindor, from the barren swamp,

Beautiful Ravenclaw, from the quiet riverside,

Merciful Hufflepuff, from the open valley,

Smart Slytherin, from that quagmire.

They share one dream, one wish; one dream, one wish... They share one dream, one wish..."

The Sorting Hat doesn't seem to have written the lyrics yet, or is in the final rehearsal, repeating the last line, but it's a really ugly song, Felix listened to it for seven years when he was in school and two years after graduation. Just shut up and let yourself study.

Dumbledore ignored the Sorting Hat and just raised his voice, explaining, "Remember the Christmas present you gave me in your first year, 99 Inventions That Changed the World? I passed it on to a friend and we chatted. To the content inside, I mentioned you by the way."

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