The next morning.

Harry woke up yawning, took his alarm clock and glanced at the time - eleven in the morning. He was startled, jumped up from the bed, and fumbled to put on his glasses, "Ron, don't sleep! We have to go to classroom 7 to participate in the selection. Today is the last day—"

Ron slumped on the bed like a dead pig, one arm exposed, snoring loudly.

Harry lifted Ron's quilt and looked at him in astonishment. Ron was wearing a tattered robe that was dusty and gray, and his face was blue and purple, as if he had been pulled up by a beating willow. half an hour.

Even when they were in the self-study group, practicing the Confinement Spell, Ron had never looked so miserable.

Got a thief in the dorm?

Someone broke in and beat Ron?

Harry tried his best to shake Ron awake, and asked very seriously, "Did you see who it was?"

"What?" Ron said vaguely, opening his eyes.

"Who hit you!" Harry shouted.

"Who else could it be, Malfoy..." Ron said with his eyes closed, Harry was so furious that he was about to rush into the Slytherin lounge to settle accounts with Malfoy, but Ron added, "He I'm still miserable, I locked his neck and asked him to kneel and beg for mercy..."

In his sleep, Ron grinned cheerfully with a wide mouth. He muttered a few words that no one could hear before falling back to sleep.

Harry was stunned for a moment, a little unsure of what was going on, and walked out of the dormitory in confusion, found Hermione in the lounge, and told her about it.

"He couldn't have dreamed of fighting Malfoy and wounded himself, right?" Hermione said coldly.

"Hermione, that's impossible," said Harry. "His robes are torn..."

"That's why he went out at night and fought with someone. But I doubt whether he has the courage!" Hermione stood up. "I'll ask the fat lady, she must know if anyone has gone out at night."

She sprinted away, leaving Harry in his chair, a little irritated. Could it be that Ron was out in the middle of the night, what was he out doing?

He looked at the table, and there was a stack of parchment in Hermione's place. He felt a little strange, wasn't she finished with her homework? He took it over and looked at it, and it turned out to be the experience of the people who passed the selection. It was more comprehensive than what he and Ron had inquired about, and it obviously took a lot of thought.

After a while, Hermione came back and said with a look of surprise: "He really went out last night, and the fat lady was so impressed with him that she said she would make him into an opera."

"But where did Ron go?" Harry pondered: "He was with me all afternoon yesterday, and he went to bed early when he came back. He didn't have time to meet Malfoy alone, how could he possibly make an appointment..."

"It's also possible that they went to the same place," Hermione analyzed.

Harry nodded, in the same place... He raised his head sharply and looked at Hermione, who also looked at him in shock.

"Classroom No. 7!"


At noon, Harry returned to the dormitory nonchalantly, and Ron had already woken up and changed his clothes.

Seeing Harry come in, Ron said excitedly: "Harry, you can't believe it, really! I fought back nineteen groups of spiders, and when I got to the back, I felt that I was not afraid at all, those furry Legs, smelly, splattering green liquid... I did it, Harry! And the magic on the card you mentioned to me, it's so cool!"

Harry looked at him oddly. "When did this happen, I remember, when we got back yesterday, you said there was no hope. And I didn't mention what magic was on the card..."

"Uh," Ron choked, he blinked, "didn't you say?"

"I didn't say that. Oh, yes." Harry pulled out a stack of parchment. "Here's some information I found that we can study together."

"That's great!" Ron took it happily, looking at the familiar handwriting on it, becoming uneasy, "Oh... yes, that's great..."

"Do you have anything to say?" Harry asked.

Ron hesitated for a moment, stared at the stack of parchment, and slowly took out a golden card from his pocket.

the other side--

The Finlays prepared a table of exquisite dishes, and they temporarily put aside work and stayed at home.

At noon dinner, someone rang the doorbell, and Mr. Findlay went out, and it took a while to come back. When it was time to part, Mrs. Finlay took out the two large packages she had prepared.

"Mom—" Justin rolled his eyes and said helplessly, "There are so many things, I can't take them away."

"I'll do it," Felix said, beckoning to the parcels and putting them into the ring on his left hand. See the Findlays tut their tongues in amazement.

"Is this magic? It's incredible...I wonder if we can buy it?"

Felix shook his head, "Such items will be strictly controlled by the Ministry of Magic, which is fine for wizards, but if they appear in the hands of Muggles—that is, non-magical people, they will attract professional investigation."

"It's not like that antique vase made by goblins, which can be admired at home alone, and the chances of being discovered are very small. As long as you use it, there is a risk of leakage."

Mrs. Finlay said regretfully: "We also have some magic items at home, gadgets bought in Diagon Alley, we all hide in one room and never let outsiders in."

"Yeah, Mom has a whole collection of Lockhart books," Justin said.

Mrs. Finlay glared at him.

Before leaving, Mr. Finlay handed Felix a business card. Felix took it and felt the faint traces of magic on it. He asked curiously, "This is?"

"Sent from a friend. He's a collector and keeps in touch with a lot of well-connected people. This card is from a mysterious seller who has provided a lot of antiquities over the years," said Mr. Finlay cautiously. : "Including that vase..."

Felix knew in his heart that there was only a string of phone numbers written on the business card, not even a name, which was indeed mysterious enough.

"They're on the phone?"

"It's hard to judge," Mr. Finlay said. "The mysterious seller asked my friend to call the above number, but no one answered every time he called. But after a day or two, he would show up and come to visit. ."

Felix smiled. "Mr. Finlay, thank you for your trust in me. I can guarantee that the trouble will not involve you."

"That's the best." Mr. Finlay sighed in relief.

After thinking about it for a long time last night, he still felt that he should let the professor at Hogwarts know about this matter, otherwise, he always felt uneasy with a hidden wizard by his side.

After returning to school, Felix played with the business card, "Interesting, who is behind you?"

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