A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 528: Illusions Covering Reality

Grapp let out a deafening roar, and Felix's ears were ringing.

"Hi~" He took two steps back and shook his head. It's too loud.

Hagrid stepped forward to try to appease him, but Grapp seemed to have gone mad. He waved his arms wildly and staggered under his feet trying to break free from the rope on his ankle, but the rope was so strong that he struggled several times. He didn't break free, so he vented his bad temper on Hagrid.

"Oh my God," Hermione exclaimed.

Grapp's fist hit Hagrid's face firmly, and Hagrid fell to the ground on his back without any defense. Grapp wanted to keep attacking, "Hey! Big guy!" Sirius shouted at him, and a flash of red light bounced off Grap's rough skin.

Grapp roared and lunged at them, "Bang!" He tripped over the rope, the ground seemed to tremble, a bird's nest on a towering pine tree fell apart, and Sirius swallowed.

Sirius approached and said, "Felix, if you don't stop him, I can only use a powerful spell."

"The rope is strong," said Felix, who suspected Dumbledore might have cast the spell.

"Don't—" Hagrid rolled over and sat up, clutching his nose, blood trickling down his fingers. He said vaguely: "Little Grapp, be obedient, they have no ill will."

Felix's eyes flashed silver, and the air suddenly shook violently, like mist on a boiling cauldron—Harry had a similar feeling when he was in the second event of the Tournament. In the Black Lake, a large piece of water was seen shaking violently, causing the surrounding scenery to become unreal.

The same is true now.

But this change came and went quickly, and the folds in the air were quickly smoothed out. He looked at Professor Hepp, and the wand in his hand relaxed subconsciously. The silver light in the professor's eyes has not been extinguished, and the fine rune is like a star ring, revolving around the light blue pupil, which shows that he has indeed done something.

Harry glanced eagerly toward the clearing again, his eyes narrowed, feeling that nothing was normal around him. It's as if... the position has shifted.

Grapp got up from the ground nimbly. His movements were much faster than he looked, and his strength was quite amazing. He picked up an uprooted pine tree and waved it casually. It's like twisting a small stick.

He quickly found the target.

'Hagrid' did not know when he stood up, looking intact, he dashed forward with open arms, wrapped around Grapp's waist, and pushed back desperately, Grapp wanted to break free, but Hagrid couldn't die. Let go, this completely angered the already angry giant——

His only sanity disappeared, and his arms full of power were raised high, "Bang!"

The eyelids of several people in the room jumped with Grap's action, Grap hit, the tree trunk hit Hagrid's head firmly, and the soil splashed like a bomb, but Grap didn't care to vent his anger, He roared in his mouth "huhuhuhu". He waved and smashed, sinking the surrounding ground a few inches.

"Professor! Hagrid he--" Harry didn't care about the unreasonableness just now, he wanted to rush up, and the wand in his hand condensed a fierce light.

"I'm here," said a voice, and Harry stared at Hagrid who suddenly appeared out of the air, speechless in surprise. The air was rippling like waves, and the distant shadow of Grapp was oddly twisted, making him even uglier.

Hagrid covered his nose with a very strange expression, especially when he saw another scene where he was beaten violently, the corner of his injured mouth twitched.

Sirius narrowed his eyes and observed carefully, "This is an illusion? It doesn't exist alone, but even the environment has changed. If you look closely, you can still find flaws, airflow, touch..." , "But it's perfectly suitable for use against irrational opponents."

"Cool." Ron said in amazement.

Harry thought so.

Hermione asked suspiciously, "It doesn't seem to be a simple illusion?"

That fake 'Hagrid' had endured a lot of Grapp's fists, and even the tree trunk was broken in two. It's just that he almost smashed the whole circle of land around Hagrid, but that Hagrid was still safe and sound, stopping Grapp's footsteps again and again.

Ordinary illusions cannot do this.


"You're right." Felix nodded. He showed the real picture. Grapp's opponent was not Hagrid, but a silver, inflated shadow - "The Patronus?" Harry was stunned. He had also practiced this magic during the holidays. Less progress, but still did not expect the Patronus can become a real entity.

"I combined the power of the Mind Cabin and made it briefly physical," Felix explained.

He didn't use the Thinking Cabin to pull people and bombard them with magic. After all, Grapp and the Dark Wizard are still somewhat different, maybe they are potential friendly units? He thought uncertainly, but more importantly, he was eager to try his newfound abilities.

He has dragged the Thinking Cabin into reality more than once. As small as a model of a building, such as the Snowflake Promenade during the Quidditch World Cup, the Sword Keep in Diagon Alley, or the collection of books behind the door of the Thinking House; The development of the millennium was compressed into a few seconds, or when he was fighting Voldemort privately, he used the Thinking Cabin and the Patronus to assist in positioning, and used instant kill tactics more quickly...

Until in Ollivander's wand shop, when Felix held a wand that was inseparable with his own blood, roots, and emotions, he instinctively used memory magic, and the pictures constructed in his mind were more relaxed and direct. The way of appearing in reality, and then covering the real scene in reality.

Warren was the first to be hit. During those few days, it often found itself lost while walking: from the office rug in Sword Castle in Diagon Alley, it was suddenly replaced by a maze of building blocks. It only took a few days from the initial discomfort to the later enthusiasm to build a "sniff castle" with building blocks.

I was just trying before, but today is the first battle for the Thinking House to cover the real world.

Felix waved his hand, and the Patronus finally disappeared. It is still unable to compete with the power of giants, at most bluffing, and 'acting' strong enough, but in fact, Grapp was misled and stopped himself.

In Grapp's mind, the "little dwarf" who was meddling was finally defeated by him. He punched a few more punches in frustration. It was this person who took him to a strange environment. Yesterday, he also found a white man Beard Bean Ding completely trapped him with a wave of his hand. With his wisdom, it was difficult to find the reason. He just held back his anger, and when he woke up, he found that the culprit had stabbed him with a small wooden stick...

After venting, his pitiful wisdom and reason returned, and he was a little worried and stopped.

The little dwarf was not bad either, finding him food, talking to him, and looking at him with wet eyes, which Grapp did not reject. And he can faintly feel that the two seem to have a blood connection, a younger brother who is shorter than him?

A nearby dense forest became very quiet, not even the chirping of insects and the rustling of leaves.

In Grap's eyes, Hagrid lay motionless on the ground, he carefully picked up the branch that Hagrid had just woken him up, and poked the non-existent Hagrid. Of course Hagrid didn't move, Graup got anxious, stepped forward and pulled him, Hagrid turned into a ball of light and disappeared.

Grapp: "..."

He sat on the ground in a daze for a while, and couldn't figure it out. Grapp, judging by his limited wisdom, killed the dwarf by him.

"Ha~ge~er." The giant growled.

Hagrid danced with joy. "He remembers me, remembers my name! Did you see that? I taught him." He looked eagerly at Felix. "Let me go," he said.

Felix hesitated. "Hagrid, he's not necessarily safe."

"It's okay, let me go," said Hagrid firmly.

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