A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 613 Confrontation at the table

The next day, Felix had breakfast in the auditorium.

After eating the sandwich and mince pie, he picked up the slice of bread again. He flicked his fingers, and the raspberry jam in the distance moved slightly, but it didn't fly over. Felix looked up and found that Grindelwald was also staring. Eyes on the jam dish.

Compared with Felix, Grindelwald's breakfast is much lighter, just porridge with bread and a glass of milk.

Light but by no means simple, sweet pumpkin porridge served with freshly baked, fluffy and crunchy flatbreads surrounded by scattered plates with butter, jam, honey, cheese, and thinly sliced ​​sausages and bacon.

Right now, his bread had been coated with butter, probably because he had tasted the strawberry jam nearby, so he set his sights on raspberry jam, which happened to collide with Felix's choice.

The two secretly competed.

The small saucer was pulled and pulled back and forth under the influence of magic, making a tinkling sound, crisp and pleasant.

Professor McGonagall, who was sandwiched between them, and Professor Flitwick, who was sitting on Felix's left, also noticed that they were quite indifferent to the little show that took place at the dinner table, because it was not the first time, and it was not worth making a fuss at all. . Last time, the two of them condensed a ray of magic power from the thin air on the campus, and this magical accomplishment alone amazed the professors at Hogwarts.

It's just that they don't understand why the new professor has a special wand, isn't that a sign of a Squib? But they didn't delve into it. First, they were not familiar with it, and second, they all had their own guesses: the magic world has never lacked aliens, and a magic experiment might cause irreversible injuries. They were worried that it would touch the unspeakable.

Dumbledore cleared his throat, leaned over and stretched out a long arm, to disperse the magic power entangled in it, the plate was pulled in front of him, he slowly spread a thick jam on the bread slices, and asked casually: " The elderly like to eat sweet and sour, my personal favorite, do you want to try it?"

"It's the same for me with strawberry jam," Felix said.

"It turned out to be raspberries," whispered Grindelwald. "I thought it was cherry jam."

Seeing that the professors were busy watching, they ate their heads together. At this moment, a rustling sound came from above their heads, and a few owls flew into the auditorium along the open windows. Several people in the room — including Grindelwald — got the mail.

In terms of number alone, Felix is ​​the most, who made him do a big thing just yesterday. He quickly counted five coins and put Nat into a small leather pouch tied to the legs of a brown owl, which dropped the Daily Prophet and flew away with a cookie in his hand.

He put the newspaper aside and concentrated on the rest of the restless owls.

"is it okay?"

Felix raised his head, Grindelwald was staring at the newspaper and talking, he smiled slightly, "Please." But his eyes swept across a large thick package in front of Grindelwald, wondering who would send it to Grindelwald Something, could it be Harry?

Grindelwald took the newspaper and read it, and after a while, he grinned silently.

"What a big battle."

Several professors were also reading the newspaper. They seemed to have seen something novel, their eyes widened, and several times they couldn't help but looked up from the newspaper to look at Felix. Flitwick even lost his fork. unaware. For a while, no one spoke at the table except for the sound of quickly flipping through the newspapers and the flapping of the owl's wings.

Even Dumbledore opened a tightly packaged letter and looked at the contents with a serious expression.

Felix finally unwrapped the letters from the owls' legs, and then he lined them up, stuffed a small biscuit into each owl's mouth, and watched them flutter away. At this moment, Flitwick screamed excitedly and read aloud:

"Felix, listen to this - just yesterday morning, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Professor, Merlin First Class Medal recipient, St Mungo's Medical Badge recipient, Wizengamore member, 'Future World' company The founder, the founder of ancient rune learning craze, memory master, and the internationally renowned wizard Felix Haipu once again came into our sight. This time he was in the company headquarters of 'Future World', which is known as 'the towering sword castle'. The release of a brand new product, the auxiliary spell-casting prop named 'exclusive wand' has amazed and shocked countless wizards, which has attracted a lot of heated discussions... It's amazing!"

Felix blinked and put a stack of personal letters in his pocket.

"Is it about yesterday's press conference? I haven't had time to watch it yet, but I'm guessing there will be huge controversy—"

"It's more than a controversy, it's just, it's--" Flitwick shrilled, standing in his chair with one hand on the table, the other clattering through the paper, "you read Look."

"I've read it, here it is, it's very interesting." Grindelwald said, handing over the newspaper, Felix glanced at the black font on the huge event photo, and the front page news headline was bolded: Exclusive Wand, An epoch-making invention.

He took the newspaper and read it carefully, while Grindelwald slowly unpacked his huge package. The corner surface that had been unpacked seemed to contain various magazines.

At this time, Felix had already read what Flitwick had just read, and he continued to read:

The exclusive wand is undoubtedly an epoch-making invention, and has great potential in many fields of application. The author non-stop interviewed the most qualified professional to evaluate this matter - the famous wand maker Ollivander. He expressed a strong interest in the willingness to cooperate in Mr. Hepp's mouth, and Mr. Ollivander has his own views on the heated discussion (even controversy) caused by it. "I knew he was going to do something big - before everyone else, from the day he first came into my shop... yes, I knew wands, as he was taught by ebony wands. In favor of that, he himself showed some great qualities early on as well, maverick, unconventional, always knowing what he wanted. I could name many examples..."

Felix skipped some touts.

...but the appearance of the exclusive wand also worried some people of insight. A Ministry of Magic official, who did not want to be named, admitted that this will bring heavy pressure to the secrecy work in the magical world, and even overwhelm it. He repeatedly stressed that "this is a good thing", but turned around and complained to reporters.

"Many people underestimate the number of Squibs. They are very inconspicuous, and they can hardly notice the existence of such people. They are like invisible people. This is because the number of Squibs who choose to stay in the magical world is rare, and they are basically scattered among Muggles. Community living, occasionally appearing in Diagon Alley to purchase necessities of life. But after the news of the exclusive wand was released, in just two or three days, more than 300 squibs came to inquire and register. And the news has not even spread open."

After in-depth investigation, I got even more surprising news.

Since the Ministry of Magic does not keep records of the Squibs' births, most of them and their descendants live as Muggles, so what we know is just the tip of the iceberg. The actual number of Squibs may outnumber existing wizards, and if they each had a unique wand, it would have a huge impact on our society, as well--and the risk of exposing the wizarding world to the world's eyes dramatically increased. The author hopes that the authorities will seriously consider the review and issuance of exclusive wands...

It is reported that the concept of magic frequency was first discovered and named by Miss Hermione Granger, a student at Hogwarts. The public's impression of this name may still be stuck in the five-wield competition. She won the final on behalf of the United Kingdom. on the trophy. But the fact is that she herself is from a Muggle family. She got straight-top grades in this year's O.W.Ls exam. She also made outstanding contributions to the cause of fighting the Dark Lord, and was awarded the Merlin Class II Medal along with her companions.

Miss Granger and her Muggle parents were also at the press conference, and now we have reason to speculate that this 'Muggle identity' may be a question mark.

It is worth mentioning that she became Mr. Haipu's assistant in the second grade, and became one of the earliest members of the Rune Club (called the Ouroboros Club by the outside world). She published an astonishing number of papers, totaling 42. Articles

"She's your devotee? That Granger?"

Grindelwald, holding an open magazine in his hand, asked with interest. Professor McGonagall looked sideways, obviously not satisfied with his wording. The exchanges these days led her to draw a vague conclusion:

The old man may be an admirer of Grindelwald, or even one of the saints of the year. Professor McGonagall snorted, for now his words only made the conclusion more convincing. She made up her mind that the new school year must be strictly guarded and never let evil thoughts poison the young wizards.

"Depending on how you understand the definition of a believer, I personally would like to call it a partner." Felix said casually.

He skimmed through the remaining pages: 'Exclusive Wands Bring Dignity to Us: An Interview with the Head of the Squib Support Society', 2nd edition; 'The Forgotten Second Class Citizen of the Wizarding World', 3rd edition; , 4th edition; 'The Profound Rune Club Member', 5th-6th edition; 'Wand Regulations Face New Challenge: Goblin Demands Access to Exclusive Wands', 7th edition; 'House-Elves and the Assembly Line', 8th edition.

He put down the newspaper and murmured, "It's trouble and opportunity."

Good or bad depends on how it works. There is one point in the newspaper that coincides with him. This matter should be taken slowly, 'carefully consider the review and distribution of exclusive wands', and cannot blindly expand the number.

"Squib savior, huh? How will they thank you and build a statue for you?" Grindelwald said in an uncertain manner, "Then you have to be careful, beware that they will regret it later..."

He stuffed a mouthful of bread into his mouth, chewed it slowly and swallowed it, wiped his mouth slowly, and turned the page of the magazine in his hand.

Felix obviously felt a few beams of eyes coming over, so he wouldn't take it. He secretly said: "Professor Bagshot, I'm glad to see that your appetite is much better than before. I'm still worried, I heard that eating with dentures is not very tasty... I didn't expect that new teeth will grow in just a few days, and Madam Pomfrey's skills are getting better and better." He said with admiration.

"Did anyone say you were rude?" Grindelwald asked.

"There are quite a few...but they all found out in the end that it was a misunderstanding." Felix said, he flipped the topic lightly, and his eyes stayed on the cover of the magazine in Grindelwald's hands. He was a little surprised, and he couldn't help but turn his back Glancing at Dumbledore, he was putting away the letter, lost in thought.

"Jane's Defense Weekly?" Felix asked curiously.

"For preparing lessons," said Grindelwald briefly.

"Oh." Felix's heart moved, and he said with a slight smile, "I read this magazine when I was practicing in Muggle society, and it does a good job of observation, accuracy and fairness in the field it understands. —"

"You know a lot about the Muggle military?" Grindelwald asked sharply.

"Just heard about it..."

Grindelwald sat up straight, "What do you think of those large hot weapons?"

"It's powerful."

"Have you ever thought they'd land on top of your head?"

"I thought about it," Felix said honestly, "but it didn't hit me."

"Ah, yes, even the strongest—" Grindelwald smacked his lips and asked sharply, "But what about your friends? What about your countrymen?"

"We have defensive spells."

Grindelwald smiled and pointed to the newspaper.

Felix hesitated, knowing that he meant Squibs, and if Squibs were pouring in, they wouldn't necessarily be on the same page as traditional wizards.

"Mr Bagshot, why insist on confrontation? That's the worst option, maybe you don't know, the Ministry of Magic has been in touch with the Muggle Prime Minister--"

"So what?" Grindelwald said aggressively, "Just a puppet. What if things go in the worst direction? Huh? After all your preparations have failed..."

Felix's expression froze, he said slowly.

"I still insist on peaceful means, negotiation and deterrence. War is the result of lose-lose, and really, as you said... Britain has three islands, and beyond the three islands, there are many other countries. Their opinions will never be unified. , that's the biggest weight."

"We stand for order, and we fight against the threat of dark wizards."

Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick were completely stunned, what were they discussing? Why did the topic come to the exposure of the wizarding world and the war between wizards and muggles?

Grindelwald showed an expression of admiration.

"It seems that we still have some common language, about this-"

"Leonhard," Dumbledore said sternly, recovering, "you promised me."

Felix immediately realized that the name belonged to Grindelwald. He only knew that Grindelwald had borrowed his aunt's surname before, but he didn't know the name yet. Now it seems that Leonhard Bagshot was the one who forged it. full name.

Dumbledore stood up and said in a deep voice.

"Leonhard, there insists on coming over in person and doing a comprehensive examination of your body." Grindelwald squinted his eyes, his eyes suddenly full of violence and perversity, he said in a hoarse voice: "They dare?" "I agree. You have to do it." Dumbledore said calmly, turning his head away from Grindelwald, his tone softened:

"Something may require you to make a trip, Felix, and I can't find someone more suitable than you."

Felix's head is still spinning, a comprehensive inspection? who? St Mungo's therapist? But the tone of the two sides is completely different.

"whats the matter?"

"Return Ilvermorny's snake-wood wand." A wand slightly larger than normal appeared in Dumbledore's hand, and he said softly: "I have resigned as president of the International Federation of Wizards, and it is not suitable for me to resign. Keep it. I need you back."

"You'd better go to the Ministry of Magic first, their delegation is getting impatient."

The snake-wood staff fell on Felix's hand, and a light halo appeared on its surface. In an instant, hundreds of snakes hissed in the auditorium.


Felix ordered in Parseltongue.

The snake wooden staff fell into a dead silence.

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