A Certain Hogwarts Magician Professor

Chapter 642 Transformation of virtual and real

The last ancient rune class in the fifth grade before the Christmas holiday was changed to a free activity. The students opened the "Practical Rune Elementary" and chatted enthusiastically.

Colin Creevey took out a list and swore that it was the deformed form of Animagus from the students of the 'Animagus Class'. He read aloud the names on the list, glancing at Professor Hepp for each one, hoping for a response.

But Felix was busy playing cards with a few students and didn't see his erratic eyes.

Warren sat in his arms, looking at the same deck of cards with him, and he kept coming up with ideas in high spirits. "Are you sure about this one?" Felix asked, bowing his head, Warren nodded firmly, and stretched out his finger again, yes, that's it.

"Except your weapons," Felix said.

The opposite student, Newman Balk, grinned and opened a hole card that had been in ambush for three rounds - "Humanoid Iron Armor, I used covert casting, so the defense was successful." He said triumphantly, and then put the Played all the cards.

"Quickly imprisoned—Professor, you are imprisoned and can't fight back—thunderbolt explosion! Add another eye spell, hehe, control again... Look at this again, blazing flames."

Felix looked sourly at the villain who represented him and exploded with anger. Warren covered his eyes.

Newman Balk and another student high-five.

On the other hand, Creevey reads to the end. "...Draco Malfoy - the white peacock; Elvira - the fox; Harry Potter - the lion, I'm not surprised at all, Harry pulled it out in the second year Gryffindor sword..." he said frantically.

"Fake news," Ginny whispered to Luna a few tables away, "Harry says he feels more for stags." Luna was building blocks out of physical runes, trying to piece together the shape of the trophy. He raised his head hurriedly, "The patron saint?"

"An interesting subject, isn't it?" Ginny shook her hair and said, "It's a pity that there are too few samples. Animagus and Patronus Charms are extremely rare, and few people in history have mastered them at the same time..."

"A lot of people in the club can unleash the Patronus," Luna said vaguely.

"We're special," Ginny said quickly and shrewdly. "There haven't been many stray dementors in the past few hundred years, until the third grade—" she became furious, "it's all Umri's fault. Strange that woman! Hearing that the mysterious man has destroyed her brain is really heartwarming!"

Luna stopped, looking thoughtful.

"My dad said that Mysterious Man and Dementors have an unusual relationship. He may have disguised himself as a Dementor when he was young, and learned to steal his hands. You know, Dementor's kiss..."

Ginny froze for a moment, then giggled happily, "Ouch—"

For a long time, she straightened her body, her face tensed, and said solemnly: "You are right, Luna. Why didn't I find out before - the mysterious man's clothes are so similar to the Dementor's cloak, even the dementor's cloak. Shapes are all... Maybe he misses those carefree days."

"And nose and hair as evidence," Luna said earnestly, "if you paid attention."

Ginny laughed stupidly, she was lying on the table, her shoulders shrugged, Luna looked at her curiously, looking confused and puzzled, but she still patted Ginny on the shoulder, and then continued to take the rune The blocks are gone.

After class, the students filed out, and many people who went home for the holiday greeted Felix in advance.

"See you next year, Professor Haipu!"

"See you next year."

After everyone was gone, Felix heaved a sigh of relief and played cards all morning. Because he and Warren had completely opposite ideas, the result of mixing together was to lose more and win less. He decided to let Warren occupy a position alone in the afternoon. They can team up against other students.


Varun climbed up to where Luna was sitting, and looked curiously at the trophy made of rune left on the table. It was crumbling, and the shadow of the Goblet of Fire could be faintly seen from its shape.

Felix picked up the rune trophy and had an idea in his mind. He thought of Luna's paper, the idea was generally correct, and it was somewhat similar to the rune creature he conceived, but it was not easy for Luna to realize it. There is so much knowledge involved.

But that doesn't stop Luna from receiving a talking trophy as a Christmas present.

Half an hour later, a glittering trophy appeared in front of Felix. Its main body was composed of ancient runes and blank memory fragments, which could flexibly transform between reality and reality. Usually it can be stored in the Ouroboros Ring.

He stared at the trophy, cleared his throat, and asked, "What would Felix Hepp like as a Christmas present?"

"Magic book, original insight and a painting." Trophy replied.

"Then what did he not expect to receive?"

"Pumpkin masks, airship Lee earrings and vine capes covered in glowing sequins."

"Excellent." Felix said with satisfaction, and decided to send it out as soon as possible. Warren listened for a long time, and understood who gave those strange gifts.

As they descended the stairs, the auditorium looked very grand, with twelve Christmas trees gleaming with silver frosts and tiny icicles, and if you got close you could hear faint singing, between them made of mistletoe and holly. The ribbons were connected, and the flower fairies danced, their transparent wings shedding silver.

The ceiling also became different, and the enchanted snow fell one after another, and got into the neck of the student, cool.

The dining table was as messy as usual and very lively. But Felix keenly caught the sullen faces of some of the students, who were Animagos' cadets. Neville sighed deeply at the beef patties, ribs, and vegetable bisque on the table, grabbed a piece of dry bread, and tore it in small bites. The aggrieved look on his face is reminiscent of the ghost 'Almost Headless' Nick.

After a few places, Harry couldn't swallow. Ron stared at the food in front of him, then looked away with great perseverance, as if he had a grudge against them, and Hermione drank the porridge carefully and chewed it slowly.

"Hermione, try this, it's delicious!" Lavender Brown gloated over the creamy apple pie. During the entire lunch, she tempted Hermione with delicious food, giggling with Parvati whenever Hermione refused her harshly.

"I really want to turn her into a big-mouthed frog!" Hermione said angrily when Lavender had left.

"No, you can't," said Harry feebly, now terribly hungry, "the first few people who did this got a hundred percent off, plus a penalty for detention for the entire Christmas period, without exception. Professor McGonagall was almost mad."

"Yeah, it is said that Snape was humming with joy." Ron said unfortunately: "We have completely missed the Academy Cup this year."

All the 'Animagus' class underestimated the difficulty of putting a leaf in their mouths - including Felix himself, it was not an hour or two, not a day or two, but a whole month. When he checked with Professor McGonagall last weekend, he found that all the students were nearly wiped out.

The reasons given by them are also very strange. Some people accidentally go down the soup when they are drinking soup, some people bite the leaves when they bite the ribs, some people accidentally blow them out when they speak loudly, and they even grind their teeth while sleeping, and the leaves are second. The sky disappeared without a trace. The few students who took out the leaves turned out to be cheating, pulling a leaf from the Christmas tree in the auditorium just before they came.

Felix was amazed. Professor McGonagall accepted these reasons very calmly, and gave him a demonstrative look. Felix guessed that it meant, 'How rare is it...'

"If there's no other way," said Ron gritted his teeth as he stood up, "we'll have to try Sirius's way." He meant Stunning and Petrifying Charms, or adding Sticky Jaws Mantra also works.

Neville gave him a scowling look. "Okay," he said softly.

What the two of them have in common is that they snored a lot. When they woke up the day before yesterday, Ron and Neville found the blade of grass in their mouths missing at the same time. The former found the innocent blade on the pillow, the latter only Some green debris could be seen between the teeth.

Harry was in a little better condition than them, at least he didn't snor much, so he woke up with the leaves still in his mouth, just cut in two in the middle, neatly cut. He is still investigating the cause.

Among them, only Hermione refused to disclose any news about her leaves, but Harry thought that since Hermione no longer actively raised her hand to answer questions these days, it was enough to explain the seriousness of the problem.

As they left the auditorium, Ron plucked a branch from the Christmas tree and said pessimistically, "It will be used sooner or later." Hermione made no objection.

In the afternoon, Felix appeared in the greenhouse of the herbal medicine class.

Professor Sprout was still in his slovenly attire, with flowing gray hair sloping in a patched hat, and a lot of dirt on his clothes—in short, a stark contrast to the well-organized greenhouse.

"Felix!" she said enthusiastically. "Minerva told me that it would take 23 mandrake leaves in total, didn't she?"

"Well—yes," Felix said. "There's another thing." But Professor Sprout was already dragging his squat body toward the back of the greenhouse, waving a giant pair of scissors in his hand. .

"We'd better find some fresh leaves, every few years Minerva asks for some for the students...but never so much this year - we're here and we happen to have a few mandrakes," she said cheerfully. Need to prune the branches, it's been growing for almost four years."

Felix followed, and came to a separate area.

Seven or eight full-grown mandrakes were lush, about the height of small shrubs, planted in pots the size of Hagrid's enchanted pumpkins, and he could hear the purring distinctly. "Keep your voice down, they are sleeping, and it will be very dangerous if they are awakened." Professor Sprout said in a low voice, slowly opening the giant scissors in an arc, wrapping the two blades in the glittering blade.


The leaves fell smoothly. Felix beckoned, and two leaves of Mandrake swirled down on his hand. Sprout switched positions again, doing the same, "You can't pick too much from the same plant, or they won't be happy," she explained.

Soon they were collected, and Professor Sprout handed him another bag for Felix to pack the Mandrake leaves. When everything was over, Felix got a little closer, he stretched out a hand and turned to look at Sprout: "Can you touch it?"

"Oh," said Professor Sprout hesitantly, "their calls are deadly now, and it's best not to wake them up—"

"Of course, of course," Felix murmured.

He turned his wrist, and the huge jar slowly floated up and stopped in front of him. He could only see the top half, and the rest was buried in the dirt. Felix looked at it carefully for a moment, his eyes flashed with the pattern of the Book of Runes, and the magic of the Thinking House slowly spread around him.

With a flick of the finger, the color of the black jar gradually turned into a light color, flickered a few times, leaving only some rough lines, just like Warren was drawing a three-dimensional painting in the air with a quill.

Professor Sprout stood curiously watching, she had never seen such magic.

However, the outside world has recognized that Felix Hepp's magical attainments are close to Dumbledore, which is why she did not stop it.

Before them, a mass of solidified brown soil was bound by invisible forces. Felix moved his fingers again, and the virtual reality was transformed by his magic. The layers of brown soil seemed to be repeatedly rubbed by an eraser, leaving vague traces like pencil sketches in place, and the soil no longer blocked them. , revealing the mandrake inside.

Felix didn't know who first suggested that these things looked like babies, but he thought they were actually little old men, very ugly, with unknown spots on their bodies, and they closed their eyes unaffected. , the body curled up into a ball, and the sharp little fist was slammed in front of the chest.

"I haven't seen a mandrake in sleep, it's beautiful." Professor Sprout showed an obsessed expression.

Felix has a new appreciation for her aesthetic. He reached out and went straight through the rough sketched lines, touching the mandrake plant, touching the anthropomorphic face.

His magic power penetrated little by little.

On the other side, Professor Sprout also stretched out his hand curiously, stroking the skin of the mandrake like a tree root, and muttering words in his mouth.

Felix closed his eyes, trying to sense his own magic. Gradually, he noticed that his magic power spread little by little, and attached to some magical lines, which were the unique wooden patterns inside the mandrake.

In the early enchanted deserts, these enchanted lines are believed to be the origin of ancient runes, and he captured some familiar shapes.

He opened his eyes and Professor Sprout was looking at him.

Felix clenched his fists, retracted his arms suddenly, and dragged out a blue grid made of pure magic power. These magic powers are like the messy shapes obtained by pouring molten iron juice into an ant nest. But in Felix's eyes, it exudes a unique beauty.

The look in his eyes now was the same obsession that Professor Sprout had just now.

The big net made of magic power slowly stretched, and he dispersed most of the insignificant magic power, leaving only a small cluster of parts in the middle that looked like a crescent moon. Under his delicate control, these magic powers underwent subtle changes, from the original The rough appearance turned into a cluster of crystal clear crystals, and soon, one of the crystal branches fell off and turned into a glittering ancient rune.

Sprout's eyes widened. Thanks to Felix's four years of tireless promotion, most of the professors are now familiar with the basics of ancient rune, and all she can think of at the moment is one word - ancient magic, the ancient times of the deadly cry of mandrakes. magic.

More and more rune symbols gradually formed, fell off the main body, fell into Felix's other hand like a tired bird, and gradually pieced together into a shape similar to a crescent moon, just like the previous magic line.

But even Professor Sprout knows the two are very different. She was getting more and more nervous.

When only one-third of the magic power in the air was left, it suddenly disintegrated and disintegrated into smoke-like magic power. Professor Sprout, who was watching from the side, breathed a sigh of relief. Before she knew it, a cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

"It doesn't seem to work." Felix said with a smile.

"You want to convert the innate abilities of the mandrake into magic?" Professor Sprout asked.

"Recently, I'm studying sound magic," Felix said slowly. "During the summer vacation, I saw some materials from the library of Ilvermorny School. The progress has been slow recently, and I want to find inspiration from other places..."

"Speaking of Ilvermorny, Felix, do you want to see the snakewood branch you brought back? It's looking good now."


They walked towards the other greenhouse, and on the way they saw Professor Bubagi's figure far away. "Karedi is ready to publish her research," Professor Sprout said. "She seems to be planning to publish more than a dozen papers in one go... I advise her to assemble a book."

"I also know about this." Felix nodded and said, "Severus is also sorting out relevant information, maybe they have discussed it."

The branches of the snakewood were growing well, about the thickness of a wrist, and three or four feet tall. Felix stayed for a while, then said goodbye and left. He strolled through the snow, recalling what happened in the greenhouse. Professor Sprout seems to be frightened, which is not surprising, he himself thinks the research results are very scary.

Converting the cry of the mandrake into real ancient magic, this is the real sound of death, the destruction of the city is only a moment, Felix hopes that he will never have the opportunity to unleash its full power, only he knows .

Ancient magic - no, the combination of ancient rune and memory magic gradually revealed unparalleled power and potential, just like what he did to the mandrake's flowerpot, the real and the unreal were between his thoughts.

If soul magic and time magic are added in the future, what level will he reach? He looked up at the sky, where the clouds seemed to change into Nick Lemay's face.

"Old man, I seem to feel the limitation you said."

Felix shook his head and laughed, "It's still easier to think about - at least Remus' little hairy problem has a solution."

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