The next day, the day after the magical world was exposed, the Ministry of Magic.

Felix, Amelia Burns, and Sirius walked into a small conference room. They had just turned around and came here after a meeting with senior officials of the Ministry of Magic. In the conference room sat members of the original Order of the Phoenix.

"Where's Kingsley?" asked Hestia Jones, jet-black and rosy-cheeked.

"He was instructed to keep the Prime Minister safe," Ms Burns said. "We can't guarantee that Grindelwald or the Saints will take the opportunity and his role over the next period will be critical."

"Ah, is Kingsley going to be the first secretary again?" said Hestia Jones, surprised. Her words were well-founded, and when Voldemort was on the mend, the Ministry of Magic was worried that the Muggle Prime Minister would be imprisoned (especially It was after the then Prime Minister's Assistant had been hit with the imperious Imperius Curse), Kingsley was sent on this mission, and without knowing it, the Prime Minister was very satisfied with his work efficiency as two people.

Of course, the Prime Minister himself was taken aback when he learned the truth.

"So the Muggle Prime Minister is on our side?" Moody asked gruffly.

Ms. Burns said cautiously: "He promised to try to get a peaceful outcome, but we can't take it lightly. He can't control the situation alone. It's easy to start a war, everyone, and any idiot can do it, but peace comes. It’s not easy, it takes hard planning.”

"Well said." Sirius slapped twice.

Felix was thinking of something else. No one knew where Grindelwald was going. Everyone, mainly Arginbad and the Ministers of Magic, including Burns, believed that Grindelwald Hiding in the dark, waiting for the situation to be chaotic, he took the opportunity to climb up and shout and seize the power of the magic world.

Felix didn't see Grindelwald either, but he met Rozier in Hogsmeade, again under the pseudonym Nickel Noel. Vita Rozier refused to reveal the traces of Grindelwald, or maybe even her I don't know.

As the No. 2 figure of the Saints, she has two missions: one is to serve as a transit point for the members of the Saints, collecting intelligence from all directions; the other is to teach Felix how to pretend to be Grindelwald without any flaws.

"Since you've joined the Ministry of Magic on a temporary basis," Ms. Burns looked around, "I won't be too polite, I do need people urgently right now—the first thing, the Pan-Magic Alliance. Felix agreed to let 'Future World' Inc. For cooperation, Lupin will be in charge of the center."

Lupin nodded, took a deep breath and said firmly, "Leave it to me."

"Bill will follow you, he knows goblins very well." Ms. Burns continued, and Bill in his seat said earnestly: "And Fleur, who has long wanted to join the Order of the Phoenix." "Okay, you can arrange it yourself. The second thing is to go out on a mission. Before the negotiation results come out, the Ministry of Magic will adopt a contraction strategy, ordinary people will try to stay at home, and the Ministry of Magic will send a special person to check the defense measures of each family-"

"Do we want to do this too? It's overkill." Mundungus asked as if he didn't wake up.

"No need." Ms. Burns said with a stern face: "You are responsible for another matter, supervising, patrolling and warning various gray areas in the country. I demand that all smuggling, theft and black market transactions hidden in the dark should be suspended. , of course, you just need to lead the way, it shouldn't be difficult for you, right?"

"This, this..." Mundungus woke up and said with a bitter face, "You can't ruin my job."

"Smuggling, theft and black market trading are your jobs?" Moody yelled at him.

Mundungus winced to avoid his sight, lowered his head and muttered in a low voice: "What do I do, you don't know - how many times did you catch me before you retired? This is over, even if the ban is lifted. , and no one will be willing to do business with me anymore..."

"A Merlin, Second Class," said Ms. Burns stiffly.

Mundungs' eyes lit up. During the last war, he didn't catch anything. There's no way. His credit is too little, and the only credit can't be put on the table. Unlike the others present, they were basically rewarded after the battle.

"If that's the case..." His attitude softened, looking rather moved. Sirius laughed "Chi Chi", and Borns glared at him, "You continue to be my secretary."

"I refuse," said Sirius carelessly, "I want to go out to work."

Ms. Burns ignored him, "The third thing, I need some people to go abroad to listen to the outside world, including the thoughts of the local wizarding people, the attitude of the non-magic world towards wizards, etc."

"Are you worried that the conflict is coming from abroad?" Lupin asked tactfully.

"That's right. Our representatives at the federation are sending back a steady stream of messages," Ms. Burns said solemnly, "but unfortunately, as far as I know, most of them have adopted a conservative strategy." Glancing at Felix, if she hadn't suffered the ideological shock before, she would have been mentally prepared for the exposure crisis in the wizarding world. I'm afraid she would now be the same as those Ministers of Magic's choice - take the initiative to shrink, and then resign.

The word 'resign' may be a bit of an exaggeration, but apart from them, no second Ministry of Magic has actively embraced change, and the most radical thing they have done is to re-examine the proposal she had submitted before, and then hold a meeting to discuss it. When the results come out, it is estimated that it will be two or three months later.

"The living environment of wizards in each region is different." Ms. Borns explained: "The relationship between wizards and local governments in the Americas is not good, and the two sides lack mutual trust; the situation in Africa is more complicated, because of differences in language and customs, there are multiple functions. Comparable to the Ministry of Magic, but a much smaller autonomous organization of wizards, don't expect them to agree in the short term..."

After talking about the business, Ms. Burns relaxed, and everyone talked in twos and threes.

"What about Harry and the others?" Lupin asked Felix. "I saw you taking them into a conference room when I came."

"Yeah," Sirius straightened his body and rolled his eyes, "Why don't you give Harry to me, and let's do a mission together. Apart from his lack of experience, his fighting ability is not much weaker than mine."

Felix glanced at him, Harry's current strength has completely surpassed Sirius, and Sirius is simply putting gold on his face. He said slowly: "Don't think about it, they have a lot of homework to do."

"Homework?" Sirius widened his eyes, seemingly confused.

"Yeah, it's their job to break down the divide between wizards and non-witchers," Felix said, exchanging glances with Ms. Burns, remembering last night in Rita Skeeter's rented apartment conversation that takes place.

Rita Skeeter takes a half-day off citing shock after getting up close and personal with the tornado in front of the Houses of Parliament, the Sun opens its doors to the world's first journalist to publicly interview a wizard Tolerance (if not it will be made a yes), they consider this to be a historical event comparable to the third type of contact, and prepare to create a series of hot news around her.

However, in fact, Rita Skeeter was indeed frightened, but it was not "hit by a wizard's spell" as her superior thought, but the wizarding world was completely exposed. .

"You have to stay, Rita." Felix said happily after hearing about her bizarre experience: "Next, you will have a lot of opportunities to get in touch with confidential information, not written on paper - you have a relationship with people's hearts. There is a keen sense of what they want, and I hope you will continue to use your talents to dig out what they really think from the mouths of people from all walks of life. Also, in the following reports involving wizards, not biased Don't lean, take a neutral attitude."

"I can't influence decisions at the top." The expression on Rita Skeeter's face was half anticipation and half ugly. She poked her chin with her long nails and said slyly, "Unless—well, you allow me to use magic."

"We're not going to do that," Ms. Burns snapped.

Rita Skeeter rolled her eyes and turned to Felix. Felix pondered and said: "It's too dangerous to use magic to change people's hearts. This is not an isolated incident. In modern society, people have established various connections, and a person's sudden change of attitude can cause suspicion, especially at this time. We would rather trouble A little, the situation isn't that urgent yet."

"What if the situation is urgent and urgent?" Rita Skeeter demanded.

"You have to figure out a question, who holds the power?" Felix gave her a meaningful look. "Do your job well, and you will become a legend among journalists."

Rita Skeeter was lost in thought. She didn't feel irritated. She knew what she wanted.

"How are you going to influence the attitude of the top of the newspaper?" Skeeter asked shrewdly, "I have to know what to do so I can cooperate with you, right?"

"You've got some fame on the gun ban series, put it to good use, and the Ilvermorny wizard who immobilized you with a petrifying spell, I know you'd love to scold him, but he actually created it for you I have received an excellent condition, so I will put the resentment away for the time being... Well, our original plan was to send some basic information to the newspaper. Understanding is the first step to dispelling alerts, but I suddenly had a better idea. I There are some enthusiastic students on hand who are happy to help.”

"Okay, I'll take a look..." Rita Skeeter smacked her lips in dissatisfaction and asked, "What about my safety?"

"The Ministry of Magic will send Aurors to provide protection," Ms Burns said.


"It's worse than I thought, I thought I was just bubble tea, running errands, or writing a bunch of inexplicable reports like Percy," Ron couldn't help complaining, "but who can tell me , why are we writing papers at the Ministry of Magic?"

"Ron, what we're doing means a lot!" Hermione said solemnly.

Harry didn't speak, he stared listlessly at the parchment in front of him, not a word on it. He had seen thousands of wizards in the Pensieve, but none of them could help - none of them had the skills to contribute to a Muggle newspaper.

He and Ron, Sirius and the others stayed at the school for the night last night. Hermione was taken home by the professor, but they did not expect to meet again in the hall of the Ministry of Magic early this morning. The professor did not let them do chores, but led them to an empty conference room, took out a quill and an ink bottle, and asked them to write a letter, probably as a Hogwarts student introducing their life, Professor Happ warned them not to reveal names, addresses and any confidential information.

Harry looked around, there were only three of them at first, but not long after Professor Hepp went out, he brought back some people one after another, all of whom were his classmates at school.

These students can be roughly divided into two camps. The first is related to the Order of the Phoenix, such as Neville and Ginny, and of course him, Ron and Hermione; the second is the families of public servants of the Ministry of Magic, Susan Burns, Ernie Cormac McLaggen, Zacharias Smith (Harry and Ron hated him), Draco Malfoy, and Autumn Zhang, she brought her friend, Harry can't remember the girl The name seems to be Mary or something.


Harry turned his head and stared at Luna's fluffy blond hair, wondering why she was here too. Perhaps it was because Luna's father, Mr. Lovegood, had a partnership with Professor Hepp? He knew that the magazine "Who Will Decide the Ancient Rune" was printed along with the naysayers. When he read the article one time, he found that there was an extra page of trolls attached to it. Ron had collected that issue.

Luna looked at Harry with pale eyes.

"Dad and I lived in Hogsmeade last night and he wanted to thank Professor Hepp himself."

"Oh," Harry blinked, "I heard that the Three Broomsticks room is full?" He actually wanted to ask why he was thanking Professor Hepp, but he suddenly remembered that the professor had lent Luna the Resurrection Stone, and he felt in his heart. Suddenly, the topic changed.

"Yeah, so we live in the Hog's Head," Luna said happily. "Luckily, there was the last room left when we asked. Even luckier, when Dad woke up at night to go to the bathroom, I happened to see Felix out of the window, they chatted for a while, and the professor mentioned that he needed a few students to help, so I came here."

"Lucky enough," said Harry, who knew how bad the conditions at the Hog's Head were. But he couldn't help but wonder in his heart that the professor's purpose in Hogsmeade was to meet someone?

"Is Aberforth all right?" Hermione interjected.

"He may have never seen so many guests in his life, and I don't know if it's a good thing for him." Ron frowned.

"He's fine," Luna said earnestly, "but he's going to sell the bar."

"What happened?" Harry looked surprised.

Luna shook her head slowly, "He didn't say it, I think he has more important things in his mind."

Harry put his attention back on the parchment, and he looked sideways. Hermione had written a third of the parchment, and she could see that she was serious, biting her lip and thinking, and Ron was only writing. After two lines of writing, Harry stared at the freckles on his nose for inspiration, only to find that Ron had a surprised expression, and then he looked down and began to write with his head down, as if his thoughts were springing up.

Harry couldn't help but leaned over curiously.

The first sentence was 'I have a friend. 'Harry was stunned, and continued to look down.' He was abused by those Muggle relatives since he was a child. Oh Muggle means non-magical people. I noticed that I was driving a flying car to rescue him. Don't make a fuss. Although we were only in the first grade at that time, it was not the first time to take an adventure...'

"Ron." Harry couldn't help protesting.

"What's wrong? I didn't mention your name." Ron said with a smile.

Harry sat back and sulked alone, wondering if he should also write about 'My Muggle Uncle, Aunt, Cousin and Family', if he and Ron were both chosen, they could testify against each other, but he didn't want to be cheap. Ron, thinking about it, also starts with 'I have a friend'.

'I have a friend whose whole family is a wizard, and this friend's parents have seven children, so life is not rich (it's much better now), of course it doesn't matter because they are the friendliest people I have ever met, especially compared to my relatives. ’

Harry paused, but still couldn't help but secretly poked at the Dursleys, feeling a little stingy.

'I met this friend on the train, and his two twin brothers helped me with suitcases, and he was the first man of my age I met in the wizarding world--' Writing this, Harry realized something was wrong, he The first peer to actually talk to in the wizarding world was actually Draco Malfoy, so he crossed it out and changed it to 'He's the first peer I met on the train and the one I was in the wizarding world. The world's first friend, but I soon made a second, third friend...'

'One of the electives at school was Muggle studies, and the textbooks were very old and completely out of date, but another friend of mine (who was also Muggle-born so knew it well) said to look at it from a wizard's point of view. Stuff is fascinating, I've seen her paper: Why do Muggles need electricity? My first friend watched it too, and he asked enthusiastically, even though he didn't take the class. I think it's a pity...'

Near noon, Felix came over and read over a dozen letters one by one.

"McLaggen, there's no need to repeatedly mention your father's connections at the Ministry of Magic in your letter;"

"Smith, the sense of superiority in your text is too strong, I can't guarantee that its readers want to hit someone after reading it..."

"Luna, your perspective is unique and detailed, but you mentioned several unproven magical beasts... Forget it, it fits your style."

"Well, Granger - yours is not very good, too strict, analyze the similarities and differences between the two sides from the perspective of Muggles and wizards, like from experts in this field, I want sixteen or seventeen-year-old teenagers to write What comes out, but you can vote for the Daily Prophet."

"Miss Burns, your 'Aunt Minister of Magic' perspective is very interesting. You might as well write more. You can master the scale yourself."

"Weasley, you confessed to your illegal and disorderly behavior, especially those few psychological descriptions are very exciting, you can see that you are the mastermind - don't change it, it's very interesting, but I suggest you put the suspicion that I am Cross out the heir to the secret room."

"Potter, I'm not sure—well, how did you know Mr. Weasley was snoring in his sleep? Oh, Ron told you...well, so Arthur's garage has so many good things hidden— Does Molly know?"

Felix supervised them to change it again, and finally made a very targeted opening, and then picked out a few letters and handed them to an Auror.

"Send to The Sun Station."


In the afternoon, the press conference was held as scheduled in the meeting room of the Ministry of Magic, with countless wizarding families standing in front of the magic radio. Felix's calm and confident voice spread to thousands of households:

"...We are forced to be involved in an unprecedented torrent of times, and everyone is involved in it. I hope that when we look back on this history in a few years, each of us can point to the world behind us and proudly say to the younger generation, that is The era we created."

At the same time, the front desk of The Sun has also received several letters from 'passionate little wizards'.

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