A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 119 Duan Kun is back to kill people and seize territory!

"Wouldn't it be better to blame Mad Dog Luo?" Uncle Hao saw that everyone was silent and waited for him to enter Stanley so that he could divide his property.

This made him feel cold from his back to the soles of his feet. After working for Lianying for so many years, this group of people didn't even lend a hand to help him, but instead added insult to injury.

"If Mad Dog Luo hadn't taken Pu Jun away, we wouldn't be like this now. It's all Mad Dog Luo's fault, it's all his fault!"

Uncle Hao knocked aside the chair behind him, turned around and wanted to run towards the door. Even the men behind him who had burned the ghost man to death and were now kneeling on the ground waiting for the verdict were kicked by him.

"Stop him!" Mr. Long didn't expect Uncle Hao to play this trick. At today's meeting, apart from the uncles, the only one left present was the bad boy waiting for punishment.

Therefore, Uncle Hao ran very smoothly. As long as he ran out of this door, he would immediately find the note surrounding the door and surrender, and then turn into a police witness and accuse Mr. Zuo Guanlong of being the mastermind of this matter.

Catching Zuo Guan was different from arresting his uncle. If Zuo Guan was caught, Tiao Zi would get greater credit. Now he was betting that as long as he accused Mr. Long, Tiao Zi would let him go.

It's a pity that he wants to live and others want to live too.

Uncle Hao had just run to the door, without even touching the door handle, when he was hugged by several old uncles who were chasing after him.

"Let me go, let me go, Lianying is finished, it's finished!"

Uncle Hao kept struggling, but was dragged back by the old guys hugging him. The door to the conference room was also blocked with chairs.

"Are you crazy? If you push me to take the blame today, it will be you tomorrow. We are all dead, and the remaining money in the society will go to people named Long!"

As soon as Uncle Hao finished speaking, everyone in the conference room looked at Mr. Long. You must know that Mr. Long is sending people to handle Lianying's property now. How much money each person can get in the end will be divided after the accounts are settled.

Uncle Hao's words hit the weak spot of this group of people.

"Don't let me go yet?" Uncle Hao struggled for a moment, and the uncles holding him loosened their hands reflexively.

"We old guys are all dead, and the remaining money belongs to his group named Long. You are still being bewitched by him. You are simply hopelessly stupid!"

As Uncle Hao spoke, he moved toward the door, but was held down by another group of uncles from Mr. Long's group.

"Mr. Long, it's not good to do this. It's better to wait until the money is distributed before pushing Ah Hao out. In this case, Ah Hao will also have money to make some notes, right?"

Now the uncles and uncles who had just listened to Uncle Hao's bewitchment couldn't sit still. Now that the money was not in their hands, they were not at ease at all, and they were ready to take this opportunity to get the money back first.

It's okay for them to want money, and it should be shared, but they shouldn't force her to marry him!

If Mr. Long had followed his instructions, Lian Ying would not have to wait until they were ready to fall, and they would fall apart today.

"That's enough. You can divide the money, but you have to wait until all of Lien Ying's properties are sold. Now that the property in Yuen Long has just been sold, we have to divide the money. Do you still care about me?"

Mr. Long slammed the table and glared at the uncles in the room.

But those old guys who just want to get money don't care if Lianying fails or not, they just want to get money. Anyway, the properties being sold now are all from Yuen Long. At worst, after the money is distributed, they will slowly sell the properties in Mong Kok themselves.

"Mr. Long, since the properties in Yuen Long are almost sold out, can we first divide the money among our old friends who have properties in Yuen Long?"

The speaker was Uncle Xing. His land was in Yuen Long. He was the first to support the sale of his property. Now he wants to immigrate and just wants to get money.

"It cannot be separated. As long as Lianying still exists, I will be sitting in the office every day, and you must listen to what I say!"

Mr. Long threw the tea cup in his hand directly. The last thing he expected was that Uncle Xing would speak out against him.

It was obvious that this group of people had been suppressed just now, but now that Uncle Xing opened his mouth, others started to make moves.

But the thrown teacup hit Uncle Xing squarely on the temple. In just one blow, Uncle Xing was knocked out of breath, his head tilted and he collapsed on the chair motionless.

At this time, all the old guys in the room exploded, and those who supported the money sharing got into a quarrel with Mr. Long's die-hard supporters.

Then they started pushing and shouting at each other, and finally a group of old guys got into a fight.

"It's so busy inside, will anyone die?"

Outside the door, Officer You, who was standing outside the box with others, picked his ears.

"What do you care about so many of them? It's not a good thing anyway. If you kill them all, you'll lose one."

The person who answered the call was Zhan Wenbi, the head of the serious crime team. When he saw that Officer You was not standing still, he immediately got angry.

He stretched out his foot and kicked Officer You, and said: "Stand still for me, don't think that you have made some achievements and just raise your tail. Don't forget that you are still a member of the anti-gang group."

Officer You immediately stooped a little.

Yes, he is still a member of the anti-gangster group, and today Inspector Gui Lao died in the underworld fire, and he will also suffer the consequences.

Didn't you see that Peng Xinjian, the leader of the anti-gangster group, who had a dark face throughout the whole process, was glaring at the gloating Zhan Wenbi with eyes full of anger?

Wang Zuluo, the troublemaker in Lien Ying, doesn't know, but he knows that the bad guys in other places in Mong Kok now have no boss within 24 hours!

All these respectable brothers went to support Hong Tai Baorong. Because Lianying burned Gui Lao to death, this group of people were invited to the police station for tea again. It is estimated that they will not be released until tomorrow morning at the earliest.

"Akun, stop lying in the hospital pretending to be dead, come back quickly and lead people to consolidate the nearby streets!"

Wang Zuluo immediately called Duan Kun. His subordinates must say that the best one is Aji. But when it comes to being able to lead people out the most, it is definitely Duan Kun.

The guy was injured by Huang Ziyang last time and was admitted to the hospital, but he fell in love with a busty nurse there. Although the injury has obviously healed, but he is still in the hospital and unwilling to come out, he has no future at all!

Brother Luo despised Duan Kun's dog-licking behavior and completely forgot how he was so squeezed by Lei Zhilan that he didn't dare to go back to the bar for several days.

Maridonna is still sensible, and now she has been trained by Brother Luo to know how to change positions as soon as he slaps her butt.

Unlike Lei Zhilan, just knowing that the riding position is crazily squeezing Brother Luo, Brother Luo also wants to save face!

"Brother Luo, are you going to get out of Shanghai Street?" Duan Kun's voice was very excited. It was boring to stay in Shanghai Street, and the bad guys around him were all soft-footed shrimps. He had long wanted to get out.

"Stop talking nonsense, tonight I want my handsome Luo's flag to be planted all between Shanghai Street and Canton Road!"

Wang Zuluo waved his hand fiercely. The police were all in Mong Kok East tonight, so it was a good time to get rid of them.

"I'll ask Wei Jixiang to bring people over to help you. Remember to hire some more students to help wash the floor. I don't want a police officer to come to me tomorrow asking for help, do you understand?"

Duan Kun nodded repeatedly. As long as there was a war, it would be whatever Brother Luo said.

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