A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 152 Boldly take the bait and the transaction begins

Wang Zuluo hid directly in the corner of the carriage, completely forgetting that even if he hid here, he would still be unable to stop the grenade from exploding.

"Put it away now. Where did you dig up these old things?"

Wang Zuluo felt that this guy was becoming more and more unreliable. Sure enough, no normal person could make friends with Yafei and the others.

These rags could probably be sold as antiques, and it would be difficult for him to dig them out and smuggle them back to Hong Kong Island.

Even if there is no way, you can still get something similar by taking a boat to Mao Xiong.

"It can't be fried. The last time I used it to fry fish, I threw three into the water and only one exploded."

The dwarf picked up two grenades and knocked them against each other in his hands. Wang Zuluo turned pale with fright.

"Based on the market price, the troll is 70,000 apiece, including the bullets given by you. A pistol is 8,000, and 50 is 400,000..."

Wang Zuluo asked Ah Ji to hand the suitcase he was carrying to Chao Zhi, while he quickly stuffed long and short firearms into several luggage bags, preparing to get out of the car as soon as possible.

Who knows if there is something more fucked up under this short guy’s car, so it’s best to leave as soon as possible.

After Chaozi finished checking the money, Wang Zuluo was the first to jump out of the car carrying two luggage bags. It was a relief to be back in the van.

Aji also came back behind with two luggage bags. As soon as he got in the car, Wang Zuluo ordered the driver to leave immediately.

After losing sight of Fei Bo's van, Wang Zuluo leaned on the passenger seat and let out a long sigh of relief.

Looking back, I found that Aji had opened his duffel bag and was playing with the grenade inside.

Um? Where did the grenade come from?

"Stop!" Wang Zuluo shouted to the driver to stop, then looked at Ah Ji and asked, "Why did you bring this back?"

"The dwarf asked for it, saying it was a gift. If you don't take it, you won't respect his credibility."

Aji shrugged and continued: "Brother Luo, don't worry, there is no danger in this thing if you don't unscrew the back cover."

In the end, the grenade was taken back, but Brother Luo asked Ah Ji to send the duffel bag containing the grenade to the van behind for storage.


At around one o'clock in the morning, Li Yunfei called Wang Zuluo:

"Arlo, let me tell you good news. There is a guy who can take all of your 30 million. We have agreed to trade in an hour..."

Wang Zuluo's original anger disappeared immediately after hearing Li Yunfei's words.

"Okay, we'll meet at Container Terminal 7 in an hour."

Wang Zuluo immediately agreed, then pushed Lei Zhilan's arm that was pressing on him, got up and started to get dressed.

In less than half an hour, Wang Zuluo took Ah Ji to meet Duan Kun and others at the Tai Kok Tsui restaurant.

This time, Wei Jixiang, Shen Sha, Shan Mingquan, and Wu Ying all participated, as well as the thirty dozen gangsters who had been following Wang Zuluo.

"Don't ask anything, don't say anything, just take your things and go out with me to do some errands."

Wang Zuluo had no intention of explaining to the others and asked them to carry their luggage bags and get into the car.

"Brother Luo, is there another big deal this time?"

Duan Kun looked at the steel plate on the van with a hint of fanaticism on his face.

Last time there were steel plates in the car, Wang Zuluo led them to steal the robbers' foreign currency. There were more people this time and it seemed like a big business.

Wang Zuluo just nodded and began to distribute gloves and hoods to everyone. It’s the same as before, paint your fingers with nail polish and put on gloves.

The clothes have also been replaced by uniform white tops, and instead they wear cheap suits purchased in bulk. Wang Zuluo also tied a thin piece of steel to his chest. Anyway, this weight was nothing in his eyes.

After everyone learned to finish it by themselves, Wang Zuluo opened the duffel bag containing the firearms.

"Damn it, Brother Luo, are we going to fight the ghost army?"

Wuying looked at these weapons and his eyes widened. He reached out to take it, but Wang Zuluo slapped his hand away.

"How many of you know how to use a gun?" Wang Zuluo looked at Wei Jixiang and others and asked.

As a result, everyone except Wuying said that they had gone to the shooting range several times.

"Wu Fei, you go to the van in the back later to find the duffel bag. The things in there are prepared for you."

Wang Zuluo rejected Wuying's proposal to use a submachine gun on the spot. Just kidding, giving him a pistol is good for self-defense, but he still wants a submachine gun?

Brother Luo is afraid that one of his own will die in his hands!

"Arlo, are you here?"

Li Yunfei's voice came from the phone, which made Wang Zuluo frown unconsciously. The other party was actually faster than himself?

"There's a traffic jam. I'll contact you when we get there. Just ask the seller to prepare the jewelry."

After saying that, Wang Zuluo hung up the phone and asked the driver to stop.

"Duan Kun, you take Axiang and the others into another car, and we'll go separately. I'll change the transaction location to the Meiwang parking lot. You guys go there first to prepare."

The Meiwang parking lot is located near Container Terminal 7. In addition to open-air parking spaces, there are also many containers placed there.

Fifteen minutes later, Wang Zuluo received a notification from Duan Kun. Then he called Li Yunfei and asked him to take Da Dao to the Meiwang parking lot.

"Damn, this guy obviously can't trust me!"

Looking at Li Yunfei boldly, the anger on his face was almost uncontrollable.

"The seller has said that if you don't agree, it's okay. He can give you 500,000 yuan as a reward for your hard work."

Li Yunfei actually understood Wang Zuluo's approach. After all, he dared them to arrive at the trading position in advance.

Even he, Li Yunfei, has just arrived. Who knows if Daring has done any tricks? With such a large transaction amount, it is better to be cautious.

"Half a million, huh!" After hearing Li Yunfei's words boldly, his anger subsided a lot. Since the other party offered 500,000 yuan as compensation without blinking an eye, he knew that the buyer was not short of money.

"Okay, let's go there." After thinking about it boldly, he nodded to Li Yunfei and agreed.

"If the buyer changes his position after we go there, then don't blame me for not giving you brother Fei the face!"

He looked at Li Yunfei boldly, gritted his teeth and said this.

Li Yunfei pretended not to hear it. He could be sure that even if he changed a few places, Daring would not cancel the transaction.

The total market value of the jewelry in his hands exceeds 100 million, unless he is brave enough to store these items in his hands for more than ten years before taking them out, or sell them out in small batches little by little.

Although the former is safe, you can't get any money in a short period of time, and few people who want to make money will do this.

Although the latter can also get money, the chance of being caught by the police will be greatly increased.

Meiwang parking lot.

Wang Zuluo hadn't arrived yet when Bold Bold and the others came, which made Bold Bold sigh relieved at first, and then worried again, fearing that the buyer would change positions again.

If the buyer didn't arrive, it meant there was no ambush, which was a reason to breathe a sigh of relief. He has been cheating and cheating, and he is also afraid that others will find an opportunity to cheat.

"Don't worry, the buyer will be here soon."

Li Yunfei called Wang Zuluo again, and after confirming that he would not change his position, he said something boldly.

Daudao then smiled and looked at the environment of the parking lot with a cigar in his mouth.

What Li Yunfei didn't know was that as soon as he followed Bold and the others out of Container Terminal No. 7, a figure appeared on the container at the previous location.

They walked out of their hiding place, found the hidden car, followed Bold and the others, and also headed towards the Meiwang parking lot.

The leader is Bold's confidant, and the rest are also the masters around Bold. These men all had guns on their bodies and were sitting in their cars waiting for bold next instructions.

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