A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 17 Awu: Don’t lose even a penny of money

What happened to carrying a gun?

I carry two guns with me!

The muzzle of the gun in his left hand made a fake move towards the Western boy, which made the Western boy shrink his neck in fright.

After waiting for a long time and not hearing the gunshot, he realized that he had been tricked. Unfortunately, Wang Zuluo's knife had already been swung in front of his eyes.

In a hurry, he raised the knife to attack, but he screamed, and three fingers were cut off from the hand holding the knife. The machete fell to the ground along with the broken fingers.

Wang Zuluo inserted the gun in his hand on his lower back and slashed with the knife again, this time it was Western Boy's other intact arm.

Blood spattered, and his arm was cut open with a deep wound visible to the bone. Wang Zuluo pulled out hard but couldn't pull it out. It seemed that the blade of the knife was stuck in the bone.

He released the machete and looked around. Between the ashtray on the table and the plastic chair next to the table, Wang Zuluo chose the more familiar plastic chair.

He picked it up and swung it at the last Lian Ying Zai who was fighting with Ah Hua. This time, he hit the back of the head. The opponent didn't even grunt, and fell straight to the ground.

After running over and helping Ah Hua sit down against the overturned table, Wang Zuluo fumbled around, took out a box of cigarettes, and Ah Hua took one in his mouth.

"Can you hold on?" Wang Zuluo asked Ahua.

"I can't die. It's all skin trauma. I'll just go to a familiar clinic and get a few stitches."

Ah Hua had a wound on his arm and flicked the cigarette ashes with a grin on his face.

Wang Zuluo shook his head, picked up the car keys and sat next to Ah Hua again, holding a cigarette in his mouth and started puffing away.

Not far away, Western boys fell to the ground and rolled and screamed. Several Lianying boys fainted, and those who were still lying on the ground pretended to be dead.

The battle on the street gradually ended under the attack from both sides by the number gang. Without the command of the Western boys, Lian Ying's gangsters were quickly dispersed.

"Damn it, Sha Danwu, I have to deduct your money this time!"

As soon as Sha Danwu walked to Wang Zuluo's side, he heard Wang Zuluo's words.

Without saying a word, he walked up to the screaming Western boy, stretched out his hand to grab the other person's collar, and dragged him to Wang Zuluo's side.

"I'll help you get the Western boy. You must pay the entire balance this time, not a penny less!"

When Wang Zuluo heard this, he wanted to draw his gun. But after carefully thinking about the meaning of Sha Danwu's words, he nodded.

"Okay, as long as you send the Western boy to swim in the sea, I will spare you every penny of the remaining payment."

As he spoke, Wang Zuluo pulled out his pistol and put it on his lap, playing with it.

Sha Danwu glanced at the black star in Wang Zuluo's hand, and dragged the Western boy towards the approaching garbage truck.

There were three unlucky guys who were thrown into the car with the Western boy. They were the unlucky ones who were cut into dead fish in the melee just now.

All the Lianying gangsters who could move ran away, and all the seriously injured ones were dragged to the side of the road.

Sha Danwu's men unloaded several long hoses from the garbage truck, skillfully collected water from the street shop and began to wash the ground.

After washing the blood on the ground, the group of people called an ambulance for the injured Lian Ying.

Needless to say, apart from not watching the Western boy just now, Sha Danwu's younger brother was very professional in killing people and even did the finishing work.

I found a few hundred Hong Kong dollars from my body and put them on the freezer of the food stall and pressed them with an ashtray.

Helping Ah Hua to get into the car, Wang Zuluo lowered the window, waved to Sha Danwu, stepped on the accelerator and drove towards Shanghai Street.

"Damn it, come out if you dare!"

"I will chop you to death when I get in!"

At the entrance of the Shanghai Street Sauna Shop, Tony and Duan Kun, who had not received Wang Zuluo's call, restrained their men and spoke harshly to Lian Yingzai who was hiding in the shop.

The manager of the sauna shop was standing in front of them with a smile on his face, giving smoke to the people in the front row one by one:

"Boss, this sauna shop is opened by Brother Baguan. Please raise your hands and don't smash the floor-to-ceiling windows when you enter..."

The turkey hiding in the sauna was sweating profusely and dialing Western Boy's phone.

It's been more than an hour, and the reinforcements have crawled over even if they crawled.

It doesn't matter whether they come to give you an accurate word or not. It doesn't matter if they call them out now or give in.

"Brother Turkey, are the bosses coming or not?" Wang Zijie, who has short hair, is still shaking his hands. Just now they tried to leave through the back door, but they were cut back by the people blocking them outside.

If Wang Zijie hadn't retreated quickly, he would probably be lying next to the trash can outside now.

"How the hell do I know?" Turkey glared hard at the guy who was told by the Western boy to 'take good care of'.

"If you can't speak, don't speak. If you're in a hurry, just take someone out and kill him, street boy."

After cursing, Turkey called Western Boy's phone number again.

This time the call was answered quickly. Turkey breathed a sigh of relief and quickly asked: "Brother Xiyang, what should we do now?"

"No need to do anything, just open the door!"

A strange young voice came from the phone, and at the same time, there was a knock on the glass door of the sauna shop.

Turkey looked up and saw a handsome guy outside the door holding a big brother in his hand and waving to him.

"Stop looking, open the door!" The voice on the phone came again, making Turkey's body tremble unconsciously.

He will definitely not dial the wrong phone number. Now that the boss's phone is in someone else's hand, anyone with a brain will know what to do next.

"What are you still doing? Go and open the door." Turkey put the phone away and ordered the boys to move the sofa blocking the door.

"Brother Turkey, the people outside..." Wang Zijie hesitated and tried to persuade him.

"Xian Jia Tuan, are you blind? Now Brother Xiyang... Now Xiyangzai's phone is in someone's hand. Do you want to guess what happened?"

After Turkey taught Wang Zijie a lesson, he ran over and opened the glass door himself with a smile on his face.

Duan Kun was the first to enter, carrying a steel pipe and smashing the turkey's head and face.

His subordinates also followed in and confiscated the weapons of other Lian Ying gangsters inside.

After all the bad guys from Lianying had squatted down with their heads in their hands, Wang Zuluo walked in the door.

Ah Hua had just been sent for stitches by someone he had arranged for. Apart from Lian Ying and the Number Gang who had their bodies lifted up tonight, not many of Tony and Duan Kun's men were injured.

"Find a food stall, book the place, and let the brothers go over and have a good meal later."

Wang Zuluo gave instructions to Tony who was walking beside him. With more than 200 people on site, food stalls are the best choice.

If we plan to go to a restaurant, we won't be able to accommodate so many people at this late hour.

"You can leave. Remember, don't appear on this street in the future. Otherwise, if something happens, don't blame me for not telling you clearly."

Wang Zuluo had no interest in keeping these Lianying gangsters squatting on the ground for the night.

The Westerners are all gone, so these people can’t afford to make any waves.

"Wait a minute, you two don't leave yet."

Wang Zuluo pointed to Turkey and Wang Zijie, who were holding phones.

He kept the former because he was the one who called Western Boy just now, and the latter because his style was too arrogant.

In this era when long hair was popular, this guy had his hair dyed yellow, and a strip of hair on his forehead was deliberately shaved off to look like a scar.

Judging from his appearance, he is only fifteen or sixteen, and he is very conspicuous among this group of bad guys who are in their twenties and almost thirty years old.

The Westerners sent over to watch the scene were all Lao Si Jiu, not to mention those who were blocked in the sauna shop were all the elites of Lao Si Jiu.

Now a young man happened to appear here. He looked like an important person at first glance.

Wang Zuluo was going to ask this guy if he was a relative of Xiyangzai. If so, I'm sorry, Brother Luo will send him down to reunite with Xiyangzai's family.

If you cut the weeds without eradicating the roots, they will grow again when the spring breeze blows. He doesn't want to play the drama of thirty years in Hedong.

How many mentally retarded people can do this?

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