A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 192 Brother Luo turns his face when he puts up his pants

Wang Zuluo briefly explained what happened, and then said: "You can inform the top brass of the police station about this matter, and this videotape will be given to you."

"By the way, you can take that woman away too."

After Wang Zuluo finished speaking, Officer You and He Wenzhan looked with contempt in their eyes.

What do you mean that women can also be taken away?

"You can't convict based on this video tape alone. You also said that that woman's file is cleaner than ours..."

Officer You handed the tape back, then shrugged and said they didn't want to take over this troublesome matter.

If this case is to be investigated further, an undercover agent will have to be sent, and it will take several years to follow up.

They don't have that much power to apply for undercover handling of cases, and they don't have the patience to wait for several years before committing crimes.

"Do you know where those Thai mercenaries are?"

Officer You is still more concerned about yesterday's case, which was a case that could be made immediately.

"You should ask Liangkun from Hongxing about this matter. It was Liangkun who found the place where those people started fighting."

Wang Zuluo had no choice but to give Officer You a few tips.

The police arrested the two Tony brothers yesterday. It is estimated that the two brothers were struggling to even speak, let alone take notes.

The policeman and the gas station employee colluded to make a confession. The police officer knew that the two men were related to the gunfight because he saw them on the surveillance camera of the Diamond Hill Funeral Home.

They waited for their injuries to stabilize and took them back to the police station for questioning, but in the end they were snatched away that night. The police station didn't know as much as the two gas station employees did.

As for the funeral home employees who were so close, why didn’t they see it?

Then you have to ask Brother Liangkun why he found a group of mercenaries as staff.

When the police rushed over, they didn't see a single mercenary's body except for the bullet casings on the ground.

The body of Hong Xing's gangster was also taken away by his own people. Only the body of Tony's men was left unattended at the scene and was taken back by the note.

Tony himself was sent to the hospital, so how could he have time to collect the body?

Besides, Bai Zhao led his men to chase Tony's car yesterday, and the gunfight between the two sides spanned several streets. It was impossible not to cause a big fuss.

Now that Bai Zhao and others are hiding, the only clue left is Tony and his brothers.

And Tony and Brother Zha were kidnapped again. Now the police station can only look for clues from Tony's dead men.

It is simply unreasonable to die and be unlucky enough to be dissected by the forensic department.

If Officer You and the others can bring back evidence that crucifies the identity of the other party, it will definitely be a great achievement.

"Jiangkun?" Officer You was a little frustrated when he heard the name. Could it be that the police station would not have thought of what Wang Zuluo knew?

But Liangkun was like a piece of meat, he didn't know anything about anything, and the police station couldn't do anything about him.

Now this case has been noticed by reporters, and a group of reporters follow the joint case team members wherever they go.

Not to mention taking Liangkun back for questioning, even if he spoke harshly, Liangkun's lawyer would complain in front of the camera.

"Baizha should be interested in Sasaki Miho's affairs. You can use that woman as a trap to catch them out."

Wang Zuluo's intention to get rid of this big trouble Miho Sasaki has made no secret.

Without thinking, I dug a big hole for that woman. Now it's up to Officer You and the others to cooperate.

He definitely couldn't hide the news that Sasaki Miho was taken away. If those mercenaries came to find him, it would be troublesome.

Even if those people didn't want to find Sasaki Miho, they still had to find the news about Ma Tianshou from themselves.

Wang Zuluo was afraid that those people would break the rules. They had never caused such a big thing before, so they had to worry about the Hong Kong Royal Police.

But yesterday they were all sweeping from the street to the end of the street with AKs, and they were so scrupulous.

If it were Wang Zuluo himself, the best choice would be to fight quickly and evacuate immediately.

How can we achieve a quick victory?

Of course, he brought people here to arrest Brother Luo, and then tortured him to extract information about Ma Tianshou.

Brother Luo doesn't think he's a tough guy, let alone the pliers commonly used by mercenaries to pull teeth and fingernails, and electrify wires for electrotherapy.

Brother Luo will definitely not be able to stand the tiger stool pepper water alone.

So these people must solve it. Even if they can't solve it, they still have to survive today. After Abu carries Master Ma's head and swaggers through the market, Brother Luo no longer has to worry about being approached by mercenaries.

How can I spend the day safely?

As a citizen of Hong Kong Island, of course I should go to the Royal Police if anything happens. If you pay so much tax to the Hong Kong Governor, the Royal Police will have to come out to do things.

As for whether the cops can beat their AK with .38 against them...

That is not an issue that Brother Luo should consider, that is an issue that the Hong Kong Governor should consider.

He Wenzhan and Officer You looked at each other, then nodded.

He had no idea that Wang Zuluo was trying to trick him. He felt that Brother Luo was really interesting, and he even wanted to say thank you.


Miho Sasaki came out of the box after washing up. She looked around but couldn't see Wang Zuluo.

"Your name is... Ah Huang, right? Where did your boss, Zu Luojun, go?"

Miho Sasaki stopped Aguang and asked where Wang Zuluo was.

"Miss Miho, my name is Aguang, not Ahuang."

Aguang looked helpless, but Brother Luo had told him to entertain this Japanese woman well. He knew that this woman and Brother Luo had not left the box all night, so he was careful when he spoke:

"Brother Luo went to Macau. He told Miss Miho to ask for anything she needs."

Sasaki Miho nodded clearly, believing that Wang Zuluo went to Macau.

"Then can you tell me how much power Zuluo has on Hong Kong Island?"

Sasaki Miho started to talk nonsense, but she had no choice but to think about it now, that bastard Wang Zuluo didn't say anything useful in bed yesterday, he just verbally agreed to cooperate.

Although she didn't think Wang Zuluo could resist the temptation of more than ten times the profit, she still had to ask what should be asked.

"How much energy does Brother Luo have?" Aguang glanced at Miho Sasaki strangely.

They all sleep together, why don't you even know who Brother Luo is?

Anyone who knows about Xin Lianying can know how powerful Brother Luo is.

"There are more than two thousand young and Dangerous boys in Mong Kok eating with Brother Luo. From Shanghai Street to the west, all the way to Tai Kok Tsui, the streets in the middle are under the control of Brother Luo."

“From the Mong Kok East MTR station to Ladies Market, there are our Xinlianying stores on every street...”

While arranging for lunch to be prepared for Sasaki Miho, Aguang introduced the new Lianying's sphere of influence.

Miho Sasaki obviously understands some of the situation in Hong Kong Island and has no objection to the prefix.

However, I learned that Wang Zuluo was very powerful in Mong Kok and had a large territory. We also have a lot of confidence in cooperation.

With so many stores alone, the demand for pink goods every month will not be small.

What's more, with Wang Zuluo's ability, he can easily find other buyers, and the business will definitely grow.

Sasaki Miho's smile became much more sincere, and she was finally relieved now.

Aguang praised Sasaki Miho's figure and appearance in his heart, and admired his wife's ability to pick up horses.

The last time this woman came here, she was looking for a husband from Brother Luo. In just a few days, Brother Luo has become my husband...

"The crime team conducts a routine inspection, everyone takes out their ID cards...!"

Miho Sasaki was eating when a group of plainclothes men broke into the bar.

The leader was none other than Cao Lyon, whom Wang Zuluo had met just now. At this time, he held an arrest warrant in his hand and walked straight to Miho Sasaki's position.

"Miss Miho Sasaki, the police now suspect that you are leading and organizing a terrorist attack. Please come back with us."

After shaking the arrest warrant, Cao Leon took out the handcuffs and handcuffed Miho Sasaki while Aguang was stunned.

He stood aside and did not dare to interrupt at all. The hands of the civilians around him did not leave the handle of the gun at all. If he dared to move, he would probably be among the people taken away.

"Terrorist attack?" Although Sasaki Miho knew that what happened yesterday was serious, she did not expect that it would be classified as a terrorist attack.

She knew about Hong Kong Island. Scenes of hundreds of people showing off their horses and killing people were commonplace. She had also seen in the newspapers the chaos involving thousands of people.

But how could a small scene with dozens of people yesterday turn into a terrorist attack?

In fact, even if the robbery at the hospital had not happened later, the senior leaders of Gui Lao would have made a big fuss about it.

The last time a ghost gunman opened fire on a police car in the street, there are still reports in newspapers.

Those reporters added countless bad words to the title of the police department: incompetence, malfeasance, harboring ghosts... and other bad words.

Now a group of guys are jumping out on the street armed with automatic guns and shooting at each other. How could Gui Lao not seize this opportunity to suppress the heat caused by the last Gui Lao gunman?

Since the problem cannot be solved, then just create a bigger problem to divert the attention of the people of Hong Kong Island.

After updating, I will correct the typos together.

I worked overtime during the day today and didn’t have time to fish and code (┯_┯)

I can only squeeze out time to write in the middle of the night.

There is no holiday on this weekend, and the life of the wage earners is indeed miserable (┯_┯)

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