A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 209 The entire Mongkok East is almost reduced to a pot of porridge

"Come to me!"

Wei Jixiang rushed to the front with the steel pipe, and behind him Chen Yaoqing and the gangsters from Xinlianying followed immediately.

They had long wanted to fight against the gangsters from the Yongzidui gang using Ah Tian's number, but the boss never said anything and could only watch the coders from the opposite side come out little by little.

Now that Wei Jixiang has spoken, these young men will start to do something immediately.

"Head office, there is a large-scale brawl between young and Dangerous people near Tong Choi Street, please support!"

Several uniformed police officers who had been dispatched because of the large-scale gathering of young and Dangerous boys, immediately called for support after seeing that the young and Dangerous boys had not reached an agreement and started killing people.

But where will anyone support them tonight?

In order to capture the terrorists, the police department had previously canceled all the officers' vacations and sent them to work.

The case has just been concluded and the finishing work has not yet been completed. The police officers are busy building connections to add luster to their resumes, and the superintendents are also reporting the good news to the residents on TV.

How can I have time to pay attention to the Young and Dangerous boys killing people?

"Police officer... please stay where you are and wait, an assault vehicle is rushing towards your location..."

Listening to the reply on the intercom, several uniformed policemen looked at each other.

Brother, the streets nearby are full of violent killing scenes. What can an assault vehicle do if it comes over?

Let the mobile troops come over and do the work!

When we talked about numbers earlier, the two sides added up to fill the entire street. Now the fight has started, and the crowd of young and Dangerous boys has spread out on several nearby streets.

Even if fifty people can be crammed into an assault vehicle, it's still not enough!

Wei Jixiang and others ignored the uniformed police officers on the street and began to chase Ah Tian while waving steel pipes.

But after only running a few steps, he was blocked by the number gang. It was different from the previous one where all the people were taxi drivers and minibus drivers.

There was no immediate start of the war today, which gave Tim time to summon the gangsters.

Therefore, although there were many people in Xinlianying, they could not break through the number of people in the number gang for a while.

The more the two sides fight, the larger the area spread out. One second you were relying on the crowd to chase a few young and Dangerous guys, and the next second more people appeared out of nowhere and chased you back to attack you.

Not to mention advanced operations such as bypassing and outflanking. With so many people, being able to gather dozens of thugs around you and keep them in formation without them getting scattered is considered a strong commanding ability.

The Young and the Dangerous all hang out with their respective bosses. A few or a dozen people will have a small boss, so when fighting, these small bosses will lead their own men to fight on their own.

In the big scuffle, if the Xinlianying gangsters hadn't all been wearing white shirts, they would have been fighting against each other.

In less than fifteen minutes, Tim's thugs were already being chased out of the Tung Choi Street minibus terminal. People in white shirts from the surrounding streets began to gather again along the alleys between the streets.

When it comes to fighting, there are no tactics, just wave the guy in your hand and hit forward.

Ah Tim's people were driven out of the vicinity of the minibus stop, and their morale was already gone. In addition, support has not arrived for a long time, and it is simply impossible for them to withstand the Xinlianying raiders who are twice their number.

As for the taxi men who had been summoned in a hurry, their momentum immediately dissipated when they saw that they were fighting with the white coat again.

After the last fight, they had learned that everyone in white shirts would be paid, and the injured would all be sent to the hospital.

They were miserable. They were summoned for free and even reprimanded if they lost. It’s fine if I delay getting out of the car to make money, but I still have to pay the full amount of the day’s share.

They are taxi guys, not fucking idiots.

Therefore, Ah Tim's first batch of reinforcements to arrive only resisted for a moment, then turned around and ran in front of the Xin Lian Ying gangsters.

The posture didn't look like retreating, but rather like chasing after his boss to kill him.

But Wei Jixiang's job was to disperse people, so these taxi guys were out of luck.

They had no fighting spirit, but they couldn't stop them from running and all gathered together. It would be strange if the Xinlianying thugs didn't chase them and kill them.

Seeing the young and Dangerous boys gradually cutting off from the south side of Argyle Street to the north side of Argyle Street, several uniformed policemen relaxed.

Sorry, that's not my jurisdiction over there...

"Brother Tim, we are here, where are your people?"

Sha Danwu's motorcade arrived at the minibus stop, but after getting off the bus, he only saw a dozen seriously injured gangsters from Xin Lian Ying leaning on the street waiting for ambulances. The main force did not see them at all.

"Come to the north toward Jinyu Street. Mad Dog Luo's people are attacking here..."

Sitting in the car, Ah Tian took a breath. After receiving the call from Sha Dan Wu, he felt a little relieved.

If you lose for a while, you don't call it a loss. There is still a long time tonight. When everyone comes, just go back.

Sha Danwu frowned, he heard something was wrong from A Tian's words.

Mad Dog Luo's people were killed, shouldn't Ah Tian's people beheaded?

"Brother Tim, you should have told me earlier. We were here at the minibus stop, and we were ambushed when we got off the bus!"

Sha Danwu immediately spoke to the phone, and then encouraged the borrowed troops to start shouting.

"Mad Dog Luo's people are all here, how can you still have people over there?"

Ah Tian doesn’t believe there are Mad Dog Luo’s men at the minibus station, unless the other party also borrows troops!

“The whole street is full of white shirts, and you’re telling me there’s no one there?”

Sha Danwu's voice was very anxious, and at the same time, there was also the sound of a machete hitting the steel pipe.

Now Tim finally believed it. That bastard Mad Dog Luo actually called all the Young and Dangerous boys from Xinlianying?

There are so many people here, and there are also people at the minibus station. How much does it cost to show off the horse and mad dog Luo this time?

Is it just to vent your anger?

Even if he were beaten to death, he would not believe that Mad Dog Luo was just trying to vent his anger. He definitely wanted to interfere in the passenger transport business.

I and Lao Jiuji did this more than 10 years ago, leading people to clean up the prefixes around the minibus stops, and then began to integrate the taxis.

Now it's Mad Dog Luo's turn to swing his knife at them. Although the location of the minibus terminal has been changed, the scene has never been familiar before.

"Lao Jiu, if you don't fucking send troops, our business will be over...!"

Ah Tian immediately called Lao Jiu. After dialing several times, he finally got through. He opened his mouth and told Lao Jiu about the current crisis.

He and Lao Jiu both belonged to Yong Zi Dui. Although they broke up later, they still did business together.

Now that Wang Zuluo wants to dig up the roots, Ah Tian thinks that no matter how ignorant Lao Jiu is, he still has to bring someone here.

Otherwise, after tonight, their business name will really be Wang!

"Brother Tian, ​​my name is Duan Kun. Brother Ninth has promised not to interfere in today's affairs."

Listening to the stranger's voice on the phone, Ah Tian was a little stunned.

Duan Kun?

The white-haired dog that Mad Dog Luo sent to Mong Kok East to integrate Sun Lien Ying?

During this period, Duan Kun integrated the old forces in Xinlianying, and he didn't go there with money to win over them.

Instead, they came to each house and forcefully asked the old people who were originally responsible for the loan business in Lianying to hand over their books and rosters.

No one wants to be audited, so naturally war begins.

The transition from Lianying to New Lianying was accomplished by Duan Kun and his men.

Now that he answered the phone, it meant that either Lao Jiu was caught by Duan Kun, or Lao Jiu really cooperated with Mad Dog Luo.

Yong Zidui kept talking to each other, and both he and Lao Jiu had a knot in their hearts.

Isn't it Lao Jiu who wants to completely suppress him and take over Yongzi Dui now?

Here, Ah Tian was still thinking about countermeasures. At the door of the Ladies Street bar, an assault vehicle parked here.

"I am Wu Shaoxiong, the police chief of the Anti-Gangster Group, call out Wang Zuluo!"

Wu Shaoxiong looked at the boy who didn't move away and immediately raised his voice: "I told Wang Zuluo to rush out to see me!"

"It's so late and you're here in a hurry to crow?"

Zhang Lang was wandering around the bar hall, and when he heard Wu Shaoxiong's voice, he immediately ran over and cursed.

"Zhang Lang, don't forget your..."

"I'm a fucking celebrity next to Brother Luo now. Even if Peng Xinjian and Sir Peng come here, he still has to call me Brother Zhang Lang!"

Zhang Lang heard that Wu Shaoxiong, his former boss, was so lax. If he really let him finish what he said, he would be sunk into the sea by Wang Zuluo today.

This bastard wants to kill himself!

Thinking of this, Zhang Lang immediately stepped forward and kicked Wu Shaoxiong in the stomach, interrupting his next words.

And Peng Xinjian, the leader of the anti-gangster group, came out to warn Wu Shaoxiong. I am no longer his undercover agent, now I am under the direct management of Peng Xinjian!

Doesn't this guy know about the confidentiality regulations?

Fortunately, he was still an inspector... Well, why is he a police sergeant now?

Zhang Lang just realized, isn't the other party an inspector of the serious crime team? Why are you joining the anti-gang group and wearing military uniforms now?

Seeing the three V's on the opponent's shoulders, Zhang Lang immediately puffed up his chest.

Just kidding, in order to send him as an undercover agent next to Wang Zuluo, Peng Xinjian had already mentioned the title in his file to the sergeant.

Now that the other party is on the same level as him, so what if he gets a beating?

"Give me the steel pipe!"

Just do it when you think of it, Zhang Lang asked for a steel pipe from the beater.

New and old grudges are added together, and Zhang Lang's attack will be cruel!

On the first day of the month, brothers, don’t keep your monthly tickets.

Today you vote for Brother Luo. Come to the night bar in Mongkok tomorrow. Brother Luo will treat you to a sauna!

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