A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 215 I, Wang Zuluo, rely on honesty and trustworthiness when I go out to hang out.

"Brother Tiger is dead?!"

When the people on both sides of the street heard the gunfire, they all stopped and turned around to stare blankly at the spot where the tiger fell to the ground.

"It wasn't me...it wasn't me...it really wasn't me..."

Frightened by the tiger's death, he broke into a cold sweat and instantly forgot about the pain in his body.

Holding the pistol in both hands, staring into the tiger's eyes, he kept repeating these words.

"By the way, it's him, the one behind you..."

When A'an looked back, he found that there was no one within a few meters behind him.

"Brother An, stop standing still and kill them!"

A bad guy who came with An was sitting on the ground holding his severed hand that was chopped off by a tiger. He stared at the remaining tiger men and screamed.

These words were like igniting a barrel of explosives, and Tiger's men who could still stand immediately fled in all directions.

Bang bang bang!

An, who had collapsed, held a pistol in his hand, with red eyes, pulled the trigger at the bald heads running away.

After all the bullets were fired, two more unlucky guys fell on the ground, but more escaped.

The bad guys brought by An didn't dare to chase him, for fear of accidentally running in front of An's gun.

"Brother An, run away quickly, Tim won't let us go."

A bad guy who had a good relationship with An An walked up to An An and reminded him.

At this time, the remaining bad guys on the street also woke up from their dreams.

Not only did An have to run away, but they also had to run away. Ah Tian's son died, and those of them who participated in this tiger interception must also be unlucky.

Even though Ah Tim was defeated by Xin Lianying's thugs, he could still deal with them easily.

If a tiger dies, their boss Lianghui won't be able to protect them. The most likely thing is to hand them over to be used as corpses.

The group of people quickly got into the van that came before, and then went home to prepare to go directly to the pier to take a boat.

Why do young and Dangerous boys like to buy things like gold watches and gold necklaces that can be worn at any time?

Aren't you preparing for this moment?

Two hours later, Wang Zuluo walked out of the box at Tiger's former bar feeling refreshed.

"Brother Luo, Wuying called just now."

Ah Ji at the door handed over the phone. Wang Zuluo moved his waist a few times before taking the phone and calling Wuying back.

"Brother Luo, it's done... The fat corpse is hiding in our warehouse now, isn't it..."

He was half-sent, but Wang Zuluo knew what he meant and said softly: "One cannot break one's word. We promised Fat Corpse to send him to Macau, so we should send him there..."

After Wuying heard this, he immediately lowered his voice and said anxiously: "Brother Luo, leave his words..."

"Bury them in Macau!"

Before he could finish speaking, Wang Zuluo finally finished the second half of his sentence, leaving Wuying's persuasion to choke in his mouth.

"Um...Okay Brother Luo, I will definitely do it well."

Wuying hung up the phone, stood there and thought for a while, then walked into a tea restaurant open 24 hours a day and bought some roast goose rice.

After paying the bill, he carried his things and walked towards the warehouse where Fat Corpse and the others were housed.

"Brother Wuying, when can we get on the boat?"

Seeing Wuying push the door open and come in, Fatty looked behind Wuying warily, and he breathed a subtle sigh of relief when he found that there were only two gangsters standing at the door to look out.

"Let's eat first. There won't be roast goose on board the ship."

Putting the lunch box on the table, Wuying picked out a portion from it in front of them, opened it and started eating by himself.

Now Fat Corpse and the others finally felt relieved and started to eat the roast goose rice.

"The ship will dock at Yunfa Pier in fifteen minutes. You can just get on the ship then."

Wuying took a few mouthfuls of rice, then took out a stack of Hong Kong dollars from his pocket and divided it among the Fat Corpse and others.

"These are considered shipping fees. Remember, don't say anything you shouldn't say after arriving in Macau."

The fat corpse swallowed the roast goose in his mouth, put the money in his arms, then looked at Wuying gratefully and said, "Don't worry, brother Wuying, we all understand the rules."

Wuying nodded, accepting their sincerity, then picked up the lunch box that he had finished, opened the door and walked out.

The fat corpse thought the crowfly was out to throw away garbage, so he didn't care. Instead, I had an excited discussion with a few fellow speedsters about how to live in Macau in the future.

Wuying walked out of the door and said to the two gangsters guarding the door: "Send them on their way after they finish eating."

Dazai smiled and nodded, patted the umbrella-shaped emblem on the chest of his blue training uniform, and said, "Don't worry, we are...professional!"

After thinking for a long time but unable to think of anything to say to suit the occasion, this young boy only managed to hold back this one word.

They were two of the gangsters who followed Wang Zuluo, and they were the first to change their clothes.

Wang Zuluo asked them to come here just to cooperate with Wuying. If the fat corpse doesn't work, or is discovered while doing it, they will kill the fat corpse as soon as possible to silence them.

Now that the fat corpse has not fallen off the chain, it is time for them to perform other tasks.

When the door of the warehouse was opened and the fat corpse was carrying the finished lunch box and preparing to throw it into the trash can in the alley, the two gangsters dropped their cigarettes and followed him.

"Brother Fat Corpse, Brother Luo asked me to bring you a message..."

The beater stepped forward and covered one of the fat corpse's arms and mouth, while the other beater grabbed his other hand and plunged the dagger in his hand directly into the fat corpse's chest.

The fat corpse twitched a few times, and then collapsed, supported by the body of the beater behind him.

At this time, Dazai said what he had not finished just now: "Brother Luo asked you to change your nickname in your next life. This nickname is unlucky..."

After saying that, the two thugs worked together to carry the fat body to a dark place in the alley and put it away.

There were still three speedsters to deal with in the warehouse, so the two of them put down the fat body and walked towards the warehouse without any further delay.

Entering the door, a gangster blocked the door, and another gangster walked up to the three speedsters who were still talking and didn't notice anything unusual.

He opened the wooden box that had been placed between them as a table, revealing a large black bag inside.

Take the bag out and throw it on the ground to spread out. There are exactly four bags, no more and no less.

"Brother, is this thing for us to use when we get on the ship?"

A speedster took a curious look and asked casually.

The three of them had no experience. They had only heard of the word running away from the bragging of those bad guys when they drank too much.

Now that I saw Dazai taking out a big black bag, I thought he had some explanation.

"Yes, it's cold on the boat, so you guys will wrap up in this thing..."

Seeing that the speedster was curious, the driver waved to him and called him to come over and help.

Soon, the two of them worked together to spread the bags neatly on the ground.

The speedster raised his head and was about to ask something more, but he felt a pain in his chest. Lowering his head, a dagger pierced directly into his heart.

The remaining two speedsters heard the sound of their companion falling to the ground, dropped their cigarette butts and looked over.

One of them reacted quickly and stabbed the remaining companions with his knife while the boy was beating him. He got up and ran towards the door of the warehouse.

But he apparently forgot that there was a beater guarding the door. After running a few steps, he was kicked back.

Then a dagger appeared on his chest, and with a strong stir, his world slowly went dark.

Soon, Wuying drove a van and parked at the door, helping the two gangsters to move the four black bags inside into the van.

Fat Corpse's body was also inside. After dealing with the speedsters in the warehouse, his body was moved back.

When he arrived at the pier, he handed the ship owner Qixi, whom he had contacted a long time ago, a cigarette. Wuying pointed at the four bags and said, "The shipping fee is in the bag. Remember to bury it deeper in Macau."

"Don't worry, as long as you give us enough money, we dare to bury him in front of the White House in Washington, let alone Macau!"

Qixi asked her men to carry the body into the cabin, and then walked out to chat with Wuying:

"Brother Luo took so much care of them that he even paid us to take the bodies back to his hometown... By the way, did they rush into the street tonight when they were showing off their horses with Ah Tian and the others?"

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