A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 230 Gunmen attack, Duan Kun is shot!

"Two million, you might as well grab it!"

Lao Jiu was a little moved. Xin Lianying's territory was not small. If the bulk cargo rights were handed over to him, he could still take the opportunity to reach out to Yau Ma Tei next to him.

It is said that Mad Dog Luo has a good relationship with Feihong from the Changle Gang, and also has some contact with Hua Fu from the United Alliance. If he sends people in to bulk cargo, he should not be cut out.

Even if sending people to bulk goods is not possible, you can still lower the price and do wholesale. Could it be that Heichai, Lin Kun and others could still come to Xinlianying's territory to cause trouble for their number gang?

Two million per quarter is not expensive. Tai Kok Tsui alone earns more than that in a month, and that doesn't include other places.

But we have to fight for what we should fight for, so now Lao Jiu will continue to shout with Wang Zuluo.

Just when Wang Zuluo was thinking about lowering the price, there was a knock on the door of the box.

"Who the hell is it?"

Lao Jiu looked at the door unhappily and shouted with a higher voice.

At this time, the people in the box also stopped because the two senior executives had just started talking about business.

"Go and open the door and see if someone who doesn't have eyesight comes over."

Lao Jiu looked at Feixiong who was being supported by his subordinates, and finally casually ordered a younger brother to open the door.

Today's box was booked by Lao Jiu, so Wang Zuluo remained silent.

But the waiter will definitely not knock on the door at this time. Most of the people who come here to eat are from the same society.

The waiters here are also very conspicuous. If no one shouts, they will not come to disturb you.

Wang Zuluo winked at Aji, who nodded.

Wang Zuluo looked at Duan Kun again and said in a low voice: "Akun, let the brothers be more alert."

Duan Kun was stunned for a moment, and then looked fiercely at the position of Lao Jiu and others.

He understood what Brother Luo meant. It was asking him to pay attention to Lao Jiu's movements.

Wang Zuluo also set his eyes on Lao Jiu, wondering if the other party was trying to play some trick.

Before he could figure it out, the door of the box had been opened by Lao Jiu's men.

A waiter pushing a dining cart came in. The man looked past the boy who opened the door and glanced around the private room.

"Didn't you say that the food will be served in half an hour? Now you..."

Bang bang bang…

Before Lao Jiu, who went out to open the door, had finished speaking, the waiter pulled out a pistol from under the dining car.

A few bullets knocked down the boy who opened the door, and then the gun was aimed at the other people in the box.

Because this is a restaurant with integrity, Wang Zuluo and Lao Jiu don't have much trust between them. In order to successfully proceed with the calculation, they also want to avoid suspicion, so neither of them left any subordinates outside the door.

This gives the shooter an opportunity to knock on the door and come in.

"Brother Luo, be careful..." Ah Ji pulled Wang Zuluo down, and then pulled his body to hide under the table.

As for the gangsters who were originally standing behind Wang Zuluo, when the gunfire rang out, they only had time to make a dodge gesture, and one of the gangsters was hit by a bullet!

At this time, Wang Zuluo had no time to completely hide his body under the table. Fortunately, two Xinlianying gangsters jumped behind him and pressed down his exposed parts with their bodies.

Duan Kun pounced on Lao Jiu as soon as the gun rang out.

He thought it was the gunman arranged by Lao Jiu, so he wanted to stop the mastermind first.

Because Wang Zuluo hid too quickly, the gunman's first target was Lao Jiu.

As soon as Duan Kun rushed to Lao Jiu, stretched out his hand to strangle the other man's neck, he was shot in the back, and they both fell to the ground.

The gunman fired more than a dozen shots at the box, and then the short knife thrown by Aji was inserted into the back of the hand holding the gun. The muzzle of the gun flickered, and several more bullets were fired diagonally downward before finally falling to the ground.

Wang Zuluo was pressed down by several thugs, and he could clearly feel the thugs on his back shaking a few times, and then rolled to the side.

When the gunfire stopped, Aji rushed forward quickly, kicked the gunman in the chest with a flying kick.

As soon as the other party's throat was sweet, his mouth was filled with the taste of blood, and blood flowed out from the corners of his mouth.

The gunman just wanted to use this force to get out of the door, but Aji reached out and grasped the handle of the knife and twisted it hard. The gunman was pulled back wailing.

Then Aji struck diagonally upward with his right palm, hitting the opponent's chin directly. With a squeaking sound, the gunman's body went limp.

From the time the gunman drew his gun to the time he was taken care of by Ah Ji, it only took a few dozen seconds.

But there was already a wailing in the box, and several thugs from both sides fell to the ground covering their shot areas.

Looking at Lao Jiu again, he was pinned down by Duan Kun. The bullet penetrated Duan Kun's body before hitting his arm. The bullet wound was not even as big as the wound opened when his head hit the chair.

His right-hand man, Feixiong, was in a miserable state. He had just been helped by his subordinates to sit on the chair next to Lao Jiu.

Duan Kun rushed towards him just now, and he also stood up and tried to block Duan Kun, but was a little late because of his injury.

But in just this little time, his arms and chest were hit by several bullets. At this time, he was lying on the table, spitting blood out of his mouth.

Duan Kun was seriously injured, and the blood from his mouth flowed onto Lao Jiu's face.

Wang Zuluo pushed away the guy who was protecting him and checked his pulse. But when he noticed where the bullet hit the guy, his eyes narrowed.

It was hopeless. He was shot in the back of the head. Even if the gods came, there would be nothing he could do.

After letting go of the beater, Wang Zuluo looked at the other beater who was protecting him. He was relieved when he saw that the other guy was only hit in the arm.


Lao Jiu helped Duan Kun sit up against the wall with difficulty, and moved towards Wang Zuluo with his face covered in blood.

Wang Zuluo quickly ran to Duan Kun and reached out to touch his neck, trying to test his pulse.

Duan Kun held his hand: "Luo... Brother Luo..., I didn't... I didn't embarrass you, right...?"

Wang Zuluo threw away the opponent's arm, then turned him over and checked the injured position.

It's already this time, there is no time to play with each other about bromance and other sensational things. If you have time, you might as well see if you can do something.

The remaining gangsters over there had already skillfully dialed Baicha's phone number, and the uninjured ones began to check on their injured companions.

The people from both sides who were waiting on the street, especially those brought by Wang Zuluo, immediately got out of the car and rushed into the Guangqi Restaurant after hearing the gunshots.

Lao Jiu's men were much slower. They were even stunned for a while after the gunshot, and then they realized and started rushing into the backbone.

If Wang Zuluo really fired this damn shot, Lao Jiu would probably have been stunned hundreds of times by now.

"Brother Luo...take care of...my...home...family..."

Duan Kun was turned over by Wang Zuluo and faced the wall, still muttering intermittently.

His white hair was now stuck to his scalp because it was stained with blood.

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