A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 232 Since Mad Dog Luo can’t tolerate us, let’s pass it by!

Soon, an ambulance arrived and took away the shot man.

The patrol policemen on the street were just helping to maintain order and didn't even bother to come over to check.

Wang Zuluo watched the ambulance go away, then turned back and took a deep look at the sign of Guangqi Restaurant behind him.

Mr. Lin, Lei Luo was hanging out on the street at that time. Before his money empire collapsed, he became addicted to drugs and entered rehab.

Lei Luo is gone, but he is still there. He is now a part-time justice of the peace, and he was once one of the top ten outstanding young people. He claims that his job is to be a priest and to persuade people to believe in Jesus.

Now, not only are there restaurants with integrity open all over Hong Kong Island, but he has even been elected as the spokesperson for all churches on Hong Kong Island.

I have a particularly good relationship with Gui Lao, and I can eat both black and white.

This kind of person is not incapable of action, but the other party has portrayed himself as a veteran of the world, and the world of Hong Kong Island also needs a place where he can talk safely, so Mr. Lin's status is somewhat aloof.

Later, the prefixes in Hong Kong Island's arena changed several times. Changle, which was once so majestic, has now become desolate, and the former number gang has split into countless prefixes.

If you can't find a boss to ask for, it doesn't matter, just go to any fit person with a sufficient red envelope.

When you go out again, you can report the name of your number gang, or recruit a few younger brothers to stand on their own and beat the big brother's addiction.

The prefix keeps changing, but the owner of Guangchang Restaurant is still the same.

People on the road abide by the rules of integrity, and they are not abiding by Mr. Lin's rules, but by the rules established by the world.

If Mr. Wang and Mr. Zhao were to replace the owners of the Upright Restaurant, as long as they still let people in the world do their bidding, the people on the road would still abide by the rules of Uprightness.

Now if Wang Zuluo directly kills the restaurant manager, he will not be facing some bullshit Mr. Lin. Facing the entire world of Hong Kong Island.

The same goes for him. If anyone has the guts to cause trouble again, he will definitely keep a distance from this stupid young man.

Having integrity is just a name, but it is also the last piece of pure land in the hearts of people in the world.

"Brother Ninth, I can't accompany you tonight. Something happened to Duan Kun. There are a lot of things to do in Xinlianying."

Wang Zuluo said something to Lao Jiu, and then led his men, carrying the body of the boy who had been shot by the gun, past the uniformed police and got into the car.

Lao Jiu watched Wang Zuluo walk away, holding the photos with his figure in his hand, and said to his men: "Go back to Mong Kok, shake people, and kill that bastard Ah Tian!"

Lao Jiu had never doubted that A Tian wanted to kill him.

Ever since the tiger died in the hands of Lianghui's subordinate A'an, he knew that such a day would come.

If it were the previous Ah Tian, ​​he, Lao Jiu, would be a little more scrupulous. But Lao Jiu didn't pay much attention to Ah Tian, ​​who had been beheaded twice by Xin Lianying.

Currently, some of Tim's capable men are still in custody at the police station, and the rest are also recovering in the hospital.

He was not injured and was not arrested by the police station. Because he lost the minibus terminal, he started a new round of intrigues and prepared to reorganize the structure of Tim's men.

At this time, it was just right for Lao Jiu to slash at him.

What's more, he also received the wind. Ah Tian's wife secretly played a trick on him, Mad Dog Luo and Liang Hui behind Ah Tim's back.

In addition, today he was shot when he was discussing numbers with Mad Dog Luo. If this incident was not done by Ah Tim, then it was the work of his wife. Anyway, it would be right to kill Ah Tim.

As for Tim's call in the morning and saying that he would join forces with him to deal with Mad Dog Luo, Lao Jiu just thought that the other person was just farting.

You even agreed to it, and you still asked a gunman to mess with you. Do you really think you are easy to bully?

He had no doubt that this incident was directed and acted by Wang Zuluo himself.

He could see clearly that if Duan Kun hadn't blocked a shot for him due to an accident, he would have died in the box just like Feixiong.

"Uncles, since his mad dog Luo can't tolerate us, then we should join another company, don't you think so?"

In a karaoke box in Mong Kok East, A Ming was holding a glass of wine and laughing with his uncles.

Although he said that he would fight against Xin Lianying together, A Ming knew in his heart that Mad Dog Luo was not that easy to deal with.

Even if they go out, they will be captured and killed one by one.

But there is one thing that A Ming also sees very clearly. That is, no matter how cruel Mad Dog Luo is, he can't reach abroad.

As long as he gets money from these uncles, he can take advantage of these old guys to make trouble for Mad Dog Luo and run away with the money.

By then, who can still find themselves?

Although these uncles were squeezed out by Mad Dog Luo, they could still come up with fifty or sixty million.

"A Ming, it's not that we don't believe you. What you told us yesterday was that you planned to make Mad Dog Luo and then welcome back Mr. Long."

"Now you are saying that you will take us to another club. Grandpas are old and can't stand the trouble anymore."

A Lianying leader who had been in charge of the stable stood up to play against A Ming.

Although he kept talking about the grandpas, he knew that the retired grandpas in the society were worth much more than he was.

Besides, he only has about twenty people left under him now. Even if he goes to other clubs, he can still only start from the bottom slowly.

If this was the case, he might as well stay in Xinlianying and run the parallel-imported watch business assigned to him.

Come here, isn't it because he wants to share more of the cake?

If there are not enough benefits, then don't blame him for flipping the table.

"The next home I'm looking for, not to mention that Mad Dog Luo doesn't dare to pursue our past issues, maybe he will come to celebrate our passing with a cup of tea in person."

A Ming gave up and stopped talking, then took out his mobile phone, looked at the number on it, and immediately connected it as his expression changed.

"Brother Ming, our boss wants to see you."

"I can't leave now. Let's wait until tomorrow. Tomorrow I will go to Tai Kok Tsui to visit Brother Huo Niu in person."

A Ming said casually, he would not cooperate with the other party if he did not need Huoniu's smuggling channel to leave Hong Kong Island.

"No need, I'm already outside the karaoke room..."

After the caller finished speaking, he hung up the phone, leaving A Ming stunned.

Something is wrong!

Huo Niu came to me a few days ago and asked me to provide them with the whereabouts of Mad Dog Luo and to cause trouble for Mad Dog Luo in Xinlianying.

After receiving two million in benefits, A Ming immediately found his uncles who had been retired, and then he committed the murder of Lianghui today.

It was not his idea to shoot Lianghui, but Huo Niu sent someone to inform him to do something.

Seeing that he had another five hundred thousand to take, A Ming acted as the messenger.

Now the other party is so eager to find me because of two situations. One is because he wants to get back the 2.5 million Hong Kong dollars.

The other is that the murder of Lianghui was revealed, and Huo Niu sent someone to kill him to silence him!

Thinking of this, A Ming couldn't care less about his previous plan to steal money from his uncles.

When things come to a head, running away is the most important thing.

"Grandpa, there's someone making trouble outside the door!"

A Lianying 49 boy with a bloody face ran in and shouted to his uncles in the room.

But then, screams sounded outside. Followed by a dozen of Huo Niu's men burst in with knives in hand.

"This is Xinlianying's territory, what are you going to do?"

The leader who had opposed A Ming before immediately scolded him.

Although he was unhappy with Mad Dog Luo, the name Xin Lianying was still very intimidating.

"Xin Lianying?" The visitor showed a smile and glanced around the people in the room. When he realized that he didn't see A Ming, his expression changed drastically.

"Half of us stay and kill these thugs, and the rest chase after me!"

After shouting, he directly swung his knife to kill the idiot in front of him, and rushed towards the back door of the karaoke bar with a few of his men.

"We are the grandpas of Xin Lianying. If you touch us, you won't be able to survive tomorrow!"

An old guy dodged the machete and shouted at the top of his lungs.

Even though they wished that Mad Dog Luo would die immediately, they now hoped that Mad Dog Luo's reputation could intimidate this group of people.

I had an injection in the hospital for a day and just ate a bowl of hot and sour noodles. Do you think it hurts so much(┯_┯)

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