A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 240 A Tian and Lao Jiu go to war while Brother Luo watches the show

Wang Zuluo stayed in the security company until evening before finishing the matters accumulated by the company during this period.

Right now, everything in the company is going according to plan, but if you want to go further, in addition to purchasing equipment and expanding the company, you also need a talent who is proficient in this area.

Wang Zuluo hasn't found a suitable candidate yet, and the recruitment advertisement has been published in the newspaper, but those who came for interviews during this time have their own opinions on the company's development.

But Wang Zuluo's security company is not just a service company that provides security for shopping malls and construction sites.

The gangsters of Xin Lianying all need to be affiliated here, and ordinary professional managers cannot handle such things.

"Brother Luo, Lao Jiu and Tim are at war in Argyle Street. Do we want to get involved?"

As soon as he returned to Mong Kok East, Wei Jixiang came over.

Because of the war in Argyle Street and Duan Kun's accident, except for those who received training from the security company, all the gangsters from Xin Lianying are on standby at Xin Lianying's premises.

There were a wave in Tai Kok Tsui, a wave in Shanghai Street, and Mong Kok East. There were more than 200 gangsters gathered near Ladies Street, guarding against Lao Jiu and Ah Tim's men stepping in.

"Let them fight. We won't move for the next few days."

Wang Zuluo knew what Wei Jixiang wanted to do. Regarding his being shot, many of his subordinates tended to think that Ah Tian had hired someone to do it, so there was a strong clamor for Ah Tian to be killed.

But there were two waves of gunmen, one of which was found by A Le. The purpose was to remind himself and at the same time to show his strength. Prevent yourself from driving the fire cattle away from Tai Kok Tsui.

The first wave has not been found out yet, but it is basically certain that it is the person Deng Feng is looking for.

The plane has already gone out to do some work, so Wang Zuluo is not worried.

"Don't look at me like that. The police officer must be paying full attention to the situation on the streets these two days. Do you want to do it on Christmas Day? Don't you want it to be easy in the future?"

Wang Zuluo patted Wei Jixiang on the shoulder and said: "If you have time, write down all the bad guys who are fans in Tai Kok Tsui. I can use them."

Wei Jixiang looked up at his boss in confusion. He knew that Brother Luo hated fans, but if he really wanted to attack those bad guys with loose fans on the street, the fans behind them would not agree.

"Don't worry, I'm not out of my mind. I'm not trying to do anything stupid. Make a note of these people and I'll give them a gift to Big D."

Wang Zuluo smiled and explained that if it were anyone else, they would just do what his boss said.

But Wei Jixiang and the others really consider Wang Zuluo, so they sometimes try to persuade him.

For example, Wang Zuluo said that all stowaways on the street should be thrown to the Immigration Department. Wei Jixiang and the others advised Wang Zuluo to just throw the person out of his own place, otherwise the people from the Immigration Department would complain that Xinlianying was too troublesome.

And these people all have their own relationships. What if they accidentally twist their lips and stumble Wang Zuluo?

Wang Zuluo accepted all these persuasion. After all, he was not a young and Dangerous boy in his previous life, so he could easily ignore these things.

The gangster who asked Wei Jixiang to count the loose powder in Tai Kok Tsui this time was entirely because Ah Le tripped him up yesterday.

Unless Wang Zuluo's brain is broken, he can take the people and kill him directly to the Aletuo land.

He Lian Sheng is not something that New Lian Ying can deal with. There are tens of thousands of members in Hong Kong Island, and most of them are in Kowloon.

If you lead someone to kill him yourself, or find a gunman to kill He Liansheng's hall leader, A Le, then the entire He Liansheng team will probably beat him.

You can't kill Ah Le directly, but you can still add some trouble to the opponent.

Next year we will switch venues with Liansheng. Let Big D make more money this year and have a better chance of winning next year.

By the way, he can also build a good relationship with Big D and let his milk tea shop open in Tsuen Wan.

Milk tea shops are not as profitable as loose powder, Big D will not disagree.

Besides, those bad guys with loose fans on the street have gone a bit too far when Wang Zuluo ignores them.

There were actually people in my own place who dared to bring fans there to test it out, and this time I just needed Big D's help to clean it up.

As for the previous promise to let Lao Jiu's people come in to bulk cargo...

Sorry, this happened at the same time.

Although two million is a lot, selling a favor to Big D is much better than taking two million.

If Lao Jiu can survive these two days, let him come in and unpack with Big D. If Lao Jiu is gone these two days, then he doesn’t need to worry about the bulk cargo anymore.

At this time, the streets along the north side of Argyle Street had become a pot of porridge. The young and Dangerous boys from both sides fought in groups of more than a dozen or more in groups on various streets.

If the parties were not careful enough, people would rush in and smash them up. Molotov cocktails were also thrown at the minibus ticket office.

Taxi guys are even worse. If a taxi dares to drive out, if the license plate number is not yours, the glass will be smashed, the tires will be punctured, and the driver will be dragged out and beaten.

In such a chaotic scene, Lao Jiu and Ah Tian were not able to command their men as smoothly as Wang Zuluo commanding Xin Lian Ying's gangsters.

For example, if Wang Zuluo says stop, his gangsters will withdraw from the battle circle and gather together within a few minutes.

If Tim and the others wanted to stop the attack, they wouldn't be able to gather their men back within ten or twenty minutes.

Relying on phone calls will not work at all, unless you are like Wang Zuluo and are willing to spend money to equip the gangsters with walkie-talkies.

More than a dozen police assault vehicles, flashing lights, walked along Argyle Street to the scene where the young and Dangerous boys were killing each other.

Yuan Haoyun got out of the car holding on to his police hat, and looked at the young and Dangerous boys on both sides who were stopped and pushed by the uniformed police. His face turned dark.

Originally he was supposed to be responsible for keeping an eye on Xin Lianying, but Mad Dog Luo's people were very quiet today, so he was sent here to support them again.

"Officer Liu, have you found those two bastards Ah Tian and Lao Jiu?"

Yuan Haoyun raised his foot and kicked down a gangster leader who was shouting that young and Dangerous boys also have human rights. He came to the police officer responsible for keeping an eye on the number gang and asked.

"Both men were hiding, and fearful that we would disperse their men at once, they did not gather to show off their horses at all."

Liu Dingguang also had a headache. He only had a few people under his command. Even if there were uniformed policemen from nearby streets to help, there were not as many as Young and Dangerous.

Due to Christmas these two days, the uniformed police on each street have their own tasks. Unless the police station sets up a task force, the uniformed police on other streets will not come to help.

Now with just a few police officers, it's impossible to catch him.

There were just a few young and Dangerous boys blocked at the street entrance, and there might be another fight at the end of the street, and there was nothing he could do.

They want to take Ah Tian and Lao Jiu back, but now, not to mention these two fit men, even their henchmen are hiding, and it is entirely their bad guys who are starting the war.

If the two parties have agreed on a location to show off, it is easier to handle. Just call the mobile troops to disperse.

But now Lao Jiu and Ah Tian send their men out to destroy each other's place, which is basically a random crime.

After hearing this, Yuan Haoyun also had a headache. He took out his phone and played with it for a long time, but he still didn't ask for help from his old boss Peng Xinjian.

Mong Kok is so big, it's not just Ah Tim and his two families who are at war tonight. Because of the holiday, all the residents went out to have dinner and go shopping, and all kinds of gangsters and pickpockets also started to make large purchases.

If it weren't for the pickpockets under Fei Hong who were active in Wang Zuluo's territory, now he would also have to worry about the bad guys who commit crimes on the streets.

During the holidays, more people means more income for Xinlianying. The revenue in these few days is completely comparable to that of more than a month ago.

If these pickpockets are allowed to cause trouble, their own business will definitely be affected.

That's why Wang Zuluo let Feihong's men in. They all knew that their boss Feihong couldn't afford to offend Mad Dog Luo, so they restrained themselves a lot.

It can be said that the entire Mong Kok is now a little more harmonious on Wang Zuluo's territory.

Even if something big happened, such as a robbery or theft of too much money, the owner called the police. Then just ask Xin Lianying, who is in charge of this street, to catch the bad guy who committed the crime.

Yuan Haoyun asked his group of plainclothes men to go out to help, while he stood on Argyle Street looking in the direction of the Women's Street in a daze.

It's also a street. The north side of Argyle Street is like a battlefield. There are gangs fighting everywhere, without caring about the pedestrians on the street.

As for the pedestrians on the Ladies Market side, they still go shopping when they should go shopping and eat when they should eat.

Except for the gangsters in white shirts who gathered at the street corner and stared at the chaos here, everything was no different from usual.

"Damn it!" Yuan Haoyun scratched his hair irritably. He was very confused about Wang Zuluo's senses.

On the one hand, Wang Zuluo is considered a criminal, and he, a policeman on the side of justice, must be on the opposite side of the other side.

But Wang Zuluo didn't do anything outrageous. Although the other party was involved in many murder cases, none of those who died could be considered a good person.

The most important thing is that there is no evidence, let alone evidence. Even the speculation that the missing person is dead has not been completely confirmed.

For example, there is now a wave of zombies where no one is alive or dead, and no corpses are seen.

That old guy Chen Mei asked a lawyer to come to the police station every day to urge them to find Sangbo, the enemy who killed his son, or his body.

But where can I find the police station?

It can only be classified as absconding in fear of crime, and then the case is closed, and the files are locked and sealed in the exclusive filing cabinet of King Zuluo of Xinlianying.

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