A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 243 It’s impossible to cooperate with Tiaozi!

"Fake, your grandma, the foreign devil, I belong to CNZZ..."

As soon as he left the office door, the leader of the Hung Hom Anti-Gangster Group turned around and raised his middle finger, while whispering a few curse words.

Returning to his office, he called his men and asked, "Are there any clues?"

"Ah Tou, I only know that he and the Liansheng plane led people to chase and kill the deceased, but I don't know about the rest..."

The head of the anti-gangster group held back his anger and said as calmly as possible: "If there are no clues, then go out and look for it. Isn't there still the cashier named Gao Qiu? Make a record for him again and ask if there is anything else." Nothing is overlooked…”

The plane was supported by his men and hid in a small hotel, and the bullet-pierced part of his leg had been bandaged.

At this time, he was holding his mobile phone and listening to his old fish-headed roar on the phone:

"Airplane, are you fucking mentally ill? Now you are famous. You led people to chase him down several streets, and you even strangled Deng Feng to death."

"Now the calls from the Hung Hom Police Station are fucking reaching Uncle Deng's house. Do you know that these days are a sensitive period for police officers...?"

At first, the plane was still listening humbly to Lao Ding's roar, but when he heard that he had strangled Deng Feng, he looked shocked.

He quickly explained: "Brother Biao, I didn't kill anyone. That guy Deng Feng ran away too fast..."

"Don't fucking explain it to me. If you have the ability, you can go explain it to the Hung Hom Police Station, or explain it to Uncle Deng!"

The fish-headed boy almost crushed his phone to pieces. Uncle Deng called him just now and praised him severely.

At first, he thought that he was finally rewarded for his work for the club, but after Deng Bo asked him to hand someone over to the police station on the phone, he realized that something was wrong.

After some insinuations, I realized that the airplane had become famous throughout West Kowloon today.

‘I am with Liansheng Aircraft! ’ This slogan.

With the words of Tim and Lao Jiu from Number Gang Yong, "No matter who comes tonight, I will kill him!" ’

And the words of Wang Bao from Jordan and Yixing: ‘I have the final say after twelve o’clock here! ’

They are also known as the three most outrageous, most arrogant and most talked-about sentences in West Kowloon.

Now it is estimated that the organized crime and triad investigation bureau of the West Kowloon Region has posted the photo of He Lian Sheng on the column of the top ten outstanding young people in West Kowloon.

This is a place where even Brother Luo is not qualified to post photos!

The three prefixes of the number gang Yong Dui, He Liansheng, and He Yixing were successfully labeled as important tonight.

As early as before Christmas, each police station had already issued a message to all the prefects in the jurisdiction: "Whoever comes out on Christmas Day, we will hit!" ’

It's okay now. After repeated orders, there are still prefixes that dare to jump out and cause trouble.

Number Gang Yong Zi Dui became famous because it became popular tonight.

Because of their quarrel, the broadcast trucks of all the news stations near Mong Kok gave up filming Long Wei and a group of models having an open-air party. Went to Argyle Street to report the Yong Zi Dui Party to the public.

He Lian Sheng was put on the list entirely through connections with the petty Superintendent Gui Lao of the Hung Hom Police Station.

Superintendent Gui Lao will be transferred back to his ancestral home after Christmas. Now because of the incident with Liansheng Aircraft, at least one-third of his retirement salary will be deducted.

Who told Deng Feng to be strangled to death in public and filmed by a nearby surveillance camera?

Although the video was blurry and the murderer's face could not be clearly seen, when Ji Jing and Xiao Gu took notes in the hospital, they swore that they had done it with someone from Liansheng.

He Yixing was lucky enough to be targeted because Wang Bao's men were too arrogant.

A dozen patrol policemen clashed with Wang Bao's men because they wanted to investigate the gangsters in He Yixing who had gathered together. In the end, they were all injured by He Yixing's men and were thrown at the door of the police station.

West Kowloon is so lively tonight, and of course Brother Luo is also affected.

In the Mong Kok Police Station, Wang Zuluo put his feet on the table, and the chair was only supported by two legs, swinging back and forth with his body.

"I'm talking to you, please give me an accurate answer or not!"

Officer You pushed the wheelchair and hit the chair where Wang Zuluo was sitting.

"You asked me to lead people into Yongzidui's land and drive away A Tian and Lao Jiu's men. It's not like my brain is broken. How can I agree?"

Wang Zuluo put down his legs and moved the chair away from Officer You.

I found him late at night and made such a joke.

"Not only you, but also the Thirteenth Sister of Portland Street, Hong Xing Liangkun, and Liansheng Huo Niu are all going to be hired!"

Officer You moved his wheelchair and came to Wang Zuluo again and advised:

"Ah Tian and Lao Jiu have gone crazy. If we continue like this, no one will have any fun!"

"You don't want to send ghost guys from the West Kowloon Region to set up a department directly under the Triad Investigation Bureau in Mong Kok, do you?"

Not only Officer You was persuading, but Yuan Haoyun from the Anti-Gangster Group also spoke up:

"Lao Jiu was shot by Tim looking for Wu Shu, and he is still lying in the hospital for emergency treatment. His men are now attacking Tim's place like crazy. More than a dozen nightclubs have been burned down, and the entire Mong Kok minibus The station was smashed."

"If this matter cannot be resolved, we will be famous in Mong Kok. The top management of the West Kowloon Region has issued an order. If it cannot be resolved by two o'clock, people will be transferred to establish a new investigation department... "

After Wang Zuluo heard this, he finally understood why the other party invited him back.

Maintaining public order on the streets is false, but not letting people from the general district come down to decentralize power is true.

Especially Yuan Haoyun, who was on the street. As a member of the Mong Kok anti-gang team, if someone came from the regional area, their anti-gang team would bear the brunt and would have to be assigned to the investigation department.

Well, no one wants to have multiple bosses. Although the police rank remains the same, the rights will be reduced by more than half.

Peng Xinjian, the leader of the anti-gangster group, is probably going to jump in and scold her, and director Huang Bingyao will also have to agree.

If someone comes from the regional area, wouldn't his rights as director have to be forcibly thrown away from the anti-gang group?

Then, in the future, major criminal cases involving vendettas and the like will have to be handed over from the Crime Unit to the Investigation Division?

Wang Zuluo also fell silent this time, it was indeed what they said.

If a new department is established, wouldn't it be in vain if he has worked hard to establish a good relationship with Officer You and Yuan Haoyun during this period?

What if the person coming down is Sandy’s ex-boyfriend?

During this time, she has been asking Sandy to do things, and her ex-boyfriend who works in the regional area has already remembered her.

Speaking of which, Brother Luo was also wronged. Who knew that Sandy broke up with her boyfriend after returning home because of the nightclub incident.

Besides, who told you to go to a nightclub and order a massage girl but your girlfriend caught you? What does it have to do with Brother Luo?

Damn, what a disaster.

Wang Zuluo already knew why Wu Shaoxiong and Chief Inspector He of PTU were causing trouble for him.

It was all because of that jealous man named Mike who worked in the Regional Organized Crime and Triad Bureau.

After Wang Zuluo thought for a while, he said, "It's definitely not possible for me to step on someone else. If I really do this, what will the people on the road think of me?"

"If you provoke the emperor's anger, you will be ostracized! If I show up tonight, Xinlianying will be expelled tomorrow. Don't hurt me. I don't believe that Hongxing and the people in Heliansheng will cooperate with you." of."

Wang Zuluo shook his head firmly. What he said was true. If Hong Xing and He Liansheng had agreed to help, Officer You and Yuan Haoyun wouldn't have been whispering in his ears.

Guang Hongxing can settle the civil strife in the number gang Yong Zidui by himself, but he still needs Xin Lian Ying?

If all the mobile units in West Kowloon hadn't gone to support Jordan and the uniformed police who were confronting Yee Hing, the Mong Kok Police Department wouldn't have come up with such a weird trick of cooperating with the community.

Normally, we can request support from other districts, but that will definitely not be possible tonight. The entire Hong Kong Island is short of people.

Seeing that Officer You and Yuan Haoyun looked disappointed, Yuan Haoyun even stood up and shrugged at the wall. Wang Zuluo knew that there must be senior officials of the Mong Kok Police Station watching behind the single-pane glass on the wall.

After thinking for a while, Wang Zuluo suddenly said: "Actually, you can find a security company to cooperate and let them come out."

If your own security company wants to obtain the right to patrol the streets freely, it cannot do so without outstanding performance.

So Wang Zuluo wanted to use today's incident to negotiate terms with the police station.

He can't control other places, but here in Mong Kok, it is still possible to get this small amount of rights.

The National Security Bureau, a security company, not only patrols the streets, they can even block roads when banks are transferring gold.

When responsible for security during the jewelry show, everyone is qualified to conduct body searches and patrol with automatic weapons.

So... Brother Luo admitted that he was jealous!

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