A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 253 Brother Luo asked us to give Brother Le a big gift

"Brother Le, it looks like there's going to be trouble with Yixing tonight..."

A Le and several of his men were sitting in the car, looking at the street across the street where police lights flashed into daylight.

"Wang Bao is too crazy and won't survive long!"

A Le held the wine glass, raised it in the direction of He Yixing's death and the PTUs who were confronting him over there, and then drank the red wine in one gulp.

"Let people clean up the area tomorrow. He Yixing will definitely be severely damaged after tonight. After Wang Bao's men are released on bail, we must take down a few nearby streets!"

The corners of A Le's mouth couldn't help but turn up. Wang Bao didn't know what was going on in his head, and he had to stand up to his subordinates to fight against him.

Now it's good, the whole PTU in West Kowloon came to Jordan. Wang Bao will definitely be arrested tonight. Although he won't be able to file a complaint, he will definitely be detained for 24 hours.

Taking advantage of the whole day, if A Le doesn't let his men go out to do things, he won't be worthy of being the master of Jordan.

"Don't worry, Brother Le. The brothers have just informed us. Let's talk to the owners of those venues tomorrow morning. After appeasing these financial backers, we will go in and clean up the venues in the afternoon..."

Seeing that his boss was happy, his subordinates quickly explained the arranged plan.

"Remember, you can sweep the place, but you must not make too much noise. If He Yixing is so powerful tonight, the police will definitely keep an eye on their territory, so we have to be quick and take it down cleanly."

Ale patted the driver's seat and motioned to drive.

But the words in his mouth did not stop: "I have informed Huoniu and the others that they will lend me troops tomorrow. Then I will just rely on the number of people to crush them."

At this time, the phone suddenly rang. A Le held on to his teachings and answered the phone.

"Brother Le, Brother Huo Niu had his leg broken by Mad Dog Luo and has been sent to the hospital..."

When A Le heard the news, his expression was slightly startled, and he blurted out: "Did Mad Dog Luo really do it himself?"

"Yeah, Brother Huo Niu had good intentions and was chatting with that bastard Mad Dog Luo, but he didn't expect that he would be attacked by the other party taking advantage of the large number of people."

"Also, Mad Dog Luo seems to be getting involved with Hong Xing. Some people saw Hong Xing's people starting to gather in the Women's Street..."

The more A Le listened, the more his eyebrows furrowed. Why didn't Mad Dog Luo follow his good intentions and start clearing up the problems within the club?

How dare you attack Fire Ox?

Didn't the other party see his painstaking efforts?

It shouldn't be. According to his understanding, although Mad Dog Luo often does things unexpectedly, he is not a brainless person.

The clues he gave were already so clear, not to mention that Huo Niu also filmed someone to look for A Ming. Even a fool should know that there was something wrong with A Ming.

Why don't you just follow A Ming and continue to investigate the most popular thing, and why go and break the legs of the fire cow?

Is your head really fucking insane?

A Le couldn't help but knock the seat hard. He didn't care that Huo Niu kept breaking his legs. Tomorrow he was going to attack Wang Bao and Yixing, without the old guy Huo Niu to help pull the strings.

Maybe things will have twists and turns.

I have proposed many times to enter Tsim Sha Tsui, although this is to win over the support of young people in those societies.

But in his heart, he was already impatient that he only had half of Jordan.

It was such a good opportunity today. If an accident really happened because Huo Niu couldn't come out, A Le felt that even if he tore Mad Dog Luo to pieces, he wouldn't be relieved.

The car left the streets where Tiaozi and He Yixing were facing each other, pulling A Le, who was still frowning and thinking about countermeasures, towards his home.

Just as the car was passing through an alley, several pieces suddenly flew out and hit the windshield of Ale's car.

"Damn, these little bastards are really looking for death!"

The driver looked at the students who had gone back into the alley after throwing the bricks. He opened the door and started to curse.

"Don't stop, get out of here as soon as possible!"

A Le was sitting in the back seat. Seeing the driver's attitude of leading people to chase him, he immediately felt his eyelids jump a few times.

"Come back and drive, I told you to drive!"

When Ah Le saw the driver retracting reluctantly, he immediately began to give anxious instructions.

And the voice is getting louder and louder, and the speaking speed is getting faster and faster!

The driver heard the urgency in his boss's words and realized that something was wrong. He immediately stepped on the accelerator and the car suddenly sped forward.

The business car following behind had to slow down a few steps. After all, the gangsters in the car just got out of the car to teach others a lesson. It would take time to get back in the car now.

A Le's hunch was right. Seeing that they didn't catch up, a guy with a collar raised up to cover his chin rushed out of the alley.

He was pushing a trolley in his hand. When he saw that the commercial vehicle was about to accelerate, he immediately blocked the front of the commercial vehicle with the trolley. As if he was frightened by the sudden start of the commercial vehicle, the contents of the trolley were scattered all over the floor.

"Are you looking for death? Move your things quickly!"

The driver of the commercial vehicle immediately lowered the window and cursed at Ahu.

Ahu didn't say anything back, he just pretended to squat down to pick something up, but when he stood up again, he had already pulled a submachine gun out of his jeans.

He stuffed it into the mouth of the commercial vehicle driver who was cursing just a moment ago.

"If you don't want to die, let them get off!"

As he spoke, he opened the safety of the submachine gun in front of his face, causing the people in the car to scream.

In addition to Ahu, someone also pushed something out from the back of the car to block it. Now the commercial vehicle cannot go back even if it wants to reverse.

"I'm counting to three. If you don't get out of the car, I'm going to rob you!"

Ahu's eyes glanced through his sunglasses at the few people in the business car who were fighting with Liansheng.

These people didn't even wait for Ah Hu to count. They immediately opened the car door obediently and walked out with their hands raised.

There were also gun-wielding Nan Ge's men at the back of the car. When they saw these people getting out of the car, waving their guns, they were driven to the street and squatted down with their heads in their hands.

Then, Ahu walked away a few steps and pulled the trigger on the commercial vehicle that was no longer occupied. A series of bullets directly tore the iron sheet of the commercial vehicle and shot out from the other side.

Brother Nan's men at the rear of the car also took the time to shoot at the commercial vehicle, and soon the black Toyota commercial vehicle was beaten into pieces.

Ah Le, who was in the car in front, heard the gunshots on the street behind him. He grimaced and uttered a name: "Mad Dog Luo...!"


His car suddenly shook. If the driver hadn't reacted quickly, the car after the flat tire would have crashed into the food stall next to it.

As soon as the car parked, several bricks hit the windshield of the car, completely smashing the already cracked glass.

Then a guy jumped onto the front of the car, pushed his submachine gun directly through the break in the glass, and pressed it against the driver's head.

"Brother Luo asked us to come over and give Brother Le a big gift."

Brother Nan knocked on the rear door of the car, and after Ale lowered the window, he smiled and shook the big black star in his hand.

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