A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 275 Don’t worry, there is no death penalty in Hong Kong Island

"I said, I said, it was your boss Lin Weilong who asked me to do it. Mad Dog Luo, your boss wants you to die!"

Yan Shoule's body struggled violently, so Xie Weihao had to call a few more people to come over and hold him down.

The sound of Yan Shoule was very loud, and the screams were heard far away.

"Is anyone injured over there?"

A young uniformed police sergeant shouted to the Xinlianying gangsters standing in front of them.

"No one was injured, they just accidentally knocked their heads."

Shensha had already led people to clean up the streets. Those injured among his own people were taken away to the hospital, and the bad guys from Hexing were also packed into the car.

But they don’t have the benefit of going to the hospital. They will soon be thrown at the door of a nearby clinic. If they want treatment, they have to pay for it themselves.

The blood stains on the street were also cleaned up with a hose connected from a nearby business and a mop.

"You screamed so loudly when you accidentally bumped your head?"

The young police chief pushed the sacred sand, and then tried to break through the wall of thugs. Unfortunately, he was blocked several times in a row.

The young police chief, who was slowly losing his patience, began to reach for the holster on his waist.

"What are you going to do, Song Zijie?!!"

At this time, another old police chief who was leading the team came over and pressed Song Zijie's hand that was touching the gun, glaring when he used it.

"What's wrong with you these past two days? You've been in a trance when doing things, and your temper has become irritable!"

The old police chief pulled Song Zijie aside, then shook off the other person's arm and asked.

In the impression of other people in the police station, Song Zijie should be a person who is eager to learn and has a sense of justice, although sometimes he can be a bit rigid in doing things.

Song Zijie took a deep breath, fastened the button on the holster again, looked at the old police chief and said thank you.

But he didn't say anything about himself. The old police chief sighed when he saw him looking dazed with his head down.

He thought Song Zijie was heartbroken. After all, apart from being dumped, a young man couldn't think of any other reason to match his current behavior.

Over there, Wang Zuluo stared at Yan Tule closely, then suddenly leaned into his ear and said: "If it is really Lin Weilong who asked you to come, then you will definitely not survive today. Think carefully before talking..."

After finishing speaking, he patted Yan Shoule's face and made a continue gesture to Huo Bo.

Huo Bang looked deeply at Wang Zuluo, and then raised the hammer again.

"Brother Luo...Brother Luo...I remembered wrongly. It was not Lin Weilong, but Chen Mei who asked me to come. This time it is true, it is true!"

Wang Zuluo didn't let Huo Bao stop, but watched as the opponent hit Yan Shoule again and again.

Wang Zuluo didn't believe any of the people Yan Shole mentioned.

Yu Toubiao would definitely not be able to do such a stupid thing, and it was even more nonsense for A Le to instruct them.

This group of people has been in Mong Kok for almost half a month, but Wang Zuluo had a conflict with Ah Le just the day before yesterday. Could it be that Ah Le had not foreseen it and asked Yan Tuo Le in advance to cause trouble for Xin Lian Ying?

Not to mention Lin Weilong, if it were the other party, he wouldn't be just He Hexing.

Lin Weilong is worth a lot of money, how could he possibly seek cooperation with someone like Yan Shoule?

But Wang Zuluo felt that the last thing the other party mentioned about Hong Tai and Chen Mei was true.

Being hit repeatedly with a hammer as if the fire was erupting, Yan Shoule's struggle became smaller and smaller.

Seeing that Yan Shoule was taking in more air and outgoing less, Huo Po used his hands and turned to look at Wang Zuluo.

"Who told you to stop? Keep going!"

"If you dare to sow discord between me and Brother Long, he will die today!"

Wang Zuluo frowned and looked over. No matter whether what the other party said was true or not, it was impossible for him to leave here alive today.

Especially when the other party falsely accuses his boss Lin Weilong of being at odds with him, this is simply asking for death!

After finishing speaking, Wang Zuluo glanced at the surrounding gangsters with warning eyes.

"Brother Luo, don't worry. This dead dog is just biting in a daze. We won't believe it."

When Wuying saw Wang Zuluo's appearance, he immediately replied loudly.

Wang Zuluo nodded with satisfaction, and then slapped Fiery on the head.

"Start working, don't be stunned!"

"Remember, if he is still alive, you will die."

After speaking, Wang Zuluo left here with his men, leaving Wuying alone to watch and take action.

Huo Bang raised the hammer, closed his eyes as if to vent, and smashed it at Yan Shoule's body while screaming.

Once, twice….

"Stop, I told you to stop, if you move again I will shoot!"

When Huo Bao heard the voice, his reason returned to him. Open your eyes and look in the direction of the sound.

He saw a dozen uniformed policemen standing in front of him, all with their guns drawn and pointed at him.

His furious expression suddenly changed, and he quickly turned around to look for Wang Zuluo.

Soon he found Wang Zuluo on the street holding a cigarette and giving him a thumbs up.

"Again, drop your weapons!"

Song Zijie followed his fiery gaze and saw Wang Zuluo.

He took a deep breath, and after Huo Bang dropped the hammer, he stepped forward and took out the handcuffs to cuff him.

"Do you know how long the sentence will be for committing a murder on the street?"

"Tell Sir, did someone instruct you to kill someone on the street?"

Song Zijie was very disgusted with people in the club like Wang Zuluo, so he used a slightly hotter tone when asking questions.

"Sir, it's..."

Huo Po looked at Song Zijie and then at the dead Yan Shoule on the ground. He gritted his teeth and was about to speak.

"It's hot, think about it before you decide! Although there is no death penalty on Hong Kong Island, if someone accidentally dies in prison, it won't cost much!"

Shen Sha came over and patted Hot Fire on the shoulder, smiling and reminding him.

"Stand back, or I'll sue you for obstructing official business and intimidating the citizens of Hong Kong Island!"

Song Zijie stared at Shensha and pointed to the police badge on his hat: "Don't forget that I am the Royal Hong Kong Police!"

"Terrorizing citizens?"

At this time, Wang Zuluo came over and looked at Huo Bao for a few seconds. It was not until the other party moved his eyes that he looked at Song Zijie.

"Do you think the police badge designed by Gui Lao is glorious?"

"It's a picture of a ghost guy landing on Hong Kong Island with opium. Are you fucking proud of it?"

Wang Zuluo spat on the ground, then walked to the old police chief, handed over a business card, and said:

"I am the lawyer for this... fiery gentleman. If you have any questions now, please talk to me first."

"Also, I would like to ask, if a public servant induces citizens to bite randomly, is he relying on his position to commit a crime?"

The old police chief didn't say anything, he just put away the business card that said 'trainee lawyer', walked over and patted Song Zijie on the shoulder.

Song Zijie was scolded by Wang Zuluo, and the hand touching his police badge froze in place.

But he soon realized that it didn't matter what the police badge looked like. The important thing is that they, the Royal Police, are impartial when handling cases.

But before he could continue to speak, the old police chief took off his clothes and reminded him softly: "The anti-gang team is not here. This is not our scope of responsibility."

There has been a fight here today for more than half an hour, and no one from the anti-gang group has come.

Anyone with a brain would know the reason, but Song Zijie, a stupid young man, didn't know what happened today, and he acted out of anger.

Although the rules of the society are unwritten, they, the Royal Police, must abide by them, otherwise there will definitely be trouble on Hong Kong Island.

Ten minutes later, the black car came over and directly carried Yan Shole's body into the car. Huo Bang was also escorted by uniformed policemen towards the assault vehicle.

"Don't worry, Hong Kong Island is a society governed by the rule of law. If it is properly reformed, there will at least be hope of seeing the sun..."

Before getting in the car, Wang Zuluo said something meaningful to Huo Bo.

In fact, nothing will happen to Wang Zuluo even if he bites him when he is hot.

Don't forget his current identity. He is an outstanding citizen who is about to cooperate with Interpol to investigate the Thai pink plantation controlled by Miho Sasaki.

Otherwise, if Xin Lianying and He Hexing went to war today, why didn't the anti-gangster group come?

Could it be that Brother Luo is really handsome?

Didn't his mother trick Brother Luo once, so he turned a blind eye and gave him sweet dates?

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