A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 296: After more than ten years in Stanley, can I do it in exchange for two million?

Wang Zuluo nodded and waved his thugs to make way for these so-called PTU police officers.

With a smile on his face, he said: "Inspector Qiao, please check at will. It is best to check it all overnight."

After saying that, Wang Zuluo stood aside and looked at Inspector Qiao with a smile.

Seeing that Wang Zuluo was not intimidated by his threat, Inspector Qiao's face was a little stiff, but he gritted his teeth and waved his hand to let the police officers go upstairs.

When he blocked Inspector Qiao just now, Wang Zuluo had already sent someone back to inform Luo Wei in the box to take them.

So when Inspector Qiao led the Indian police officers in for inspection, everyone sat on the sofa and took out their ID cards and passports very cooperatively.

Inspector Qiao asked police officers Asan to carefully check the passports taken by Luo Wei one by one, hoping to find some clues.

But the doctors and the others came to Hong Kong Island through formal procedures. She is still being hunted by her enemies in Thailand. How could she not come to Hong Kong Island through legal means?

Because in this case, once you are desperate, you can legally turn to the Royal Police of Hong Kong Island for help.

Within half an hour, Inspector Qiao's cell phone rang.

The caller was Superintendent Gui Lao of the traffic department. Without the parking boy, the first person who could not handle the situation was the traffic police.

There are nearly a thousand parking boys under Wu Ying, scattered throughout Mong Kok. You don't need to think about it now to know that the traffic on the streets is definitely not very good.

"Joe, what the hell are you doing?"

As soon as Inspector Qiao answered the phone, Gui Lao scolded him: "Do you know your identity? You were not trained by Britain to avenge your personal revenge!"

Holding a document bag full of money in his hand, Superintendent Gui Lao's smile never diminished, but his tone of voice was still extremely angry.

Gao Tianli, who was notified to deliver the money, sighed inwardly as he watched Superintendent Gui Lao perform hard.

Hong Kong Island relies on these bastards to maintain order?

Looking at his watch, Superintendent Gui Lao never stopped scolding him. He didn't hang up the phone until he cursed for two minutes and put the document bag in his hand into the drawer of his desk.

The money can only allow him to help for three minutes, not one more second.

As for the traffic chaos on the streets?

Aren't there those Chinese traffic policemen at work?

The Queen of Britain spends money to support them, not to let them enjoy life. Working overtime and doing things is what they should do!

Wang Zuluo leaned against the wall of the box, smiling as he watched Inspector Qiao, who had an ugly face, hang up the phone.

This is just an appetizer. He doesn't believe that the other party can rely on him.

"Sir, we found pink goods in the bathroom of the private room!"

A San came over and raised the evidence bag in his hand.

But Inspector Qiao, who should have been happy, had no joy on his face.

He arranged for the fanboy, but looking at Mad Dog Luo's appearance now, if he really used this method to deal with him, he would really have a deadly feud.

Sure enough, when Wang Zuluo saw the evidence bag in the other party's hand, there was nothing strange on his face.

He has already seen that these Ah Sans from the Political Department or the Security Department were just asked to help by the other party, and they were not the ghost guys from the headquarters who wanted to deal with him at all.

There is nothing to worry about, just put it off.

Before Inspector Qiao could think clearly about whether to use this method to bring Wang Zuluo back, the box door was pushed open.

A dozen lawyers in suits and ties walked in. As soon as these people entered the door, they showed their lawyer's cards, and then stared at Inspector Qiao without saying a word to monitor their work.

From time to time, he would record something in his notebook. This attitude made Inspector Qiao frown together.

"Arlo, remember you owe me a favor. These big lawyers are all relying on my reputation. They used to disdain to take over such a small matter."

Sandy walked at the end, and when she came to Wang Zuluo's side, she bumped Wang Zuluo's body with her shoulder, looking very proud.

Wang Zuluo smiled and stretched out his hand to squeeze the other person's shoulder, and said with a smile: "From now on, the legal issues of security companies, snack chain companies, and milk tea chain companies will be signed by your new law firm. How about it?"

"That's all?" Sandy glanced at Wang Zuluo and said dissatisfiedly.

Wang Zuluo thought for a while and said, "I'll treat you to dinner when I have time..."

"Cousin-in-law, where is the big news?"

Before Wang Zuluo finished speaking, an excited female voice came from the stairs.

Le Huizhen hurried up with her follower Fatty.

At this time, the smile on Sandy's face disappeared, she broke away from Wang Zuluo's hand squeezing her shoulder, and stepped on Wang Zuluo hard with her high heels.

Wang Zuluo hissed in pain and looked at Le Huizhen with a twisted expression.

Unfortunately, Le Huizhen's eyes were full of news and she didn't pay attention to what was going on here. As soon as she went upstairs, she asked the fat man to set up a camera and take pictures of Inspector Qiao and the others in the box.

"you again?!!"

When Inspector Qiao saw Le Huizhen, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

First, he was accused of being an avenger. Yesterday, he had a confrontation with police officers from the Mong Kok Police Station. He was also accused of being arrogant and undermining unity.

Coming again today?

In less than two minutes, under the threat of lawyers and cameras, Inspector Qiao could only pack up the team and leave in despair.

He still doesn't quite understand why the methods that could easily manipulate those societies in the past didn't work with Wang Zuluo.

"I am a serious businessman, Inspector Qiao. I pay taxes so that the Royal Police can better maintain order, not for you to use the public for personal gain..."

Wang Zuluo escorted Inspector Qiao out of the bar, stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and reminded him softly:

"Don't act like a pawn just to wag your tail in front of your boss. You must know that the horse will stumble, and you will get hurt if you make a mistake!"

After saying that, Wang Zuluo let go of the other party's hand. But Inspector Qiao did not leave immediately, but turned back to glare at Wang Zuluo.

He stretched out two fingers to mark his eyes, then nodded Wang Zuluo and said, "I will keep an eye on you. You will have to be caught by me sooner or later."

"Bad people should stay in the garbage dump. How can a garbage like you be allowed to live a glorious life in the sun?"

Wang Zuluo smiled and said nothing, shrugged and watched the other party get into the assault vehicle.

Only a kid can say harsh things. Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, Brother Luo can't do the shit.

If Brother Luo was the villain in a certain novel, a young middle-school boy who said this would have grown three meters high on his grave. If he could keep the other person alive for three chapters, it would be considered a good thing by Brother Luo.

From beginning to end today, Inspector Qiao did not dare to use the framed fan No. 4 to drag Wang Zuluo back to the police station in front of the cameras and lawyers.

"Laifu, stay in Stanley for more than ten years in exchange for two million Hong Kong dollars, do you want to do it?"

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