A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 3 Innocent and Funny

What if we were reborn and returned to Hong Kong in the 1980s?

"Of course you make money. If you don't make money and enjoy life, what's the point of living? Is it just a waste of air?"

Inside the Mong Kok Estate.

Wang Zuluo carried his things and followed a skinny old man up the stairs.

After hearing Uncle Zhu ask him what his future plans were, he replied smoothly.

What can I do if I don’t know how to make money?

Looking at the mobile phone I use, it should have appeared in 1992 in my previous life, but now it is fastened to my waist.

In this chaotic world of Hong Kong movies, if you rely on the limited memory of Hong Kong stocks in your mind, you can consider yourself a stock trading genius if you can lose less when entering the stock market.

"Making money?" The old man suddenly stopped and said:

"Your father had to sacrifice his life to earn the money to send you to college. I don't ask you to become famous, but it's better to work for Lin Weilong as soon as you graduate."

"Your father and I have been in clubs for half our lives, but in the end he couldn't live to enjoy it. As for me, I can't even afford an apartment in the village. Now I can only rent it. You... ugh!"

The old man sighed deeply and looked at Wang Zuluo as if he wanted to continue to scold him.

At this time, a beautiful little girl carrying a schoolbag appeared at the corner of the stairs. When she saw Wang Zuluo, she waved her hand in surprise: "Cousin, you are finally back."

When someone interrupted him, the old man could only stop preaching, glared at the little girl running over and said, "Go to school quickly. Don't go out fooling around after school. Go home early for dinner."

"I know..." After the little girl responded, she quickly approached Wang Zuluo: "Cousin, have you brought me a birthday gift?"

The little beauty’s name is Zhu Wanfang. She studies at Southeast Middle School. She takes the bus to school every day and has to get up very early.

"I brought breakfast, do you want to eat it?"

Wang Zuluo had just arrived, how could he remember the date of his birthday?

After looking through my memory, I couldn't find the date of the other person's birthday.

"Your birthday is only next month. Don't embarrass your cousin. He doesn't even remember his own birthday. Don't run around after school in the evening. Come back and have dinner together!"

Just when Wang Zuluo was holding the plastic bag awkwardly, Mr. Zhu opened his mouth to break the embarrassment.

Zhu Wanfang snorted lightly, snatched the plastic bag from Wang Zuluo's hand, and ran quickly downstairs.

"The birthday gift I gave you is on your bedside, don't forget to look at it!"

There was only an aggrieved reminder left in the corridor, and then Zhu Wanfang was no longer visible.

"Uncle Zhu..." Wang Zuluo stood there awkwardly and could only smile. It turned out that today was his birthday, and now he was really embarrassed.

"Don't worry, Wanfang got used to being wild in school. By the way, I'll buy whatever you want to eat tonight."

Uncle Zhu took Wang Zuluo to the door of his house, turned around and asked while taking out the keys.

"No, just take a bite. I don't choose."

Wang Zuluo also took out his wallet and found the key to his home.

The two families lived on the same floor and faced each other. Ever since Wang Zuluo's father ran away and died at sea, Uncle Zhu has been helping to take care of the house in the past few years.

Every year on his birthday, if Zhu Wanfang hadn't called to say happy birthday, Wang Zuluo's birthday would have been the same as usual.

"No, you haven't been back for three years. You must have a good meal this time."

Uncle Zhu waved his hand and helped Wang Zuluo make the decision.

Wang Zuluo breathed a sigh of relief after watching Old Man Zhu close the door.

He is now a fake, and he really doesn't know how to face the family ties left behind by his original self.

Wang Zuluo's house in the estate building was bought by his father with the settlement money a few years ago.

The whole house is about sixty square meters, with two bedrooms taking up most of it.

The remaining area where the living room and kitchen are combined is on the balcony. A bathroom is squeezed out of the corner at the door, making the layout of the house look a bit compact.

I haven't been back for three years, and the room looks very clean except that there is no electricity.

It seems that little girl Zhu Wanfang is helping with the cleaning.

There are two bedrooms, one is where Wang Zuluo originally lived, and the other maintains the layout as it was when the original father was alive.

Walking back to his room, as soon as he entered the door, he saw three large cans on the bedside table, containing stars stacked with colored paper.

The bottle has the words 'Happy Birthday' on it, and it looks like it was made by Zhu Wanfang.

Didi didi~

The cell phone on his waist started to ring. When he pulled it out, he saw that it was his boss Lin Weilong calling.

"Ar Luo, the place in East Tsim Sha Tsui will be managed by Ah Rong from now on. You can go over and help take a look. The old guys on the other side of the province are tampering with things."

Lin Weilong's panting voice came from the phone, and it seemed that he was doing some physical work.

"I know, brother, I'll get up right now."

Wang Zuluo pretended to have just woken up and replied in a depressed tone.

"After Ah Rong goes to East Tsim Sha Tsui, you will be in charge of the financial company in Mong Kok. Don't say that the boss treats you badly, you have been with me for three years, it's time for you to come out and help me!"

"The most important thing in our industry is that everyone is of the same mind. If we can't be friends, we are enemies. You understand what I mean, right?"

Lin Weilong was so stern when he said this, even the squeaking sound on the other side of the phone stopped.

Wang Zuluo knew what was going on. Although the original person had helped handle some dirty work before, he could only delay this kind of business.

He even actively signed up for business training classes at various universities, and it was self-evident that he wanted to clear his name by leaving the club.

If there was no use in keeping him, Lin Weilong would have drowned him long ago.

Wang Zuluo was silent for a while and then replied: "Okay, but I have no experience in this area, so there may be no profit in the early stage..."

Suddenly, Lin Weilong's laughter came from the other side of the phone: "Haha, don't worry, you don't have to pay any fees this year. In addition, let Ah Rong leave a few capable people for you. It's okay if there are no capable people in the finance company, otherwise Lianying will Crowds of people will come and occupy the space.”

"Don't worry, boss, I'll try to figure it out. When it comes to doing business... peace brings wealth..."

After hanging up the phone, Wang Zuluo couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

In this era, it is simply a fantasy to think that Hong Kong Island should be clean and upright.

You can only do it after you return more than ten years later. Now you want to be clean and tidy. Is it a dream?

The original idea was really naive and funny. He wanted to make money cleanly so that he could repay the loan shark he owed Lin Weilong, and then he and Lin Weilong broke up with each other and went their own way.

No, it can no longer be said that he is naive, this is simply stupid.

He has the leverage in someone else's hands, but he doesn't want to be the same as someone else. If he can earn enough usury interest, he is considered capable.

They made it clear that they would eat him for the rest of their lives!

But as long as he goes into the water and dyes himself black and becomes Lin Weilong's own, believe it or not, no one will mention the loan sharking thing again?

I deliberately waited for a while before replying just now to prevent Lin Weilong from becoming suspicious.

The original person had always stayed away from these businesses before, and if he agreed too quickly, Lin Weilong might overthink it.

"How about it? Do you agree to it?"

In the villa in Tsim Sha Tsui, Zhou Peilian was riding on Lin Weilong and asked as if casually.

"I agreed, and I said there is no one in this world who doesn't like money. Now let him take over a small financial company, and when he makes money, are you afraid that he won't be willing to help?"

"Many of his classmates work in the customs. Doing business with the Japanese in the future will require more efforts from him."

Lin Weilong threw the cigar in his mouth into the ashtray, patted Zhou Peilian's thigh and motioned for her to get up and get dressed.

"If I hadn't asked him for help now, and it was hard to find people who could speak three languages, that pretty boy would have been feeding the sharks a long time ago. He still wants to do something serious... hmph."

Zhu Wanfang from "School Storm"

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