A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 336 The person is not far away, search for me!

Tsim Sha Tsui.

Siyan took Ali, who was sent by Lin Kun to 'help', to the warehouse area near Hung Hom Pier.

"Ali, since Brother Kun said that you are in charge of the car, then the warehouse will be left to you from now on."

Siyan smiled and pointed at a certain warehouse in the warehouse area, and began to introduce the situation here to Ali.

Although there was a smile on his face, anyone who knew him very well could tell from his actions that the four eyes had murderous intent on Ali.

During this period, Ali relied on his excellent shipping capabilities and cooperated very smoothly with Siyan.

It stands to reason that if the cooperation goes smoothly, Siyan should be happy since he has made money.

But it was precisely because the cooperation was so smooth that he no longer had an excuse to refuse Lin Kun's request to let Ali participate in the smuggling line.

The smuggling line is the foundation of the Vietnamese gang, it is strange that Four Eyes is willing to hand it over.

But now he still has to rely on Lin Kun for protection, and he has to endure it even if he doesn't want to.

But Si Yan was not a vegetarian either. After a lot of wrangling, the matter finally ended with him handing over the warehouse to Ali.

"After Tony and Azha recover from their injuries, I want to get all these things back!"

Watching Ali start to patrol the warehouse, he stared at Ali's back with dark eyes for a while, and whispered what was in his heart.

"Ali, please take your time and check. There are still things to do in the club. I'll go back and take care of it first."

Ten minutes later, Si Yan waited for Ali to come back from wandering around before smiling and finding an excuse to leave.

Ali also knew that it was impossible for Si Yan to willingly take him to familiarize himself with the warehouse, so he didn't care that Si Yan deliberately made excuses to leave.

"Since Brother Four Eyes has something to do, I'll just familiarize myself with him."

Ali nodded honestly, sent Si Yan into the car, and started counting the goods in the warehouse again.

"Damn, this Lin Kun is really pushing his limits!"

Four Eyes' men were a little aggrieved. Before Brother Tony's accident, when had their Vietnamese gang ever been so persecuted?

"You are not convinced, as long as you have more money than Lin Kun..."

Si stared at the grumbling subordinate, then turned to look through the car window at the street scenery along the way.

At this time, the roar of a motorcycle came from far away.

The light is red now, so the car with four eyes stops at the intersection and waits for the red light to count down. The motorcycle stopped right next to the four-eyed car, and also waited for the numbers on the traffic lights to decrease little by little.

Si Yan's thoughts were interrupted by the roar of the motorcycle, and he turned to look at the rider on the motorcycle. Just at this glance, Si Yan's expression changed.

He leaned sharply on the rear seat and anxiously urged the driver to drive quickly.

The co-pilot's four-eyed man also noticed something unusual. When he reached into his arms to draw his gun, the motorcycle rider had already raised his pistol first.

Bang bang bang….

As the gunman quickly pulled the trigger, twelve bullets made twelve holes in the body near the side of the motorcycle.

The co-pilot's man was the first to die, and there were three bullet holes in the door.

Although Siyan's reaction speed was not slow, he immediately avoided the direction where the gun was pointing.

Seeing the car being pushed down by the driver, he ignored the traffic lights and rushed across the intersection.

Pheasant looked through the visor on his helmet at the car that was walking away, then turned the accelerator and hung tightly behind the car.

With one hand, he took out a Molotov cocktail filled with gasoline from the bag hanging on the side of the motorcycle. After wiping the kerosene lighter, he directly lit the cloth strip at the mouth of the bottle.

The motorcycle soon caught up with the four-eyed car whose front wheel was blown out. The moment they caught up and crossed paths, the Molotov cocktail in Pheasant's hand was smashed hard against the front windshield.

The car drove forward crookedly for a while, and finally hit the railing on the side of the road, and the whole car got stuck there.

The flames on the front hood were burning brightly, but as gasoline continued to flow from the front of the car to the ground, soon the entire front of the car began to burn.

Si Yan covered his leg that was hit by the bullet, climbed hard towards the car door a few times, then opened the door, rolled and got out of the car.

As soon as he got off the car, Pheasant on a motorcycle chased him. At some point, another Molotov cocktail appeared in his hand, but this time he didn't throw it at the car.

Instead, the pheasant hit Si Yan directly. In just a moment, the location where Si Yan was hit burst into flames.

As he screamed and wailed, and struggled on the ground, flames soon covered Four Eyes' body...

"Brother Luo, his four eyes were burned to death in Tsim Sha Tsui!"

Wang Zuluo curled up his mouth slightly as he listened to the message on his phone, and then quickly put away his phone. After sorting out his cheap suit, Wang Zuluo took Ah Ji out of the car.

There were more than a dozen people getting off the bus together, wearing the same cheap suits and the same rabbit masks.

"Don't stall the car. After I notify you, the car must back into the entrance of the hospital."

Wang Zuluo patted the back of the van, then stretched and walked to the hospital.

"What for?!!"

Ah San, the security guard at the entrance of the hospital, saw something unusual here, and immediately took off the shotgun from his shoulder and walked towards Wang Zuluo.

But after taking a few steps, his expression suddenly changed and he raised the shotgun in his hands with both hands, then squatted on both sides of the hospital entrance.

Wang Zuluo walked past the two of them, followed by a few thugs behind him, holding Type 56s that looked almost the same as AKs, pointing at Asan's security personnel intentionally or unintentionally.

The two Asans, who usually hang out in the hospital lobby, turned pale with fright.

The two gangsters walking at the back snatched the gun held high by Ah San, and then carried the two Ah San to a location without lights.

"Special Ward 301..."

Wang Zuluo and his men ran all the way to the third floor. Only three people were left in the hall to prevent the nurses on duty from escaping.

As for threatening these nurses not to call the police?

Wang Zuluo had never thought about this.

With so many people on duty at night, it was inevitable that someone would secretly call the police.

"Sir, this is a high-end ward..."

The nurse responsible for taking care of Tony and Azha saw the rabbit mask on Wang Zuluo's face and the gun in his hand, and his voice became lower and lower, and finally it was almost undetectable.

Wang Zuluo had no time to chat with her, so he stretched out his hand and pushed her aside.

A few thugs behind him kicked down the door and rushed in. Before Ah Zha could react, they put a gun to his head.

"Boss, there is only one Vietnamese boy here!"

When Wang Zuluo came in, he saw only Ah Zha himself here.

It was obviously a single room with two beds, but now only A-Zha was in the room. This was absolutely impossible.

After reaching out to touch the hospital bed and feeling the temperature, Wang Zuluo commanded in a low voice: "He's not far away, search for me!"

Today is the day when the manuscript fee is paid, and I have made an appointment to go out with some friends to have sex.

One meal cost me one-tenth of my royalties. Barbecue is so damn expensive!

There are only three updates, and five updates will start tomorrow.

I have to work hard, otherwise the fee will not be enough to make a few meals...

Go, go, go!

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