A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 356 Brother Luo: Find them and send them to swim in the sea

"Brother Kun, okay, don't be like him."

Ali, who was driving, saw that his penis was being stimulated by Wang Zuluo, and immediately reached out to help Lin Kun raise the window: "He just wants to stimulate you, why are you so angry?"

Lin Kun's face looked much better as the car window closed, but after hearing Ali's words, he still reflexively said:

"Why am I angry? Isn't it the fault of those fellow Taoists?"

"Ali, tell me, without those fellow Taoists, how could there be swindlers like us?"

"Those Taoist friends are the best at pretending to be pitiful. What can't they do when they become addicted to drugs? You must never pity them in the future, otherwise you will think it is your fault, as if you are the one who harmed them."

"You know, it's all their own fault, it's all their own fault!"

As he talked, Lin Kun became excited again. It wasn't until he stuffed the piece of chocolate thrown by Wang Zuluo into his mouth that he calmed down a little.

Ali's hand holding the steering wheel tightened unconsciously when Lin Kun explained these absurdities, but he soon relaxed.

"Brother Kun, I think Mad Dog Luo has no intention of talking to us. How about we..."

Lin Kun leaned on the back of the seat, chewed the chocolate quietly with his eyes closed, and said after a while of silence:

"No, Yutoubiao is competing with us for the smuggling route in Vietnam. The shipment volume of black firewood in Yau Tsim District is also expanding rapidly. If I don't talk to Mad Dog Luo, our share will become smaller and smaller in the future, and eventually we will be wiped out. ."

Ali glanced at Wang Zuluo through the car window, who was still smiling at this face, and advised him: "But Mad Dog Luo is famous for not having fans."

Lin Kun shook his head, looked at Ali seriously, and taught patiently:

"There is no person in this world who is not greedy. If he does not have fans, it means that the interests are not big enough. When the interests are big enough, not to mention Mad Dog Luo, even the Hong Kong Governor will be complicit with us."

"Ali, believe me, this world is like this, profit comes first, no matter who it is, everyone is greedy!"

"Open the window and let me talk to him."

Taking a deep breath, Lin Kun rubbed his face and tried to hypnotize himself mentally. Wang Zuluo's smiling face didn't look as hateful as before.

"Arlo, I believe we are the same kind of people. Hong Kong Island does not belong to us, nor does it belong to the Chinese. It belongs to Britain."

"When we do business here, as long as we comply with the ghost rules, why do we have to worry so much?"

"There is a high-end restaurant in Wan Chai. How about I invite you over for a late-night snack?"

Seeing that Wang Zuluo didn't speak, Lin Kun thought for a while, pointed to the police cars parked on the street, and said: "Anyway, the police will be focusing on this place tonight. If you stay in Yau Jian District, you won't be able to sleep well tonight." , why not go to Wan Chai and have a chat."

Wang Zuluo smiled and thought for a moment, then raised his head and asked: "About the smuggling line between Macau and the mainland?"

Lin Kun shook his head. Seeing that Wang Zuluo was softening, he also smiled and said: "The line in the mainland is of no use to me. Besides, there is no market in the mainland. I am talking about people and the market. People are so poor.”

"I know you have a confidante named Sasaki Miho, so...as long as you are willing to cooperate, I can give you half of the Japanese line."

Wang Zuluo then nodded and said, "I'm still looking forward to having supper with Brother Kun. Please lead the way."

Anyway, Duan Kun is hosting tonight, and Wei Jixiang and the others are also helping. It’s the same whether Wang Zuluo is here or not.

He has decided that from now on this matter will be left to Wei Jixiang and the others. Otherwise, wasn't the last effort to divide the Black Sea area of ​​​​Xinlianying a waste of effort?

"By the way, Brother Kun, I heard that your daughter is a bit rebellious and always plays with some unscrupulous gangsters. Do you want me to help teach those people a lesson?"

While the car was starting, Wang Zuluo smiled and said something to Lin Kun.

"No need, my daughter is still young. It's normal for your cousin to be less sensible than Aluo. I believe she will get better when she grows up."

Lin Kun replied with the same smile, and then the two stopped talking and raised the car window.

The two vehicles drove towards the Hung Hom Cross Harbor Tunnel one behind the other.

"Ali, tomorrow I will check if there are any ghosts around my family, find them and kill them."

Lin Kun's eyes were very gloomy. Wang Zuluo actually knew that he had a daughter. Did that mean that all his family members had been found out by the other party?

"Hey, Wuying, let everyone go out now, immediately, and check if there is anyone watching my old house. Find him and send him to swim in the sea!"

Wang Zuluo's eyes narrowed and he began to make plans. Regardless of whether Old Man Zhu agreed or not, he would be asked to take Zhu Wanfang to another place to live tomorrow.

Even Lin Kun can find out, and it's probably not difficult for others to find out.

Wang Zuluo, a member of the club, is not too scared, because every top member of the club has family members.

Even the three Tony brothers have an old mother, let alone the others.

Therefore, everyone has scruples and has a tacit agreement not to touch each other's family members.

This is also the so-called world of grievances and grievances.

Note, what is mentioned here is that only people with Brother Luo's status are qualified to say this.

But what Wang Zuluo is afraid of is people like Lin Kun who do side business, or dragons like the provincial and Hong Kong flag soldiers.

The family members of these people usually hide themselves deeply, or their family members are not in Hong Kong Island.

Once such people want to use Zhu Wanfang and others against Wang Zuluo, Wang Zuluo will definitely be very passive.

Of course, it's just passive.

To be honest, Brother Luo couldn't do the kind of thing like going to rescue people alone, or carrying things alone to trade in exchange for Zhu Wanfang or Mr. Zhu.

What Wang Zuluo will do is help them take revenge!

Reality is not like movies, and there is no complete guarantee. If you imitate movies, if you go alone to save someone, the most likely possibility is that the person cannot be saved, and you have to catch him.

Even if you change the person back in the past, you don’t want to think about it. If you die, can they still live?

In the end, you and everyone around you are dead, but the person who did it is still free.

Therefore, try your best to send people to rescue. Even if you can't rescue him in the end, the most appropriate thing to do is to be prepared for revenge.

"Brother Luo, let's follow. There are two other cars taking the shortcut to Wan Chai..."

Listening to the voice on the intercom, Wang Zuluo let out a sigh of relief and leaned on his seat, thinking about why Lin Kun was looking for him.

The other party knew that he didn't have fans, so he mentioned Sasaki Miho again just now. That was probably because he wanted to establish a relationship with Miho Sasaki through himself, as an extra channel.

Come to think of it, what age is it? It’s no longer time for syringes to be seen everywhere on nightclub floors.

Now those Taoist friends are shaking their heads, how can they have time to take injections?

Thinking of this, Wang Zuluo smiled. As long as the other party asked for help from him, it would be much easier to take over the maritime channels in the mainland and Macau.

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