A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 370 Brother Luo, I want to wash my hands in a golden basin

"Brother Luo, they are all coast guard ships. If we go back like this, we will definitely be investigated."

Dasha, who was in charge of driving the boat, looked at Wang Zuluo with a wry smile.

Although he didn't know what was in the big box that was shipped to the ship, the sound of gunfire like fried beans on the other side of the mountain couldn't be faked.

This thing is hot!

"Stop talking nonsense, let's sail the boat if you are told!"

Ahu held up the telescope and observed the surrounding sea.

This Ah Hu is not Tony's brother Ah Hu, but Brother Nan's subordinate, who looks a bit like Lee Xiuxian.

"Brother Luo, we have to leave here quickly. If we alert the navy in the mainland, we will be doomed. They dare to shoot directly..."

Wang Zuluo also knew that time was running out, so he raised his foot and gave Dasha a kick, shouting: "Set the boat, set the boat, you don't have to worry about things, we have a solution!"

any idea?

Of course, the gold is put in a waterproof box, then tied with a rope and thrown into the sea, and towed away by a fishing boat.

As long as you stay away from the Hengqin Sea and enter the vicinity of Heisha Bay, you don't have to worry about being detected by mainland coast guard ships.

Don't worry about the Portuguese Coast Guard in Macau. Like Ahu, Wang Zuluo is afraid of the mainland Coast Guard.

Half an hour later, the fishing boat successfully stopped on the sea near Heisha Bay, and Wang Zuluo breathed a sigh of relief.

"What should we do with these guys?"

Aji came to the deck and asked. Wang Zuluo knew that Aji was talking about those Egg Roll Strong men who were captured and used as guides.

"I have been following Egg Roll for so many years while no one was thrown into the sea, and I have harmed many women. This kind of person deserves to die."

Wang Zuluo held a cigarette in his mouth and answered indifferently.

Kill the traffickers one by one on sight. As Brother Luo said, no one can keep them!

Ah Ji nodded, turned around and returned to the cabin.

"Boss, when can we get ashore?"

The guy who was the first to sell me egg rolls came over with a smile and wanted to light a cigarette for Ah Ji.

"Don't worry, I'll take you ashore right away."

Wang Zuluo's voice sounded from the ladder in the cabin, and then Wang Zuluo went down to the cabin with a smile on his face.

"Brother Luo..."

When the gangsters in the cabin saw Wang Zuluo coming down, they immediately stood up and shouted.

Wang Zuluo waved his hand, indicating that they should continue to rest, and then casually took the cigarette handed over by Dan Wanqiang's subordinate, without lighting it, but clamped it to his ear.

"Come up with me. There are no marine police around now. You can row a boat ashore by yourself. It's not that far anyway."

Wang Zuluo smiled and winked at Aji, who nodded and climbed onto the deck with a few people.

"Where's the boat?"

Several people looked at the sea near the deck and found no trace of the boat, so they couldn't help but ask strangely.

"What kind of boat do you want? How convenient is a sack?"

Dasha came over from the back of the deck with a few sacks in his hands.

"Run quickly, this place is very close to the shore, these people don't dare to shoot!"

Several Egg Roll Strong men finally realized that something was wrong, and their expressions changed drastically. They immediately rushed towards the side of the ship, preparing to jump into the sea first.

But Aji was right next to the side of the ship. He raised his foot and kicked one of them back. Then he reached out and grabbed one person's arm, and swung him back. Another person fell on the deck.

There was one guy left who had already run to the side of the boat and jumped towards the sea without thinking.

But as soon as he jumped up, he felt his thigh was pierced by something, and then the severe pain caused his movements to deform, and he hit the railing on the side of the ship.

Ah Ji came over and reached out, grabbed the handle of the dagger, and pulled back Omean Qiang's men who were pierced by the dagger in the thigh.

Over there, Dasha dropped the bloody wrench in his hand and was stuffing two corpses into sacks.

Aji pulled out his short sword, held the head of Omelet Qiang's subordinate with both hands and twisted it hard. With a squeaking sound, the guy's screams were suppressed, his body trembled a few times, and then there was no movement.

After wiping the short knife on the opponent's body, Aji stood up.

"Don't make it so bloody next time. The blood stains on the deck still need to be wiped."

Dasha complained, and then quickly put the body in a sack.

Along with the sound of falling into the water, the three sacks raised a bubble on the sea surface, and then slowly sank because of the stones inside.

"Brother Luo, after I go back, I want to wash my hands of Jinpen and live a normal life..."

In the cabin, Ahu sat on a chair and smoked, leaning against the bulkhead. Seeing Wang Zuluo coming over, he expressed what he was thinking.

"Okay, whatever you want to do is up to me."

Wang Zuluo sat next to him, the smile on his face did not change, but his hand was placed on the back of Ahu's chair, very close to the other person's neck.

"Brother Luo, I know that Brother Nan and the others can't come back. I... I just want to live quietly and live like a human being..."

Wang Zuluo didn't speak, staring into Ahu's eyes with a smile.

"I'm going back to open a tea restaurant. Although they didn't make a lot of money with Brother Nan, they also saved a lot of money. They can still afford the rent..."

Ahu seemed not to feel Wang Zuluo's hand on his neck and began to talk about his ideals.

"Okay, if you are so smart, why don't you go to college?"

Wang Zuluo raised his hand that was resting on the back of Ahu's chair, and while the other person tensed up, he patted his shoulder hard.

"Knowing that Brother Nan and the others can't come back, why do they still come back to me?"

Wang Zuluo knocked out a cigar, reached out and pulled the cigarette out of Ahu's mouth, threw it on the ground, and stuffed the cigar into the other's mouth.

"I'm afraid of death..." Ahu was silent for a moment, then said something, then took out a lighter and first helped Wang Zuluo light the cigar, and then lit his own.

Wang Zuluo smiled and patted the other party's shoulder again: "Brother Nan and the others are stupid, don't blame me."

"You have to think clearly. If you retire, I can help you clean up your bottom line, but the money you make will definitely not be as much as you can make by doing side jobs."

Wang Zuluo looked into the other person's eyes and asked casually.

"Just retire. I have lived in fear for these years. If I continue, I will go crazy."

Ahu looked over with a smile, and then sat silently on the chair waiting for Wang Zuluo's answer.

"Okay, but don't rent a house. I'll pay a share, so I'll be a shareholder."

After Wang Zuluo finished speaking, he turned around and went on the deck.

If Ahu hesitated just now, there would be one more sack in the sea.

Waiting until Wang Zuluo's figure disappeared, Ahu let out a sigh of relief and slumped on the chair.

With trembling hands, he tried to take the cigar out of his mouth and flick the ashes, but he tried several times without success.

After being called to help sail the boat, Ahu knew that whether he could survive or not depended on Wang Zuluo's mood, but fortunately the result was not bad.

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