A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 378 Who will die if they don’t die?

"I just want you to teach the people above you a lesson. I think ten million is enough."

The Japanese man in black suit frowned and looked at Wang Zuluo, feeling that the bad boy in front of him seemed to be pushing his limits a bit.

"Ten million is indeed a lot, and it can bring a group of militants from Southeast Asia."

Wang Zuluo nodded in agreement, but the next second he changed the subject and said, "But he is very popular here in the Central District. If you find someone else, let alone approach him, even if you are hanging around his company, They all had to be pulled away for questioning."

As he spoke, Wang Zuluo took out one of his business cards, waved it in front of his black suit, and said: "But I am different, I will be able to meet him soon, at the Czar Jewelry Exhibition held at the Cointreau Hotel not long ago. superior."

After saying that, Wang Zuluo rolled up the document and kept tapping his palms, waiting for the other party's reply.

"I can only add 10 million more, I hope you can keep your word!"

After saying this, the black suit took out a checkbook from his body, wrote the check in a swipe, tore it off and handed it to Wang Zuluo.

After taking it with a smile on his face, Wang Zuluo turned and walked towards his off-road vehicle.

The black suit didn't see the murderous intent in Wang Zuluo's eyes after he turned around.

"Damn it, these Japanese people are going to kill the donkey... Bah, bah, bah, it seems that these people are probably planning to kill and silence them afterwards..."

After muttering something secretly in his mind, Wang Zuluo's eyes narrowed unconsciously.

The Japanese didn't even pay back the price, and they didn't say anything about the conditions for paying the other half afterwards. This is obviously abnormal.

No one would talk about business like this, let alone Kawada Co., Ltd., which is involved in cross-border trade.

Giving yourself money first is nothing more than hoping that you will do things with your heart, and that the other party will have enough confidence to get the money back after solving you.

Thinking of this, Wang Zuluo paused for a moment, but immediately continued walking.

If you want to get the money back, you must have informants around you. Otherwise, if you spend the money or transfer it abroad, they will not be able to get the money no matter how powerful they are.

And the Japanese informants around me...

A name appeared in Wang Zuluo's mind!

Miho Sasaki!

This Japanese girl was in a hurry to return to the Thai-Myanmar border at first, but in the past few days she has started shopping again and is no longer in a hurry.

It turned out that he hooked up with Nakakurahara, the Hong Kong branch president of the more powerful Kawada Co., Ltd.

Showing a smile, Wang Zuluo opened the door and got in the car.

If you think so much about what to do, you won’t have so much trouble after you die, right?

"Get ready to do it!"

As the car started, Wang Zuluo said something to his mobile phone.

Then he turned off the phone and took off the battery, took out the phone card, broke it in half and threw it out the car window.

"Brother Luo said start taking action!"

In a truck parked in the underground parking lot of the building, Dazai hung up the phone and whispered to Fan Zhihong and Takada.

The two looked at each other, then took out their submachine guns and began to inspect them.

"Mr. Cao Dahua, I hope to meet with your boss, Mr. Lai, as soon as possible. After all, the next arms business will not be such a trivial matter..."

Waving his hands to the black suit next to him who came to report the matter to him, Nakakurahara smiled and told Cao Dahua his conditions.

Cao Dahua's hands were shaking with excitement. After hearing Nakakurahara's words, he immediately straightened up and said, "Of course, I will arrange for you to meet Brother Da Fei as soon as I get back..."

At the same time, he was thinking about how to report the current situation to his superior, Peng Xinjian.

This time I really caught a big fish, Kawada Co., Ltd., if I can catch it all at once, I will probably skip the study period and directly get the rank of trainee inspector, not to mention going back to be promoted to sergeant!

After the two parties exchanged pleasantries for another ten minutes, the firearms in the truck were finally inspected and moved into the underground parking lot of the building to be transported away.

Bang bang bang….

At this time, gunfire suddenly rang out in the underground parking lot.

Cao Dahua was stunned when he heard the gunfire, and immediately looked at Nakakurahara opposite him with vigilance.

A few seconds later, his seemingly bloated body moved vigorously away from Nakakurahara and hid on the side of the truck, hiding with Lai Dafei's men he had brought with him.

Nakakurahara's face didn't look good either, but after seeing Cao Dahua's actions, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Cao Dahua's move just showed that the gunshots in the underground parking lot had nothing to do with this guy, otherwise the other party should have drawn his gun at this time.

"Baga, send someone over to take a look. There can be no problem with the goods!"

After Nakakurahara finished speaking, he looked up at the terrain around the building.

I was wondering if there was something wrong with the feng shui of the building chosen by Kawada Co., Ltd.

How many fucking times has this been a shootout here?

"Brother Hua, do we need help?"

Hearing the sound of gunfire, a younger brother of Lai Dafei turned to Cao Dahua and asked: "Brother Dafei said, this time it is a big customer, let us..."

"Shut up, didn't you hear the gunshots were fired continuously?"

Cao Dahua glared at the guy who was speaking, and lectured: "A group of guys with automatic firepower, and people who dare to attack this big customer, can we, the rotten garlic, be able to deal with it?"

"Go over and help? Are you afraid of being treated as an accomplice?"

At that moment, a bullet flew out of the parking lot and shattered the truck's window.

Cao Dahua was so frightened that he trembled, his voice was distorted, and he shouted: "Get in the car and leave here quickly, it seems like these Japanese people can't stand it anymore!"

Listening to the sound of gunfire getting closer and closer, even Lai Dafei's subordinate who spoke just now did not refute, but also trembled and got into the car together.

They are almost fucking going from the underground parking lot to the ground. If they don't leave, will they stay here to lay their corpses for the Japanese?

Fan Zhihong swept down the three Japanese hiding in the corner with one stroke. After giving a loud reminder, he squatted down and began to change the magazine.

Takada behind him started covering and shooting with a submachine gun.

The dozen or so gangsters arranged by Wang Zuluo also shot at the Japanese with red eyes.

Wang Zuluo said that as long as they finish this time, they can go to Southeast Asia with the gold they received!

They have long been tempted by the gold.

After following Wang Zuluo on so many private jobs, they could still resist their greed for the cash they usually saw, but this time the gold made these people's greed finally uncontrollable.

Otherwise, they would not be able to have evil thoughts while in Macau. Later, if Wang Zuluo's deception and usual prestige hadn't convinced them.

The most important thing is that the matter was so sudden that they did not have time to discuss in series. They were afraid of each other and could only continue to do things according to Wang Zuluo's instructions.

But after arriving, they started walking around each other, and asked many times over and over again about the whereabouts of the gold.

Wang Zuluo is not a fool. How could he hide the changes of his subordinates?

There are informants all over the street, not to mention that after he came back, he arranged for flies to keep an eye on these people.

Everyone is greedy, and Wang Zuluo is no exception. But stupidity is inherent.

Among the people who came back from Macau in the same group, only these dozen guys couldn't help but hug each other.

After the smart man came back, he became more honest and offered to be transferred to a security company as a clerk. But these dozen guys are different, so...if they don't die, who will die?

I'm so bragging, I didn't do it today...

It will be restored tomorrow, fellow ancestors

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