A certain Hong Kong hero of the world

Chapter 404: When you go out to hang out, you can be arrogant, but you have to have eyes!

In the car leaving Saigon, Jiang Zhan just took the cigarette from the bodyguard sent by Jiang Sheng, lit it and took a big puff.

Then he slowly exhaled the smoke, leaned weakly on the seat, and looked at the receding scenery outside the car window.

At this time, the bodyguard sitting in the front passenger seat handed over a mobile phone. The prince just looked at the bodyguard and silently made a "Brother Sheng" mouth gesture, and reached out to take it.


"A Gang, remember to change trains in Tsim Sha Tsui. I have arranged for someone to wait there."

When Jiang Sheng heard the voice of his son, who had escaped from death, his expression became a little gentler.

"I understand, everything is subject to father's instructions..."

When Jiang Sheng heard this answer, he couldn't help but be stunned. He took off his phone and looked at it. After finding that he made no mistake, he put the phone to his ear again.

But the smile on his lips could not be suppressed.

He has been cultivating his son Jiang Zhangang in order to let him take over everything he owns.

But the previous son who had just gained the title of Prince did not consider his father's thoughts at all.

Doing things to offend people outside is as easy as eating and drinking.

If he hadn't come forward to help wipe the butt, his son would have died countless times.

Last time Jiang Zhan just listened to Tan Cheng's instigation against Chen Zilong, Mad Dog Luo's subordinate, and he also tried his best to help fill in the loopholes after doing this.

I thought I could use this incident to make Jiang Zhangang mature, but I didn't expect that the bastard Wang Zuluo would catch Jiang Zhangang first.

But it's not bad now. Nothing happened to his son, and it seems that he has suffered a lot during the time he was arrested, so he feels relieved.

"A'Gang, it's not appropriate for our Xinji to have too big a conflict with Mad Dog Luo now... It's not that we won't let you go back for revenge, but the situation in Hong Kong Island is a bit unclear now..."

"The ghost guys in Macau have promised to return Macau to the mainland. If they hadn't been rejected, now everyone in Macau would be named She. I don't know how many years the ghost guys in Hong Kong Island can survive..."

"If our new members can't hurry up and find a new way out. If something changes, then we won't even be able to compare with Sunset Clubs like Hongle and Changle..."

This was the first time Jiang Sheng told Jiang Zhangang about Xinji's future life development. It seemed that Jiang Zhangang's change this time really made him happy.

"If we don't do anything about Mad Dog Luo, someone will deal with him. If he blocks Gandhi's business, he blocks the Ni family's business. If Han Chen hadn't sent someone to warn him, Gandhi's men would have gone to Mong Kok. Get rid of him."

"Don't be like Mad Dog Luo. It's okay to act arrogantly, but you have to have eyes. You have to be able to see clearly who you can afford to offend and who you can't afford to offend."

"Among the five bosses in the Ni family now, Gandhi is the most powerful. Even if Han Chen helps this time, given his character like Mad Dog Luo, he probably won't be able to survive for a few days."

Jiang Zhangang just listened silently to Jiang Sheng telling him these secrets. He admitted that what his father said made sense. He had analyzed the character of that bastard Mad Dog Luo very well, and the conclusion he drew based on reality would definitely come true.

But he was very unwilling.

The image of him kneeling in front of Wang Zuluo begging for mercy flashed through his mind, and the phone in his hand creaked as he squeezed it.

"By the way, don't fool around in Tsim Sha Tsui during this period. I always feel that something is wrong with the Ni family. Besides, Ni Kun has been dead for so many years, and Ni Yongxiao can tolerate the four of Gandhi and the others. He is really filial!"

In Tsim Sha Tsui, Jiang Zhangang and his party, who changed cars twice in a row, drove towards Hung Hom, preparing to cross the sea to Wan Chai via the Cross Harbor Tunnel.

"Ah Quan, do you really want to do this?"

In the van, Jose looked at the tea restaurant where Jiang Sheng was across the street, his hands trembling.

"Are you afraid?" Fei Quan felt a little regretful when he said it at this time, but he impulsively accepted Wang Zuluo's gun and money before, but now that he doesn't do it, it won't be a matter of his own death.

There were only three people in the car at this time, Fei Quan, Jose and Ostrich.

According to their own wishes, Fei Quan and Jose do the work, while Ostrich drives.

As for the fat man who was getting in the way, Wang Zuluo didn't let him come out to cause trouble at all.

"I'm not afraid, I'm just..." Having said this, looking at Fei Quan who kept smoking with trembling hands, Jose sighed and nodded, and said: "I'm a little scared, after all, the person I want to kill is Xinji Longtou. son."

Fei Quan threw the lighter aside irritably, grabbed Jose's shoulders with both hands, and said, "If we don't kill Xinji Longtou's cub, our old mother will lose his cub. What can I do?"

"Brother Luo promised us that after doing this, we will become big brothers. How majestic it will be then, think about it!"

I don’t know if I said this to myself or to Jose and Ostrich, but my voice was extremely serious.

"Okay, okay, I know it's not easy for the opportunity to rise to the top to fall on our heads. I also want to seize this opportunity. It's just a pity that Fatty didn't have the chance to come out and do something."

Jose was shaken twice by Fei Quan, and his eyes became firm.

There are hundreds of thousands of bad guys like them wandering the streets in Hong Kong, but only a handful of them have the chance to rise to the top.

If they don't seize the opportunity this time, they will never be willing to accept it for the rest of their lives.

Don’t think this idea is crazy, because this is what young people in Hong Kong really think at this time.

It is better to be a young and Dangerous boy than to go out to work, otherwise they would have gone out to find work, instead of working as a little Taibao on the streets every day to collect protection fees.

"Don't worry, Brother Wuying will be following us this time. Nothing will happen to us!"

Ostrich, who was in charge of driving, interrupted and made Fei Quan gradually calm down.

Yes, this time when they went out to do things, they were followed by Brother Luo's henchman Wu Fei.

Don't talk about running away without doing anything. Even if they want to run away, the flies will probably kill the three of them immediately.

The atmosphere in the car fell silent for a while, and Fei Quan and Jose silently loaded bullets into the pistol.

Whether you can succeed this time depends entirely on these two pistols!

Because they had never practiced marksmanship and had no chance to come into contact with anything like a gun before, Fei Quan and the others could only choose to take risks and shoot closely.

"Brother Wuying, we have lost track. It seems that the prince changed his car when he jumped into the street just now..."

In the tea restaurant, Wuying was sitting at the door, and Xinji's people were sitting at the two tables on the left and right.

He drank tea, and Xin Kee's Dazi looked at him silently. He ate shrimp dumplings, but Xin Kee's Dazi still looked at him, which made him very impatient.

After putting down the phone, Wuying took out a cigarette and lit it directly, looking at the newbies fiercely.

"Is that fly downstairs here to catch the wind?" Han Chen sat opposite Jiang Sheng. He stretched his head and glanced at the hall downstairs, then shrugged with a smile.

"You're so damn crazy. You can't find anyone and you dare to vent your anger on Ah Gang. I've never seen such a crazy guy."

Jiang Sheng did not answer the topic, but smiled, poured himself a cup of tea, and sipped it slowly.

"I made an agreement with Mad Dog Luo. As long as A Gang enters this tea restaurant safely, the grudge between us will be wiped out."

Putting down the tea cup, Jiang Sheng hummed a few words, and then continued: "But who doesn't know about his character?"

"I guessed that he would not be willing to give in, so I made arrangements. His subordinates are all watching."

"They all gathered at the tunnel exit in Causeway Bay, and some of them were wandering around Wan Chai. Do you really think that we Xin Kee are vegetarians?"

Although Jiang Sheng exchanged two gold shops for Jiang Zhangang, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

Glancing at Han Chen who was eating a box lunch, there was a hint of gloom in his eyes.

After this bastard got the news, he came to find him and said something nice to Jiang Zhangang.

But Jiang Sheng knew that this guy was suspicious. Two gold shops could exchange people for him. Anyone who knew Wang Zuluo's character knew that this was impossible.

But what can Jiang Sheng do?

Should he be allowed to watch Jiang Zhangang die at the hands of Mad Dog Luo?

If he didn't betray the information about Han Chen to Mad Dog Luo, why would Mad Dog Luo let Jiang Zhan just come back?

We are just here to make a living, and we are not brothers, so why should we help you keep the secret?

Jiang Sheng glanced at Han Chen's face. Although the smile on his face remained unchanged, his palms were sweaty.

He wasn't afraid of Wang Zuluo trying to get tough with him, he was afraid of a cunning bastard like Han Chen.

He was afraid that Han Chen would take action against A Gang, and who would he use to plot A Gang's life?

"I heard that the Ni family's business is going to be transformed?"

Jiang Sheng suppressed his thoughts and asked Han Chen with a smile.

"Cocaine? As you know, powdered goods are going out of fashion after all. If you don't follow the trend now, you will easily fall behind."

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